Sad Story of Little Boy & His Dog

mic730 said:
The story of Snowball left me crying at the keyboard.
So I emailed the President asking him to help reuninte Snowball and his boy and included the link to the story. It may sound trivial but I was hoping to appeal to someone in high places.
I like many others here would not leave my dogs behind and this story break my heart.

The story of Snowball left many in tears because it made the media circuit. There are, I have no doubt, MANY stories just like this one out there that are not televised. A boy and his dog of course tugs at the heartstrings. I am a HUGE animal lover, but we have to be realistic here. Would I leave my pets.....I'm saying NO WAY! But, I do have 3 children, and if saving their lives meant leaving our pets I would make that choice. Trust me, I have cried over the kills me. It kills me to see them knowing there's no chance for them to be rescued.....I think I cry more seeing the stories about the animals than the people as horrible as that might sound. I just feel the people will make it out...they have that choice. The animals don't :(
I really hate this kind of story. There's kids out there who have lost their parents, parents who have lost their children, entire families killed, children separated not from their pet, but from their mother and father, and not knowing if they are alive or dead - and airtime is wasted on a kid who lost his dog. I'd never minimize how much you can love a pet, but it's nothing compared to losing a parent, a brother or sister. It's a sad story, but it's a trivial one - there is so much worse that happened in this disaster. The energy and attention devoted to Snowball could go to many better causes. It pulls at the heartstrings, and is just too cute, and I understand why they are playing it up - but I feel it minimizes the scope of the disaster to make one of the icons a boy who lost his dog, rather than a child who lost her parents, a man who lost his wife, etc.

I'm one of those who would probably be stupid, risk my life, and stay with my pets - but I can't see how they can waste space to evacuate pets when there are people in danger of dying, and the available shelters are overflowing with people, waste, and violence.

And as much as I'd never leave my cats, and it'd just kill me to lose them, losing a parent or husband is so much worse - if I'm given just one hand in a flood to prevent someone from drifting away - it'd have to be my husband, not my cats (a horrible thought to have to make that kind of decision). I think this kind of story is used as a safe emotional release - you can imagine yourself as the little boy, without having to think of the realities that so many had to go through that were far worse.
IMO - it doesn't minimize anything - pets are like a family member in many families, including my own. My husband and I seem to be unable to have children, and our 5 cats ARE our children, and treat them as such. I think it's a bit harsh to say this story is "airtime wasted". In no way do I think it "minimizes the scope of the disaster" - IMO, it broadens it - people have lost everything, right down to their beloved pets. Pets are living beings, with beating hearts who are deeply loved by their families, and any coverage given to them is in no way "airtime wasted". :mad:
Seems out of proportion - just about as much coverage as that poor guy whose wife was pulled away from his arms when their house split.

My cats are my kids too, and spoiled and loved they are, and I'd risk my own life to avoid leaving them behind - in a heartbeat. I just think we get too many stories about the photogenic and cutesy parts of disasters, and not enough about things that the media can't turn into a cute, sweet story.

For an example - why have I heard more about Snowball than this:
"There were already several children raped and several children murdered. And I just couldn't take it. We just slept outside. Somebody told me that was a safer option than trying to stay inside the Superdome, so we slept in garbage, with thousands of other people outside," explains Mittelstadt.
Roving gangs shoot at evacuees, and at one point, they step on daughter Mackenzie's head. At first, Lia fears the worst. "I was running down the street and yelling my baby's dead, my baby 's dead, please somebody help me."
I haven't seen anything cutesy in the last week on the news. :twocents:
Details said:
I really hate this kind of story. There's kids out there who have lost their parents, parents who have lost their children, entire families killed, children separated not from their pet, but from their mother and father, and not knowing if they are alive or dead - and airtime is wasted on a kid who lost his dog.

Wasted????? I don't think it was wasted......who's to say this dog wasn't this kids sibling he didn't have? Or best friend he didn't have?????? While I posted saying I think there are many, many similar stories, I don't think the time to cover the story was "wasted". Just ask the little boy. I have 3 kids and 3 dogs, if I was told only 3 could go it's a no brainer for me. BUT, I would be devastated knowing my beloved pets had no chance and were feasting on human remains, and had no chance of getting out of such horrid conditions.

I hope you meet this little boy someday and let him know how you felt about the situation.
A cute kid, a cute dog - nothing cuter than a boy and his dog.
Sassygerl said:
I hope you meet this little boy someday and let him know how you felt about the situation.
No problem. I feel sorry for him, and ticked off at the media. He's a kid - he didn't choose to make this the big media story. Some reporter saw human interest, and reported on it - and that's fine when there aren't more pressing issues. But right now there are.
Details said:
No problem. I feel sorry for him, and ticked off at the media. He's a kid - he didn't choose to make this the big media story. Some reporter saw human interest, and reported on it - and that's fine when there aren't more pressing issues. But right now there are.

You have to remember to him (and all the others) there aren't more pressing issues. His dog was his world. You don't get it.....
Sassygerl said:
You have to remember to him (and all the others) there aren't more pressing issues. His dog was his world. You don't get it.....
I think you don't. Try this: imagine you are one of the parents who was separated from their children in the middle of the flooding - would you feel more than a little upset that your missing child's picture wasn't on the news, but a little dog's was? That people were looking for the dog who didn't even know your child was missing?
Details said:
No problem. I feel sorry for him, and ticked off at the media. He's a kid - he didn't choose to make this the big media story. Some reporter saw human interest, and reported on it - and that's fine when there aren't more pressing issues. But right now there are.

I have yet to see the boys or the dogs picture on the news......have you?
Details said:
I think you don't. Try this: imagine you are one of the parents who was separated from their children in the middle of the flooding - would you feel more than a little upset that your missing child's picture wasn't on the news, but a little dog's was? That people were looking for the dog who didn't even know your child was missing?

Have you not read my posts? Do you have children????? I still have not seen the little dogs picture.....please post the link to it since Snowball's pic is dominating the news.

ETA: I'm hoping you can provide a link with all the missing dog pics that are dominating the media. It's so ridiculous...of course there are no "missing dog pics" dominating the media circuit. The children/adults are what are and should be circulating. BUT, to a child as well as many adults, animals mean the world. While we might not know where many humans are, we do know many dogs are stranded on rooftops and stuck in the Superdome with no way out....NO chance of a rescue.
Yeah, cute, as in........... cute at a day in the park. Not cute having a dog ripped from his arms and him getting physically ill from sorrow. I have never seen a photo or video of this happen - have only read about it - and in my mind, cute would be the last word I would choose to describe what I feel about reading the story of what happened. I really think to say this is wasted airtime is COLD. :mad:

ETA: Given, maybe some people's idea of cute is different than mine, but this certainly isn't cute to me.

Details said:
A cute kid, a cute dog - nothing cuter than a boy and his dog.
I have 3 kids and 1 very spoiled rotten, pampered pooch. He is EVERYTHING to our entire family, even my husband loves him to death. We got him at a very tough point in our families lives, we were soooooooooooooo depressed, all of us. He has lite up our world like you would not believe, and gave us all someone to love and have fun with when we desperately needed it. I could never choose to leave him behind, my whole family would revolt. We would stay with him until we could all be rescued. But, my children are older, youngest is 10. If I had very small children that were not as yet attached to my dog, and they were in danger, as much as it would kill me, I would have to put my child first. But, with my kids ages, they would NEVER allow me to leave our "baby" , they would never forgive me. That said, I do understand that rules are rules, and I am sure that the man who would not let snowball on the bus, probably hates that he had to do that. I agree with a previous poster that said if he let snowball on, he would have to let everyones pets on. Imagine the rebellion he might have caused by letting snowball on. You know its true, pet owners who truely love their pets would have started a riot seeing a pet let on and told theirs could not! I hate that that little boy had to be seperated from his dog, I hate that that gaurd had to make that decision! I dont blame the parents for it, I can just imagine how gut wrenching it was for them to see thier little boy in such pain. I am sure they had no idea when they brought their dog with them to safety that the situation was going to get as bad as it did and they would have to leave the dog behind. Alot of decision had to be made in very little time, I am sure some of them where gut wrenching, but they did have to be made.

I see nothing wrong with reporting this, as I watch t.v. there are plenty of horrible stories out there, very few of them are about animals. This one is just one of so many. I am glad to hear this story has affected so many people like it has, reminds me there are still people out there with a heart who care. I so hope snowball and the little boy can be re-united.

I am teary eyed thinking about how I would feel having to leave my little guy behind, driving away looking out the bus window and him watching me leave with those big eyes and his head tilted to the side, wondering why I am abandoning him.

Oh, I have to go smoke now and compose myself. :(
We are our pet's "keepers". They are innocent, trusting and totally dependant on US to live. WE chose to bring them into our lives and it is fully our responsibility to care for them in every way until their last breath. Unlike people, they have no choices, no legal recourse, no protective agencies, no free medical care, no provisions in case of death of their owners....nothing. They are forced to live the life their owner chooses for them - be it good, or bad. They are totally at our mercy. When they were left behind it was not their fault and yet we are supposed to ignore that and just accept that their deaths mean nothing, have no significance, that their owners will not grieve over the choices they were forced to make.
When will the US learn that all life is important? When will it become the rule that ALL living things have a right to rescue and survival and aid? When will the ridiculous rules for shelter in a disaster that prohibit pets be changed or altered so that pets AND humans in desperate need can each find appropriate refuge in the worst situations.
No-one should ever have to make a choice - love for a pet is no different than love for a family member - why is it always thought that pets are disposable lives? That it is OK to "sacrifice" them? That love for a pet is somehow "less" than love for a person? Does anyone who has ever looked into the eyes of a beloved pet question that they love, and fear and hurt? What horrible torture - to be left alone to die in fear and pain and not understanding what horrible thing they must have done to deserve such a fate.
Many things must change because of this tragedy - I hope one of them is to realize that to force people to choose to sacrifice a pet to recieve aid is to condemn both pets and their owners to an uneeded death. This is the great USA, surely we can do better, can't we? These are innocent lives, without voices to speak and people must take up their cause and speak for them. ANY loss of life is unacceptable.
People will be taken care of, therefore I (and many like me) have chosen to speak for the animals. My first donation to Katrina victims went to rescue the animals. All life is precious, all pain is pain, all cruelty is cruelty. A society that condones such treatment of the weakest and most vulnerable lives cannot survive. That is the lesson of Katrina. No life is less valuable than another.
13th Juror said:

Hi NewMom and all,

I feel exactly the same way you all do. I'm praying Snowball and his "little guy" owner are reunited - and asap.

The reports & horrific visuals of ALL the abandoned, stranded & starving animals are stressing me to the point of near insanity. (O.K. - *Insanity* may be a slight exaggeration - but it's damn close.) I can handle almost anything better than the needless suffering of helpless animals. (No, it does not mean I don't care about human life & suffering - I most certainly do.)

God Bless "Jean Jones" (in Ft. Lauderdale, FL) of PuppyMillRescue.Com and now "KatrinaFoundPets.Com for going the extra mile in her attempts to reunite Snowball with his human family.

NewMom2003, the devastated woman, you referenced above, that was hoping to be evacuated with her dog "Tinky" and who had spent days assisted others in making it safely to the I-10 bridge area - was denied rescue for her beloved dog by the National Guard. She stated that she just could not leave Tinky behind.

David Lee Miller was reporting for FOX News. The woman's name is Lewanda Poley - and "Tinky" (a female) appears to be a Chow mix.

I have made numerous calls attempting to locate Lewanda & Tinky. If anyone hears anything more regarding either of them through the news media - PLEASE post here on WS.

I have 3 extra bedrooms here, a guest house & a large fenced "dog friendly" yard in a safe neighborhood. Witnessing the anguish & devastation on this woman's face just broke my heart. I would never leave my pets either - they go where I go. Anyway, I would gladly drive to the New Orleans area to bring them here to my home in Central FL. We experienced Charley, Frances & Jeanne last hurricane season - but as bad as they were here - none of them could hold a candle to Katrina's catastrophic devastation.

So - please if anyone hears anything further about Lewanda & Tinky - please post it. I'll keep trying through FOX, humane animal organizations & the various relief agencies - and will check here at WS often. Thanks so much. :)

13th Juror

Hi 13th Juror

Good news!!! I heard a followup on the news today (well…make that yesterday now, it's 2:15 am here in Oregon) that Lewanda Poley and Tinky were eventually rescued TOGETHER last night and a family in Georgia has taken them into their home. The report also said she located some of her family today back in Louisiana and they want her to come stay with them, so they will all be reunited soon.

But YOU, 13th Juror, deserve a :clap: :clap: :clap: . Your willingness to drive all the way to N.O. to get Lewanda and Tinky and take them into your home is to be applauded. I know in my heart that our Heavenly Father is truly pleased with you. :angel:

Sassygerl said:
Have you not read my posts? Do you have children????? I still have not seen the little dogs picture.....please post the link to it since Snowball's pic is dominating the news.

ETA: I'm hoping you can provide a link with all the missing dog pics that are dominating the media. It's so ridiculous...of course there are no "missing dog pics" dominating the media circuit. The children/adults are what are and should be circulating. BUT, to a child as well as many adults, animals mean the world. While we might not know where many humans are, we do know many dogs are stranded on rooftops and stuck in the Superdome with no way out....NO chance of a rescue.

Sassy, might as well give up... if you aren't a dog lover (or animal lover) you will never 'get ' it.... my dogs are my babies as you know and i would NEVER leave them....if they die, I die with them.. they'd do the very same for me. No sense making yourself mad and upset, Most of us understand and those who don't quite simply Won't, no matter how hard we try to explain.
Gabby said:
Sassy, might as well give up... if you aren't a dog lover (or animal lover) you will never 'get ' it.... my dogs are my babies as you know and i would NEVER leave them....if they die, I die with them.. they'd do the very same for me. No sense making yourself mad and upset, Most of us understand and those who don't quite simply Won't, no matter how hard we try to explain.

I'm with ya Gab! There are many many people out there that don't love their animals in the same way we do. Those people are the ones that would leave their dog tied to a porch during Katrina or left to float to the second story. Whatever! Those that feel like we do should be given the option of taking our animals with us. My dog is my little girl. I love her every bit as much as I love my child - she is my child!

Children and pets love unconditionally! Find another human being like that! It's all about the innocence. Besides, dhildren and pets aren't the ones looting, raping and killing.

If ya don't agree, I don't give a rats patootie! My dog goes where I go and that little boy's dog should have been allowed to go with him -

Cynder says it all in her post above. Her post gave me goosebumpes - (BTW, I once had a dog named Cinder - a black cocker).
poco said:
I'm with ya Gab! There are many many people out there that don't love their animals in the same way we do. Those people are the ones that would leave their dog tied to a porch during Katrina or left to float to the second story. Whatever! Those that feel like we do should be given the option of taking our animals with us. My dog is my little girl. I love her every bit as much as I love my child - she is my child!

Children and pets love unconditionally! Find another human being like that! It's all about the innocence. Besides, dhildren and pets aren't the ones looting, raping and killing.

If ya don't agree, I don't give a rats patootie! My dog goes where I go and that little boy's dog should have been allowed to go with him -

Cynder says it all in her post above. Her post gave me goosebumpes - (BTW, I once had a dog named Cinder - a black cocker).

:blowkiss: :clap:
poco said:
I'm with ya Gab! There are many many people out there that don't love their animals in the same way we do. Those people are the ones that would leave their dog tied to a porch during Katrina or left to float to the second story. Whatever! Those that feel like we do should be given the option of taking our animals with us. My dog is my little girl. I love her every bit as much as I love my child - she is my child!

Children and pets love unconditionally! Find another human being like that! It's all about the innocence. Besides, children and pets aren't the ones looting, raping and killing.

If ya don't agree, I don't give a rats patootie! My dog goes where I go and that little boy's dog should have been allowed to go with him -

Cynder says it all in her post above. Her post gave me goosebumpes - (BTW, I once had a dog named Cinder - a black cocker).
I am a hard core animal lover with several. I am also a mother. Hands down, I love my child more. I know if I could only save one, it would be my son.

Would you have to flip a coin?

The boy and his dog story is a sad one, but it PALES in comparison to the deaths, violence and separation of human families.

It would have been lovely if everyone were able to be evacuated along with their pets, but PEOPLE must come first.

And I resent being lumped in with people that would leave a dog tied to the porch and skip away, Just because I would chose to have my son survive!

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