Syringe in bottle contained traces of chloroform

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No traces of pot, heroin or crack were found in any of the items that were tested so I'm not sure why we are discussing street drugs and paraphernalia at all. The needle obviously originated from someone using testosterone.

To me it's obvious there was not a dangerous level of chloroform in anything tested.

The FBI tech summarizes/concludes that there isn't. Whatever the details of the testing,how it was conducted, etc. the tester SUMMED UP by saying NO CHLOROFORM.

Add to that, some of our best sleuths (Bond, JWG, Vallhall) are all saying they see nothing to indicate a harmful level of chloroform in the test results.

Just because there was a trace of chloroform is irrelevant if it was so innocuous that the summary stated NO chloroform.

I really think we're :eek:ther_beatingA_Dead now guys.

i seen the summary report mention before.....but it was for how far the disney bag was to the body....can you please link along with page number the summary report where the tester summed up that states no chloroform?

thanks....NOT being snarky....just havent seen that summary yet :)

testosterone that was found is a class III yes it is in essence a street drug. Sold and obtained by illicit/illegal means. and it was packaged with items that constitute paraphernalia for the above illegal drugs.

No, it's a controlled substance.. available by prescription.
I would love to hear your opinion at to how poor Caylee reached the point she did. Did another car carry her? Did someone carry her by hand? What, beside the trunk that we have that has decomposition in it, is the carrier for how she got from here to there? Honestly, my main interest is the truth, so whatever info or speculation you may have I am happy to hear.

Well as far as this Gatorade bottle, I think it is a dead horse and I need to find a new thread anyway. I am sure the LE would have checked the barcode and numbers to find out if it had anything to do with Casey or Caylee. I am pretty sure it is just trash in a woods full of trash. The only thing that bothers me is it was so close to the skull. The bottle may also have an expiration date on it and perhaps it would show it as very old trash.
OH Lord No. I just remember my science class we had beakers and little Coleman stove things and we were suppose to do some sort of chemistry experiment.

I literally broke the beaker, my girlfriend started to laugh so hard that I started to laugh until the teacher kicked us out of class. We loved it. Today, you don't get kicked out you get sent to some adult in an office who calls your parents.

That is my chemistry knowledge or lack thereof.

Sorry to be totally off topic but in no way did I want to give the impression I was a brainiac. LOL

Back On Topic

So, after all this information we do not really have a smoking gun do we.

It is the amount of evidence, of coincidences, the things, the total sum of all this that, in my opinion, points to Casey as the culprit.

Wow, you must've had a HORRIBLE teacher.... cause the whole point of your first few chemistry classes it to master the fine are of glassware breaking! How dare that sorry excuse for a teacher throw you out for doing exactly what you're supposed to!!! LOL Should've gotten an A+!!!!!
Resp snip:
I started out with an impression of what may have happened, based on the level of hinkyness and mendacity I observed - an impression which has not changed, but I have been skeptical of certain elements or suppositions about particulars and willing to change my mind if I see overwhelming indications otherwise. So far I haven't. I don't feel as if I have to bend over backward to suspend my disbelief in order to preserve presumption of innocence because I am not on a jury (at which point I would, and would also be extremely upset at anyone who did not think I could separate my impressions from the media coverage with actual evidence admitted in court in determining innocence or guilt).

When contemplating KC's guilt versus anyone else's I am very careful to include what we know of her character and behavior so far, and we have a vast amount of information. The last thing I want to do is imitate the actions of her mother, who obviously created a child so spoiled and entitled that she actually gets angry when questioned about her responsibility for a "missing" child later found dead, is eager to assign blame to anyone else, and feels perfectly complacent about lying at every turn to weasel out of her accountability for Caylee both generally and specifically. In order for me to have interest in SODDI scenarios I need something as compelling as what I already know about KC for counterpoint, and I just don't see that as reasonable yet. I really think that it's dangerous to insist on presumption of innocence for the defendant to the point where we are willing to entertain presumption of guilt for everyone else.

Oh, Brava!!!! Just...Brava!!! :clap: :bowdown:
i seen the summary report mention before.....but it was for how far the disney bag was to the body....can you please link along with page number the summary report where the tester summed up that states no chloroform?

thanks....NOT being snarky....just havent seen that summary yet :)

Here is the summary page for the HS-GC-MSD testing:

Here is the summary page for the GC-MS(PI/EI)(splitless) testing:

Here is the summary page for the GC-MS(PI/EI)(split/splitless) testing;

No chloroform listed for Q240.1.1 on any of them.
They do it because 'guilty' drives ratings higher. 'Not guilty' is a channel changer.

Not finding any inculpatory evidence will not drive ratings and their paychecks higher. America is rich in evil crime reporters/analysts who manufacture evidence and poison jury pools so as to increase their following and wealth. They have ceespools for hearts.

I previously posted Nancy Grace's lead-in to her show on Friday night, I'll repost it.

"Tonight, we learn found at the crime scene, along with little Caylee`s remains, syringes loaded with chloroform, the super-powerful knock-out drug, the same drug found in tot mom`s car trunk. With the deadly syringes, a Gatorade bottle also loaded with chloroform, the bombshell suggesting tot mom cooked up homemade chloroform, carried it in the Gatorade bottle, then injecting it directly into her 2-year-old girl`s body, bound with duct tape."

Caylee was not bound with duct tape. Deadly 'syringes' were not found -- take note as to how one syringe became more than one syringe, so as to come across as still more sinister. And syringes were not 'loaded' with chloroform. Those boldfaced lies were put forth to improve ratings and make money. It's evil. And it was done knowingly.

Ya think?
No. If you look back through the newer threads this morning you'll see why it's not a substantial/important amount. The amount (volume) of liquid isn't important, because it's been determined that the concentration of chloroform in either liquid is no greater than what one would find in a drop of tap water.

We really need someone to maybe alter the title of the thread.
...and notify the media!
To be clear, you are saying that without knowing how much sample was injected, there is no way to know whether there was a high concentration of chloroform, or merely trace amounts?

Sorry to be so dense, just wanna make sure I'm understanding properly.

I'm sorry if I'm not being clear enough, I'm really trying hard to explain myself without giving any incorrect responses. It's not just the amount of sample that was injected that I need to know. I need to have SOMETHING more (lab notebook, method, some type of report they've generated...more info that what I've found so far) than what I have right now to answer the "How much?" question accurately. You can't use the chromatographs or mass spectral data alone to determine the concentration... they give you the response of a detector based on "counts"... and you can relate these "counts" to concentration but more info than what I have seen so far is needed (keep in mind I'm still looking and I haven't read the entire million page document yet). You can't look at the intensities and make and ACCURATE assumptions.... we need more data, IMHO.
Holy smokes. Recall the Patrick guy who went to the jail as soon as Casey was arrested the first time around? Just read in an old thread that his Dad is the owner of a Tattoo Parlour. >another possible avenue to explore as a source for the chloroform

Apparently, that CSI show Casey mentioned that broadcast in May 2008 had tattoo & chloroform in it, too. (I'll have to see if I can find a show synopsis)
Hey TE! Wasn't that CSI episode the one about Cirque de Soleil a coupla season's ago? I think?

BTW- I DO think PB is connected to KC somehow
To me it's obvious there was not a dangerous level of chloroform in anything tested.

The FBI tech summarizes/concludes that there isn't. Whatever the details of the testing,how it was conducted, etc. the tester SUMMED UP by saying NO CHLOROFORM.

Add to that, some of our best sleuths (Bond, JWG, Vallhall) are all saying they see nothing to indicate a harmful level of chloroform in the test results.

Just because there was a trace of chloroform is irrelevant if it was so innocuous that the summary stated NO chloroform.

I really think we're :eek:ther_beatingA_Dead now guys.

Sorry to be a pain, I know we're all tired of this discussion and of not having a conclusion yet, but do you have a link to where it says that there was no chloroform? I've been looking for this for a while and end up needing more info each time I get close to thinking I've found what I need. TIA!!
I believe we all will face a judgment day at which time we will be required to account for our actions. On that day, Nancy Grace is going to have a close encounter with truth.
I sure hope whoever is "judging" remembers the little ones she advocates for. There just may be balancing of the scales. IMO the good outweighs the bad. Luckily for me I can think for myself.
I know this may be off topic even though it is tied to chloroform. I dont believe there was ever a human body in that trunk. Yes even in the face of tons of unacepted science evidence, I still dont believe it. Really doesn't make any sense either. I need things to make sense to me. This is only my opinon.

OK NTS......if you don't believe there was a dead body in the trunk of the you have a theory about what may have transpired that would leave "substances" in that trunk that "mimic" human or animal decomp? Not trying to bash you here, but if you have strong feelings that there was NOT a dead body in the trunk....I wonder what the catalyst for that opinion is.
No, it's a controlled substance.. available by prescription.

But like many other prescription meds they can be sold on the blackmarket.
The fact that it was found in a wooded area points to it not being obtained legally, imo.
I had a history of intravenous drug abuse (10+ years ago) and we would shoot up just about anything. I personally never injected alcohol, but knew others who did.
Am I right in thinking that there was more ethanol than testosterone in the syringe?
Wonder if it showed signs of being bent, or blunted which would mean it had been used several times. I know that we used to clean out the syringes with alcohol or boiled water for reuse when running low on syringes, so that the blood didn't clog it up, but we never left the alcohol sitting in it. But we would pre-prepare the syringes with our drug of choice for later use.

I'm leaning toward the gatarade bottle and its contents not being connected to the case....but if it is connected its going to be interesting to see who was using the testosterone.
I keep thinking about Kc's visits to I.D's gym, and her plans to get fit and work out more. I guess it's possible she picked it up there, but I doubt it.
Here is the summary page for the HS-GC-MSD testing:

Here is the summary page for the GC-MS(PI/EI)(splitless) testing:

Here is the summary page for the GC-MS(PI/EI)(split/splitless) testing;

No chloroform listed for Q240.1.1 on any of them.

Thank you so much, I think this may be what I've looked for/asked to see for the past few days.... crossing my fingers and about to check it out! Thanks again!

Well darn...not what I was looking for. Do they list ANYWHERE in the documents that they found a certain number of ppm, ppb, ppt, percent (w/w or v/v) of chloroform and actually give a number?? These docs tell use "yes/no"... they don't give us NUMBERS.... and thats what I want to see before I give any opinion about what I think is significant. TIA!!
Any question of the power of the media can quickly be answered by this thread. Over 1400 posts, countless cumulative research hours by sleuthers, and a whole lot of speculation about the smoking gun, courtesy of our friends in the media. If this story caused this much hoopla in one thread, how much did it cause nationwide?
I don't think many gave it much thought. Yesterday's news IMO.

Watching this meeting of minds has challenged me to go where my brain has never gone before. Thanks folks! I don't suppose it would be a good idea to mention the latent print(s) that were noted in one of the reports? Probably not, huh?

But...did someone else read that too?
Only if they cleaned it in their drink :)

Rubbing alcohol is isopropyl vs ethanol

Just a thought. I knew some heroin addicts. (I lived in a bad neighborhood what can I say, poverty ya know - lol -- and they weren't bad people, just had some bad problems) Anyway, I've seen them rinse their syringe in rubbing alcohol after they used it before they put it away (for re-use at a later time). Apparently, they thought it would "clean" the syringe or, at least, that it was better than nothing KWIM?

Anyway, I wondered if that could be the source of the etoh in the syringe, as well as the reason there is more alcohol than anything else.

What contradicts that is the fact that the syringe was wrapped in what appears to be the package (plastic bag} it came in. You wouldn't think if someone only used it once they'd feel the need to "clean" it in alcohol or anything else.

Anyway, FWIW, as you commented re: the alcohol.
OK NTS......if you don't believe there was a dead body in the trunk of the you have a theory about what may have transpired that would leave "substances" in that trunk that "mimic" human or animal decomp? Not trying to bash you here, but if you have strong feelings that there was NOT a dead body in the trunk....I wonder what the catalyst for that opinion is.

If this thread is dead, I also would like to hear that. Ca thought there was a "damn body" in the trunk. GA thougt there was a dead body in the trunk, (and they both know what one smells like) 2 different trained cadaver dogs throught there was a dead body in the trunk, and the body farm thinks there was a dead body in the trunk. Neither I nor IMO, the jury is going to believe Oscar Mayer or pizza fooled all those people and all those tests.

I think the saying is, "if it looks like a duck..."
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