The ransom note and staging

icedtea4me said:
Does your 10 year-old granddaughter use "v"s above sentences to insert missing words?


iced tea,

I don't know. She may have seen me use carets when writing something in longhand but I don't remember seeing any from her school work. I'll keep an eye out.

The idea of beheading a child doesn't occur to 10 year olds. Nor does the expression 'fat cat', nor do they use closing salutations like 'Victory!', or expressions like 'attache', 'gentlemen', 'remains for proper burial,' etc. etc. etc.
BlueCrab said:
Nah! Reeks of a college student looking over the writer's shoulder after the first few mis-spellings on the first page and thereafter occasionally looking up words in the nearby dictionary.
John Andrew was not there. It has been proven. Come on Blue Crab. This is just another zaney theory. HE WAS NOT THERE.
BlueCrab said:

I did as you requested. I have a 10-year-old granddaughter living with me and a lengthy shopping list written by her happened to be on the kitchen counter. Her handwriting, letter for letter, looks very much like that in the ransom note. Another thing that stood out to me was the long distances between the words in my granddaughter's note and the long distances between the words in the Ramsey ransom note (a trait in the writings of 10-year-olds?).

Well your 10 year old daughter is unusual then Blue Crab. Do a little more research and you will see that 10 year olds have very very unsophisticated handwriting most of the time.
Solace said:
Well your 10 year old daughter is unusual then Blue Crab. Do a little more research and you will see that 10 year olds have very very unsophisticated handwriting most of the time.


Not when they have an older person hovering over their shoulder helping them with the wording of a ransom note.

BlueCrab said:

Not when they have an older person hovering over their shoulder helping them with the wording of a ransom note.

Okay, we are not going to name names, was this other person a family friend?
Holdontoyourhat said:
The botched kidnapping is a very big possibility. Things like the change of clothes, the 2nd ligature obviously designed to restrain and not kill, the tape over the mouth, and the ransom note itself, all suggest a possible intent to remove JBR from the house.

So why did the FBI bow out??? If it was truly a kidnapping it was the FBI's duty to stay on the case.

Special Agent Ron Walker (a behavioral scientist himself) read the ransom note and knew it was not real. After arriving at the Ramsey home he proceeded to the basement and commented...

"Look at the bulls**t."
UKGuy said:
Are we looking for a female sexual predator?
No, but for a female ransom note writer. Especially the end of the RN sounds almost like an angry wife insulting her husband ...
BlueCrab said:

Not when they have an older person hovering over their shoulder helping them with the wording of a ransom note.

But didn't handwriting analysis rule out Burke as the writer of the RN anyway?
UKGuy said:
Yah! reeks of good planning.
If it had been good planning, the RN author would intentionally have messed-up the ransom note far more spelling-wise to suggest that a non-native speaker had written it.
The ransom note reeks of the author having an elaborate vocabulary, like for example a journalism major would have ...
Holdontoyourhat said:
The DNA is bull, the RN is bull. The garrote was just a prop, so thats bull too. The basement crime scene was staged, so its bull. The R's reaction after the murder was bull.
[SuperDave]Now we're starting to agree on things!
Sorry, left one out: The second ligature was too loose to be effective at anything, so its bull too!
[SD] You're doing okay so far!
Lol, Dave - hilarious!

Holdontyourhat -
and what does all that 'bull' point to: the Ramseys tried to cover up that JB had been killed by a family member.
[Holdon] Pretty soon RDI is going to run out of bull cards and start facing facts
What 'facts'? That the Ramseys have successfully escaped justice despite their concocted intruder/kidnapping story? :liar:
rashomon said:
Lol, Dave - hilarious!

Holdontyourhat -
and what does all that 'bull' point to: the Ramseys tried to cover up that JB had been killed by a family member. What 'facts'? That the Ramseys have successfully escaped justice despite their concocted intruder/kidnapping story? :liar:
Ahh Holdon, we all know you are just testing here and really do believe that Patsy killed JonBenet.
Toltec said:
So why did the FBI bow out??? If it was truly a kidnapping it was the FBI's duty to stay on the case.

Special Agent Ron Walker (a behavioral scientist himself) read the ransom note and knew it was not real. After arriving at the Ramsey home he proceeded to the basement and commented...

"Look at the bulls**t."
Why did the FBI bow out? I can't answer that one. Probably it was a mistake on their part.

10 years later, we have an unsolved murder. There still remains:
  1. Possibility of a foreign involvement, as stated clearly by the ransom note author.
  2. Kidnapping for ransom conspiracy, also clearly stated by the author.
  3. There still has been no positive ID of the perp, either by handwriting or DNA.
  4. The meaning of SBTC is still unknown.
There have been other famous cases, the Lindbergh case, Leob and Leopold, the Unabomber, etc. etc. where the perp has been positively identified. As long as JBR's killer is not positively identified, you kinda have to be open to various ideas, the most apparent one being the botched kidnapping/murder idea, because thats what it seems to be.

It beats me, then, why the FBI isn't involved in what has presented itself as a botched kidnapping turned murder, with a foreign involvement. On the surface thats what it seems to be.

Call it a mirage if you want, thats still what it appears to be.
Credence said:
He wasn't??? Is there anything written about it?


The results of the 73 suspects who took the CBI's handwriting examination were never officially made public. Only two results were indirectly released -- John's and Patsy's, and these came out during a civil deposition. Of the three Ramseys left alive in the house that night only John was eliminated as the possible writer of the RN by the handwriting analyes. Patsy was close to being eliminated. Burke's analysis results were never released.

However, in a police application to the court for a search warrant of the Ramsey's house in Charlevoix, Michigan, the applicants appeared to shield
the results of Burke's professional handwriting analysis by stating in the application that Burke "probably" did not write the RN. That sounds like a wimpy description of the actual results of the professional examination results and it certainly did not clear Burke as the writer.

BlueCrab said:

The results of the 73 suspects who took the CBI's handwriting examination were never officially made public. Only two results were indirectly released -- John's and Patsy's, and these came out during a civil deposition. Of the three Ramseys left alive in the house that night only John was eliminated as the possible writer of the RN by the handwriting analyes. Patsy was close to being eliminated. Burke's analysis results were never released.

However, in a police application to the court for a search warrant of the Ramsey's house in Charlevoix, Michigan, the applicants appeared to shield
the results of Burke's professional handwriting analysis by stating in the application that Burke "probably" did not write the RN. That sounds like a wimpy description of the actual results of the professional examination results and it certainly did not clear Burke as the writer.


Steve Thomas says the 73 suspects WERE CLEARED. HE SAYS THIS IN HIS BOOK. Lord Blue Crab, post what is out there, not what you want to believe. Chet Ubowski of the CBI says Patsy cannot be eliminated. In Steve Thomas' book, Thomas says that Ubowski says 24 of the 26 lettes MATCH when written by Patsy. One other analysts says you can ACTUALLY SUPERIMPOSE some of the words Patsy wrote of those in the Ramson note and they fit to a tee.

Come on. Credence, you have to read everything, not just what Blue Crab would like. Just for the fairness of this. Read everything. And then you decide.
Solace said:

Steve Thomas says the 73 suspects WERE CLEARED. HE SAYS THIS IN HIS BOOK. Lord Blue Crab, post what is out there, not what you want to believe. Chet Ubowski of the CBI says Patsy cannot be eliminated. In Steve Thomas' book, Thomas says that Ubowski says 24 of the 26 lettes MATCH when written by Patsy. One other analysts says you can ACTUALLY SUPERIMPOSE some of the words Patsy wrote of those in the Ramson note and they fit to a tee.

Come on. Credence, you have to read everything, not just what Blue Crab would like. Just for the fairness of this. Read everything. And then you decide.
Handwriting is used to establish one's identity. If PR's handwriting matched the handwriting in the RN, she would've been arrested and tried. There is no match, so she wasn't.
Solace said:
Ahh Holdon, we all know you are just testing here and really do believe that Patsy killed JonBenet.
PR didn't kill her dress-up girl. She was having fun with her daughter, and you've made up this rage thing all on your own, from out of thin air.

The real scenario of what happened to JBR doensn't need any 'bull' cards. IOW, everything will fit. RDI has to discard practically all the major evidence in order to force-fit any R as the perp. Disposing of the RN, garrote, DNA, etc. as 'bull' is like pushing the wrong piece into a puzzle, and trimming the corners to make it fit.

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