Sandra Bullock moves out of family home

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Maybe (and most likely) JJ has some self esteem issues. He dates trash because he doesn't feel he deserves any better. Or maybe they make him feel superior. He definitely wasn't the superior one in his relationship with SB.

My husband left me for a trashy woman because deep down he was trash. Don't ever believe that it's because the man isn't getting what he needs or wants at home. May happen in a few cases, but IMO it's only their excuse. They're missing something internal, soul, feeling of self worth??? I don't know, and I've wasted too much of my life trying to figure it out.

Sniperacer, I know you were just trying to get a reaction or at least I hope so.

BBM, what many dont seem to understand is that the lack of sex in a relationship is usually a good indication that there are issues and the lack os sex or not enough is just a indicator that other issues need to be addressed. Unfortunately many find this to be the sole cause of cheating and its not. woman need more of an emotional connection ( not to say there arent cases of just a physial thing only) and if they are not feeling that connnection then there is something else amiss.. perhaps if guys understood that they wouldnt assume the woman is cold, frigid, holding out or wahtever and if that is addressd they its likely there issue with the lack of sex would be resolved and they wouldnt " seek it elsewhere". There si not excuse regardless for cheating. None. JMHO But there is also a lot of truth to the man's feeling of indaequacy and that plays into to their need to gain that elsewhere when they arent getting that at home.
its not a single issue its multiple things thjat lead to the cheating but it doesnt solve the problems - it only causes more harm.
I guess I know why Jesse was crying at the Oscars: Guilt.
I KNOW Jesse James is a jerk... affair or no affair.
Sandra Bullock has alway been one of my favorite actresses. I feel so bad for her. They keep saying on Fox News that they are going to discuss her any minute. I didn't know what it was about until I did a search on Websleuths. I know. I hope she has a prenupt. JJ doesn't deserve a thing.
BBM, what many dont seem to understand is that the lack of sex in a relationship is usually a good indication that there are issues and the lack os sex or not enough is just a indicator that other issues need to be addressed. Unfortunately many find this to be the sole cause of cheating and its not. woman need more of an emotional connection ( not to say there arent cases of just a physial thing only) and if they are not feeling that connnection then there is something else amiss.. perhaps if guys understood that they wouldnt assume the woman is cold, frigid, holding out or wahtever and if that is addressd they its likely there issue with the lack of sex would be resolved and they wouldnt " seek it elsewhere". There si not excuse regardless for cheating. None. JMHO But there is also a lot of truth to the man's feeling of indaequacy and that plays into to their need to gain that elsewhere when they arent getting that at home.
its not a single issue its multiple things thjat lead to the cheating but it doesnt solve the problems - it only causes more harm.

opme - you rock!

Hello! Guys out there! :U There: Read this several times until it makes sense to you. It is correct.
The mistress is fugly, and that tattoo on her forehead... barf! What a jerk! I love Sandra.
You know it always amazes me when people start saying a woman should have done this or that and her husband wouldn't have cheated. But you never hear Man, you better not let yourself go, or Man you better get down and dirty in the bed with your wife 5 times a week or she is going to cheat on you. People cheat for themselves and because of themselves. No one has the power to stop it if a person chooses to cheat.
Let's not forget women do this too before we all start bashing men.
Tattoo. on. forehead.
She makes Mike Tysons facial tat look downright demure.
I am in shock.
how do you break the heart of America's sweetheart ? Really?

seriously , how disrespectful can you be ... thanks for doing such a great job watching her back James, you crass *advertiser censored** ho**:furious:
Wow, she survives a plane crash, a dangerous stalker, a head on collision with a drunk driver and a custody battle. And now this? Poor lady. Gave up a lot to be with this guy and help raise his children.
However, someone above made a point - look at his dating record. His ex is a *advertiser censored* star. He never seemed as classy to me as poor Sandra. Maybe she should have chosen differently. I know, seemingly "classy" guys cheat too but my point is that they did not seem well-suited for one another when I first learned they were a couple. I was a bit surprised by the match. Oh well.
Jesse James Apologizes to Sandra Bullock and His ChildrenBy Elizabeth Leonard

Thursday March 18, 2010 03:30 PM EDT
Jesse James

Byron Purvis/AdMedia
Facebook Twitter Yahoo Buzz E-mail Jesse James has broken his silence.

Facing allegations of infidelity, James issued an apology Thursday to his wife Sandra Bullock and his three children, taking full responsibility for their heartbreak.

In a statement provided to PEOPLE, he says:

"The vast majority of the allegations reported are untrue and unfounded. Beyond that, I will not dignify these private matters with any further public comment.

"There is only one person to blame for this whole situation, and that is me. It's because of my poor judgment that I deserve everything bad that is coming my way.

"This has caused my wife and kids pain and embarrassment beyond comprehension and I am extremely saddened to have brought this on them. I am truly very sorry for the grief I have caused them. I hope one day they can find it in their hearts to forgive me."

I guess that mean he did do something wrong. I was hoping he didn't and this was rumors and whatnot. I hope they can have their privacy to sort this issue out.
ETA: The mistress is nasty, I like tattoos but jeez! She is a trifling *advertiser censored* for coming out to the media like this.
Jesse James Apologizes to Sandra Bullock and His ChildrenBy Elizabeth Leonard

Thursday March 18, 2010 03:30 PM EDT
Jesse James

Byron Purvis/AdMedia
Facebook Twitter Yahoo Buzz E-mail Jesse James has broken his silence.

Facing allegations of infidelity, James issued an apology Thursday to his wife Sandra Bullock and his three children, taking full responsibility for their heartbreak.

In a statement provided to PEOPLE, he says:

"The vast majority of the allegations reported are untrue and unfounded. Beyond that, I will not dignify these private matters with any further public comment.

"There is only one person to blame for this whole situation, and that is me. It's because of my poor judgment that I deserve everything bad that is coming my way.

bbm & sbm -

dignify? ha, ha, ha. Vast majority? What does that mean?

JJ is trying to minimize what he's done - can't even own up to it. Poor judgment? I'd say so. Poor judgment? Does that even fit? :waitasec:
BBM, what many dont seem to understand is that the lack of sex in a relationship is usually a good indication that there are issues and the lack os sex or not enough is just a indicator that other issues need to be addressed. Unfortunately many find this to be the sole cause of cheating and its not. woman need more of an emotional connection ( not to say there arent cases of just a physial thing only) and if they are not feeling that connnection then there is something else amiss.. perhaps if guys understood that they wouldnt assume the woman is cold, frigid, holding out or wahtever and if that is addressd they its likely there issue with the lack of sex would be resolved and they wouldnt " seek it elsewhere". There si not excuse regardless for cheating. None. JMHO But there is also a lot of truth to the man's feeling of indaequacy and that plays into to their need to gain that elsewhere when they arent getting that at home.
its not a single issue its multiple things thjat lead to the cheating but it doesnt solve the problems - it only causes more harm.

This is why I say that I conclude that basically they are just big d*cks walking around. Not all men but macho men, most handsome men (Jesse isn't one imo), powerful men, famous men, almost all men imo. Once they get you, they grow tired of you if you aren't continually stroking their ego imo. IMO they cannot give and take unless they have everything their way. I'm so sick of hearing about these selfish men who think their actions don't hurt the women and children they claim to love deeply. They ruin everything and move on to what? If they entered into a real relationship with the next woman, same thing all over again. In most cases, it has little to do with the woman imo.
Take Holly B. for example - the most beautiful, nice, loved the guy, etc. Happened to her too. :waitasec:

I do know some 'regular' men who remain faithful but that's probably because no one looks twice at them very often. My neighbor's husband is a Lawyer and they have a child six years old. He had to go and enter into an affair. It seems that they're working it out but he needed his candy I guess since their child probably got in his way of a good time whenever he wanted it. Every time I turn around it seems that someone I like is getting knocked down.
Have you see the pics of this woman?
She has a tat on her stomach that says Trophy Girl.
And one on her forehead, yes on her forehead, that I cannot read.

Makes the tatted up pornstar exwife look like your standard PTA member.
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