Sievers Sidebar #5

Do not take my comment to mean I think Teresa actively knew of those two frauding. I meant it as she found out what they were doing to her in her name behind her back sometime between January and June and realized her way of making a living was about to change. And there was most likely three frauds going on. Identity theft, and prescription fraud. I'm sure they had a well polished routine. Do not forget the statements of fraud TL made about his brother's security company, nor that Jerry Lubinski testified Wayne did his books and accounting for his sporting goods store. Do a simple Missouri case net search and draw your own conclusions on how that turned out. He is another victim so unwitting, he hasn't even realized he was victimized. The question of the day should be, where did all this money go? For someone who lived so quietly in a small trailer in nowheresville.

Oh, I never took your post to mean that you felt Teresa was a part of the fraud. Pretty sure we are on the same page with that.

I agree about Jerry Lubinski. That poor man still has no idea how evil Wayne really is. Bless his heart!

I generated a Current News thread. Linked and stickied. I expect an influx of daily articles, especially from the local media. It is best to have a place to store them to keep them organized. Please review the note about copyright infringement.

Member participation is encouraged and appreciated so we don't miss any. If you're reading an article or watching a video newscase, just do a quick scan of the thread and if no one has posted it, please add it to the list. TIA!
Well guys I must have been living under a rock the past month or so as I just saw yesterday that JRR had already been tried and convicted!!! It's nice to see those of you who were around back in the beginning. I never imagined we would have to wait so long.
Also, Dr MP did give his new deposition on November 7th:

MS Notice of Depo Petrites filed 11 04 19 (2).tiff
NIN WOW!!! I love it when you throw these zingers out at us. You are a treasured resource on investigative info. I am going to use a broad "what if brush" on how the depo went.
MM: So Dr. P, you never mentioned the arguments of MS and TS earlier. And, you never mentioned the Medicare fraud MS (my client) supposedly conveyed. Why not?
Dr.P: I only answered the questions that were asked...and NO ONE ASKED.
or: I did mention it to the attorneys and their investigators and they didn't write it down.
(Interestingly, my last hypothetical answer can not be proved or that is the reason I would pick!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::D)

At 7:43, in the middle of describing the moment that CWW approached Teresa and delivered that first blow to the head, I was absolutely horrified to hear the defence yell at the jury, "BANG! To the side of the head." It just seemed so wrong, so disrespectful - especially coming from the defence team.

But what they didn't expect, and what chilled me to the core was MS' response upon hearing this.

A smirk. He giggles to himself.

It's subtle, but it's there.

Then at 8:30, MS' second representative sitting at the head of the defence table reaches over having noticed that MS has done nothing but look down at his legal pad, casually scribbling notes (or doodles of hammers), he reaches over and taps MS' right arm. I'm no lip reader, but I can imagine that he's whispering to him, "Buddy, you're going to need to up your game here. Your defence lawyer is describing the night your wife was murdered. Give the jury a little somethin'."

MS removes his glasses, wipes away a fake tear from his right eye, and puts his glasses back on. The suit at the end of the table then flicks a handkerchief out of his pocket and passes it to MS - who then uses it repeatedly to blow his nose and dab his eyes.

MS' demeanour completely changes from the moment he's interrupted. He went from casually sitting through the opening statement as if he's listening to the notices in a morning church service, to pulling sad looks that appear weak and empty. It's like he has to forcefully remind himself "cue sadness" whenever he's been writing for too long.

At 7:43, in the middle of describing the moment that CWW approached Teresa and delivered that first blow to the head, I was absolutely horrified to hear the defence yell at the jury, "BANG! To the side of the head." It just seemed so wrong, so disrespectful - especially coming from the defence team.

But what they didn't expect, and what chilled me to the core was MS' response upon hearing this.

A smirk. He giggles to himself.

It's subtle, but it's there.

Then at 8:30, MS' second representative sitting at the head of the defence table reaches over having noticed that MS has done nothing but look down at his legal pad, casually scribbling notes (or doodles of hammers), he reaches over and taps MS' right arm. I'm no lip reader, but I can imagine that he's whispering to him, "Buddy, you're going to need to up your game here. Your defence lawyer is describing the night your wife was murdered. Give the jury a little somethin'."

MS removes his glasses, wipes away a fake tear from his right eye, and puts his glasses back on. The suit at the end of the table then flicks a handkerchief out of his pocket and passes it to MS - who then uses it repeatedly to blow his nose and dab his eyes.

MS' demeanour completely changes from the moment he's interrupted. He went from casually sitting through the opening statement as if he's listening to the notices in a morning church service, to pulling sad looks that appear weak and empty. It's like he has to forcefully remind himself "cue sadness" whenever he's been writing for too long.
JYIPSIJEMINI (If you keep posting these great insights, I'm going to give you the nickname "JJ" as in Dynomite!:D:D) Your post was perfect and easy to follow. You even included link and timing on video so I/we didn't have to spend hours searching. Please grace us with more of your posts.
I think you called that interaction/scene perfectly. A)"stop writing" B) Look appropriately anguished C) Wipe eyes with tissue D) GM, reaches out to touch MS's arm....hah! (I'd have just kicked him under the table)
As we say in SoCal, "Lights, camera, action!"
JYIPSIJEMINI (If you keep posting these great insights, I'm going to give you the nickname "JJ" as in Dynomite!:D:D) Your post was perfect and easy to follow. You even included link and timing on video so I/we didn't have to spend hours searching. Please grace us with more of your posts.
I think you called that interaction/scene perfectly. A)"stop writing" B) Look appropriately anguished C) Wipe eyes with tissue D) GM, reaches out to touch MS's arm....hah! (I'd have just kicked him under the table)
As we say in SoCal, "Lights, camera, action!"
Awww @IQuestion your comment is so encouraging! Thank you!
I've spent a while now (before discovering WebSleuths) immersed in YouTube learning all I can about body language analysis and learned from there that quoting timestamps was an effective way to reference whatever I was commenting on. I also gleaned a lot from body language analysis videos - whether I agreed with their opinions or not. I've scoured countless confessionals and interrogations to gain a better understanding of what is normal body and verbal language for someone who is truthful or deceitful - it's become a huge hobby of mine! But commenting my findings on YouTube was lost amongst the many trolls and weirdos who live there, lol. Finding WebSleuths has given me a much better outlet in which to continue practicing my amateur body language analysis amongst a community of learned, educationed and equally passionate Sleuthers who can appreciate and weigh in on my opinions in a way that also educates me and helps me to fine tune my knowledge and understanding. We're all here for the same reason: to find the truth, to have intelligent discussions, to share findings, to source only the most accurate details etc. Your comment has encouraged and inspired me. Thank you!
@IQuestion I've also been spending hours listening and pausing big moments in the Sievers trial to construct a transcript for some of the trial videos found on the Law and Crime Network channel (YT). I posted these to the Mark Sievers Trial General Discussion thread.

In particular, I found Dr P's testimony to be the most damning so far. I highlighted in red the statements which jumped out at me the most:

Prosecution: What was the discussion like between you and Mr S while you drive over to the S' home?
Dr P: (describes the voicemail and short conversation held with MS while driving) ... He had wanted me to just go into the house and go check on her and I didn't think that was appropriate and I was telling him that I would knock on the door first before I would go into the house.

Dr P: ...The first thing I did when I left the house was I called MS directly and asked him where the girls were. I did that before I called 911... he said that they were with him and I told him that he needed to come home now and that I would call him back.
Prosecution: Did you tell him why he needed to "come home now"?
Dr P: No I did not.

Prosecution: Did he ask you why he needed to "come home now"?
Dr P: No he did not.

Prosecution: Did you tell him what you had seen in the house?
Dr P: No I did not.

Prosecution: Did you have another opportunity to talk to MS about what had happened to Dr Sievers in the house?
Dr P: Yes after I got off the phone with 911 I called MS to talk to him further about what had happened. The main premise behind that was to find out information because I knew that the police were going to be asking me: Where was she, where was she coming home from and whatever and so I was asking MS about her flight arrangement and things like that.
Prosecution: Did you tell him at that point that Dr Sievers was deceased?
Dr P: No, I did not
Prosecution: Why not?
Dr P: I didn't feel it was my duty or responsibilty. I told him that something terrible had happened and that she was hurt. I didn't say what I had found when I went in the house.
Prosecution: Is that something you would have done on the phone?
Dr P: No.

Prosecution: During that, or any conversation that day, did he ask how his wife was hurt?
Dr P: He didn't ask specifically but he asked, "Was it a robbery?" He didn't ask how she was hurt, where she was hurt, where she was going to or being taken to

Prosecution: On the weekend immediately prior to Monday the 29th, did you get any other phone calls or voice messages from MS?
Dr P: Yes - the night before I found her which would have been a Sunday night, I got a voicemail message from him saying that he was "checking in on me" for some reason, and wanted to know if I was okay and that Teresa was going to be coming home that night.

Prosecution: Was that something that MS frequently did? Did he frequently call to check on you and see how you were doing?
Dr P: No, we never really had much conversation about travel plans and things like that. We didn't have that kind of relationship.
Prosecution: So how would you describe the fact that he called and left you this message the night before, checking on you? How would you describe that?

Dr P: It was very odd, just - very strange that he did.

Voicemail messages:

First message:
Hey M, this is also M. I'm just calling to check on you - see how you are doing. I was texting with M and she said you already made it back safely. (inaudible) Anyway, you got the idea. I will talk to you later. Teresa comes back tonight, and then the girls and I will be back on Wednesday night. Just wanted to say hello and see how you're doing. Take care, M. Bye.
Second message:
Hey M, this is M. I called yesterday just to check on you - now I'm calling you today to see if you can check on Teresa. *giggles* I know it's early: 9.30 in the morning and you're probably at work and that's okay. Teresa's not at work yet and the office is calling and texting and we can't get through to Teresa so I just thought maybe if you were not at work, you could possibly swing by the house. And the garage code is 1-3-1-3, enter, and the door opens up. Anyway, if you get this message, great, otherwise I'll call my Mom and have her come over and check on Teresa. Maybe she's just sound asleep. It's just not like her (inaudible) to be a half an hour late for work. And not answer her phone. Actually, (inaudible) normal for me, but not being late for work. I'm rambling. I'll talk to you. Thanks, M

Prosecution: During your discussions with MS, did he indicate to you, at all, how he knew Dr S was at home?
Dr P: Yes, so when I was driving to their house, we were talking on the phone and he had told me that he had traced the phone to the house, that he knew she was there. He went on to say that he didn't know why she wasn't answering, because the phone was dead. We engaged in conversation about that because I said "How can you find a phone when the phone is dead?" He said he knew that she was in the house and he wanted me to just go in.

(Regarding suspects and CWW being named as a suspect. Dr P was aware through conversation about CWW's link to the S family, and is describing the conversation he had with MS about CWW being named as a suspect)
Prosecution: Firstly, what was the tone of that conversation?
Dr P: Well, I guess I was angry that his friend was arrested for it. I called him and asked him about it and the response was that, "Oh, he didn't do it. They have no evidence on him. They're picking away at my friends, trying to get to me." Which I still cannot figure out why he wouldn't be mad if somebody was arrested for killing your wife.
Prosecution: Were you surprised at his response?
Dr P: Yes I was, very much so.


I'm currently sorting through CWW's testimony videos and constructing a similar transcript for his statements.

I did the same for the McCann's first interview, and took the time to add my own observations.

First McCann Interview Transcript + Discussion
Woah. I've just started reading through the Batch 6 documents (thank you again @Legally Bland ) and I'm already losing my mind here. While I haven't found anything to prove MS' guilt in these documents (thus far), I just couldn't believe the date stamp for the last time that MS records a sexual encounter with Teresa.

Batch 6 - Google Drive

Page 36834, item 101 has a short but detailed account about the sex the couple had. MS even records the duration for most (if not all).

What got me though is that he dates this on the 27th of June. The day before he had her killed. He knew it was going to happen.

This says to me that their relationship wasn't as rocky as he claimed it was.

Now I'm forming the opinion that he was completely open to the idea of having two women in the bedroom, but resented her for her desire to include another man.

Was she attracted to CWW? Maybe that's why MS wanted him to do it. I'm theorising here, but maybe he wanted CWW to do it because he knew there was one sided or a mutual attraction between the two and he wanted to prove a point by getting one to kill the other. MOO.
I remember when we started reading about this case, a reporter had interviewed an older couple in MO who had known MS for many years. They remarked how generous MS was; that he had paid for someone's graduation or wedding (I can't remember which), and had even paid for the catering. I wonder who that person was, that got his party paid for? I wonder, too, if Mark was the one who paid for CWW and AW's wedding and catering? Maybe as a down payment of what was to come? If he did, it would've been with our beloved Teresa's own hard earned money (unless there are more discoveries to be had). The repulsion is never-ending with this guy!
My hunch about that read back was Taylor said on direct that in that convo in bed that Jimmy confessed HE killed her. On cross, Fitzgeorge impeached her with her depo where she said she couldn’t be sure if he said it was himself or Wayne. That was pretty big, IMO. Just my hunch.

I agree with you. Did the jury get to see her police interviews? She was very clear in memory and articulate in those. Those were close to the time of her conversations with JRR and since they were fresher in her mind - and I believe she was still in shock - they would carry weight as opposed to the passing of time and trying to rethink and remember. Also, the stress of the intervening years and then the stress of having to testify. It's a big problem when there's too much time until trial. :/
Judge Bruce Kyle - candidate for Florida Supreme Court
Ron DeSantis to pick from 31 candidates for Florida Supreme Court
December 26, 2019
TALLAHASSEE — With Gov. Ron DeSantis preparing to make his second round of appointments to the Florida Supreme Court, 31 candidates submitted applications before a Christmas Eve deadline.
Here are the candidates who submitted applications before a 6 p.m. Tuesday deadline:
▪ Judge Bruce Kyle of the 20th Judicial Circuit, which is made up of Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry and Lee counties.


December 26, 2019
CONTACT: Daniel E. Nordby, Chair;
Florida Supreme Court Judicial Nominating Commission
TELEPHONE: 850-241-1717

The Florida Supreme Court Judicial Nominating Commission has received applications from the following individuals, listed below in alphabetical order, to fill the vacancies on the Florida Supreme Court created by the resignations of Justice Barbara Lagoa and Justice Robert Luck to assume federal judicial office.

1. Judge Kimberly Bonner (Twelfth Judicial Circuit)
2. Judge Hunter Carroll (Twelfth Judicial Circuit)
3. Judge Howard Coates, Jr. (Fifteenth Judicial Circuit)
4. *Mr. John Couriel (Kobre & Kim LLP)
5. Mr. Jack Cox (Jack Schramm Cox, Chartered)
6. Judge Fabienne Fahnestock (Seventeenth Judicial Circuit)
7. Mr. Manuel Farach (McGlinchey Stafford)
8. Judge Renatha Francis (Fifteenth Judicial Circuit)
9. Judge Jonathan Gerber (Fourth District Court of Appeal)
10. Judge Jamie Grosshans (Fifth District Court of Appeal)
11. Judge Jeff Kuntz (Fourth District Court of Appeal)
12. Judge Bruce Kyle (Twentieth Judicial Circuit)
13. *Judge Norma Lindsey (Third District Court of Appeal)
14. Judge Howard McGillin (Seventh Judicial Circuit)
15. *Judge Bronwyn Miller (Third District Court of Appeal)
16. Judge Anne-Leigh Moe (Thirteenth Judicial Circuit)
17. Ms. Belinda Noah (Belinda Noah Productions, Inc.)
18. Judge Virginia Norton (Fourth Judicial Circuit)
19. Judge Timothy Osterhaus (First District Court of Appeal)
20. *Mr. Eliot Pedrosa (Executive Director, InterAmerican Development Bank)
21. Judge Carol-Lisa Phillips (Seventeenth Judicial Circuit)
22. Judge Cymonie Rowe (Fifteenth Judicial Circuit)
23. Judge Lori Rowe (First District Court of Appeal)
24. Judge Samuel Salario (Second District Court of Appeal)
25. Judge Tatiana Salvador (Fourth Judicial Circuit)
26. Judge Meredith Sasso (Fifth District Court of Appeal)
27. *Judge Ed Scales (Third District Court of Appeal)
28. Judge Elijah Smiley (Fourteenth Judicial Circuit)
29. Judge Adrian Soud (Fourth Judicial Circuit)
30. *Judge William Thomas (Eleventh Judicial Circuit)
31. *Judge Daryl Trawick (Eleventh Judicial Circuit)
32. Judge Thomas Winokur (First District Court of Appeal)

*Current residents of the Third Appellate District are denoted by an asterisk. Based on the Florida Supreme Court’s current composition, at least one of the justices appointed to fill these two vacancies must be a resident of Florida’s Third Appellate District at the time of appointment.

Members of the bench, Bar, and the public are encouraged to contact the members of the Commission concerning these applicants.

The members currently serving on the Florida Supreme Court Judicial Nominating Commission are:

Chair Daniel Nordby, Tallahassee,
Vice Chair Fred Karlinsky, Weston,
Cynthia G. Angelos, Port St. Lucie,
Jesse M. Panuccio, Palm Beach Gardens,
Israel U. Reyes, Coral Gables,
Hala A. Sandridge, Tampa,
Heather Stearns, Tallahassee,
Jeanne T. Tate, Tampa,
Harout Samra, Coral Gables,


Last year:
Local judge Bruce Kyle one of 11 nominees for Florida Supreme Court opening
Nov. 28, 2018

Judge Bruce Kyle - candidate for Florida Supreme Court
Ron DeSantis to pick from 31 candidates for Florida Supreme Court
December 26, 2019
TALLAHASSEE — With Gov. Ron DeSantis preparing to make his second round of appointments to the Florida Supreme Court, 31 candidates submitted applications before a Christmas Eve deadline.
Here are the candidates who submitted applications before a 6 p.m. Tuesday deadline:
▪ Judge Bruce Kyle of the 20th Judicial Circuit, which is made up of Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry and Lee counties.


December 26, 2019
CONTACT: Daniel E. Nordby, Chair;
Florida Supreme Court Judicial Nominating Commission
TELEPHONE: 850-241-1717

The Florida Supreme Court Judicial Nominating Commission has received applications from the following individuals, listed below in alphabetical order, to fill the vacancies on the Florida Supreme Court created by the resignations of Justice Barbara Lagoa and Justice Robert Luck to assume federal judicial office.

1. Judge Kimberly Bonner (Twelfth Judicial Circuit)
2. Judge Hunter Carroll (Twelfth Judicial Circuit)
3. Judge Howard Coates, Jr. (Fifteenth Judicial Circuit)
4. *Mr. John Couriel (Kobre & Kim LLP)
5. Mr. Jack Cox (Jack Schramm Cox, Chartered)
6. Judge Fabienne Fahnestock (Seventeenth Judicial Circuit)
7. Mr. Manuel Farach (McGlinchey Stafford)
8. Judge Renatha Francis (Fifteenth Judicial Circuit)
9. Judge Jonathan Gerber (Fourth District Court of Appeal)
10. Judge Jamie Grosshans (Fifth District Court of Appeal)
11. Judge Jeff Kuntz (Fourth District Court of Appeal)
12. Judge Bruce Kyle (Twentieth Judicial Circuit)
13. *Judge Norma Lindsey (Third District Court of Appeal)
14. Judge Howard McGillin (Seventh Judicial Circuit)
15. *Judge Bronwyn Miller (Third District Court of Appeal)
16. Judge Anne-Leigh Moe (Thirteenth Judicial Circuit)
17. Ms. Belinda Noah (Belinda Noah Productions, Inc.)
18. Judge Virginia Norton (Fourth Judicial Circuit)
19. Judge Timothy Osterhaus (First District Court of Appeal)
20. *Mr. Eliot Pedrosa (Executive Director, InterAmerican Development Bank)
21. Judge Carol-Lisa Phillips (Seventeenth Judicial Circuit)
22. Judge Cymonie Rowe (Fifteenth Judicial Circuit)
23. Judge Lori Rowe (First District Court of Appeal)
24. Judge Samuel Salario (Second District Court of Appeal)
25. Judge Tatiana Salvador (Fourth Judicial Circuit)
26. Judge Meredith Sasso (Fifth District Court of Appeal)
27. *Judge Ed Scales (Third District Court of Appeal)
28. Judge Elijah Smiley (Fourteenth Judicial Circuit)
29. Judge Adrian Soud (Fourth Judicial Circuit)
30. *Judge William Thomas (Eleventh Judicial Circuit)
31. *Judge Daryl Trawick (Eleventh Judicial Circuit)
32. Judge Thomas Winokur (First District Court of Appeal)

*Current residents of the Third Appellate District are denoted by an asterisk. Based on the Florida Supreme Court’s current composition, at least one of the justices appointed to fill these two vacancies must be a resident of Florida’s Third Appellate District at the time of appointment.

Members of the bench, Bar, and the public are encouraged to contact the members of the Commission concerning these applicants.

The members currently serving on the Florida Supreme Court Judicial Nominating Commission are:

Chair Daniel Nordby, Tallahassee,
Vice Chair Fred Karlinsky, Weston,
Cynthia G. Angelos, Port St. Lucie,
Jesse M. Panuccio, Palm Beach Gardens,
Israel U. Reyes, Coral Gables,
Hala A. Sandridge, Tampa,
Heather Stearns, Tallahassee,
Jeanne T. Tate, Tampa,
Harout Samra, Coral Gables,


Last year:
Local judge Bruce Kyle one of 11 nominees for Florida Supreme Court opening
Nov. 28, 2018


What joyous news, SeesSeas! Maybe that's why State Attorney Amira Fox was seen at the Sievers Trial?! Hope Judge Bruce Kyle gets picked. I would have great confidence with him in The Supreme Court!
What joyous news, SeesSeas! Maybe that's why State Attorney Amira Fox was seen at the Sievers Trial?! Hope Judge Bruce Kyle gets picked. I would have great confidence with him in The Supreme Court!
I, too, hope that Bruce Kyle is appointed to the Florida Supreme Court!

SA Amira Fox was on a previous 20th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission. I don't know if she has ever been on the Supreme Court Judicial Nominating Commission.
She recently completed a four year term with the 20th Circuit’s Judicial Nominating Commission, having been appointed by Governor Rick Scott in 2014.
From the FB page of the Lee County Sherriff 's Office:

Dennis Murphy, winner of four Emmys, interviewed Sheriff Carmine Marceno (Lee County) for an upcoming episode of "Dateline" regarding the Dr. Teresa Sievers homicide. The LCSO detectives involved in the Sievers case are being interviewed for Dateline on this Thursday.

From the FB page of the Lee County Sherriff 's Office:

Dennis Murphy, winner of four Emmys, interviewed Sheriff Carmine Marceno (Lee County) for an upcoming episode of "Dateline" regarding the Dr. Teresa Sievers homicide. The LCSO detectives involved in the Sievers case are being interviewed for Dateline on this Thursday.


how exciting! I wonder how ole’ Erin Moriarty from 48 Hours feels about her reporting, now...

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