State vs Jason Lynn Young 6-20-11

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He traveled from crime scene and Four Brothers BP.....distance? 121 miles between two. He drove this route on several occasions. Drive time 1hr 45min or close to.

Examined cash register receipts of Four Bros, looked between 3 and 7 a.m. 11/3rd...............then tried to sep the ones where gas purch and cash purch. Comparison between the two purchases. Able to determine diff between just gas or OTHER items. Yes!!!! ma'am :) (so polite)

Two exhibits, states 98, spread sheet he made to compare gas and other purchases. yes ma'am. Compared from going through cash register receipts. Two highlighted items, everything else same. He placed highlights. 98 introduced into evidence.

With regard to your review, did you have special attention to two particular transactions. One on 11/3, 5:27 for gas, in cash, only gas $15.....11/3 5:36, only gas, $20. Why brought to your attention. He didn't know if it auto transferred over because of time and $20 as it was either at 5:27 or 5:36, he got gas. (IMHO)

From Four Bros to Hampton Inn, distance, 49 miles.......How long drive and roads? Wide open four lane highway. 45 minutes or so.

Did he review camera in Hampton Inn of west stairwell. Did it go black that evening? Yes ma'am. When comes back on? off at 23:20 in evening 11/2 and back on at 5:50 11/3........Point at ceiling at 6:35 in morning. :eek:

At 6:38 the camera is repositioned.

did you have opp to visit the hospital where def had meeting on 11/3? Yes ma'am........distance between Hampton inn and

I can't recall, was JLY employed at the time he was arrested? Was he employed at all after returning to Brevard/momma's arms?
I can't recall, was JLY employed at the time he was arrested? Was he employed at all after returning to Brevard/momma's arms?

Gracie, JTF posted this timeline this weekend. Go back a couple of pages and you will see it. Naw, he was just a basketball playing dude when he was arrested.:D
B.H. needs to work on her 'umms.' Every 3rd or 4th word she speaks is followed by an "um." Very distracting, and is detracting from her direct.
hellooooooo anyone this the guy that shot his wife on the beach ,and then shot himself...blonde haird guy he was a layer i think ..

I know who you mean, wasn't his name Justin or Jason something? IIRC, he's been found guilty.
It's awful. LDB in the CA trial never does that. As a prosecutor, she needs to communicate clearly and smoothly. I know there are speech classes or even speech therapists she could work with. It would be a good investment. She has to learn to pause and be quiet instead of throwing in those multiple "um"s.
Okay, thanks for pointing out all the 'umm's. Now they are driving me nuts!
Okay, thanks for pointing out all the 'umm's. Now they are driving me nuts!

I noticed all of her 'umms' on the first day of the trial, with the first witness. Couldn't help but think that Cummings was her mentor.
I took a public speaking class and we were videotaped and I remember that was one of the things our instructor looked for. Better to speak slowly and take pauses and gather one's thoughts than do that 'um' thing. It drives me bonkers. Sadly, she is worse than Cummings on that one thing.
Excerpt from fran:


ETA who gives children unapproved medicine for children? and level 3? :mad:
Indeed, fran -- The Good Daddy could have killed her w/an overdose.... :maddening:
Sorry fran, nothing stuck out, he explained about what ebay is/was. :( I was distracted by trying to find the case canman was referring to, since it appeared important to him. I didn't hear anything really significant in the background here, except for the 'um's.
I took a public speaking class and we were videotaped and I remember that was one of the things our instructor looked for. Better to speak slowly and take pauses and gather one's thoughts than do that 'um' thing. It drives me bonkers. Sadly, she is worse than Cummings on that one thing.

'You know?' is another one that drives me nuts. I took special care, years ago, to try and not get into that habit because it's so distracting to listen to.
Testimony about EBay searches. Coach Bags.........two purses looked at in more detail. 2 of 7 dark brown Coach handbag and second Coach signature bag......when auction ended.............first one, 11/2 at 16:24 PST 7:24 Eastern 11/2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,second bag.........17:00 PST 2000 EST 8:pm

NO bids made! by def or bids by anybody? NO bids by that home computer~ :liar:


morning break, 'til 20 min quarter of 12

ETA, LOL, I don't know why that smiley is at the 2000 :)
Did JLY purchase a Coach bag off of ebay or not? Sounded from testimony he did not.
For some reason, I just can't get into this trial. It seems so low key and I am worried about the lack of some of the state's evidence. I know he's guilty as heck and pray the jury will do the right thing.
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