Source: Casey's Attorney Marketing Photos To Media

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i was just thinking this as i pulled this thread up! :furious:

We have seen almost all the pictures of caylee at any given time...why would new ones, we havent seen bring more money from a media source? It's sickening how many are using this child as a "cashcow"....

the sickest thing of that now kc is making $$$$$$ off her dead daugther!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gee... Cindy how do you feel about that????????
All cindy's ranting and raving about people making money off this poor child and now her own precious kc is doing it!!! Wtf!!!!!!!
I say we all start a petion to all news media to boycott buying any of these photos!!!
Besides what photos is she going to sell???? Does le have most all photos from the house....she''l have to get them from them first.
Casey Anthony owns the image of her daughter.
If her parents took pics and then try to sell them,
well, they could actually be sued. Casey owns Caylee's
image. Period.

What if I were a neighbor of the Anthony family, and year ago my husband and I were invited to a backyard get-together at the Anthony home. Let's say I brought my camera along to take pictures, and several of the pictures I took were of Caylee. Do those pictures belong to me or do they belong to Casey?
If I were the media here's the pic that I would be paying big money for -- KC in her cell. I would go after the shot of her eating cheese snacks whilst sitting on the crapper. That's the real money shot. I hope the defense is listening.

Bahahahahahaha :biglaugh:
Since Cindy and George bought mostly everything in the house, computer, maybe the digital camera, would a picture taken with their equipment even belong, legally, to KC ? I am pretty sure they would give the photos up anyway, I am just wondering.
If she's so HOT to sell photos to help fund her defense why doesn't she sell some of the alleged 1,200 "bad" photos of herself to some skin mag? She's make a lot of $$$ and not have to exploit her daughter!
This is simple 'supply and demand'.

I hate to be the party-pooper, but as long as people are tuning in for NG's latest "bombshell", GR's "exclusive interview" or to see CA get snippy on LK... or picking up the latest People Magazine or NE, there is a market to sell the sensationalism of the case. And if paying a license fee for some videos or pictures will help make it more sensational and draw more viewers, you can bet they're going to do it. The media doesn't exist as a public service. They're in it for the money. (Maybe that's a misconception I should post in the "Myth-Busters" sticky.)

The viewers/audience/public (i.e., you and me) create the demand for this stuff. No one cares WHY you buy that fabric softener or breakfast cereal... as long as you DO!

Forget the distaste you feel. Consider the ROI. Let's say the MSM has collectively paid $200,000 for various photos and videos. How much ad revenue do you think that has generated? Millions? Not only have they paid, but I would imagine those who made the decision to do so will be receiving hefty bonuses this year.

Anyway, I'm just saying you guys should be informed about the 'where' and 'why'. And I'm not even advocating that WS'ers boycott anything, because you/we make up such a small percentage of the revenue-generating public that it wouldn't matter to anyone.

I'm just saying that while we might find it distasteful that KC, the A's or JB or anyone involved are making money off this case... they can do so because people like us make it possible.
If I were the media here's the pic that I would be paying big money for -- KC in her cell. I would go after the shot of her eating cheese snacks whilst sitting on the crapper. That's the real money shot. I hope the defense is listening.

I know i'd buy a mag with that picture!!!

~smiles~ Well said!
Gee...I bet Casey is really kicking her own @ss now for deleting all those photos of Caylee from her computer. Look at the hundreds of thousands she missed out on! (Altho...maybe they were recovered by the FBI's forensics guy. hehehe) IS she getting access to those photos to sell?
As far as Cindy goes, it is alright for HER to make money but she doesn't approve of OTHERS making any off of Caylee....that has been made clear.

Casey has to have a POA to get anything done. I am assuming it is Baez. I bet there is a lot of communication going on between kc and CA through the attorneys in the As far as I'm concerned the A's and Baez are doing fine, financially speaking.
Gee, I am confused. I thought I read on WFTV either this week or last that there was a couple in CT that was paying for the defense and wishes to remain anonymous.

What gives???:furious:
Attention Media:

JUST SAY NO!!! We've seen all we need to see. No more are needed!

Thank you!
Broadcast and cable network news operations are quick to deny that they pay for interviews, although they admit to paying license fees for media (photos/video/music etc.).

Entertainment shows like Access Hollywood and ET are not under the same ethical restrictions, and have paid for celebrity exclusives.

Casey Anthony could make a mint by agreeing to be interviewed by the ‘entertainment’ media. The problem is that Jose can’t let it happen because

A. she’d be asked some pretty uncomfortable questions that she doesn’t want to answer

B. the prosecution would use her words against her at trial, as would ZFG’s attorney

The only other thing of value that Casey has to offer is whatever media she has of little Caylee. The most valuable pictures would be the very ones she couldn’t release without hurting her own defense – Caylee crying or looking unhappy or unattended.

What we have here is a high school dropout with no money sitting in a jail cell, unable to capitalize on her meager assets.

Of course, if there are *advertiser censored* shots or even a sex tape (God forbid), she could always go that route. It worked like a charm for Paris Hilton, but then she wasn’t restricted to a jail cell until much, much later.
Doesn't suprise me, KC would sell her soul to the devil, oh wait, he gets it for free!!!!!!! Cause she is headed straight to he!!
IMO...this just seems like a diversion from all the other kaka going on with the "will the real TB please stand up"....a family in Ct, no a family in Tx is paying for the PR firm....Casey's legal bills are being paid by an "anonymous" benefactor as per JB at one time....TB works for JB, yet doesn't speak for him.....I could go on ad naseum. Me thinks they need to try to get ONE story and stick with it. The defense is tryin to blow smoke because EVERYONE is starting to look into the money trail.
I agree. If they can manipulate the media, who needs copy, they can continue to play subterfuge.
Does anyone want to place any bets on JB making a statement (or "T Black") that they aren't shopping the photos to buyers?


But didn't he just say he had no media deals whatsoever? Oh, wait...that was days ago...
If KC can not afford these lawyers why does she not have a public defender?
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