Police search for murder clues in e-mail

I wonder if they are searching Janet's email to see if she had emailed anyone about the pregnancy. If Janet is telling her friends then Raven had to have known. I also wonder if Janet would have emailed any of her friends about marital problems they were having.
I seriously believe she told him, and probably prior to the day of the murder, hence, the premeditation would stick, if in fact it was Raven. I am hoping against hope that she has talked to somebody to tell them there was some problems, or told someone prior to the murder that she was pregnant and she had told Raven.
terminatrixator said:
I seriously believe she told him, and probably prior to the day of the murder, hence, the premeditation would stick, if in fact it was Raven. I am hoping against hope that she has talked to somebody to tell them there was some problems, or told someone prior to the murder that she was pregnant and she had told Raven.

My understanding was that she had talked to friends and that's why the went to check on her after they heard that a murder of a young woman occured in the area that Janet lived.

They were obviously concerned for her safety.
The pieces of this puzzle are starting to come together. If her friends knew she was pregnant and they were having marital problems--and they were IMing that evening when she suddenly stopped replying, then it's starting to make sense why they were trying to get in touch with her and then stopped by early in the morning.

It's getting hot in here, Raven.
Jenifred said:
The pieces of this puzzle are starting to come together. If her friends knew she was pregnant and they were having marital problems--and they were IMing that evening when she suddenly stopped replying, then it's starting to make sense why they were trying to get in touch with her and then stopped by early in the morning.

It's getting hot in here, Raven.

Piece by piece by piece....

financial woes
job concerns
sociopathic behavior

the puzzle's getting closer and closer to completion.

A lot of people like to buy jigsaw puzzles, and work on them without looking at the picture on the front of the box, more of a challenge that way I guess...

In this puzzle, the picture is starting to take shape, more and more... and I see a lot of ORANGE coming into focus.
I think that the story about Janet e-mailing or IM'ing was not accurate. Wasn't the story that they sent her an e-mail after hearing about a murder on Ferrand Drive and then decided to go to the house the next morning without waiting for a reply?
JerseyGirl said:
I think that the story about Janet e-mailing or IM'ing was not accurate. Wasn't the story that they sent her an e-mail after hearing about a murder on Ferrand Drive and then decided to go to the house the next morning without waiting for a reply?

Yes, that's my understanding of how it actually occurred.
I know this is an obvious thought, but, I do find it interesting that these exact two stories came out so closely together - does make you wonder if there's a connection BETWEEN the stories...

As Jenifred said, could the emails in question have anything to do with the pregnancy? Raven's reaction?

Coincidence's happen, but the releasing of these things, almost back to back, is a huge coincidence too!
SouthEastSleuth said:
I know this is an obvious thought, but, I do find it interesting that these exact two stories came out so closely together - does make you wonder if there's a connection BETWEEN the stories...

As Jenifred said, could the emails in question have anything to do with the pregnancy? Raven's reaction?

Coincidence's happen, but the releasing of these things, almost back to back, is a huge coincidence too!

Well it sounds to me like the new detective on the case is busy at work.
golfmom said:
Well it sounds to me like the new detective on the case is busy at work.
Thank goodness! I'm glad y'all were right about the switch in detectives being a positive thing!
juliagoulia said:
Thank goodness! I'm glad y'all were right about the switch in detectives being a positive thing!
I think both the detectives have done a good job. But I am thrilled they are now providing more information to the public. It's been a long time coming!
I think both detectives have done a good job also, and that I'm sure Det. Bradley has this case close to his heart also and is probably keeping up with it.
terminatrixator said:
I think both detectives have done a good job also, and that I'm sure Det. Bradley has this case close to his heart also and is probably keeping up with it.

I believe that as well.
I'm really starting to wonder if Raven has been receiving threats or claims to have been. It would still fit with the "not random" statement. But who would threaten him and why?
JerseyGirl said:
I'm really starting to wonder if Raven has been receiving threats or claims to have been. It would still fit with the "not random" statement. But who would threaten him and why?
That is a good question. I don't know of anyone who would threaten him. The impression I've received from people who have posted here and who knew him is that sadly, many of them believe him capable of committing Janet's murder because of his temper. I have the opinion that most of them are actually somewhat scared of him and would prefer to stay away from him. Given his track record of having an explosive temper, embezzlement and possibly murdering his wife, I can't say I blame them.
Who knows, maybe he claimed to be receiving threats, to throw suspicion off of him. Many murderers have used this tactic in the past. Do you all remember the doctor that got sued for malpractice in a death of a woman, and he decided to poison his wife, to throw the suspicion on the family that he lost his medical license too? These types of things happens more often than you think.
Good point, terminatrixator. Do you think they're gonna' find any threats within that seized information?
Honestly, my thought is that there was no threats, email/snail mail or otherwise.
JerseyGirl said:
Good point, terminatrixator. Do you think they're gonna' find any threats within that seized information?

(punchy morning humor)

Potential "threats" to Raven:

1. Tans Are Us - "Now Raven, I'm sorry you can't pay your rent. I am. But no more free tans for you! And, you owe us now for your last 20 visits! So pay up, or we'll call the cops!"

2. Metrosexual Hair Salon - "Raven, come on. You have to pay dude. I've cut your hair like 6 times now, and each time you said you'd pay next time. So dude, don't make me call Judge Judy on you!"

3. We Do Wax - "Raven. Look, I've waxed your legs, your back, and your chest. Religiously. This stuff isn't free man! And NO, I don't want anymore soccer shoes dude! So look, you have to pay up, or I have to call the collection agency man!"

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