Stacy Ann Peterson, Bolingbrook IL Part 3

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I can't believe they didn't x-ray that poor woman at the original autopsy especially since she "supposedly" fell????? You'd think they would have been looking for broken bones???
Yeah, well they didn't question cod either and they ruled it an accident. Lots of unbelieveable things.
Well, even if they never find Stacey, he may go down for KP. I feel sorry for all his children having to live with a legacy like this one. Holy Moley..bad enough to think your dad killed your mother, but your step brothers mother too??? I am curious about Staceys' mother also. I wouldn't doubt he did away with her also. His has to be the face of pure evil. A serial murder of women.
Ok, I have a question on coroners jury.

It is my understanding in my state that the medical examiner is the one who does the autopsy's. The medica examiner is a doctor and may not reside in the county in which the murder occurred. For instance in a small town they may send the body to a larger town where a forensic pathologist can do the autopsy.

The coroner resides in the county, is an elected offical, and he makes the ruling on undetermined, accidental, suicide, natural and homicide.

Now in my state every death does not go to the coroner's jury. Apparent suicides, naturals, and apparent accidents do not. And the coroner can rule a death a homicide without a coroner's jury. But what the coroner's jury does is they convene a coroner's jury if the death is "questionable". For instance if the death might be homicide but could have other reasons and they use the jury to see how the jury pool will look at it.

Am I correct in my thinking about the coroner's jury?

And just like a trial or a grand jury what info is presented and how it is presented can easily affect the outcome.
I apologize for asking a question that's probably been discussed on earlier threads. I've been following this case on the news, but my attention has been focused on the trial of Darren Mack this past week, and I've missed some of the details in this case. When did Stacy's mother go missing and what were the circumstances surrounding her disappearance?
Stacy's mom lost one baby to SIDS, another in a house fire. She had a history of leaving for days at a time. One day she left and never came back. I forget when that was, but the children were younger.
Stacy's mom lost one baby to SIDS, another in a house fire. She had a history of leaving for days at a time. One day she left and never came back.
I forget when that was, but the children were younger.

Missing since March 11, 1998 from Blue Island, Illinois
Well, even if they never find Stacey, he may go down for KP. I feel sorry for all his children having to live with a legacy like this one. Holy Moley..bad enough to think your dad killed your mother, but your step brothers mother too??? I am curious about Staceys' mother also. I wouldn't doubt he did away with her also. His has to be the face of pure evil. A serial murder of women.

Regarding Stacey's mother.....I doubt he was involved in her disappearance if this article is accurate:,CST-NWS-bside02.article

Just a small snippet from the beginning......"Nine years ago, Christie Cales --clutching a Bible -- left her Blue Island home, saying she was going to church.

Cales' family never saw the mother of six again."

I’ve asked a neighbor of Stacy how the children are doing. They are staying with Drew Peterson’s son Steve who is a police officer and is married. His wife works with the FBI. This neighbor believes the kids may have been interviewed by authorities. This would not be uncommon but Illinois police are not commenting on this part of their investigation.
Stacy’s neighbor tells me she believes Drew has found safe haven with former Bolingbrook police officer Mike Robinson and that Robinson has provided Drew she says with new cell phone and car. I’ve called Drew at home and the answering machine has an outgoing message from Stacy.


What do we know about Mike Robinson?
I am just stunned after reading Kathleen's plea for help.
It is very scary to read that plea, with so many details. It's even scarier to realize that not a dang thing was done to help her. He had access to her home. He fashioned a garage door opener is what she said. He surprised her one time. I feel certain that he was in the house, laying in wait, that night that he murdered her. All she wanted was to be left alone and to be with her children. It is also very sad that he was terrorizing her and Stacy was right there with him many of the times. It almost makes me want to cry. :(

ETA: Thanks to all the posters who commented about Tim having sonar equipment! :blowkiss:
Wasn't her mother also an alcoholic? Or is my brain making things up? I thought I remembered reading she had a drinking problem.
Thankyou for the updates Suzi. I just knew that weasel plead the fifth, I am just glad his past is coming back to bite him in the *ss. Also I am glad they are going to look at Kathleens body again.
Stacy's mom lost one baby to SIDS, another in a house fire. She had a history of leaving for days at a time. One day she left and never came back. I forget when that was, but the children were younger.

I jotted down the years of those when it was reported the other night

1982 lost a child (girl) in a house fire

1987 child died of SIDS

The mom "went missing" in 1998

I’ve asked a neighbor of Stacy how the children are doing. They are staying with Drew Peterson’s son Steve who is a police officer and is married. His wife works with the FBI. This neighbor believes the kids may have been interviewed by authorities. This would not be uncommon but Illinois police are not commenting on this part of their investigation.
Stacy’s neighbor tells me she believes Drew has found safe haven with former Bolingbrook police officer Mike Robinson and that Robinson has provided Drew she says with new cell phone and car. I’ve called Drew at home and the answering machine has an outgoing message from Stacy.


What do we know about Mike Robinson?

per the link:
Here is the new poster being put up in the search for Stacy. A salesman for HP came to the search location and donated 20,000 pieces of paper, a printer and ink so that volunteers could better get the word out.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
It was obvious from Kathleen's letter that she was begging for help.......kinda like a last ditch effort to get someone in a position of authority to listen to her.

I wonder if Elizabeth Fragale tried to help Kathleen but her hands were tied (so to speak)........possibly she was told to just leave it alone and drop it. Maybe more details will come out about this later on as I'm sure Ms. Fragale won't be at liberty to discuss it since it's an open investigation now.
per the link:
Here is the new poster being put up in the search for Stacy. A salesman for HP came to the search location and donated 20,000 pieces of paper, a printer and ink so that volunteers could better get the word out.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

That is so amazing. Anything new on your end you can share? Was there any talk about the dissapearing blue barrel?
Thanks to all who responded with information on the mother's disappearance.

Yesterday someone mentioned Stacy's mother missing, and I somehow thought her disappearance was recent. I was trying to figure out how it was related to Stacy's disappearance, but now I see that there's no connection.

This case reminds me of the disappearance/death of Jessie Marie Davis, who was killed by her boyfriend, a police officer in Ohio.
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