POLL: Does The Meter Reader Fiasco Change Your Mind?


Always has been, always will be.

Thankfully I've been blessed with good common sense, and cannot be swayed by a "Sound Bite Defense" and Defense Team "excited utterances".

It also helps that I've read every document in the case at least once - and it is overwhelmingly crystal clear that she is guilty.
RK is not a factor in KC's guilt or innocence. The defense even trying to suggest this guy did anything with the body makes me want to think KC did it even more. It is clear he had no reason to tamper with evidence.
If anything todays testimony by Roy Kronk and Mason's treatment of him sealed her fate. He sure didn't come across as a BODY SNATCHER. Mason all but ran the line for that needle. imo
Roy Kronk is an everyday hero. String her up! Guilty Murder 1
Roy Kronk insistently testified multiple times today that he picked up the bag and held it up about 4 ft. If that were the case, all of the roots, leaves, dirt etc in, on and around the bag would have been totally disturbed... certainly to the point any CSI would know it was not resting for "months" as they found it and photoed it. All of the forensic evidence at the recovery site would be worthless if he actually lifted that bag! jmoo
2 ^i^
Always believed she is guilty and think Kronk had nothing to do with it...except
find the body..
Sunny on HLN trying so hard to make Kronk a home run for the DT. She says it is 'curious' that he didnt force his coworkers to go back and look at the skull before he called 911.

WHY would he? If he was hoping for a big cash reward then why get others involved in the reporting of the remains?

And she actually had to admit there was nothing 'nefarious' that came out. just things that were 'curious.' Well, sorry, but making the jury curious is not quite enough.
Ok, curious that he called 911 from home instead of from the scene. Ok, but does that advance the theory that he stole the remains and his them for months?
Roy Kronk insistently testified multiple times today that he picked up the bag and held it up about 4 ft. If that were the case, all of the roots, leaves, dirt etc in, on and around the bag would have been totally disturbed... certainly to the point any CSI would know it was not resting for "months" as they found it and photoed it. All of the forensic evidence at the recovery site would be worthless if he actually lifted that bag! jmoo

Well then I wonder why the DT didn't make a big deal out of that statement.

I think it was because it was not that big of a deal. The skull was not inside the bag at that time, it was already embedded in the dirt and roots.
No...RK did not change my mind at all.

NO ONE plays hide and seek with a body, that only happens in movies.
Poor RK. All he did was be a good human being and a good citizen.
ICA would blame her own father if it meant being found not guilty! OH, WAIT :waitasec: She DID!
Well then I wonder why the DT didn't make a big deal out of that statement.

I think it was because it was not that big of a deal. The skull was not inside the bag at that time, it was already embedded in the dirt and roots.

I'm merely stating what should be an obvious fact to anyone that heard him say that over and over that he did so. That's all. jmoo
I believe the Powers that Be put Mr. Kronk under such conviction that he was forced to return and report repeatedly until that baby was found. Blessings to him, and may those that maligned him receive all they deserve. ICA is as guilty today as she was three years ago.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...

Simple common sense tells one that if Roy Kronk had anything to do with this case other than finding Caylee, he would not have called the police several times. 'Nuff said.


I don't see a poll? :waitasec:
RK was unfairly tarnished by the DT. He fortunately followed up on his previous sightings, and the horror of a duct-taped Caylee Marie's skull made headlines. The thought of that duct tape should stick in the minds of the jurors until they declare ICA guilty of Murder 1st Degree.
No, it didn't change my mind. And I can't figure out for the life of me why epople think the meter reader is suspect in any way.

I agree. Kronk struck me as being an honest, everyday guy who is now portrayed as "morally bankrupt" for simply doing what any of us would do. I think he is to be lauded for not disturbing the scene until LE failed numerous times to survey the scene. None of this smoke and mirrors negates my opinion that Casey murdered her daughter. Ever notice that of all the people who logically should have called police when Caylee went missing, only Kronk made a call? And for that, he is trashed. I really hope that after this is over, someone will take Baez and team to task for this character assassination.
Kronk was believable today. Their big bombshell was a big dud.

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