Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt6

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That is speculation based not on fact.

Would it change the "angle" if these threats were placed in the mailbox while Coleman was out of the country with JMM?

Placed .. NOT mailed.
The threats were used as the basis of the stalker/killer of Sheri and the children. Since Chris was arrested as the murderer, I would say it takes into account the origin of the threats left in the mailbox and Chris was the author. (We already determined they were not mailed because of the camera.)

If the threats were "placed" there while he was out of the country then they should look for an accomplice and charge her/him accordingly, imo.
The threats were used as the basis of the stalker/killer of Sheri and the children. Since Chris was arrested as the murderer, I would say it takes into account the origin of the threats left in the mailbox and Chris was the author. (We already determined they were not mailed because of the camera.)

If the threats were "placed" there while he was out of the country then they should look for an accomplice and charge her/him accordingly, imo.

Other than an arrest, can you back up your speculation?

The wrongful death suit might aid Coleman, in an odd sort of way.

Mirabelli did not make a blanket statement .. he is pursuing discovery regarding the threats.
An emotional, "whew". What this family went through today simply overwhelms me. I cannot imagine the sheer heart pain they went though. Walking within this home and witnessing for the first time, a crime scene of their beloveds. My gawd, all I can do is think what if it was one of my own.... :(

As far as the conference today, it disturbs me, on every possible level, that this family has to justify this civil suit. The reasons why they are doing it. A *VICTIMS* family having the need to explain. Like they are in it for the money???? How horrible have we become that a family who has gone through what they have, has to explain the reasons why???

This civil suit is a good thing as those named will have to legally share the information they hold regarding CC and business financials. Who knows how CC may have abused the responsibilities given him regarding his position at JM Ministries. RC, same thing. It is not to take anyone "out", but hopefully, to get some answers as to what this money/credit/survallience (sp?) trail can give them.

ETA: I think CC had hidden mini camera's in this home. I think CC watched his own home/family. fwiw.

My heart breaks for this family today. Worse, I know it is not going to get better for them for a long, long time. :(

What do you have to say for yourself? :) Were you "in the vicinity" when the family and attorney visited the home today?
Other than an arrest, can you back up your speculation?

The wrongful death suit might aid Coleman, in an odd sort of way.

Mirabelli did not make a blanket statement .. he is pursuing discovery regarding the threats.
Great! Then you won't have to speculate anymore if I am speculating. ;)

There will be nothing coming from this suit to benefit Christopher Coleman, imo.
Great! Then you won't have to speculate anymore if I am speculating. ;)

There will be nothing coming from this suit to benefit Christopher Coleman, imo.

the details of the threats JM was receiving and the possibility they are linked and NOT sent by CC
the details of the threats JM was receiving and the possibility they are linked and NOT sent by CC
The point doesn't really matter one way or the other. Chris used them to set up a crime scene after he murdered his family. If they were real or not isn't relevant, imo. There is NO other killer.
um, no, I was in the vicinity, per se, as I work just a mile or two from the subdivision, but I was not in the subdivision. I am a little confused about the wording of the mesaages though. You would think that if CC was trying to make Sheri out to be cheating that he would have planted some more names and "evidense". I know that some of the messages were aimed at her, which is strange, I think.
The point doesn't really matter one way or the other. Chris used them to set up a crime scene after he murdered his family. If they were real or not isn't relevant, imo. There is NO other killer.

Time will tell, won't it?
um, no, I was in the vicinity, per se, as I work just a mile or two from the subdivision, but I was not in the subdivision. I am a little confused about the wording of the mesaages though. You would think that if CC was trying to make Sheri out to be cheating that he would have planted some more names and "evidense". I know that some of the messages were aimed at her, which is strange, I think.

Hi artie,

I believe the messages were aimed at Coleman. :eek:
Hello SS,

The following was absolutely what I thought -- we will learn even more about everything when we know more about whether the family was packing before or after :(

All they have to do is ask Major Connor if the house looked like this when they arrived to know when it was packed up.
Hello SS,

The following was absolutely what I thought -- we will learn even more about everything when we know more about whether the family was packing before or after :(

Or the Coleman family could have packed it up the day they removed the trampoline and the memorial.
Hi artie,

I believe the messages were aimed at Coleman. :eek:

Sorry, Analytical, but I have to disagree. If any person was out for CC, than they would have taken him out. Not murder Sheri, Gavin, or Garett. I cannot, nor will not, buy the thought (it has been placed out there before) that this was suppose t be some "message" to CC. The death of his family vs him. I have watched better plot making on Law and Order.:rolleyes:

I still remember my father's second wife - who he was cheating with on my mother while future wife #2 was his secretary - calling me to try to understand why my father was screwing around with his NEW secretary after he had married HER.

Some people need to be smacked with a clue-by-four.

The stories I could share as well..... :bang:
Or the Coleman family could have packed it up the day they removed the trampoline and the memorial.

With the lack of compassion given to Sheri's family. Who does this? People who are beyond selfish and taking control at the sheer expense of others. At a time of indescribeable grief and loss. It's disgusting.
I agree with OrdinaryLife. I used to follow Law & Order and this goes back to my theory of a mob hit, if this was supposed to be a message to CC, they would not get the kids. Even if they didn't want to take him out directly, they could have let his gf in FL meet Sheri, or maybe showed up one day while he was on the job and attacked him and beat him up, or even showed up at the gym and caused an accident: like beating him up in the locker room or something. This is real life and in real life, they don't say, "I'm gonna send a message to Jimmy, first, put a dead fish in his mailbox, then spraypaint inside his house, then kill his family." So, what was the message then? If this was a professional job, like a serial killer or mob hit, they want the victim to KNOW what the message was and to give them a chance to stop what they are doing. If someone wanted me to stop buying something from Wal-mart and then that person went in and blew up the Wal-mart, it defeats the purpose of initially writing the message. (Sorry, working with a Philosphy and English major here). The messages in the house, do not work logically, with the killing of the children.
so, the part about "*advertiser censored* paid" or "you have paid" was about him?

Unless there is another deep, dark secret out there, apparently. I mean, seriously. That is a big stretch, in my opinion, that those words were for CC. Don't buy it for a nano second.
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