The Murder of Janet Abaroa #1

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vero said:
Is that Raven in the pic you get by clicking the "hot or not" button? The one with the woman in the photo scribbled out in purple marker?

What do I need to put in the search url box to get to what you're trying to show us at the site?

Janet doesn't look very happy in the Christmas video--the one in which she is cooking scrambled eggs. She doesn't even look up at the camera. He asks her if she's having a good Christmas, or something like that, and she says yes in a very flat tone, without even looking up.

The prezzies are interesting, too. I can't see what the coffeetable books are, or the title of the John Grisham novel. She doesn't really like the necklaces she is holding, either. What type of store is REI? He mentions the name in connection with his new underoos and Janet's new outfit. I wonder who bought the stainless steel "manly" lotion dispenser and towel holder.

My husband and I give each other gifts that others would consider odd, I suppose, but I didn't see anything in there that looked like a major prezzie from him to her, or vice versa.

I can't get the egg video to log nor the picture with the purple scribble that your talking about. But ... on the Christmas greeting vid I noticed that he said the KNIFE was a Christmas present that he bought for HIMSELF. Another one of those things that make you go .... hmmmmmmm ......
JerseyGirl said:
Thank you lauriej & ThinkofLaura for telling me the difference between swabbings & samples. Is there any significance to taking a swab of something? In other words, is taking a "swab" of something indicative of there being something suspicious or is it just procedure to swab certain areas or items?

misterallgood, you gave some great new things today! I have initial impressions of stuff but I have to look at everything again, reread, and think. I'm shocked, (yet not shocked at the same time), over the Hot Or Not button. Have you investigated that further? Are you able to tell exact dates that Web pages are made or when that button was placed? Hot or Not is yet another site that doesn't seem to be targeted towards mature, married folks.

The video is a great little morsel to check out. Raven is a very handsome guy. He and Janet seem good together in that video. And Janet seems very sweet. I'm going to watch that again. Then off to read the new version of your blog entry, (GREAT catch, BTW, with the distinction between sign-up, updates, and log-ins! Of course it works that way, and I didn't even come close to catching that!)
The disturbing thing about that video for me is after watching it I realize how much Janet reminds me of my own wife. Same long-distance runner's build -- naturally very slender -- same way of speaking with hesitation, her self-consciousness showing. My wife is in full command in front of her classes when she teaches, but outside that she'll shy away from going out and just talking to people. I'm the extrovert, by comparison, and I don't think of myself as a true extrovert. I'm just good sometimes with meeting people and getting to know them.

I am a very protective father and husband. Perhaps subconsciously this played some small role in my response to this case.

Him? Yeah, nice-looking guy. Otherwise, and it may just be the impressions I've developed of him already, he just oozes insincerity and banality. He's the kind of guy I'd expect to see at an auto dealership, and would politely fob off the first opportunity I had. For some reason, he's one of the types that my radar reads almost perfectly from the beginning. I was about to ask a correspondent what he was really like, when I said, no, let me guess -- and I described how I thought he'd come across; essentially charming and personable, but loves to be the center of things and will steer all conversation that way. An okay co-worker, but a little too obvious with his kissing-up and smacking down. There was more, but the gist of this is, the person I was writing to said, "yeah, you nailed it."

Anyone notice what looks like some weird eye thing happening with him when he opens that knife? Could have just been a funky reflection from the blade...
NCBanker said:
Well unless she was really pissed at him, hence the possible fight that resulted in her murder. Perhaps they were arguing about something completely different, and the tension grew to the point that they were discussing separation/divorce, who would take the baby, etc., and then out of spite, she said she was going to turn evidence against him, and he snapped.

Unless she was completely livid with him, there would be no reason for her to incriminate her husband, as he was the main provider for their family.

To answer a question to me in an earlier post concerning Matrix Capital, they are a regional banking institution, much like BB&T, Wachovia, or Wells Fargo, only smaller. However, it was their securities trading department that caught my interest. A check written for that amount could be a few things... 1) installment on a loan from the bank (someone said he had multiple cars, or it could have been a business loan, but I highly doubt it), or 2) deposit for day trading (to either infuse capital into his account or pay for losses incurred).
I just wanted to compliment you NC and tell you I'm glad you're here -- your insights and analysis are very sensible and clearly articulated. Thanks from me for joining in the discussion.

Mr. A/Steve
golfmom said:
I can't get the egg video to log nor the picture with the purple scribble that your talking about.
The majority of the photos/videos on that site won't show up for me.

The photo with the purple scribble is a page at, not on Raven's site.
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"I went to the same college as Janet and Raven. I knew of them, but you know of everyone in a college that small. I've got some answers to a few of people's questions in previous posts--Janet and Raven were not married in a Mormon temple. "

I'm sorry for jumping into the middle of the thread, but I've just recently discovered this forum. I, too, went to school with Janet at SVU for a semester. I also was at her funeral. I'm curious when Jennifred says they were not married in a mormon temple. I believe her, but in the eulogy, her best friend said that the were married and sealed in the Washington DC temple. I also saw many pictures on display at the funeral that had Janet in her wedding dress and I'm almost 100% positive they were in front of the temple.
Jennifred, I'm wondering your thoughts on this.
I must say it was eerie seeing him and his family at the funeral. Janet has a sister that looks just like her. Very sad.
I went back to look at the Christmas video again, and this time it cuts out before he asks her if she's having a good Christmas. Seems as if it was cutting out the first time I watched it, too.

Whoever bought her that ghastly orange and black top either doesn't like her, or the thing was on sale. Raven seems attached to labels, doesn't he? Superficial, materialistic...these pics and video reinforce that idea.
Forgot to add that, if he assaulted a referee at a soccer game, there should be a police report somewhere. Sure would be nice to confirm that story.
Signature of Raven at another message board . . .

Lifes like a "Rave", enjoy the moment!

"Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes and I am left the same. The more things change, the more I am the same. I am what I started with, and when its all over I will be all that is left of me."

- High Prather, novelist
anneshirley said:
"I went to the same college as Janet and Raven. I knew of them, but you know of everyone in a college that small. I've got some answers to a few of people's questions in previous posts--Janet and Raven were not married in a Mormon temple. "

I'm sorry for jumping into the middle of the thread, but I've just recently discovered this forum. I, too, went to school with Janet at SVU for a semester. I also was at her funeral. I'm curious when Jennifred says they were not married in a mormon temple. I believe her, but in the eulogy, her best friend said that the were married and sealed in the Washington DC temple. I also saw many pictures on display at the funeral that had Janet in her wedding dress and I'm almost 100% positive they were in front of the temple.
Jennifred, I'm wondering your thoughts on this.
I must say it was eerie seeing him and his family at the funeral. Janet has a sister that looks just like her. Very sad.
Thanks for posting, Anneshirley.

Was Raven's demeanor at the funeral what one would expect, under the circumstances?
vero said:
I went back to look at the Christmas video again, and this time it cuts out before he asks her if she's having a good Christmas. Seems as if it was cutting out the first time I watched it, too.

Whoever bought her that ghastly orange and black top either doesn't like her, or the thing was on sale. Raven seems attached to labels, doesn't he? Superficial, materialistic...these pics and video reinforce that idea.
The video keeps cutting out on me as well. I did hear the audio, though. It seems to me that Raven was just goofing off with the camera, and she was humoring him. When asked if she's having a good Christmas, she says "sure", kind of like "yeah, okay Raven, whatever ... can you turn off the camera already?" That's kind of the impression I got. I'm often the same way when someone's documenting the entire morning on video. It seemed very much like most of my home videos; nothing jumped out at me.

The ghastly top was probably a mere $45. LOL! IMO, REI typically carries unattractive, overpriced clothing. They have a few nice things but their stuff definitely isn't for everyone.

The John Grisham book, BTW, (I can't remember who mentioned it), is The King of Torts.
misterallgood said:
I just wanted to compliment you NC and tell you I'm glad you're here -- your insights and analysis are very sensible and clearly articulated. Thanks from me for joining in the discussion.

Mr. A/Steve
Thank you for the kind words. I don't usually take part in these discussions, but I'm personally interested in this case because the girl is Mormon, as am I. Janet and Raven attended SVU (Southern Virginia University), which is kind of a mini BYU. It's not owned by the Church, yet, but they are very similar to the other schools owned by the Church. I have several friends and relatives who have attended SVU. In fact, my brother-in-law just completed his 1st year there. Raven alludes to the bad decisions he's made over the years. What is of more importance is the incredibly poor decision Janet made in marrying this creep. He completely ruined her life and ultimately ended it. I probably would have had more input in her choice of mate, had I been one of her parents. My parents would have never stood for my sister getting involved with someone of his calibur.
anneshirley said:
I'm sorry for jumping into the middle of the thread, but I've just recently discovered this forum. I, too, went to school with Janet at SVU for a semester. I also was at her funeral.

I must say it was eerie seeing him and his family at the funeral. Janet has a sister that looks just like her. Very sad.

Anne, welcome to WS, and you have nothing to apologize for, we love when people jump in!

I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we would greatly appreciate your impressions during the day of the funeral. I know I'm struggling with the thought that someone could want to hurt this obviously special woman ... she didn't deserve this. And quite frankly, I'm very worried about Kaiden.
Thanks! GM
anneshirley said:
"I went to the same college as Janet and Raven. I knew of them, but you know of everyone in a college that small. I've got some answers to a few of people's questions in previous posts--Janet and Raven were not married in a Mormon temple. "

I'm sorry for jumping into the middle of the thread, but I've just recently discovered this forum. I, too, went to school with Janet at SVU for a semester. I also was at her funeral. I'm curious when Jennifred says they were not married in a mormon temple. I believe her, but in the eulogy, her best friend said that the were married and sealed in the Washington DC temple. I also saw many pictures on display at the funeral that had Janet in her wedding dress and I'm almost 100% positive they were in front of the temple.
Jennifred, I'm wondering your thoughts on this.
I must say it was eerie seeing him and his family at the funeral. Janet has a sister that looks just like her. Very sad.
This is going to sound a little morbid, but was she dressed in her temple clothing? If she had been to the temple, she would be buried in her temple cothing.
NCBanker said:
This is going to sound a little morbid, but was she dressed in her temple clothing? If she had been to the temple, she would be buried in her temple cothing.

NCBanker, could you please explain the significance of being married in the temple or burried in temple clothes to us.

Thank you!
Can someone tell me where Raven was living at the time of the web site with the Christmas videos?
This has nothing to do with Raven, but it is a strange coincidence ...

the person he quoted wrote the following book.

The Quiet Answer
by High Prather category Religion & Spirituality

Considering Mr.AG started memorializing Janet with Quiet Questions, I found it down-right bizarre that Raven quoted someone who wrote a book "The Quiet Answer".

eta: the author's name is actually Hugh Prather.
NCBanker said:
This is going to sound a little morbid, but was she dressed in her temple clothing? If she had been to the temple, she would be buried in her temple cothing.

They did have a viewing and she was in her temple clothing.
As for the funeral, at times Raven seemed very amiable, if not chatty with those in attendance. He was showing off Kaiden to friends who hadn't seen him before. It seemed like he was holding on tight to Kaiden, which I could certainly understand. It was very strange seeing him, though.
Overall it was very sad, despite the speakers' best attempts to lighten the situation with stories of Janet. I can say, I did not see much interaction between the families.
golfmom said:
NCBanker, could you please explain the significance of being married in the temple or burried in temple clothes to us.

Thank you!
If they were married in the temple, I would be a little more hesitant to think he did this. There are sacred covenants made there, and the couple is sealed for time and all eternity. One must adhere to the highest moral standards in order to enter the temple. Not every member of the Church goes there, though it is the ultimate goal for every member. Without divulging certain sacred things, the temple clothing is symbolic of a host of things, including the covenants made therein. Other religious groups also have similar burial practices. Again, they are merely symbolic of the things that take place within the temple and the covenants that are made. Those covenants include adhering to higher moral standards.
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