"Reckless, irresponsible": Kansas teacher's "gay is same as murder" Facebook rant

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But he didn't, and just because he didn't write what you would have written doesn't mean what he did write was hate speech.

You not believing in heaven or hell, doesn't mean you are writing hate speech towards believers.

(Calling people who disagree bigots and homphobes may be considered hate speech though)

Yet another post from the "I'm rubber and you're glue" school of debate. Yes, I've read that page in the Fox News handbook. Not impressed.

The fact that you compare my disbelief in heaven and hell with a teacher telling his students that gays are like murderers is the perfect example of how ridiculous arguments in defense of this teacher have become.
May I have your source on the Deuteronomy reference, please?

It is absolutely wrong, but I can't show you how it is wrong without seeing it.

I've already explained why people in 1400 BC could have had no such concept. It simply wasn't relevant to their social or economic systems.

Sorry to quote myself, but since Seek hasn't seen my post yet, I did my own research.

Here's a very knowledgable source (a reverend, BTW):


1. The word that is translated as "homosexual" in Deuteronomy also means "male prostitute" or "male acolyte in a pagan temple". (If that seems like an oxymoron, some pagan religions included sexual intercourse as part of their worship. So an "altar boy" was basically also a male prostitute. That's why the same word was used for both.)

Since the first half of the Deuteronomy verse bans female prostitutes (or female temple acolytes), it makes far more sense that the second half of the verse refers to male prostitutes. Jumping to male homosexuality as we understand it makes no sense, logically or poetically.

More importantly in re Seek's post above, there is NOTHING in that verse that refers to homosexual persons or their sexual orientation. It simply wasn't a concept in 1200 BC, when Deuteronomy was written.

2. Deuteronomy also condemns cross-dressing, so I assume that all women who wear pants are just like murderers, too, along with every Scotsman in his kilt.

"The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God."

Deuteronomy, 22:5
Confidential to Seek&Find: my preceding post is what I mean by "Christian" scholars cherry-picking. Many (not all) of the Biblical prohibitions you list are cases where somebody has found one word that can have many meanings and then insisted it means "homosexual", ignoring context to serve an anti-gay rights agenda.

Even in the most seemingly obvious references (Leviticus), scholars debate whether the primary concern was private sexual behavior or keeping the Hebrews from joining in the bacchanal at the nearest pagan temple.

As a rule, the ancient world didn't worry too much about sex between males because it didn't result in children and therefore didn't affect property rights. (And sex between females was ignored almost entirely until the 1800s.)
Originally Posted by Yoda
I think that was a spelling error. It's humphobe. The fear of hummers or people that hum.
Oh deary me. There is no way to phrase the comment I want to make to that bolded part which wouldn't get me banned forever from Websleuths. Thanks for the laugh.
I declare myself a hummerphile.
I agree that firing is an extreme consequence and I have mixed feelings about it.

But what would you say if the same teacher had posted (for his 600 "FB friends" including students) that all Catholics are the same as murderers?

What if he said all those who vote for Democrats are the same as murderers?

What if he wrote that slavery should be legal as long as the slaves are treated well (as per the OT)?

Is there no limit to what a teacher may say about those whom he teaches and/or their families?

You are taking his quote out of context and we are not talking about what could have been said. He also compared himself to a murderer, a homosexual, a liar, a cheater, everyone is a sinner. His statement was not homophobic, it was not hateful. My own husband does not think I will be in Heaven with him because I don't believe in his church's beliefs. That doesn't mean he hates me. He wishes, just like this man posted, that I would accept his God and those beliefs.
You are taking his quote out of context and we are not talking about what could have been said. He also compared himself to a murderer, a homosexual, a liar, a cheater, everyone is a sinner. His statement was not homophobic, it was not hateful. My own husband does not think I will be in Heaven with him because I don't believe in his church's beliefs. That doesn't mean he hates me. He wishes, just like this man posted, that I would accept his God and those beliefs.

Sorry, but again, your argument is technically true (per Christian dogma) and utterly false (per Christian practice). The teacher didn't have to jump right from homosexual to murderer, but he did.

Before the 12th century, his argument might have been valid, in the Middle Ages, the Church usually did treat homosexual intercourse as just one more in a long list of possible sins. Since the 1300s, however, Christianity has consistently lumped those who engage in homosexual behavior with the worst possible sinners: murderers, rapists, child molesters and heretics.

The "we're all sinners" argument just doesn't ring true after eight centuries of oppression.

But if "we're all sinners", why am I denied basic civil rights in most states, while liars, gossips, fornicators and hypocrites are not?
You are taking his quote out of context and we are not talking about what could have been said. He also compared himself to a murderer, a homosexual, a liar, a cheater, everyone is a sinner. His statement was not homophobic, it was not hateful. My own husband does not think I will be in Heaven with him because I don't believe in his church's beliefs. That doesn't mean he hates me. He wishes, just like this man posted, that I would accept his God and those beliefs.

I've read this whole thread and your posts have been so thoughtful, Yoda. There is one thing, though, about this last post I need to point out. I'm seeing it in most, if not all of the posts written in support of the teacher's freedom to give testimony; DENIAL of the experience of the homosexuals and sympathizers.

It is surprisingly arrogant for anyone to tell another person "Your experience is not legitimate."

This teacher's testimony was not abusive or painful or degrading to you. But it was especially so to others. Unless you (the generic you) were present and practically reading the mind of the teacher at the time he wrote the post, your interpretation of his words is as good, or not, as Nova's (for instance).

I sense a lack of basic empathy from the social conservatives toward less conservative points of view, as if social conservatives believe they are THAT different, fundamentally, than those who look askance at their agenda. Or, those who "defy" their agenda. Where did all this arrogant ownership of the human experience come from??? I know it is a common assumption of the majority class, that is explicit throughout history, but are American religious conservatives really a majority class? So entitled to "share" their beliefs that the confusion, pain or outrage against it will be dismissed by simply saying "His words are not hateful."

Experiences that contradict yours (the generic yours) are not illegitimate, or necessarily skewed or based upon the wrong information. I have yet to encounter a social conservative who approaches opposition with an attitude of openness, concern and curiosity. I'm seeing a lot of dismissal on this thread of for the experience of those who do not share in the religious/conservative agenda.

I am curious about YOU (the generic, again lol), and especially so when the debate concerns facts and other verifiable data. This is the one ground we can speak the same language; because faith and belief are not mutually shared, we have to find a common ground elsewhere.
I would like a legal opinion here, especially since I am a mere European who doesn't understand the intricacies of the US constitution.

If murder and homosexuality are both sins, how is it that convicted murderers on Death Row can legally get married, and homosexuals can't?
Yet another post from the "I'm rubber and you're glue" school of debate. Yes, I've read that page in the Fox News handbook. Not impressed.

The fact that you compare my disbelief in heaven and hell with a teacher telling his students that gays are like murderers is the perfect example of how ridiculous arguments in defense of this teacher have become.

Reading through this thread it is apparent that you think only you know about history in general, about Biblical history, about what historical people knew about homosexuality, about when marriage was and was not about socio-economics vs. love, about the right greek scholars, about what Christians really believe, about what the Bible really says, and you further know what this man meant without ever meeting him or talking to him, even though he clearly states the opposite of your posted belief. You also you discount any one's opinion who does not line up with yours as part of a fox news conspiracy -THAT is how ridiculous this thread has become.
Sorry, Charlie, but none of that is true. There have been many knowledgable posts here (including some by those with whom I disagree) and I have taken pains to acknowledge every one.
Reading through this thread it is apparent that you think only you know about history in general, about Biblical history, about what historical people knew about homosexuality, about when marriage was and was not about socio-economics vs. love, about the right greek scholars, about what Christians really believe, about what the Bible really says, and you further know what this man meant without ever meeting him or talking to him, even though he clearly states the opposite of your posted belief. You also you discount any one's opinion who does not line up with yours as part of a fox news conspiracy -THAT is how ridiculous this thread has become.
This is about as false of post as I've read on WS. Sheer denial of well-drawn facts and examples. Read and learn.
Reading through this thread it is apparent that you think only you know about history in general, about Biblical history, about what historical people knew about homosexuality, about when marriage was and was not about socio-economics vs. love, about the right greek scholars, about what Christians really believe, about what the Bible really says, and you further know what this man meant without ever meeting him or talking to him, even though he clearly states the opposite of your posted belief. You also you discount any one's opinion who does not line up with yours as part of a fox news conspiracy -THAT is how ridiculous this thread has become.

This is the most unfair set of ad hom attacks I have ever seen on this forum. It doesn't matter whether or not you agree with Nova's opinions, you should at least show him the respect of reacting towards HIS opinions, ie the ones he really posts, and not the ones youn just made up in your head.

For example, (not that the entire post isn't an example), but where the heck has Nova ever mentioned a Fox conspiracy?? Sheesh. Didn't Jesus mention liars somewhere? Not that I'm saying anyone in this thread is a liar, of course.
Sorry, Charlie, but none of that is true. There have been many knowledgable posts here (including some by those with whom I disagree) and I have taken pains to acknowledge every one.

Every one of those things has happened on this thread, at least be honest about it.
This is the most unfair set of ad hom attacks I have ever seen on this forum. It doesn't matter whether or not you agree with Nova's opinions, you should at least show him the respect of reacting towards HIS opinions, ie the ones he really posts, and not the ones youn just made up in your head.

For example, (not that the entire post isn't an example), but where the heck has Nova ever mentioned a Fox conspiracy?? Sheesh. Didn't Jesus mention liars somewhere? Not that I'm saying anyone in this thread is a liar, of course.

Originally Posted by Nova View Post
Yet another post from the "I'm rubber and you're glue" school of debate. Yes, I've read that page in the Fox News handbook. Not impressed.
In fact, the marriage that is at issue to gays is civli marriage. And it is a right, per the Supreme Court.

:sigh: We've already covered that the US Supreme court has not addressed this topic.
This is the most unfair set of ad hom attacks I have ever seen on this forum. It doesn't matter whether or not you agree with Nova's opinions, you should at least show him the respect of reacting towards HIS opinions, ie the ones he really posts, and not the ones youn just made up in your head.

For example, (not that the entire post isn't an example), but where the heck has Nova ever mentioned a Fox conspiracy?? Sheesh. Didn't Jesus mention liars somewhere? Not that I'm saying anyone in this thread is a liar, of course.

Thank you, Capp. But in fairness, I made a facetious reference to Charlie taking a page from the "Fox News handbook". A "handbook" implies a conspiracy and it is to that that she refers.

My original point was the current rightwing tactic of calling anyone who protests intolerance "intolerant". We've seen plenty of that here: any of us (you and I included) who have objected to the implied hatred of equating gays and killers has been accused of religious hatred.
Every one of those things has happened on this thread, at least be honest about it.

Absolute rubbish. None of those things has happened, and I've read the entire thread. All Nova has done is express his own opinion, and back it up at times with outside sources.

Stop attacking the poster, please, and get back to debating the subject of the posts.
No, I'm not attacking Nova, I'm noticing a pattern in posts - and I'm addressing the pattern I see.
You are attacking the poster and not the posts, based on a "pattern" that is no more than a chimera, an excuse to launch attacks instead of responding to specific instances.
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