Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #7

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There is a Lola Creech who attended high school in Weleetka from 1978-1982
Physical address - Creech

PO Box 771, Weleetka, Oklahoma 74880 US. County: Okfuskee. Begin Date: 05/14/2008
Jurisdiction: Weleetka Police Department. Comments: PHys: 528 1st Street Weleetka, OK per Okfuskee CO SO

Well at least there is a physical address...
Anyone how far it is from Taylors house?
Sentenced to 15 years in prison and 20 years probation? That must have been one severe crime he commited against a child.
Do we know it was against a child? All registered sexual offenders are not CHILD offenders.
Physical address - Creech

PO Box 771, Weleetka, Oklahoma 74880 US. County: Okfuskee. Begin Date: 05/14/2008
Jurisdiction: Weleetka Police Department. Comments: PHys: 528 1st Street Weleetka, OK per Okfuskee CO SO

Thank you!

ETA: for some reason I looked at that and thought it was the police department address.
Do we know it was against a child? All registered sexual offenders are not CHILD offenders.

If you click on the offenses it will describe the charges:

Sex Offender Registration Offenses
Cause, Procure, Or Permit - Injury / Sex Abuse
CRF# 1999-130. County: Wagoner. City: Wagoner. State: Oklahoma. Date: 09/17/2001
Lewd Or Indecent Proposals/Acts To Child
CRF# 1999-130. County: Wagoner. City: Wagoner. State: Oklahoma. Date: 09/17/2001
I missed it too first time around when I read your post, was searching through the sex offenders pages and saw it then.

Thank you!

ETA: for some reason I looked at that and thought it was the police department address.
There is another person (not Creech) listed at the same address in Weleetka - maybe Creech has a roomate or it could be a "halfway house" or other supervised group living facility. Weleetka has about 15 streets total, I would assume LE has located Creech and verified his whereabouts on the date/time in question - if they were looking for him (ie: thought the POI might be Creech) I think they would have issued a BOLO on him. It could even be that Creech has already appeared in a line-up and been cleared. SO are LE's 1st stop when children have been killed.

I think after 2 weeks with NO information turning toward a Non NA appearing POI or Creech, we are covering and re-covering old territory. Every few days for 2 weeks Creech shows up here as the possible POI. I just think it's not him - it isn't going to be someone that easy. I betcha Creech has been turned in (from just his address in Weleetka and his last mugshot with a ponytail) 500 times in the last 2 weeks.
My Opinion
There is another person (not Creech) listed at the same address in Weleetka - maybe Creech has a roomate or it could be a "halfway house" or other supervised group living facility. Weleetka has about 15 streets total, I would assume LE has located Creech and verified his whereabouts on the date/time in question - if they were looking for him (ie: thought the POI might be Creech) I think they would have issued a BOLO on him. It could even be that Creech has already appeared in a line-up and been cleared. SO are LE's 1st stop when children have been killed.

I think after 2 weeks with NO information turning toward a Non NA appearing POI or Creech, we are covering and re-covering old territory. Every few days for 2 weeks Creech shows up here as the possible POI. I just think it's not him - it isn't going to be someone that easy. I betcha Creech has been turned in (from just his address in Weleetka and his last mugshot with a ponytail) 500 times in the last 2 weeks.
My Opinion


I think any sex offender who was recently paroled would be the first on LE's list.
Hopefully they have looked at Mr. Creech already.
It doesn't hurt for us to mull it over, though.
In my opinion this was not a sexually motivated crime. I do agree its a great idea to look at everything though. It has been rather shocking to me the amount of illegal activities and domestic violence that seems to surround this family and associates.
I think after 2 weeks with NO information turning toward a Non NA appearing POI or Creech, we are covering and re-covering old territory. Every few days for 2 weeks Creech shows up here as the possible POI. I just think it's not him - it isn't going to be someone that easy. I betcha Creech has been turned in (from just his address in Weleetka and his last mugshot with a ponytail) 500 times in the last 2 weeks.
My Opinion

You may think it's not him, but are you 100% correct 100% of the time? And hey, you might be right. Why don't you let the rest of us worry about whether we are wasting our time or not. About once a day for the past two weeks you state you think we are either wasting our time or checking out information that will lead to a dead end. The last time I checked there isn't any new earth shattering leads to follow. In fact the info pool has dried up. Zilch, nada, nothing. So IMO, it does not hurt during the down time to go back and revisit info that we already have.
I agree we just have to keep looking and keep looking. Revisiting info is good also I think, you pick up things you miss the first time, new people coming to the board and fresh eyes may pick up something old eyes missed. Plus I think sometimes it is a case of connecting the dots, and if you don't keep on something you might miss an important link.

You may think it's not him, but are you 100% correct 100% of the time? And hey, you might be right. Why don't you let the rest of us worry about whether we are wasting our time or not. About once a day for the past two weeks you state you think we are either wasting our time or checking out information that will lead to a dead end. The last time I checked there isn't any new earth shattering leads to follow. In fact the info pool has dried up. Zilch, nada, nothing. So IMO, it does not hurt during the down time to go back and revisit info that we already have.
I think that Taylor very recently being allowed to walk around off of her family property on her own could be a very big clue. Taylor may have seen things going on down at that bridge that other less supervised kids were aware of, keeping quiet about, or maybe in on with an older person. OR, a doped up violent sexual predator could have recently spotted Taylor on other occasions and has been stalking for the right time to try an abduction of one or even both girls. It's heartbreaking to think that a young girl, like all at that age, is trying to grow up a little bit and explore just a little ways from home to meet up with other friends and is mowed down without ever getting to have more freedoms and grow. I know I worried this year about my 11 year old grandson wanting to walk down the avenue with his friend after school. I never allowed it before, but he really wanted to now and it was his last year of grade school. I'd watch him til he got across the street then drive home and stand on the sidewalk and watch til he got almost home. I only then went into the house so I wouldn't embarass him. I can only imagine how Taylor's grandparents feel.
I think that Taylor very recently being allowed to walk around off of her family property on her own could be a very big clue. Taylor may have seen things going on down at that bridge that other less supervised kids were aware of, keeping quiet about, or maybe in on with an older person. OR, a doped up violent sexual predator could have recently spotted Taylor on other occasions and has been stalking for the right time to try an abduction of one or even both girls. It's heartbreaking to think that a young girl, like all at that age, is trying to grow up a little bit and explore just a little ways from home to meet up with other friends and is mowed down without ever getting to have more freedoms and grow. I know I worried this year about my 11 year old grandson wanting to walk down the avenue with his friend after school. I never allowed it before, but he really wanted to now and it was his last year of grade school. I'd watch him til he got across the street then drive home and stand on the sidewalk and watch til he got almost home. I only then went into the house so I wouldn't embarass him. I can only imagine how Taylor's grandparents feel.

It's so hard to be a parent these days. And harder to keep your kids safe.
I was thinking that Taylor walked the road to the bridge and back for exercise every day, but maybe it was a new thing she was doing since Summer began.
You may think it's not him, but are you 100% correct 100% of the time? And hey, you might be right. Why don't you let the rest of us worry about whether we are wasting our time or not. About once a day for the past two weeks you state you think we are either wasting our time or checking out information that will lead to a dead end. The last time I checked there isn't any new earth shattering leads to follow. In fact the info pool has dried up. Zilch, nada, nothing. So IMO, it does not hurt during the down time to go back and revisit info that we already have.
The 3rd most "found" reference (on Google) to this guy is WS? He is referenced about 50 times on here in 5 threads. He has been "checked out" a LOT.

And yes, people can continue to repost the same info every day if they like, and revisit Creech as the POI every day too. But here, at least, it isn't new information and it has been posted over and over and over. There isn't any new info being released by LE but I sure don't think that means we should content ourselves with daily repetitions of the same information on Weleetka's only long-haired, 6' tall, non-ethnic Sex Offender because we're not getting anything new to chew on from LE.

Sometimes I don't have a lot of time to read the new posts and contribute - and it's pages of the same info on Creech almost every other day, and on every thread. I even started researching Creech in Weleetka to find out if there were family connections or a history of criminal acts by Creech in Weleetka - but I find refrences to him mostly in Wagoner County. Anyway, if it was new information on Creech or even anything that showed he knew or had connections to any of the Placker or Whitaker Family, or had a habit of jacking tweenagers/girls with a gun it would be great. It never goes any further than he is the right height, has a pony tail (or did in February) has a mug shot that looks something like the POI, smoked/sold marijuana and is a nasty, violent, abusive sort of guy - at least with his wife (or ex wife) in front of their kids.

If we are going to push ahead with Creech as a viable suspect what we don't have (yet) is how do we tie Creech to the murders of Taylor and Skyla? How do we connect him to the families? Why would Creech have been on that road, or anywhere near the Placker house? What could the girls have known (or seen Creech do and ID'd him) that would have threatened Creech enough to kill two girls in broad daylight? Has he ever been known to own, carry or use a gun? Just bringing up his name and record answers no questions and gets us not one inch closer to moving past him or focusing more on him. If people really believe Creech is the POI, then we should be working to substantiate the accusations against him by digging out as much as possible on him to support the belief he is the POI. Those who are convinced, build a convincing case against Creech.

So that's what frustrates me - and yes, IMO, it is very repetitive and as such, unproductive. Just because there is no new info doesn't mean we should sit here and wheel spin - there is still so much to be gleaned from what we do know.

My Opinion
FC, you sure have alot of "rules". Maybe you could give the rest of us a break from them? IMO, what's repetetive and unproductive is your repeated posts regarding what should and should not be discussed here. I'm sorry you are frustrated, but there are many new people here that may not have heard about him. And many regulars who may have missed the discussion, which is why he was brought up again. I'm sure those posters would appreciate a little more respect. And frankly, what is discussed and how much it's discussed is not your decision to make.
SuziQ and FlowerChild:

I am requesting nicely that you both please refrain from posting what is or is not acceptable to post here. Those terms have been spelled out in the TOS. Sometimes a certain person or information will be posted more than once by different posters. That is to be expected with new posters coming in who haven't had the time to read all the threads we have so far. (or even from long time posters who might think it is worth repeating). As long as it is not continuously in post after post after post, (meaning one after another), it shouldn't bother anyone.

If a post and/or poster bothers you, just ignore it.

That being said, please keep up the good work!!!!! :blowkiss: There's lots to do (finding information, theorizing, etc.) and look how many new posters this case has brought to WS!! A big welcome to all!!!!!!

I am hoping we get a forum soon!!! (hint hint)


Well they have now said that more witnesses have come forward that saw him so maybe he was sitting back on the tailgate of his truck when the other witnesses saw him. Maybe.

Good morning (here, at least). I had a good night's sleep and time to think about this case - again!

I've had a lot of difficulty with the POI drawing. First of all, looking at the side and front views, I would have difficulty recognizing them as the same person. IMO the front view is a rather handsome guy; the side view is not very flattering. Then, the description plagues me. It says the POI has hazel eyes. Think about driving by someone at even 15 mph. Would you be able to describe what color the person's eyes were?

I still believe the girls picked up a bag/container from a cash/drug drop. The POI could not let them get away with this.
I'm sorry pics were huge, but his hair grew alot from 2001 to 2004. He is one scary *advertiser censored*

I think he maybe our guy. Combine drugs and sex and this guy rings the bell. He also has that look that he could stare down passers by on the road .. they did say that the witnesses noticed POI enough to be concerned when this happened. It could be locals do know him..but he wouldn't be hanging with a crowd that would turn him in..if you get my drift. But it should be easy enough for LE to check on what kind of vehicle is registered to him or his friends. IMO LE probably also knows who he hangs out with.

The incident at the Plackers where they heard someone outside around there house really is worth investigating. Was someone afraid that GP saw the tail end of their pick up leaving the scene or that the girls had something that belonged to them? Tweekers would be crazy enough to return to the scene, and paranoid enough too. I think this is a case where the girls saw something they shouldn't have, either that day or the day before. I think that drugs are possibly involved.
If we're just centering the discussion on TC, I'm guessing that LE has been focusing on him for a while. Why, however, hasn't OSBI or news media mentioned him?
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