
Mibro: Ned, it is great to go through life with great self-confidence, but, unless you are a QDE and compared the original ransom note with the original exemplars, I think it would be wise for us all to accept the QD examiners conclusions over yours. JMO

Ned: LOL many experts can be wrong Mibro. Labeling one as such does not necessairly make them one. Case and point the idiot Bug expert in the Van Dam case. Money, politics and ego plays a large part in the findings of these so called experts. How many Doctors have made mis digonsis in medical cases? Experts are wrong all the time. I call Ned an expert in common knowledge and a hell of a good investigator. Although I can't be certain, who can? I am about 98-99% certain Patsy Ramsey was the autor of the ransom note From reading both books watching the interviews with Patsy and analyzing the ransom note to her writing and language verbage, she is the most likely match. Again, because of the totality of the crime and evidence that links Patsy. I certainly can't swallow that any intruder took the time to write such nonsense.

Mibro: Again, if I understand your statement correctly, you have said Patsy POSSIBLY wrote the note and she is your BEST bet. How many of the other suspects' handwriting exemplars have you seen for you to put Patsy at the top of your list? Have you seen the original ransom note? Do you know what you are looking for in order to reach this conclusion

Ned: Don't need to look at anyone else's because there is NO conclusive evidence that an intruder entered the home that night. The ransom note surely would be the LAST thing to suggest this. Had there been some sort of conclusive evidence that someone else other than the Ramsey's were there that night, I would have second looks at this note. Too many other pieces of evidence point towards Patsy. But take all that away and look at the note for what it is and comare it to Patsy, I say she's good for it
added............. The ransom note did exactly opposite of the effect Patsy wanted it to have. It pointed towards her instead of away from her. The practise note that starts MR and Mrs Ramsey clearly tells me that the person writing the note, chose to start over and EXCLUDE herself from being named, now what is that Mirbro. Tell me what reason an intruder would re-start a ransom note and only address Mr. Ramsey?
Mibro: The purpose of DNA comparison is to either exclude or include, not just to exclude.

Ned: Yes, the system in which Sabrina was referring to is the DNA database currently in place set up by the government to identify possible suspects by coding their DNA profile. The DNA in the Ramsey case CANNOT be run through this system because not enough DNA markers are present to make a sucessful match.
The DNA was degraded as such that only I believe 6 markers were present, if I remember correctly. Barnhill was a close match to all the markers however was rulled out because he had an alabi. A suspect in this case is needed therefore to test against what markers they have identified
Mibro: Yes, John, Patsy, and Burke are still suspects, along with a list as long as your arm.

Ned: Funny, my arm isn't that long. ON whose long list Mibro? Not mine. and certainly not the BPD.

Mibro: There has been more exculpatory evidence for many of these suspects including the three Ramseys than inculpatory. The new investigating team is sifting through all of it again and has made a clear statement: The Ramseys have already been throroughly investigated and there is convincing evidence of an intruder. Did you miss that statement? If you did, I can get the exact quotes.

Ned: Please do. What NEW investigators? What convincing evidence? Please don't tell me the stun gun. Other then that suggestion there is nothing. A few scattered pop corns and leaves don't do it for me. An old print in dried up mold which could have been left years prior, doesn't either.
Mibro: Was there a report stating there were fibers on the child, the tape, and the rope that were "Patsy's"? Or, are you referring to hearsay statements made that they were supposedly CONSISTENT with something Patsy MAY have worn? Was it a whole year that went by before the BPD got around to requesting the Ramsey clothing? Wasn't it some "red" fibers in the tote and on the tape and some dark fibers and some brown/tan fibers on the child? Was there a report somewhere saying they were ALL Patsy's?

Ned: Consistent with certainly. Course they claim Patsy may have not turned over the exact sweater she was wearing that evening. Interesting isn't it? Fact is, they were consistent. The Ramsey's had plenty of time to destroy evidence. The facts in this case Mirbo, paint a clear picture that the Ramsey's and ONLY the Ramsey's thus far possibly had something to do with their daughters murder, and should be on the TOP of any good detectives list of suspects. They have done nothing to help remove themselves from that list and have shown little if any concern to catch this pedophile murderer that took their child away from them. To me, their actions spell out their guilt.
I didn't want to start a seperate thread and give her the glory of doing so, so will post this here on this new thread..

But was reading over yonder and it looks like ***** is getting glory out of her "leaving the building" even being contacted by reporters which she is now tearing to shreds because they didn't quote her word for word. And Lin Wood letter to me about made me sick.

Look ******** no one gives a CHIT why you are leaving and can only hope you take your swamp of a forum with you. I have a feeling this is all for a little attention. If she was really leaving why respond to each and every post regarding why she is really going? Who gives, go bake cake, walk your dog, interact with your kids, anything but continue your one way conversation and deceiptful posts to those who contradict your beliefs. Good riddance ----hahah cute guy r i d d a n c e!
Originally posted by MIBRO
Conclusions were based on the "numerous significant dissimilarities" between the individual characteristcs of Patsy's handprinting and of that used in the Ransom Note.
Is that an oxymoron, or what?...LOL
How can you NOT have "significant dissimilarities" when the writer of the ransom note was trying to disguise her handwriting!
I think the document we have here and have all seen, proves Patsy write the note and anyone would have to be legally blind not to conclude as much.
Originally posted by MIBRO
We do know there were six QDE experts who DID see Patsy's exemplars next to the handwriting in the ransom note. They ALL either eliminated her or rated her comparison very low.
Gee, you forgot to mention Hoffman's expert who claims that nobody in the world except Patsy Ramsey could have written that note. Hmmmmm, now what was his name?....LOL

The best thing to do is look at the examples yourself. Then, if you think Patsy DIDN'T write the note, buy some ocean-front property in Ohio!
Originally posted by Toth
No deposition. It was that others were closer to the note than Patsy.

Like Who? And says who?

Here we go again: I won't hold my breath waiting for the non answer Toth likes to give:

But since Margoo is here also, maybe she knows the answer to the questions.

As always, when asking for verification/clarification on these "statements" put forth by Toth, I don't expect much of a response.

Actually Toth, your theory of this "pedophile intruder" is the most insane of all.
Originally posted by Nedthan Johns
Mibro: The purpose of DNA comparison is to either exclude or include, not just to exclude.

Ned: Yes, the system in which Sabrina was referring to is the DNA database currently in place set up by the government to identify possible suspects by coding their DNA profile. The DNA in the Ramsey case CANNOT be run through this system because not enough DNA markers are present to make a sucessful match.
The DNA was degraded as such that only I believe 6 markers were present, if I remember correctly. Barnhill was a close match to all the markers however was rulled out because he had an alabi. A suspect in this case is needed therefore to test against what markers they have identified

As much as I would like to believe the R's theory in DOI that the DNA is going to solve this case, I'm too attached to the Ransom Note "smoking gun" theory--it's the ONLY piece of evidence that CANNOT CHANGE with time...!!!

NE: page 285

JR: My first instinct is, it was a man. Because of some of the similarities apparently, in Patsy's handwriting, I wondered if it was a woman.

page 327

JR:...but the fact that, okay, maybe there is a few similarities in (Patsy's) handwriting, that's about it.
SIX - SIX - SIX experts all AGREED Patsy did not write that note and you still think YOUR opinion exceeds the value of theirs?


DNA comparison does not stop at the number of markers, Ned. Statistical values are placed on the match against population probabilities. Give me a break. YOUR information is OLD. YOUR information is selective and taken out of context and spun into nonsense. ANYONE with ANY sense at all knows NONE of the Rameys were involved in the death of their daughter. TRY to get into 2003, okay. You are stuck in the spring of 1997 for heaven's sake.

No expert with even half a brain could examine Patsy's handwriting exemplars and honestly say she didn't write the ransom note. Check the exemplars yourself, Mibro, and then come back and tell us with a straight face that Patsy didn't write the note.
Melissa Weber, chief molecular biologist at CellMark Laboratories, said that the extra markers in the DNA found in JonBenet's underpants and under her fingernails could very well be shadow bands ("stutter"), a false positive for foreign DNA that often occurs when degraded DNA is amplified. Weber also said that when two sources of DNA are mixed together, no one could be excluded as the donor. When Lou Smit said that John and Burke Ramsey had been excluded, he was wrong. What he should have said is that although their DNA didn't match the samples, a match to anyone was still technologically impossible.

The markers in the two samples of "foreign" DNA (one from the panties and one from the fingernails) didn't match each other, so I guess there must have been two intruders. Either that, or the "foreign" DNA is a false positive resulting from the amplification process.

Please, Mibro, give us an update on new advances in DNA technology that have ruled out the possibilty that the "foreign" DNA was nothing more than a false positive resulting from the PCR amplification process...and when you've done that, please describe the process by which John and Burke have been excluded as the donors.
Originally posted by Toltec
Nonsense. He merely commented that since the hadwriting was similar to Patsy's handwriting he thought that it might be a woman who wrote the note. That has nothing to do with it actually being Patsy or with his ever having thought that for even one fleeting moment.

Now to get somewhat back towards the point of the thread: I'm not looking for other crimes that necessarily had notes involved. Just reasons why one might be 'satisfied' after the JonBenet killing and not go on to "bigger and better things".
Originally posted by Toth
Now to get somewhat back towards the point of the thread: I'm not looking for other crimes that necessarily had notes involved. Just reasons why one might be 'satisfied' after the JonBenet killing and not go on to "bigger and better things".

Mission kill, Toth. If, as I believe may be the case, Patsy killed JonBenet to spare her "cancer and the death of a child," as Patsy so memorably explained in her more vulnerable moments, and additionally hoped to use JonBenet's death as a way to drive John away from his obsession with the Access Graphics business (which Patsy had help build and remained entirely unthanked and unappreciated for) and if the intruder scenario was constructed to give both her son Burke and her mother Nedra, as well as legal authorities in general, a reason to investigate away from her direction and in the direction of a wild goose chase, then you have to admit that all those goals were accomplished. There would be no need to go on to "bigger and better things," because in a Patsy-did-it scenario, there is nothing bigger and better to accomplish.
Originally posted by why_nutt
There would be no need to go on to "bigger and better things," because in a Patsy-did-it scenario, there is nothing bigger and better to accomplish.
Please don't waste my time with this "Patsy-did-it" stuff. I would like this thread to focus on an intruder who killed JBR but then 'stopped'.
Is he no longer a pedophile or was he never a pedophile?
Is he no longer leaving notes, but still killing?
Is he no longer leaving victims in the home or even having them found?
What would make a supposed pedophile 'take a vacation for so many years'?
Toth, despite testimonials from fellow members of the small faction of professional trappers he'd recently joined, who on the side were all full-blown pedophile ransom kidnappers who'd never been caught or even heard of, the Intruder couldn't decide if pedophilia was all it was cracked up to be, or if he had what it took to become a pedophile, even if it would make him one of the guys. He also wasn't sold on the idea of kidnapping, much less the snatching of a kid, much less leaving ridiculously long ransom letters behind in which he would even have to mimic the victim's mother's handwriting, for crying out loud. Though a trapper himself, he began to question why he joined this particular small furring faction and wondered what had gotten into him to let some guy he'd chummed up with at "Electric Boogaloo '96," the stun gun/pineapple lovers' fest-o-rama hosted by Trappers R Us and held annually in a secret abandoned lawn flamingo warehouse in Swet, South Dakota, talk him into it. After all, his "thing" was murder by strangulation, dammit, and bashing in heads, (just ask his old friends...oops, beings as how he "thinged" them, I guess they can't answer) not all that weird pedophilia, kidnapping and writing ransom notes crap. But he was determined to prove himself, so he donned a full body condom so as not to leave any trace evidence, and well, you know what happened. The caper was a disaster. It should be mentioned that he caught a lot of flack when his fellow faction members learned he'd not only offed the victim but had left the body behind, and to top it off, that he had come close to outting their small furrin' faction in the ransom letter, just so he could have fun playing with words. Not only did he catch flack, he caught a bullet in the back of the head, and yes, you are right. He is now on vacation. Permanently.
"furrin faction" LOLOLOLOLOLOL...........hehe...harharharharhar....!!!
I'm tired and cranky tonight, spent the week re-reading almost all
of the "Jonbenet" books,and can honestly conclude one thing,that everyone will hate me for. Steve Thomas IMO is sociopathic.
How dare he use the information he received from Judith Phillips as the basis for so much of the crap he stated. How dare he say the child was papoosed ,wrapped in a blanket??? He has no idea,he never saw this!
If you re-read his book,he makes a better case for a few others ,something a real detective would have noticed.

Down to the rind..I have conceded the contents of her small intestine was pineapple mixed with green iced cookies,however, "down to the rind" is going a bit far,in a case,
where the contents of this intestine have never been listed
ANYWHERE under items sent to cbi or anywhere else. Lou Smit,was given this information,as was everyone,but was it on
the "word" of the BPD,or did it exist?
I'm sorry,I have this picture,of a he-boy sitting in that electric chair,with an audience,being so alpha-male,and it turned me off,as I know men like this. (thank heavens not too well)


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