The Last Happy Hour, book by Charles Joseph Hackett

I got my copy for .92 cents from amazon (used) The Last Happy Hour (9780385114714): Charles J. Hackett: Books

As for your question Matilda, it is best for everyone on the internet to do their own verification, posters statements carry no real weight until you can validate the information. I suggest reading the book and drawing your own conclusion. I can even direct you to the relevant pages if you are interested in the cliff notes version.

.92 cents?! Wow! And now you're selling them for $100! Shrewd AND savvy!
Bumpitty bump bumBump!

WHERE IS TRUTHSPIDER????????????????????????????????

where is cph????????????????????????

BUMPing this for any/all new members to this case/forum.

This thread may be of particular interest of those looking at Hackett as a POI, or simply trying to just get a better look into who he is, his background, idiosyncrasies, etc.

Those that have recently taken a serious interest in LISK: You REALLY should go back to threads like this. It will answer A LOT of questions for you. Hopefully w/ new eyes, and new skill-sets who've just come aboard; we can gain some traction.
So far this is all I have found about LISK Victims COD:
"Some reports have stated that the four women found in December had been strangled. Reports also claimed that one of the women was found with an item around her neck, and the family of one victim received a death certificate that listed "asphyxia" as the cause of death. The FBI has enlisted a Profiling Unit, Behavior Analysis Unit, and Forensic Unit to help aid Nassau and Suffolk County Police. The Profiling Unit has been used to help pinpoint potential suspects, while the Forensic Unit analyzes evidence."
"It was revealed on Tuesday that the serial killer may have dismembered several of his victims, law enforcement authorities have told ABC News. ABC News has also learned that at least one of the victims died by "homicidal asphyxiation," which could mean strangulation or being smothered. "

One more:
"ABC News has also learned that at least one of the victims died by "homicidal asphyxiation," which could mean strangulation or being smothered."

No article was found, in this search, that described the item that was used in the asphyxiation death of "one of the victims."

Here are references to COD in AC Murders
"Apr 6, 2011 – One of four Atlantic City murder victims and her estranged husband stayed near Gilgo ... She died of ligature strangulation with a cord or a rope. ..."
"Second Strangulation Confirmed
Investigators confirmed that another woman found dead in Atlantic City was strangled to death. This is the second confirmed strangulation death in the case of four dead women who were discovered near an Atlantic City motel. "
bumping it up, beacause so much information for newbies like moi.
Evidence of Strangulation
Evidence of strangulation may include some of the below physical, neurological and psychological signs and symptoms and these may occur concurrently with or after an attack: 15
Voice changes (hoarseness, raspy voice, or loss of voice)
Swallowing changes (difficulty or pain)
Breathing changes (difficulty or inability to breathe) 16
Involuntary incontinence
Mental status changes (sleep disturbance, amnesia, stress, restlessness or combativeness)
Nausea or dizziness
Scratches/fingernail marks, scrapes, and abrasions (from offender or defensive injuries)
Redness, swelling, abrasions, or bruising on the neck
Petechiae (tiny ruptured capillaries that look like red spots) on eyes, face or neck
Ligature marks
Broken/fractured bones or injured cartilage in the neck
Lung damage, fluid in the lungs, or pneumonia
Brain injury caused by lack of oxygen
Vision or hearing changes
Memory loss
You know 4-5 minutes to kill someone. With all the girls he has killed taking 4-5 minutes each all I can say is...I don't even know
Evidence of Strangulation
Evidence of strangulation may include some of the below physical, neurological and psychological signs and symptoms and these may occur concurrently with or after an attack: 15
Voice changes (hoarseness, raspy voice, or loss of voice)
Swallowing changes (difficulty or pain)
Breathing changes (difficulty or inability to breathe) 16
Involuntary incontinence
Mental status changes (sleep disturbance, amnesia, stress, restlessness or combativeness)
Nausea or dizziness
Scratches/fingernail marks, scrapes, and abrasions (from offender or defensive injuries)
Redness, swelling, abrasions, or bruising on the neck
Petechiae (tiny ruptured capillaries that look like red spots) on eyes, face or neck
Ligature marks
Broken/fractured bones or injured cartilage in the neck
Lung damage, fluid in the lungs, or pneumonia
Brain injury caused by lack of oxygen
Vision or hearing changes
Memory loss
You know 4-5 minutes to kill someone. With all the girls he has killed taking 4-5 minutes each all I can say is...I don't even know

Only eleven pounds or more of pressure applied to both a person's carotid arteries for merely ten seconds can cause unconsciousness. 11
To completely close off the trachea, approximately 33 pounds of pressure is required. 12
If strangulation persists, brain death will occur in 4-5 minutes.
I have not read "The Last Happy Hour" and don't know if I will, but from the page posted re: 'converting *advertiser censored*', the elder Hackett was making a point of biblical points/arguments being more commonly and effectively used to lecture the masses, whereas more philosophical references such as from Henry David Thoreau were for the more educated speech makers and not as likely to be understood.
Does anyone else feel this way too?
Read it front to back after lost girls and confessions of the drifter. What an absloute piece of trash this book is. Its clearly written by an uneducated and unintelligent waste of life. All research on hacketts dad points to a complete fraud who over embellished numerous facts and events about his life. This is clearly a man with a delusional border line personality. Yet hackett idolized his dad. The idea of this father son team cleansing prostitutes in Atlantic city together isn't so far off.
Just bringing some thoughts over here to this thread, after doing some reading about CPH's father's book (I have not had a chance to read the whole book, yet).

What got me interested in this was a minor discrepancy, but possibly of importance, going back to a court case where CPH goes as PH, MD (defendant) and is connected with the Point Lookout/Lido Beach fire department. Tries to use Good Samaritan law to skirt around not treating a child with proper medical care. And, if I'm correct (please correct me) insinuations of being under the influence. Also read he was a volunteer firefighter.

If CPH is a D.O., why is he called an MD, and that isn't corrected, or brought up as being wrong in the suit, etc. This was in the 1990s, long after he supposedly obtained his degree. I just don't understand it. And why does he go by C.PH, PH, or CPH in different documents(?) Is it a way to muddy the waters and make paper trails more difficult to follow?

I looked into the school where it was said he graduated, and at this time their degree program is in Arizona. I have no idea if it was in NY back then, but I thought it odd. It's also a fairly prestigious school from what I could see, with a very low acceptance rate. I am not denying his intelligence, just wondering if it was a place, a school that one could "buy their way into."

Back to info on CPH's father. The obit CPH wrote for his dad was apparently/possibly full of fabrications, including that his father couldn't have been a doctor unless his degree information was forged--his highest school grade level completed was 8th grade(?)

If CPH could lie about his father being a doctor, or particulars, what was keeping him from lying about himself or obtaining falsified documents.(?) Usually doctors are affiliated with a hospital, and there is a lot more information on them, their specialties, affiliation with groups of other physicians.

While reading things, I almost felt as if CPH was staying within the realms of working up through emergency services, because maybe he knew someone, or there was less screening than at a traditional hospital? Also, where did he intern? Can't find info about that, either.

Erasing the tapes at Oak Beach/allowing them to be erased proves to me that in my opinion he was worried about incriminating information. His whole pretending to be with Homicide and interviewing people at the gate, is also, one heck of a lie to tell in an attempt to maybe get information and put together what he thought was a plausible story, working around others's statements.

I do think that the wrongful death suit has a lot of merit. And I hope that there's enough evidence.

I also think all the people who met at the gate, as mentioned on the Brewer thread, should have been interviewed, etc. Did that happen? I have no clue.

Also, looking back through Shannan's second autopsy, why the heck was there a hole that appeared to be drilled through her hyoid bone, and larynx missing? Was she not breathing, and someone tried to do a tracheostomy...and didn't know where to do it in the first place? Shannan Gilbert's Family Attorney Releases Results Of New Autopsy

Just thoughts.
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Thanks, Hawkshaw. I think everyone here, you included, has added a lot of valuable information, and brought some thoughts/direction to possible leads and/or motives. I have no LE training--only things I have are some medical training and work as an amateur genealogist. But, hey--anything might help, and I hope it does.
I'm gonna take a stroll through Ancestry...see what I can find, especially if there are any yearbooks with CPH. Ancestry has a lot of them. Also, directories for professionals. If I find anything, I'll post.
Funny how things work out. In Suffolk County you had a decades old crime family operating with impunity and not a damned thing done about it. Then one early morning a druggie goes out and robs something from James Burke's car and the criminal enterprise begins to crumble.

We now see Andrew Cuomo fighting for his life. It appears he will lose his office NOT for the things he did do: nursing home scandal, Buffalo swindle etc., etc. Not even for the guy he was responsible for killing in 1980. He will have to resign because of his sexual harassment of gals working for him.
Funny how things work out. In Suffolk County you had a decades old crime family operating with impunity and not a damned thing done about it. Then one early morning a druggie goes out and robs something from James Burke's car and the criminal enterprise begins to crumble.

We now see Andrew Cuomo fighting for his life. It appears he will lose his office NOT for the things he did do: nursing home scandal, Buffalo swindle etc., etc. Not even for the guy he was responsible for killing in 1980. He will have to resign because of his sexual harassment of gals working for him.

Whelp, all I can say about Suffolk County is that once I moved there, I knew things operated very differently. I know you have great knowledge of the corruption. I didn't know anything with the SCPD, except how high their salaries were, when living there. But, I did know that none of the police/court officers I knew who lived there but worked in NYC were afraid of getting stopped for anything. Drinking with an open bottle, and driving at the same time, is an example of this. The general shrug in response, and look at me like, "What are they gonna do about it? Nothing." I'm still wrapping my mind around some of the key players there, including the one you mentioned, in SCPD, at the time. It's awful.

As for Cuomo, I have a lil personal story related to him. This is outside politics, and goes back to when he was an attorney. A family member of mine worked at a very big downtown law firm. They used to call the building "the Heineken bottle" because it looked like it was dark green glass, and a geometric-edged cylinder, standing on end. One day, Andrew came "to visit," and made his way through the hallways and cubicles. My family member remembers an entourage of excited attorneys around him, asking a flurry of questions, and him generally blowing them off like they didn't matter, being rude to pretty much everyone, and was just there to get something he wanted, whatever it was. My family member said, "He was an *advertiser censored**h***," and I quote. That was good enough for me to question his character since the 1980s.
Found a little CPH info while doing an initial, and somewhat cursory look.

If anyone wants to double-check this, feel free...and if it's already been found/posted, I apologize.

I found seven different variations of CPH's name, so far. Including information that he may have gone as CJH at one time, potentially, which was his father's supposed name/initials. I haven't had a chance to look into that more, yet.

New York College of Osteopathic Medicine - class of 1984
NYS License - 1985 to 2021
Professional Membership - American Osteopathic Association - AOA

I have not been able to find confirmation of his schooling, they apparently started their program in 1977, before that, NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine did not exist. It wasn't until 1992 that they had a clinical campus. Our History | About | New York Tech

Now, as for stated membership in the AOA--I can not find any evidence that he is a member. I went first to (link may need to be typed in, no https:// in front of it). From there I was directed to: Find a DO | Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine to look him up in the directory. If he is a D.O., he should be in there. I have two doctors who are D.O.s, and they both are in there.

Guess what? CPH is not in there. I did a search within 150 miles of Oak Beach, even searched Florida (though I shouldn't have had to), and no record. I did such a broad search, I only used his last name (in case of aliases). So, unless I am wrong (please feel free to double-check and correct me), he is not a D.O. (in any way, in the normal sense), and does not have a professional membership in the AOA.

Then, I checked New York State Physician Profile where doctors can register. He is there. Only he, himself, can change his information. He submitted a wealth of interesting information, there. Last updated March 10, 2010. Shannan disappeared May 1, 2010. No updates since then.

There is a supposed certification with "AM OSTEO BRD OF FAMILY MEDICINE," there is no such thing. I checked variations of the name, there are some similar, but in 2021 no such certifying board exists (please feel free to double-check).

In the same listing on, there are several tabs where you can read information submitted by CPH. Hospital privileges is listed as Northwell Health at Plainview. I looked it up--this place appears to be in a strip mall, and is called Northwell Health GoHealth Urgent Care.

There's a lot more embellishment, and kooky language thrown in to try and work around accreditation.

I'm starting to wonder more and more if he was a firefighter, with aspirations for and delusions of grandeur.

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