Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt5

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Sorry, but I don't think so. I think even they would have forgiven his adultery if he had of gone to someone and asked for prayer and help overcoming it.

I also don't think he wanted a divorce. He had it made the way things were.

I think this was a rage killing. I think he was a control freak who went into a rage, for some unknown reason, and killed his wife...and then the children.

He is an evil abusive man, who had some problems that had probably been overlooked since he was a child. Like all these murderers of women and children seem to have had.

I put the blame for his actions right at his own feet.

You can do background checks on your employees till you are blue in the face. Unless they have done something before that has gotten them fired or arrested you won't know what lies beneath the surface. JMHO

I have never ever seen a case of a rage killing where there was planning for months.He sent his family those threats the police have the proof he planned to kill them.Of course he is to blame but as a true Woman of God how could she not Feel the evil seeping from his pores.
All parents face those uncomfortable questions! They're tough. I think it is age-appropriate to explain to an elementary school-aged child that just like some people get sick in their bodies, other people have illness in their brain and their souls - illness that can make them do terrible unusual things like hurt other people, even their own children.

I'd also emphasize that this type of thing is so rare and that "it will never ever happen to you because you know that your mommy and daddy love you more than anything and would never ever hurt you."
Lots of us have been divorced but can still serve the Lord. He came for the "sick" the sinners....not the perfect. None of us are perfect.

Yes but JMM policy is they will fire you if you seek a divorce.JMM will not let you serve the Lord if you get a divorce..............IMO no one is perfect this isnt MY policy its JMM.
I have never ever seen a case of a rage killing where there was planning for months.He sent his family those threats the police have the proof he planned to kill them.Of course he is to blame but as a true Woman of God how could she not Feel the evil seeping from his pores.

I too wonder what happened to her discernment of his "spirit" and I also wonder about his own mother and father. Why didn't they see or sense something evil?:waitasec: Since they too are ministers.
Yes but JMM policy is they will fire you if you seek a divorce.JMM will not let you serve the Lord if you get a divorce..............IMO no one is perfect this isnt MY policy its JMM.

If they say that it's not right of them. Do you have a link to something in writing that I could see?:)
If they say that it's not right of them. Do you have a link to something in writing that I could see?:)

It was a while ago I read it it was from a poster who s family member also works for JMM.So many of the other things she said sadly came out to be true.
One of the primary things that the DA would look at for AATF is whether they can prove the person knew of the offense AND tried to keep the accused from being arrested. Since CC was taken into custody almost immediately upon issuance of the warrant there's no way to get someone as AATF in this case.

It may seem bizarre, but knowing a crime was committed does not generally require you to report this info to LE. The was brought home to me in a case in my state where Jeremy Strohmeyer killed Sherrice Iverson. Strohmeyer's friend David Cash watched at least part of the murder and knew Strohmeyer did it, but he did not volunteer any information despite seeing appeals from LE for witnesses - and he could not be prosecuted for it. Quote from Cash: "I'm not going to get upset over somebody else's life. I just worry about myself first. I'm not going to lose sleep over somebody else's problems." (He said a lot of other disgusting things as well, a true junk human.)

Lack of compassion and indifference to another human life, yet Cash can justify it by stating, "I just worry about myself first". Yet again, we are taught that these walking pieces of flesh live among us. Unfreakingbelieveable.....
I have never ever seen a case of a rage killing where there was planning for months.He sent his family those threats the police have the proof he planned to kill them.Of course he is to blame but as a true Woman of God how could she not Feel the evil seeping from his pores.
I think JM knew something immediately after getting his call and when she arrived at the crime scene. This tells me she either suspected something before or she already knew there was a problem with Chris. It is entirely possible his "resignation" process had started prior to the murders. We still do not know why he was not at work that night. He could have been relieved of his duties at that point.

I agree this was no rage killing. This was premeditated First Degree Murder x 3 (again...waiting on the aggravating circumstances to be added). He planned and plotted against his family beginning with those threats. He set this up over a course of 6 months or longer.

JM may have been forgiving of Chris coming to her with an affair, but she still would have made him "resign" since she doesn't fire people (pays no unemployment). She makes it clear she does not surround herself with people she cannot trust and who do not adhere to her terms of Christianity. PERIOD.
As a matter of fact there are people on Death Row in Illinois who have been convicted since all those on DR had their sentences commuted. So there have been new convictions with the DP but no executions are scheduled.
I am hopeful that Drew P. will be a catalyst to revive the executions in Illinois. ;) They already willingly changed a law (hearsay) to allow his dead and missing wives testimony from the grave. It is a start at least.
I too wonder what happened to her discernment of his "spirit" and I also wonder about his own mother and father. Why didn't they see or sense something evil?:waitasec: Since they too are ministers.

Many family members do not "see" that there is a problem with their own. How many times have we read cases of murder where no one had any idea what was going on until after the fact? When it is subtle, it goes missed, explained somehow that "works", or simply ignored. It isn't until murder occurs that it all comes together. All of a sudden, all the pieces fall into place. Much to the heart pain (or excuses, depending on the "mind mode") of those touched by such tragedy.

Originally Posted by
One of the primary things that the DA would look at for AATF is whether they can prove the person knew of the offense AND tried to keep the accused from being arrested. Since CC was taken into custody almost immediately upon issuance of the warrant there's no way to get someone as AATF in this case.

It may seem bizarre, but knowing a crime was committed does not generally require you to report this info to LE. The was brought home to me in a case in my state where Jeremy Strohmeyer killed Sherrice Iverson. Strohmeyer's friend David Cash watched at least part of the murder and knew Strohmeyer did it, but he did not volunteer any information despite seeing appeals from LE for witnesses - and he could not be prosecuted for it. Quote from Cash: "I'm not going to get upset over somebody else's life. I just worry about myself first. I'm not going to lose sleep over somebody else's problems." (He said a lot of other disgusting things as well, a true junk human.)

(Bolded by me) This has come up in the Anthony case, too. A person does not have to report finding a body either.

I think the laws should be changed! It has been argued about the moral and legal aspects, but I believe the moral argument should win. It is wrong to know about a crime or a body and remain silent.
I understand the rage, anger, and emotion about the crime. It was very tragic and is difficult to think about, let alone fully understand the reasons why something for horrific could transpire. I even understand why you are all so enraged at CC; more so now that he is arrested than before, but that's another matter.

What I don't understand is all the anger toward JMM. People cannot peer into the soul of those around them; I really hate to break it to you. Sure, the closer we are to someone the better chance we have of picking up on things which may be amiss in their lives or if something is disturbing them. But to think Joyce Meyer, just because she is a woman of God, should have intuitively known something was wrong with CC and/or his family life . . . get real!

If convicted, CC is the only one to blame here. Sure, we might fault his parents for not being as "Christian" as they could be regarding SC's family. And you can clearly say they failed as parents. But, I don't blame them for initially standing by their son. And I don't blame them for what CC did on the night of the murder, or for his actions after.

I'm sorry, but parents can only do so much. You can tell an adult child to do "this or that", but they do not have to listen. And, as a man of God, I'm sure his father will ultimately forgive his son for what he did.

My guess is that CC's family is enduring a lot of pain right now too! Some of you will probably say "Who cares?" Others will try to argue with me, and claim that I am secretly a family member. That is not the case. I just think the when something this tragic occurs, the pain spreads like a wildfire. And I cringe just thinking about "what if" I woke one day to find out my son had done something horrible. Would I abandon him or stick by his side - despite the pain he had inflicted?
What I'm shocked about is the stupidity of men who believe they can get away with this. How many times has this script been written before? Man's family dies -- but man isn't injured.

They always believe "they are the ones that are going to get away with it..."

So -- they plan the "perfect" crime. Yet they NEVER act correctly after the fact. That's the problem. They cannot simulate in their mind how much stress it is going to put on them when they have committed the crime.

So.. Chris doesn't call her parents for 2 days . . and basically tells them -- "You can come down if you want for the service..."

Uhhh... He should have rehearsed a little more.

Just Men? How about Women? There have been many arrested for similar instances. Let's just say the Human Race...
I too wonder what happened to her discernment of his "spirit" and I also wonder about his own mother and father. Why didn't they see or sense something evil?:waitasec: Since they too are ministers.

I think Chris looks just like millions of men around the world. There's nothing in his face at least that screams: "I'm an evil murderer!" Of course, those who know him may have felt something that seemed off, but feeling something off and leaping to the fear that this guy is evil incarnate is a big jump. I think these types are so good at hiding the reality of who they are that few are able to see the truth. We've seen this is in case after case - shocked family and friends who initially state: "There's no way he (or she) did this!" casey Anthony, Melissa Huckaby, Scott Peterson, Mark Hacking, even Ted Bundy. Then the facts come out.
As far as the power of spiritual discernment goes, my feeling is that many so called Christians who make millions off their congregations and others who are seeking help, are not truly spiritual, not true Christians, but rather, hypocrites who have discovered a great way to get rich. I don't know a thing about JM, and I'm not saying she is a such a person, but I would not be surprised. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Mark 10-25. If so, she may have some ethical issues herself and not worry too much if she sensed an employee may not be who he portrays himself to be.
For the family of Chris, I can surely understand how easy it would be to ignore any sixth sense they may possibly have had about their child. I mean, who would ever think that their supposedly upstanding son, church member, living an apparently clean life, coach to his kids, beautiful family, is actually an evil, ticking time bomb?
Thus far, I blame no one but Chris.
I am glad they fianlly arrested him, There are a few pieces of good evidence that will ensure his conviction that they are just not talking about.

This is what has me thinking now, Sheri and her sons are now Burried in Chester. Is that where Sheri's family would have burried them? I often think they would have brought them back North. But CC was allowed to have jurisdiction over their resting place. Can they be exumed? and burried elswhere?

Another poster said that the Colemans most likely will move out of Chester after all of this leaving Sheri and her sons where the Killer CHOSE to bury them......

I know alot of people have been focused on "who did it". I've been hoping they will find Peace in Heaven....and I would be more peaceful near my loved one's......

I view CC as a Killer, and gave up his right as a father and husband when he took their lives.

Has anyone even given a thought about where Sheri and her Children are burried? or am I missing something here?
I think Chris looks just like millions of men around the world. There's nothing in his face at least that screams: "I'm an evil murderer!" Of course, those who know him may have felt something that seemed off, but feeling something off and leaping to the fear that this guy is evil incarnate is a big jump. I think these types are so good at hiding the reality of who they are that few are able to see the truth. We've seen this is in case after case - shocked family and friends who initially state: "There's no way he (or she) did this!" casey Anthony, Melissa Huckaby, Scott Peterson, Mark Hacking, even Ted Bundy. Then the facts come out.
As far as the power of spiritual discernment goes, my feeling is that many so called Christians who make millions off their congregations and others who are seeking help, are not truly spiritual, not true Christians, but rather, hypocrites who have discovered a great way to get rich. I don't know a thing about JM, and I'm not saying she is a such a person, but I would not be surprised. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Mark 10-25. If so, she may have some ethical issues herself and not worry too much if she sensed an employee may not be who he portrays himself to be.
For the family of Chris, I can surely understand how easy it would be to ignore any sixth sense they may possibly have had about their child. I mean, who would ever think that their supposedly upstanding son, church member, living an apparently clean life, coach to his kids, beautiful family, is actually an evil, ticking time bomb?
Thus far, I blame no one but Chris.

I too wonder what happened to her discernment of his "spirit" and I also wonder about his own mother and father. Why didn't they see or sense something evil?:waitasec: Since they too are ministers.

All due respect to both of you but I don't know if because JM and CC's dad are ministers they both needed to see CC for what he is. I think that's pushing it a bit far, IMO. First of all, both JM and Coleman's dad are PEOPLE above all else and people can be fooled. Happens all the time. So just because they are ministers they don't have special powers to see the evil in people. I think they may have gotten taken for a ride just like everyone else. They may have seen things that in HINDSIGHT set off sirens in their heads now but I don't think it's fair to call them out for not seeing something before in terms of CC's "evilness."

Just MOO>
As far as JMM is concerned, we will have to wait for the court information to see if she played any part in this whole event. She was called from CC minutes after discovering the bodies and was at his side around 8 am that monring. She made him resign for doing something that was considered immoral. I am sure there will be a small investigation as to what exactly he did while working for her that may have contributed to this case and the overall case. I wonder if JMM will be called in as a character witness hoping that the jury will listen to her as a woman of God, praying on the strong Bible ties that the Southern Illinois Columbia has. I wouldn't be surprised if JMM knew that CC had the psycological profile of someone who could kill and didn't do anything about it, like so many other ex-cons who work for the church or volunteer at organizations to clean themselves. If there is any splinter of evidense between JMM and CC and his actions, believe me, the LE will bring her into court, which will bring in some bad publicity on her part.
I wouldn't be surprised if JMM knew that CC had the psycological profile of someone who could kill and didn't do anything about it, like so many other ex-cons who work for the church or volunteer at organizations to clean themselves.

Are you kidding me? :rolleyes:
As far as JMM is concerned, we will have to wait for the court information to see if she played any part in this whole event. She was called from CC minutes after discovering the bodies and was at his side around 8 am that monring. She made him resign for doing something that was considered immoral. I am sure there will be a small investigation as to what exactly he did while working for her that may have contributed to this case and the overall case. I wonder if JMM will be called in as a character witness hoping that the jury will listen to her as a woman of God, praying on the strong Bible ties that the Southern Illinois Columbia has. I wouldn't be surprised if JMM knew that CC had the psycological profile of someone who could kill and didn't do anything about it, like so many other ex-cons who work for the church or volunteer at organizations to clean themselves. If there is any splinter of evidense between JMM and CC and his actions, believe me, the LE will bring her into court, which will bring in some bad publicity on her part.

Thank You :)
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