State Asking Judge To Approve Gag Order - 4 Motions to be Heard Mon Nov 10

I don't think a gag order would stop her in any way shape or form. She'd thumb her nose at it and dare the judge to punish a "grieving grandmother."

On the bright side <sarcasm>, I think CA's inability to keep her mouth shut will surely result in jail time for contempt of court.
It bugs me. It seems wrong that as soon as the State releases everything that points to her guilt they want everybody ordered to keep their mouth shuts.
I guess the jury pool can only be tainted against the defendant.
What about freedom of speech ?
Do they want to make sure nothing is released that might point to KC not being guilty.
I've never liked gag orders. It makes the government the only voice and muzzles the citizens.
Yes it would. We'd have to wait for the trial to get the info.

Something tells me that we won't have to wait long. The trial date coming is up faster than I think JB can brace himself or prepare for....this to me was obvious yesterday after the memo was leaked. I really think they are hoping for a deal, or for no body to be found.

Again, referring to GA's interview just released, even he doesn't have much faith in his abilities.
Seems wrong that they have been releasing things all this time now they want a gag order.
I'm curious as to why they want to put this screeching, hissing, twirling cat back in the bag now when it's clearly been out of the bag, ran around the house, got chloroformed, and fell in the pool. [Bad analogy but you get my drift...It's a little late in the game now to be gagging folks.]
This should cause the Anthony's to go into overdrive...I think it is reverse psychology.

After the inaccurate reporting today about the status of the seeking the death penalty, until we see a filed request for a gag order by the prosecution I will file this under the rumor catagory.
After the inaccurate reporting today about the status of the seeking the death penalty, until we see a filed request for a gag order by the prosecution I will file this under the rumor catagory.

Ditto-I was having a little fun...:blushing:
I don't think a gag order would stop her in any way shape or form. She'd thumb her nose at it and dare the judge to punish a "grieving grandmother."

My thoughts exactly....I think it would require lots and lots of duct tape:crazy:
(Unless an insanity defense materializes) the burden is upon the State, therefore as SS indicated, this motion holds more weight coming from them ... they must protect the integrity of the case and are obliged to ensure due process - thus avoiding reversal at a later date!

ITA w/PG ... This will be hard for us information junkies nevertheless a good thing overall!

Yes, I think CA could go for the insanity defense...ohhh you were talking about KC,sorrry my bad...your right could be a good thing overall.
Maybe this will stop the defense from constantly putting "foot in mouth". They really screwed up yesterday and with CA going on interviews I think it is better if that side keeps thier traps shut. You do not see the prosecution running thier mouths and messing up. Everyone on the defense side is going to really ruin it come trial time. Not that I don't mind that but it is better to try and gag them.

I know the defense gags me:puffy:
After the inaccurate reporting today about the status of the seeking the death penalty, until we see a filed request for a gag order by the prosecution I will file this under the rumor catagory.

Well shoot! I was just reading this motion and the others to be heard. I just assumed they had been posted here already. They're on one of the Orlando news sites. Let me go see if I can find them again.

Here ya go:

Scroll to the bottom. Four motions to be heard Monday at 1:30pm. The gag order is one of them. It's a small article but all the motions are linked so you can read them.

Motion Concerning Extra-Judical Comments (Gag Order)

Motion to Compel Tips Gathered by Law Enforcement

Motion to Compel Crime Scene Investigation Reports and Photos

Motion to Compel Reports and Communications

Scroll to the bottom. Four motions to be heard Monday at 1:30pm. The gag order is one of them. It's a small article but all the motions are linked so you can read them.

On Monday a hearing will be held in front of Circuit Judge Stan Strickland at 1:30 p.m. on a number of motions

Motion Concerning Extra-Judical Comments (Gag Order)

Motion to Compel Tips Gathered by Law Enforcement

Motion to Compel Crime Scene Investigation Reports and Photos

Motion to Compel Reports and Communications

Link to motions:

ETA: Sorry, trying to get the first link to work without much success. It's the same page as the document dump, all the way at the bottom.

ETA: Okay, first link seems to be working now.
WFTV just said that the State and prosecution are tired of the defense leaking things to the public. They showed a pic of Kobi who is on NG every night so I am guessing he is included and of course the Anthony's. TB (who i thought was canned) told WFTV that the leak of docs the other day was the work of a third party. What ever that means. :waitasec: I knew the PR firm would blame someone else and not themselves. I guess we will find out if the judge will put the gag order in place on Monday.
No more nightly NG? No more WS? Now if I can only remember what my life was like before I became consumed by this case I can resume where I left off .... My husband will be ecstatic!
I think Cindy's mouth has increased interest in helping Tim get more search help.
Did I see a blurb on the news tonight about blog postings being subpoened?
Motion to allow LE to post all updates to Websleuthers in the Jury Room! So sayeth Thinaire!

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