SIDEBAR #54 - Travis Alexander forum

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1957 - The Monotones record "Book Of Love"make it to the top of the charts.

Okay, after Joanna Madonna's testimony, the defense rested.

While she admitted from the start to killing her husband, I still don't see much evidence of premeditation. I don't think the state even came close to proving that. Not that she didn't premeditate, just that it wasn't proven.

I also don't see any proof of her being a Jodi Arias-style liar. I did see where she mis-remembers some things, which is different from Jodi Arias, who made up elaborate stories to conceal or cover up her guilt. Also, Jodi Arias had those damning journals. Stupid is as stupid does. Madonna didn't do anything that self-involved and foolish.

I think this is a different thing altogether. You can watch the trial from beginning up 'til now on WRAL if you want.

Again, closing arguments are set for Monday/Tuesday. It will be interesting...

I highly doubt a 1st degree verdict will come down. 2nd degree or manslaughter. There is also the possibility of not guilty (self-defense), I'm betting manslaughter.

Still, I didn't watch the whole trial (which only lasted a few weeks -- shocking! --), so I will watch the closing arguments with bated breath...
1964 - Connie Francis' "My Heart Has A Mind Of Its Own" hits #1

I couldn't believe how fast Harold Henthorn's trial went. Two weeks and the jury handed out first degree in ten hours. He's facing a mandatory life sentence. LE is now looking at his first wife's "accidental" death with a little more interest.
1964 - Roy Orbison's "Oh, Pretty Woman" hits #1. He lived a hard life. A very talented artist.

wtiiiiis wwww wrrrrooong!!!!

and again, here!

Sorry things aren't working for you. Wish I were better with the technical side of things, and could offer some help...
I have really enjoyed the last few pages of post. The beautiful pics of humans and non-humans :) I have not posted lately, not feeling well...the crazy weather we are having is playing havoc with my asthma/allergies/copd and trying stay on top of that so I don't get an infection. Not a good time of year for me. Last year this time was in the hospital for 6 days with a lung infection. On a couple different meds trying keep this in check and the meds make me tired, no energy, and sleepy. Hopefully the meds will work, keep me well and this too shall pass...

Not asking for sympathy or anything like that, it's just a fact of my illness...good days/bad days and I am in bad days. Love you all!!!
2012 - George Strait announced that he was retiring from touring at the end of this Cowboy Rides Away Tour. The tour ended in Arlington, TX, on June 7, 2014.

My son and my oldest sister have always had a close relationship, and one year picked her name for Christmas, and he wanted to give her something special he asked me if I'd help him earn some more to add to the limit on gifts because he wanted to give her concert tickets to George Strait 1987 Happy New Years concert. She was very happy with her present that year.

I have really enjoyed the last few pages of post. The beautiful pics of humans and non-humans :) I have not posted lately, not feeling well...the crazy weather we are having is playing havoc with my asthma/allergies/copd and trying stay on top of that so I don't get an infection. Not a good time of year for me. Last year this time was in the hospital for 6 days with a lung infection. On a couple different meds trying keep this in check and the meds make me tired, no energy, and sleepy. Hopefully the meds will work, keep me well and this too shall pass...

Not asking for sympathy or anything like that, it's just a fact of my illness...good days/bad days and I am in bad days. Love you all!!!

Awww, while you might not be asking for sympathy, you certainly have a lot of it here. So sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. Seems like we might need to get a SB doc for all these breathing problems people are having. Hoping you get well soon, Coffee!
2015 - Kenny Rogers announces he's retiring from touring.

[video=youtu;kw7Je4ulxH4] 0[/video]
I wonder if a new thread would help. There is a lot in info on this one, and I don't know if that bogs it down.

For me, It's something I did. Mine was fine until I cleaned out my history, cookies and no telling what all I deleted.

This is just something totally different that I have done to myself, and I am just trying to get my regular WS page back.
Maybe I need to reset my settings?? I don't remember how to do all that stuff, as I am very technically challenged.

I have been reading some on the Siever's case and the pages close over there just as much, so it's not just here (for me)

(((ZURI))) It's great to see you back ! Now we just need to get you feeling better, you are loved!!!

To all my SB friends :loveyou:

ETA ~ Coffeej I just read you are not feeling well :frown: Sending you healing hugs along with Zuri
It's not about the destination, it's all about the journey!!!!
Definitely remember "Circus", it was there on the coffee table with "BAM" (Bay Area Musicians), "High Times", Rolling Stone", and I think "Stereophile"? That was the first ex, the musician/Mexican Mafia/criminal dude. I walked away from a print modeling contract with the Ford Agency, all I had to do was sign on the bottom line in New York, and dude asks me to marry him.......I said yes, and more insanity ensued, lol!

What a life.....hadn't thought about little corner of it for quite a while. I don't regret any of it. I'm where I'm supposed to be and that was part of the journey that got me here!:happydance:

BBM - I agree 100%, Bernina!
Although this is what I believe, it's not always easy for me to live. Often I feel like i was "shaped" to always follow a goal and choose the most effective way to get there. So it's not such a long time ago I decided to stay in the presence, to decide moment by moment and to give a voice to my tummy not only to my brain. Still a lot left to learn.

Thank you very much for the beautiful pictures. Love them!
Oh, a question: what is wrong with short hair? ;) Mine is short since I was 21; always wearing helmets for cycling or riding my Vespa, doing sports, and mainly because they are so fine.
I think the short hair is just fine for me; It's easy going, ha, and that's important. Oh, and I never use any make up...I have too much freckles... and the mascara makes my eyes burn... My mom says, these are excuses ;)
I am still leary of getting too interested in another tough case, but spending a lot of time on our local cases here. The two mentioned tonight sound very emotional.

Bernina, you have had such an amazing life of experiences, both good and awful. However you stayed sane and became such a wonderful woman is attributed to your good sense and amazing character. I have so much admiration for you.

Good music tonight!

BBM - So well said, Spellbound! Thank you! I would never have been able to find the right words.
It's hard to find real caracters like you, Bernina. I am missing a really good girl friend here... The frenchies (culturally, for some aspects, Geneva is closer to France) are so much into appearance, typical female role behaviors, etc. And most of the people organize their free time within their "clan"; and as I prefer freedom to living in a clan, hmm...
CoffeeJ...... sending healing hugs your way. I have been sniffly/sneezy/stuffy for the past few weeks more than normal. Is it the fall changes and related sinus issues that also affect your breathing? Allergies, copd, etc. ..... not fun! My magic wand must need recharging .... it isn't doing a very good job of keeping us well.

I have really enjoyed the last few pages of post. The beautiful pics of humans and non-humans :) I have not posted lately, not feeling well...the crazy weather we are having is playing havoc with my asthma/allergies/copd and trying stay on top of that so I don't get an infection. Not a good time of year for me. Last year this time was in the hospital for 6 days with a lung infection. On a couple different meds trying keep this in check and the meds make me tired, no energy, and sleepy. Hopefully the meds will work, keep me well and this too shall pass...

Not asking for sympathy or anything like that, it's just a fact of my illness...good days/bad days and I am in bad days. Love you all!!!

Oh, Coffeejunkie, I feel so sorry for you! Jingles and hoping that you'll soon feel much better. Hugs!!!!
Thank you for your kindness and well wishes! :grouphug:

I will try my best explain what happening (the way my pumo dr. explained it). I have always had allergies/asthma (not as bad as I have it now). When I had the anaphylactic shock (2012) it really did a number on my system and I had aspiration pneumonia because I aspirated when I was in my coma, plus it caused some heart damage. The pneumonia did some damage to my lungs and since I had allergies/asthma and being I went into a full blown anaphylactic shock and was on full life support for 7 days my body now overreacts to the weather conditions, pollen, smells, ect. Dr said my asthma is enhanced by what happened and I get sick real easy and since my lungs are damaged whatever I get goes straight to my lungs and I get pneumonia real easy now. So we (the drs and I) play a 'game of prevention'. At the first sign of me getting sick or asthma attack I start on steroids and antibiotics as a preventions. It's an endless circle...

What set it off this time is we live close by a grain elevator and they have been drying corn and the 'red devils' are flying in the air, covering everything. 'Red Devils' are what we local folks call the red junk off the cob of the dried corn.

The anaphylactic shock is what caused my COPD because of so much lung damage. Yeah me :) It's a part of my life now and I just deal with it and move use getting all worked up about it, it just is what it is :) I am very lucky and yes, blessed to be alive! I beat the odds and won!! I was dead twice (full codes) when this happened and by all odds should not be here...
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