South Hadley,MA Phoebe Prince 15 kills self over bullying #2

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I KNOW it's only a comment...but read what snookered1 posted on that article...I hope someone with a masslive account asks why she/he said that, I don't have one...

I would guess because people post all kind of things on the internet.
I completely understand you're hesitation to believe it was a suicide by her own hands. I do have to share I don't think it was anymore sinister than what we know and the ME/DA have shared. If there was any question, at all, I have absolutely no doubt that a murder charge would have been filed after the results of autopsy, forensics, and followed up investigation was completed. This county DA never even blinked in regards of charging bullying, etc. If there was *any* question at all that others had committed a murder, it would be there.


The DA who apparently thinks an (empty?) energy drink can is a dangerous weapon-yes, I think she would would jump at a chance to prosecute for murder if there were any evidence suggesting anything of the sort.
The DA who apparently thinks an (empty?) energy drink can is a dangerous weapon-yes, I think she would would jump at a chance to prosecute for murder if there were any evidence suggesting anything of the sort.

My response had nothing to do with a can (empty or full), but that there is concern regarding the hanging. There are a few previous posts that led to my post that I was responding to.

My response had nothing to do with a can (empty or full), but that there is concern regarding the hanging. There are a few previous posts that led to my post that I was responding to.


I was agreeing with your point that if there was any evidence of murder then the DA would have jumped on it. At least to me, it certainly looks like she wants to go for the biggest case she possibly can.
I was agreeing with your point that if there was any evidence of murder then the DA would have jumped on it. At least to me, it certainly looks like she wants to go for the biggest case she possibly can.

Gotchya. I just wanted to be clear as well. Sometimes confusion slips in when you don't mean it to. :)
I would guess because people post all kind of things on the internet.
Guessing doesn't do it for me, jjenny. I have a burning desire to know.

And btw...isn't this just the cutest smilie? :baby:

I'm easily amused. ;)
I saw that. I'd like to watch it tonight but doubtful I'll be able to. I also have the dr. phil thing on my dvr I still have to watch. think I'm gonna have to take a half day tomorrow just to catch up, ha ;)
Hope you share your thoughts on both, bear...I look forward to it.
An American writes the people of Ireland...

"As a citizen of the US, I am deeply ashamed at the way Phoebe Prince was treated, and I offer both my sincere condolences to her family and friends, and my apologies to the nation of Ireland.

We here in America want her tormentors punished to the full extent of the law, and I personally feel that school officials should be punished as well for failing to protect her. We are so very, very sorry.

M. A. Purschwitz
I thought it was touching.
There's alot of talk going around about Darby O'Brien and his relative muteness on the inFocus program today compared to his other appearances. He also stated today he was not appearing on the program as the the family spokesman. The change seems to have startled some. I think it's likely because of the criminal case. He's been quoting Mrs. Prince and answering questions by media, it's a defense attorneys dream. With his new positioning, he can still advocate and the Prince family won't be exposed to undue scrutiny. The court is the place for that. Smart move in my books, Mr. O'Brien. :)
A lot of rumors, now if only there were a way to know what is actually correct.

True...but it's bubble gum for the brain on a slow night. ;)

ETA: my gut, I find those particular posters authentic. That's me, jjen...
my new fave smilie? :eek:ther_beatingA_Dead
night, jjen...:)
True...but it's bubble gum for the brain on a slow night. ;)

My favorite line from Inglorious Basterds:
"I love rumors! Facts can be so misleading, where rumors, true or false, are often revealing." I didn't care much for the rest of the movie, but I really liked that line.
My favorite line from Inglorious Basterds:
"I love rumors! Facts can be so misleading, where rumors, true or false, are often revealing." I didn't care much for the rest of the movie, but I really liked that line.

I edited and made it much prettier for you, friend...we'll call you "quick-post-jjenny" ;) night...
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