Rescued beagles experience grass & sunlight for the 1st time

He still wasn't laying down, so, because while I hate to do it, I decided I needed to, I went ahead and gave him 1 ml of a compound of the herbs. They should be taking effect in about 5 more minutes, and if they don't work (let him relax), then I'll dose him again.

I've got him tucked in...he's on a soft squishy pad, with a doggy-bathrobe on, and he's fenced off from the herd and Gracie. He's got room to move, and there is no top, but it's close to the crate situation.

I don't really want to fully crate him, because that's where he came from, and had been living in, for so many years. It's a huge adjustment for him, and I want him to be able to see us and be interested and feel safe at the same time.

Malachi and Oliver are both terribly intruiged. Those two are my "comfort kitties", as in when someone isn't feeling well, they like to hover near or actually lay on the person.

I don't know what they did to him (and I don't want to know). I just know that in the last 10 days, he's been flown in from Spain, went to one foster home, was examined by a vet, got vax'd, neutered and dental done yesterday, brought back to the rescue, tossed into my car and is now at a new place. If that were me, I'd be sucking ativan like I can only imagine how tough it must be for him right now...on top of everything else that's likely transpired in the last few years.

He is severely traumatized, and will need a long, loving recovery. I will do my best by him; he's just a sweet heart. With all this, not one little bit of aggression, not one snarl, not one growl...nothing but sad eyes and hypervigilance. Let's see what happens over the next few days...I do have the option of medicating him more significantly, but if the herbs work, I'd rather stay with that.

Bless his fuzzy little heart...

Herding Cats
He is completely hypervigilant. I am going to give him a few more minutes, and then drop some herbs into him, to help him settle. Seriously, he's sitting, falling asleep, falling over, then sitting up again...over and over.

BTW, all the kitties want to know what's going on...they're all interested. I don't think they know he's a dog, because all they're used to is Gracie...and she's so big compared to him. LOL. So they're not sure what to think of this boy.

Let's see how this plays out.

Herding Cats

HC you can do it...I know he's safe in your very able hands. Bless you.
This is such a pleasure to read. A nice story - a rescue. I wish there were more, and that every story had a happy ending. I will check back often, and want to know all about Sebastian's new journey. Be sure to include Kitty Kat updates too, I want to know how they like their new brother.
Sebastian ate two dinners!! Yes, they were small, but I wasn't sure he'd eat, so I only gave him 1/2 what I'd normally give a pup his size. He ate it down before I'd gotten out of the room! LOL, so I promptly gave him seconds. He also got some water into him, too, the first time today.

I will be letting him out to wander the living room (moving the fence line), and I'll be right here while I eat dinner...and we'll see what he does. He's still terribly tired, and now with his belly full, he may just decide to sleep it off.

I hope so...

Herding Cats
Sebastian ate two dinners!! Yes, they were small, but I wasn't sure he'd eat, so I only gave him 1/2 what I'd normally give a pup his size. He ate it down before I'd gotten out of the room! LOL, so I promptly gave him seconds. He also got some water into him, too, the first time today.

I will be letting him out to wander the living room (moving the fence line), and I'll be right here while I eat dinner...and we'll see what he does. He's still terribly tired, and now with his belly full, he may just decide to sleep it off.

I hope so...

Herding Cats

Thank you for keeping us posted on his progress. Our family keeps checking here for updates. :seeya:
He's finally relaxing and trying to sleep. YAYAY! And Malachi and Oliver have both jumped into his pen to give noses and sniffs. I have expanded the area, and he's out...dreaming and twitching and waking every 5 minutes or so, but still...sleeping a bit, laying down, and just trying to relax.

I was going to take him out for potty time, but...well...I just laid a bunch of towels down instead. I don't want to encourage him to potty in the house, but...I also don't want him to get all tense again. So...for tonight, I'll leave him be, and see how it goes. It's not like I've never dealt with it before. LOL...

Herding Cats
And...he's tucked into bed. I gave him another dose of my herb stuff, and he's been sleeping a lot this evening already, so hopefully, he can get a good night's sleep tucked up in his pile o' bedding near Gracie (who's happily in her pen, chewing on a treat).

As for me, I'm gonna crawl into bed, and see how the night goes. So far, he hasn't made a peep (except for a long, drawn out sigh when he finally went to sleep earlier), and we don't know if he's been debarked, so I could wake to baying...or to silence. I'm thinking silence. LOL.

What an adventure. For him, but for me, too. He's going to test my skills and knowledge for sure and certain, but I think I can live up to his needs. With Gracie and the crazy cats' help, I think he can become a happy, secure dog; he may not be the social butterfly Gracie is, but he can go a long way, I think.

And yes, I've said a prayer to St. Francis of Assisi for any ideas or help he can send my way...LOL.

Thanks, you guys, for being just about as thrilled and excited that I am a part of his healing...I appreciate your support. A lot.

Herding Cats
Aaawwww...two dinners and some herb concoction...I'm sure he's sleeping like a baby. :) I would have to stop myself from cuddling him and waking him back up!
Made it through the night, no fussing. Stayed basically about where I put him, although he seems to not like fluffy things...prefers the hardwood floor to a snuggly, and prefers the concrete of the hearth to the snuggly. It's just about 65* in the house, so that's not it.

Still flinching and jumping at every sound...and that's expected, but breaks my heart. I will dose him again with the herbs...this may be a long term assist while I get him feeling more safe.

Has not gone exploring, although he has had the opportunity to do so. The cats continue to be totally fascinated by him, and come visit him regularly. Not one of the cats have hissed or even growled at him...I think they're used to Gracie, and since he's tiny compared to her, they are not sure what to think. So they're being gracious hosts (yes, Simon Le Booger included), and it's very interesting to watch.

Has not yet pooped or pee'd that I've found, although he could've pee'd and I don't know where. Not too concerned yet, but if he doesn't go by tomorrow, I do need to take him in to the vet. Ate a good breakfast, and drank lots of water this morning, so the "in" part seems to be just fine.

Other than that, nothing new and exciting to report. He is going to need routines, and solid ones, to start to get that's what we'll be doing. Routines. And exposure to sounds and the noises of a regular house and environment; I mean, even a crow cawing across the street makes him startle.

So, it's herbs and routines...herbs and routines. If he doesn't relax in a while, I may consider giving him canine anti anxiety meds, but that's in the future. Right now, it's herbs and routines, and of course lots of lovies.

Herding Cats
HC, thank you for your updates. This was the first thread I came to this morning.
Somehow I don't see Sebastian's placement as being much different than the 160+ foster children placements we've had over a 23 year period. He seems to be going through what many of our children experienced. Often times they too had been trough horrific trauma, bounced from placement to placement in a brief period of time before arriving at our home. Many of them exhibited the same behaviors as you are seeing in Sebastian; easily startled, hyper-vigilant, insecure and un-trusting and often times reclusive and very hesitant to socialize, attach and interrogate into the family.

Time, space, routine, and a lot of love and patience always brought them around. Usually by the end of the first week with one appointment after another, social workers, physical exams, dental check-ups etc. we would begin to see a a little change and once all the madness of appointments, shopping for cloths and whatnot settled down we saw a huge difference. :yesss:...
Sometimes from one extreme to the other...:eek:kay:
By the end of the first month we were usually seeing they layers of abuse, sadness, and trauma just fall away piece by piece and we knew the healing process had truly begun and for many of our kiddo's healing will be a life long process, but their making it and those who keep (and there are many)in touch are doing really well...they make us so proud. :beats:

I'm thinking Sebastian just really isn't so different from any other living, breathing soul who has been had a hellish beginning. He's in a wonderful place now with a woman who will give him the loving environment he needs to begin to heal and he is already loved by a whole bunch of Sleuths...what more could he possibly need. :giggle
I had a company Christmas party to attend and we were out quite late. Last I had read was that you were going to meet him. This morning was full of errands and picking up the kids at grandma's. Like SuzieQ, this was my first stop upon logging in. I am so glad Sebastian is home were we all suspected he belonged ;)

Keep those updates coming. Now off to fetch DD so she can read of Sebastian's progress. The video of teh beagles was so upsetting to her. She didn't know such things were done to animals. She will be so thrilled to watch and read all about Sebastian's new life and family.

Thank you HC, for being exactly who you are. You are offering me so many opportunities to teach my children. First Gracie, then Ladybug, now Sebastian. I think you may be DD's biggest hero this year :)
No hero, TLCox..none whatsoever. Just had an extra space, you know? Just had enough extra love and space and food. I figure I'm the lucky and blessed one, because he will be teaching me sooooo much about things; life, love, the healing process...I'm the lucky one indeed. Hi, DD! If you have any questions, tell Mom to ask me, and I'll do my best to answer, all right?

Mom, I hope that's all he's needing...just some time and space and "new clothes" to start the healing. Routines, a safe and secure environment, good food and lovies...and time. Time, I think, will be the biggest healer here.

As for the Ragamuffin, he seems to have developed a bit of an infection from his neuter. A little bit of puss, sticky and greenish, from the tip of his penis. I called the Freedom Project, and they're sending over some antibiotics today for him. I really, really don't want to take him to the vet for a while.

And the herbs are being used, and are effective. He's exhausted. I don't know how long it's been since he's been able to actually sleep; really, deeply, sleep. He's doing the sleep/fall/wake thing again, so I'm going to give him another dose of herbs and let him rest in his spot (which appears to be on the hearth in the living room). All the cats have completely accepted him, Gracie said "hey there, little guy" and then went about her business (said business is currently killing a stuffy), so the house seems to be settling in.

I'll update again tonight...'til then, if you have a moment, send a healing prayer out for this sweet that his healing can start, his ownself can start developing, and his new life, in the sunshine-warmed grass, can begin.

Hugs to all...and thanks.

Herding Cats
Evening update 12/4:

He had a very quiet, relaxing, mellow kinda day. I'm not sure how he thought of it, but I kept noise to a minimum, cleaned up around here a bit, and just made sure he saw me every few minutes when I was working in another room. Several times (erm, 4, but who's counting? LOL) I "caught" Malachi and Oliver in Sebastian's pen, and righyt now, Mal is hanging on the recliner arm, just above Sebastian's head.

Sebastian is slowly, slowly relaxing. He is no longer sitting/sleeping/falling/jerking awake; rather, he's laying down most of the time, switching sides when he wants to, but mostly just dozing/sleeping. He is willing to lay down, and that's progress. That's actually good progress. One of the rescue ladies came by, and he sat and shook for a bit, but then relaxed and laid down again.

I'm making it a point to go into the pen regularly, and just love on him. But not for too long, because as much as I just want to hold him, snuggle him, and comfort him, he also has to learn to calm himself, to relax without that. I don't want to enforce the concept that there's something wrong, if that makes sense, by comforting him all the time. He needs to learn how to assess accurately the situation, and be concerned if there's something to be concerned about, but if there's nothing to be concerned about, to calm himself down. If that makes any sense at all. LOL.

He hasn't had herbs for some time - I think about 11:30ish or so. He's doing well, but the bottle is right here and he will be dosed before bedtime. I'm debating whether or not to bring him into the bedroom to sleep; not sure if that's wise, or if he would be better off just in his area, where he's been all day. It's warm enough, and I can always leave the heater on, too. Not sure that moving him is a good thing...but then, maybe it is. Will think about it more; bedtime is hours away yet.

Gonna get dinner down for the herd, and the pack. The rescue lady that came through and did a home inspection (*yes, a fence, lots of cats, and Gracie!!) forgot to bring the abx, so she'll bring them tomorrow. He'll be fine, I'm sure, but I want to start him on them ASAP, so that the infection doesn't need a vet visit...that would be tough on him right now.

He is a sweet, dear, traumatized boy. He will look at you, but if he thinks you're looking at him, he looks away. He's getting used to being gently touched, but it will be a long process for him to be comfortable. I think I will have a glass of wine the first time he asks to be petted...that will be an enormous breakthrough. He wants it, but he won't ask for it.

And he offers his paw constantly; the rescue place tells me that he (and the other lab dogs) do this because they're used to humans coming, taking his paw, and drawing blood (sometimes multiple times during a day, apparently). Can you imagine, seeing a person and giving a paw because you just know that's what they're gonna grab anyway? So each time he offers it, I take it gently in my hand, kiss it, hold it for a few moments, and then let him have it back...I want him to be desensitized to touching his paw, to show him that good things happen when one holds hands with a human; not only needles and pain.

I look at him, and my eyes drip. Just feel so bad for him...he has no idea he's a dog, no idea life is supposed to be good and fun and not in a cage. Over time, I hope he will learn that being a dog, at least around me (and others), can be a good, happy, positive thing...and that someday, I will look in the backyard and watch him and Gracie goofing off.

Ah man.

Time to feed the critters...will update later if anything goes on.

And if a mod could tell me whether or not I should start a thread in Pets for him, or if it's all right to keep posting here, I'd appreciate it!

Herding Cats

PS: I just sneezed and blew my nose. His eyebrows moved, but he didn't flinch! YAY!!
Can I say something, without you all thinking I've blown my last fuse?

Everytime I say "Sebastian", I hear "TOBIAS". Or Toby.

Now, know this is not a name I'd ever wanted to use on any animal. I hold with the thought that all animals name themselves, but I thought Sebastian was it...but I keep hearing "a correction"...TOBIAS.

Please know I'm not psychic, and I'm not hearing voices. It's bizarre.

Just thought I'd share that with you all. Please don't think I'm looney. I'm really not. I promise. I don't think so, at least.

Am I nuts?

Herding Cats
The next time I open this thread...I'm gonna remember the kleenex!

Can I say something, without you all thinking I've blown my last fuse?

Everytime I say "Sebastian", I hear "TOBIAS". Or Toby.

Now, know this is not a name I'd ever wanted to use on any animal. I hold with the thought that all animals name themselves, but I thought Sebastian was it...but I keep hearing "a correction"...TOBIAS.

Please know I'm not psychic, and I'm not hearing voices. It's bizarre.

Just thought I'd share that with you all. Please don't think I'm looney. I'm really not. I promise. I don't think so, at least.

Am I nuts?

Herding Cats

HC I don't think you've blown your last fuse at all. I recognize your connection to these animals and I know it's much like my own....that is why I love your posts. I agree with your theory on names. I have people ask me all the time, where did you come up with that name? I draw a blank because what I don't want to say is "well I got it from (insert name) where do you think I got it from?" It's just so natural for me. I have's as if the name just falls from the sky in your head, if you're open to that possibility and you wait for it to come. If your hearing Tobias or Toby, try it out and see what his reaction to it is. See how it 'feels' for both of you.

Or perhaps we've both blown out last fuse.....

ETA; now read LimeCola's post.

Are we all crazy?
Can I say something, without you all thinking I've blown my last fuse?

Everytime I say "Sebastian", I hear "TOBIAS". Or Toby.

Now, know this is not a name I'd ever wanted to use on any animal. I hold with the thought that all animals name themselves, but I thought Sebastian was it...but I keep hearing "a correction"...TOBIAS.

Please know I'm not psychic, and I'm not hearing voices. It's bizarre.

Just thought I'd share that with you all. Please don't think I'm looney. I'm really not. I promise. I don't think so, at least.

Am I nuts?

Herding Cats

Just read this and got a chill...last night, when I was posting to you on this thread, I thought to myself "the dog's name is Toby". Then I scrolled to see what his name was before Sebastian (Elvis). I have no idea where that thought came from, as I love the name you've chosen. (insert twilight zone music here)
HC... Your latest update just radiates the love you have for Sebastian/Tobias. It's almost as if I can sense the bond here -- thousands of miles away, on the East Coast - LOL! I don't believe he has bonded to you yet, but I know that he will.

Thank you again for sharing.

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