***SPOILER ALERT*** Imperfect Justice by Jeff Ashton - CONTENT DISCUSSION


"Having read several of the comments Mr. Ashton makes in his new book, I am both surprised and somewhat disappointed he has chosen to attack me on a personal level," Baez said. "Without going into specific detail, I will say only that many of his accusations are absolutely false."

And who will the majority believe?

I purchased my book through Amazon "pre-purchase" thinking those books would go out before they went on sale in the stores. I haven't received mine yet, and hopefully will be in mail today when I get home.

I can't wait to read the book, and thanks everyone for all the posts. I will read the book throughly but want to read the posts here too, so keep them coming.
BBM: When I was a young girl my father would take us girls to the lake swimming. He would appear to be the greatest dad in the world playing with us and throwing us up in the air - all fun - NOT. He was actually molesting us under the water. One time he held me under water for what seemed to be eternity and I thought I was going to drown. All the while, all the parents on shore thought "what a great dad". Ppl would even state after his death that one thing they remembered about him was how much he loved us girls. PUKE!

Yes, that's the ugly part of pedophile and an incest abuser isn't it? They truly believe they are expressing "love" and that it is returned from their victims - and what makes them so truly evil. I believe this is a mindset that is never cured.
There are no words to describe how badly I feel for you - a burden almost impossible to set down in a life time.
And who will the majority believe?

I purchased my book through Amazon "pre-purchase" thinking those books would go out before they went on sale in the stores. I haven't received mine yet, and hopefully will be in mail today when I get home.

I can't wait to read the book, and thanks everyone for all the posts. I will read the book throughly but want to read the posts here too, so keep them coming.

I don't think we even have to ask the question - "who will the majority believe?"

Now we fully understand why OCA remains in hiding - she must have known these details would come out. Any chance the defense team had of "rehabilitating her" in the eyes of the public has now disappeared forever.
going onto chapter 4. so far- he was stunned by the verdict, explains how he got involved in the case, is giving insight into his initial perceptions of Cindy and her spawn, on July 16.

Favorite quote so far, in context of his mocking OCA's kidnapping story-

"I wondered why she didn't mention a ransom note, that inevitable terror-laced prop in kidnapping movies."
Another good quote:

I noticed that the defense team had lowered Casey's chair more than was normal for a person of Casey's height. Only her head and shoulders were visible above the table. I was sure it was deliberately staged to make her appear smaller and meeker than she was. But wouldn't the jury see through those ploys? How smart do you have to be to know that you are being played?

Take THAT Pinnelas.
Wow. I am so sorry for what happened to you. I had never really heard of that before. I wasn't trying to downplay it or anything. I feel bad now. I doubt it happened to Caylee, but I am sorry that it happened to you.

On JVM last night, she said that child molesters often use the pool/swimming as a way to molest children. I had never heard of it either but I guess it's very common and that is something that parents should keep an eye on.



This is like anything else and we cannot violate any copyright laws.

Yes, I realize people are posting "snippets" but if everyone posts a different "snip" we are going to be FAR above the allowed 10%. We can't even try to contain something like that.

You are more than welcome to paraphrase but no direct quotes, okay?
I want to thank everyone for the book spoilers. As others have said, it is opening raw wounds for me as well. I don't like this feeling at all.

I hope the jurors are horribly embarrassed at what they have done. I hope their decision haunts them forever.
whoa. sorry, Beach, thought snippets were fine. will paraphrase from here..
whoa. sorry, Beach, thought snippets were fine. will paraphrase from here..

No problem! I know everyone's heart is in the right place. :hug:

I should have anticipated this when I opened this thread but, for whatever reason, it flew right over my head.
Just read chapter 22. It gives a strong impression that George hurt the prosections case by how he sparred with Baez and changed his story on the gas cans.

says that the total amount OCA stole from her parents over months was just several thousand dollars.
says that the end of the jailhouse visits also meant the end of any hope investigators would have new info about where Caylee was.
beginning chapter 8. taking a step back, will say this. Factually, very very little of what JA has written so far is likely to be at all new to WS's.

Its his reaction to events along the way that is making the read worthwhile so far. Love his sarcastic wit and snarky asides. I've actually laughed a number of times.
On JVM last night, she said that child molesters often use the pool/swimming as a way to molest children. I had never heard of it either but I guess it's very common and that is something that parents should keep an eye on.

Unfortunately, this might be true. I will never forget there was an older man who played pool games with us local kids at the local park pool. Reminding, this was early '60's and we were innocent kids and most of us were girls- 10- 12 yrs old, but this man would get us to play this game where he'd stand so many inches from the side of the pool and we'd swim between him and the pool wall, sort of like an underwater London Bridge type game and with each passing, he'd either place himself closer to the pool wall or thrust his lower body towards us as we swam thru between him and the wall. We didn't know, we just didn't know it was wrong, we were just kids. I remember it only happened 2 times at this pool, but I also think in our little innocent brains, our little warning signs went up and we stayed away from him after that. None of us ever knew what molestation was at such a young age, just never heard about such goings on. Times have changed and some people have got some pretty strange and sick ideas in their heads, SO SAD it's so rampant now.
BBM: When I was a young girl my father would take us girls to the lake swimming. He would appear to be the greatest dad in the world playing with us and throwing us up in the air - all fun - NOT. He was actually molesting us under the water. One time he held me under water for what seemed to be eternity and I thought I was going to drown. All the while, all the parents on shore thought "what a great dad". Ppl would even state after his death that one thing they remembered about him was how much he loved us girls. PUKE!

Wow!!! That sounds just like "Casey is a great mom" Casey always did put on that show didn't she?
Thank you all for the tidbits in this book.
I find myself feeling exactly the way I did when the vertict went down. It's ripping open my wound, but I want the whole truth this time around.
he's dissecting the 31 days, lie by lie. says he was most struck by her decision to leave her car at ascots. he (still) doesn't seem to know for sure why she did this, speculates, including..maybe a lack of planning or a complete disregard for any consequences.
please let me know if i'm posting too much...if not, i'll keep going...
i'm on part II, chapter 9, forensics



This is like anything else and we cannot violate any copyright laws.

Yes, I realize people are posting "snippets" but if everyone posts a different "snip" we are going to be FAR above the allowed 10%. We can't even try to contain something like that.

You are more than welcome to paraphrase but no direct quotes, okay?

If what is being quoted are Jeff Ashton's words direct from his book via news articles then the copyright would apply to his book and that 10% is no where near being reached. Is it?

I'm just seeing a difference between the words from the reporters articles and the words of Jeff Ashton from his book.

Yes I do understand about copyright laws re news articles etc. but from what I have seen people are quoting Jeff not the reporters, and if what you are saying is correct then the reporters would be in breach of the copyright laws themselves.

Unless people are posting whole chapters from the book then yeah I see where you're coming from.


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