Poll: Should LP accept 200K for Search

Should LP accpet the 200K to continue to search for Caylee?

  • Yes

    Votes: 249 65.5%
  • No

    Votes: 84 22.1%
  • I am not sure

    Votes: 47 12.4%

  • Total voters
I took his statement completely different, actually made me laugh out loud. IMO he was messing w/those who think it's all about the money. I could even see the "twinkle" in his eyes. (HDTV is a wonderful thing)

If it was his idea of a joke, it wasn't funny. There's nothing funny about this case.
No, I would not agree with such a general statement. It would need to be determined on a case by case basis. In many cases it is of assistance to the investigators to release their findings.
I think LE makes strategic decisions on what information to release, and why.

They've been known to fabricate 'evidence' to catch a crook, especially in murder-for-hire cases like this one:

and I've read of several murder cases in which they've caught a perp because he or she inadvertently revealed during questioning a piece of critical evidence that had been withheld from the public and would be known only by the killer.

In other cases they've deliberately released information in the hope that someone acquainted with the perp would come forward (how many times have you seen 7-11 camera footage of robberies and even murder on the news?).

In this case, Florida law has dictated that some of the evidence be made public - a surprising amount, in my opinion.
I haven't seen it yet, but on NG tonight he said the lie detector test should be telecast, pay per view to fund the search. I am *trying* to be moderate about his motivation, but boy it gets tough at times.

Why pay per view? Would anyone actually watch? :boohoo: I'm sure it will never make its way to air if they find out he is lying though ;)
No thanks... I'll pass on that one!
Why pay per view? Would anyone actually watch? :boohoo: I'm sure it will never make its way to air if they find out he is lying though ;)
No thanks... I'll pass on that one!
I think it was a joke to illustrate the lengths LP is willing to go to raise search funding, and at the same time make a statement that he has nothing to hide and is willing to take the test in public.

If that's how he feels, someone should tell him to forget PPV and sign up as a contestant on Moment of Truth. He might win a cool $500K.
Turbo, I was there also. Wish I had known, would have loved to have met you. To answer some of Bunnys questions, you're right, the training was for team leaders, most of whom were LE, military, firefighters (of whom have or have had training in search & rescue either presently or in the past) and other seasoned TES people. Training was touched on and the rest took place the following day IF you needed it.

As for the meeting the night before, MN made no money at all. They served beer and soft beverages for free. The staff worked for free. There was a donation jar and all proceeds went to TES. The "bar" owned by MN was donated as well, so no money was involved other than what was donated from the jar. The meeting lasted a little over an hour and most people left to get a good nights rest for the day ahead. It had already been discussed that the conference rooms at the hotels were already booked so when MN offered the nightclub as a meeting place, it was welcomed.

Shows what I know, I didn't even know they served beer or soft drinks. ..........LOL

I did not know how all the arrangements for the event were set up or why. I did not even know all the conference rooms in Orlando were booked. That sounds strange to me, since they were begging for tourists, but then it may be TES did not want to pay but have it donated and no one could.

Would love to have met you also. I did meet some people from SM at breakfast one morning and some from TES at breakfast. Seems breakfast was the "meeting meal." LOL
I voted yes! I don't know what LP's intentions are, but as long as we may possibly find Caylee, its all worth it.
I voted no, mainly b/c LP has taken so much grief lately for "ulterior motives", that I don't think it would be worth it to fuel that fire. Yes, it would allow the search to continue, but I'd just like someone in this case not take the money, ya know?
I took his statement completely different, actually made me laugh out loud. IMO he was messing w/those who think it's all about the money. I could even see the "twinkle" in his eyes. (HDTV is a wonderful thing)

I'm with you.

LP seems to have a sense of humor. I think a lot of people mistake some of his offbeat jokes for serious comments.
Once again, I am not arguing that some people should search and others shouldn't or that private citizens should not be allowed to search. ALL I am asking for is a source for the statements that LE is not searching and/or has not been searching for months. I don't like people making statements about what LE is or is not doing without some proof that these statements are true!

Well IF LE is searching, it's been a secretive affair because I only remember they searched for a day or 2 at most. Once with a helicopter which turned out to be for a elderly man who wandered off.

The fact remains.... if LE was NOT searching at BP, then there is NO INTERFERENCE w/ LE if LP or any other group goes to search the area.

IF searchers start pushing LE searchers out of search areas so they can take over, then I'll agree.... there's interference.
I just wish Casey would open up that ugly soul of hers and just tell LE where she put Caylee... then all of this money talk over finding her, can dissipate. LP can go back to CA and play media ho, there, and fall off our radar... the Anthony's can move on to try to find some kind of healing... and we can direct our attention to OTHER missing cases that are in need of attention.

This is soooooooooooooo frustrating, at times... *head to desk*
I voted no because noone but KC knows where Caylee is. Depending on what she actually did to sweet Caylee, the searches could all be a waste of time given the amounts of surrounding water , creatures in the water etc. Now if the question was how I would vote if someone could GET the truth from her for $200,000 I would vote yes. I am not convinced Caylee's body is around Orlando, think KC may have taking her body to Tampa or somewhere else during the periods of no cell pings and the "missing" phone.
Shows what I know, I didn't even know they served beer or soft drinks. ..........LOL

I did not know how all the arrangements for the event were set up or why. I did not even know all the conference rooms in Orlando were booked. That sounds strange to me, since they were begging for tourists, but then it may be TES did not want to pay but have it donated and no one could.

Would love to have met you also. I did meet some people from SM at breakfast one morning and some from TES at breakfast. Seems breakfast was the "meeting meal." LOL

Beer amd spft drinks were for free but were the hard liquor drinks?
I have no problem with it as long as every penny legitimatley goes into the search for Caylee. Its better that some people who seem to be collecting money off Caylee and not looking at all....
I'm not sure. I'm not sure it sits well with me that LP even has the ability to give anyone exclusive rights to something of this nature.

Don't get me wrong--I think it's great he's been searching.

I just don't like the idea that he has some sort of ownership of the case. It seems to be breeding ill will among groups that should be working together rather than backbiting.

:clap: You took the thoughts right outta my head.....
I want Caylee found badly but Im sorry, the thought of someone 'filming' and 'broadcasting' the discovery of her remains and people actually watching this, just makes me want to vomit. If LP needs funds to search, fine, but filming it is just sick imo. I want her found, and I want her handled delicately, privately and respectfully by professionals. Its a sad world we live in if people actually want to point thier cameras at a child's decomposed corpse and even worse that people would be sitting at the edge of thier seats gawking for a chance to watch it unfold.

Its already gotten that bad unfortunately. This whole case is a rubberneckers paradise. :frown:

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