School ref's to criminal chg's re cafeteria sex act

Well, if it is, it's been headed there a loooong time. I graduated 22 years ago and stuff like this was going on aplenty. There just weren't tiny phones around to tape it. I've absolutely zero doubt that if there had been, someone, somewhere would have taped it then too. There were plenty of camcorders around, and, while not the same as someone taping it in public, I do remember more than one couple having taped sex acts with a camcorder at a home or something. Word got around, but not having YouTube or being able to share it via IM meant it didn't get reported or make the news.

Teens have sex. It's a natural activity. Teens have sex in inappropriate places - more a function of peer pressure or immaturity (not thinking through risky behavior) than it is a function of morality. Like another poster, I'm much more bothered by people passing around the video than I am by the sex act.

Yeah, but I don't think your classmates were having oral sex in school in front of other students, right? I agree it was probably peer pressure that made her do it, and I always feel bad for people who fall that hard for peer pressure. Too bad the girl didn't realize that the person who dared her to have oral sex was setting her up, and making her into a joke. If it was a girl who dared her, well why didn't she give a guy a BJ too? If it was a guy, why didn't he dare her to give him oral sex?

Unfortunately, I don't think this girl's classmates are going to treat her very well after this. There are so many stories of girls being bullied after videos or stories came out of them acting sexual, and in this case, the whole school saw/knows what she did. And I'm sure kids in neighboring towns/schools know her name now too. She might be more "popular" among the guys, but now they think she will have sex with any of them, at any time, and any place, which could be very problematic.
Yeah, but I don't think your classmates were having oral sex in school in front of other students, right? I agree it was probably peer pressure that made her do it, and I always feel bad for people who fall that hard for peer pressure. Unfortunately, I don't think this girl's classmates are going to treat her very well after this. There are so many stories of girls being bullied after videos or stories came out of them acting sexual, and in this case, the whole school saw/knows what she did. She might be more "popular" among the guys, but now they think she will have sex with any of them, at any time, and any place, which could be very problematic.

Yeah, quite a few of them did engage in oral sex in school, in public, at party's, in back of the skating rink, the bus, under the bleachers...

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Yeah, quite a few of them did engage in oral sex in school, in public, at party's, in back of the skating rink, the bus, under the bleachers...

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And there would be a group of people standing around watching while they were having oral sex at all of those places...?

At my HS, there was one story about two kids who had sex in an empty theater room. No one ever knew their names, and some would claim they were expelled over it lol. But other than that, I didn't even hear any stories or rumors about that stuff happening, and you know how fast that would spread in a HS. So if people were doing sexual acts in my HS, it stayed between the couple. There were some kids who wanted to get kissing during "passing time" banned though LOL.
And there would be a group of people standing around watching while they were having oral sex at all of those places...?

At my HS, there was one story about two kids who had sex in an empty theater room. No one ever knew their names, and some would claim they were expelled over it lol. But other than that, I didn't even hear any stories or rumors about that stuff happening, and you know how fast that would spread in a HS. So if people were doing sexual acts in my HS, it stayed between the couple. There were some kids who wanted to get kissing during "passing time" banned though LOL.

BBM - lol, teens can be very prudish, can't they? It's as if they're trying to figure out standards and ethics and morals, and so at times they veer from complete anything-goes attitudes to completely judgemental and prudish ones (reflected in cries to "ewww, get a room!" and the *advertiser censored* shaming that can happen when they find out a girl they don't like has had sex).

I don't know how common it is now or then to have folks standing around watching sex acts. Of course we'd hear about parties where supposedly one girl would "service" (back to Victorian language lol!) all the guys orally, all in the same room. I know first hand it DID happen in movies, skating rinks, various rooms/places in the school, bleachers, school grounds, etc. and of course, parked cars, the preferred spot for horny teens since the invention of the auto, lol.

I just really don't think it's worse than its ever been. I think that, sort of like crime reporting, we see/hear about it more often because of the ubiquity of cameras and social media. We know that statistically crime is down, but there are always people who think that crime is so much worse today. I think it's the same with sex. Certainly schools seem to have much more of a zero tolerance policy these days for any types of shenanigans - sexual or otherwise. Back when I was in high school, it was as Linda described - nothing was done, adults did not really get involved, unless you had a weapon in school.

But MO is always, it's just sex. It's a natural act, even with teens, who have adult bodies but unfortunately not adult minds. I always feel so bad for the kids who have sex and their parents act like they're tainted for life, or they're horrible people for doing it (especially girls). I'd be much more horrified by my kids say, beating someone up, or stealing, or bullying, than I would be by them having sex.
If you do something in a public place, there is no reasonable expectation of privacy.

So I guess, if say, someone has a stroke or heart attack in public, or maybe has a mental breakdown in public, it's okay for jerks around them to tape it and put it on YouTube because, after all it's public, and they have no reasonable expectation of privacy?

Really? They're kids whose brains are not yet adult. They're going to make stupid decisions. That doesn't mean other jerks should get a pass about doing jerky things like passing around a video and humiliating them for it.
So I guess, if say, someone has a stroke or heart attack in public, or maybe has a mental breakdown in public, it's okay for jerks around them to tape it and put it on YouTube because, after all it's public, and they have no reasonable expectation of privacy?

Really? They're kids whose brains are not yet adult. They're going to make stupid decisions. That doesn't mean other jerks should get a pass about doing jerky things like passing around a video and humiliating them for it.

Well, if the two having sexual acts in public are not yet adults, the same goes for whoever videotaped it. Their brains haven't developed either. Why aren't you defending them?
Well, if the two having sexual acts in public are not yet adults, the same goes for whoever videotaped it. Their brains haven't developed either. Why aren't you defending them?

Maybe because sex, being a natural, biological process and drive that can be very hard to resist, even for adults.

Being a jerk, and doing jerky things, like passing around a video, on the other hand, really isn't a strong biological drive. :rolleyes:
So having sex in public is irresistible?
I don't know the statistics on that, but I don't know how true that is.

When I was of this age, 25 or more years ago, the act wouldn't have been seen as a huge deal, now 14 year old indicajane would have been appalled by the fact it was done in public, more because I would have been afraid of being teased later, or that someone would have critiqued my performance, not of the act itself.

Movies such as risky business or fast times at ridgemont high, or sixteen candles have teenagers engaging in public sex acts,and they're thirty years old.

I guess if anything we should be relieved that an incident like this DOES make news, does inspire horror and debate.

Teenaged flourish had no idea how lucky she was only rich movie people had cell phones bank in her day :)

Not that I ever provided oral pleasure in public, but I know my boyfriend's groping hands did some things in dark corners with other kids around that I am glad weren't recorded!!!

I agree this stuff has always happened but with the electronic age there's no hiding it or denying that it happened.
But MO is always, it's just sex. It's a natural act, even with teens, who have adult bodies but unfortunately not adult minds. I always feel so bad for the kids who have sex and their parents act like they're tainted for life, or they're horrible people for doing it (especially girls). I'd be much more horrified by my kids say, beating someone up, or stealing, or bullying, than I would be by them having sex.

Urinating and defecating are also 'natural acts' but society has expectations that people refrain from doing them in inappropriate circumstances.
Laws too.


Urinating and defecating are also 'natural acts' but society has expectations that people refrain from doing them in inappropriate circumstances.
Laws too.


EXACTLY. It is all in the context and circumstances. Both of my kids became sexually active in high school. That did not upset me because they were in healthy emotional relationships at the time and shared their sexual experiences with someone they loved.

But flagrant, random sex with no emotional connection can be very damaging to a child's emotional development. JMO
Well, if it is, it's been headed there a loooong time. I graduated 22 years ago and stuff like this was going on aplenty. There just weren't tiny phones around to tape it. I've absolutely zero doubt that if there had been, someone, somewhere would have taped it then too. There were plenty of camcorders around, and, while not the same as someone taping it in public, I do remember more than one couple having taped sex acts with a camcorder at a home or something. Word got around, but not having YouTube or being able to share it via IM meant it didn't get reported or make the news.

Teens have sex. It's a natural activity. Teens have sex in inappropriate places - more a function of peer pressure or immaturity (not thinking through risky behavior) than it is a function of morality. Like another poster, I'm much more bothered by people passing around the video than I am by the sex act.

It happened some, I'm sure. I remember a couple on my school bus doing nasty things in the backseat. I really think, though, that these things are happening more now, for the simple fact that there ARE tiny phones around to record these things, and there are things like social media out there to then post it on. I graduated 30 years ago, for the record.

Urinating and defecating are also 'natural acts' but society has expectations that people refrain from doing them in inappropriate circumstances.
Laws too.


I didn't say no one expects them to refrain. I certainly would hope people of all ages refrain in public, lol. But we do know there's plenty of people doing it in public or semi-public places. The name "mile-high club" exists for a reason. :giggle:

I'm just saying sex, being a natural act with a huge hormonal drive behind it, is less surprising or bothering to me than say, violence or acts designed to humiliate and embarrass, like passing around videos, or *advertiser censored* shaming via rumors, social media postings, and bullying. Acts deliberately done to hurt another person. After all, human beings are animals, and have a built in biological drive to have sex - which makes having sex in inappropriate times/places understandable (though not ideal). There is no similar biological drive to act like a jerk - thus making it far less understandable, to my mind.

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