The Verdict Waiting Room

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Let's hope there is a verdict today after the jury having had the weekend to think things through. Will be watching here and the teev, anxiously, nervously waiting. My thoughts are with Allison's family & friends xx
Sorry I believe that Olivia knows what he did and she was involved in it in some way. No sympathy for her.
Yes Kiwijane, I saw a woman that was extremely interested in each and every word that was said and written in that court room. Never looking away or resting for a millisecond. She knows what he's done for sure! I think that OBW will be next. Mum and Dad ? Still not sure?
I have read The Stranger Beside Me several times. I feel like this is a situation where the truth or knowledge really did set me free...I had spent most of my life (I was in my late 20s when I first read it) exhausting myself with trying to guarantee that I would never become a victim to violent crime. I had rules for myself (don't go here after dusk; don't run alone in the woods; don't leave doors unlocked/unbarricaded; always have an escape route in case someone breaks in; don't walk from office to car alone after dark) that were good in theory but brought me absolutely no peace at all. I still lived in absolute fear because I could always imagine a circumstance that would foil my best attempts...for example, I could have a security guard walk me to my car every night that I left work late, but how do I know that he might not be a predator who wold then seize the opportunity to assault me?! For every single precaution I took I had multiple scenarios like that buzzing around my head. I was preoccupied with being vigilant and it was no bueno. Underlying it was the belief that I could and had to control everything that happened to me. My world became smaller and smaller because wherever I went I was on guard. I couldn't enjoy running in "my" beloved parks because every maintenance worker or fellow exerciser I spotted was a potential killer in my mind.

When I read The Stranger Beside Me, something in my head just snapped. I think I actually dropped the book while I was reading. It was the first time I really "got" that everything I tried to do to guarantee my safety was no guarantee at all.

Get a dog to run with me and don't leave the house without him or her? Denise Maslund had a dog with her at the park the day she was killed. Don't walk anywhere in the dark? Georgeann Hawkins disappeared from a well-lit alley. Don't live alone? Lonnie Trumbull and Lisa Wick lived together with a 3rd roommate; they were killed and she was savagely assaulted. Only go to parks with lots of other people around? Janice Ott was abducted from just such a park. And on and on it goes...taking precautions is one thing but i had been making myself sick trying to become absolutely safe. I never blamed victims, but I had also never really "got" in my heart that there's no such thing as absolute safety, no guarantee.

So like I said, something in my brain and my gut just snapped when I read about Ted Bundy's crimes and victims. I finally "got" that there was a difference between being smart and prepared, versus the way I had been living in fear. I really felt like as soon as I admitted to myself that there is no guarantee of safety, a sense of peace just washed over me.

*shrug* Just my experience that for some reason I felt like sharing :)

I found this interesting, while waiting, article on when you should or shouldn't choose a jury trial versus a judge only trial.

"If I have a really sound case at law, I'd want a judge," Mr Lloyd said. "If I have a case running on the vibe I'd want a jury."

I'd say GBC is counting on his "charm" and the "vibe". I say the prosecution has a very strong case, but as stated in this article, juries are often confused by what constitutes "reasonable doubt" - evident by the juries questions to the judge so far.

Also interesting that it's perceived as a given that jurors will in fact look up media articles.
Good article. Regarding Jury trial and counting on charm and the vibe.
I have visions of Todd Fuller seated with his back on G during G's "charming" soliquay.
Visions of the Judge turning his head slightly and rolling his eyes at the same time.
Visions of the Jury taking in everything and note taking at the same "charming" time.
Later, days after the charming, that same Jury coming back to clarify difference murder and manslaughter.
Visions at a later time of a Jurer's chair inexplicably breaking.
Visions of the large gathering of public people,s collective vibes.

Charming and vibe? Not in this case. Doesn't cut the mustard.
David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 8m

Week six, day 20, jury to soon resume deliberations #badenclay

The jury has so far deliberated for 12 hours over two days, third today #badenclay
They were all involved in some degree for sure

Well, IMO there is no way they could not see the scratches on his cheek or deny Allison's blood was found in the car. Waiting for justice to be delivered; the jury can take a few more days, if they need to, to ensure they all reach a unanimous verdict.
If they or any of the others were involved, I can't think of how GBC has contacted them without leaving a trace of any of the phones. If it did happen that way the only thing I can think is that he went and used a public phone or that the call from Allison's phone to Olivia was actually Gerard.

I tend to think that Olivia was being genuine at the start
IMO we just have to wait. Much evidence to sift through, sort, include/exclude, categorize, align with facts, agree/disagree, interpret according to The Law, etc. A big task for average, non-legal people. :thinking:


We wait again today.
I think they've found out after and are protecting him

That in my opinion is just as bad

Day 20 of Gerard Baden-Clay murder trial: Jury to resume deliberations
AAP JULY 14, 2014 8:08AM

"...THE trial of accused wife killer Gerard Baden-Clay will enter its sixth week when jurors resume their deliberations today.
The seven male and five female jurors have spent 12 hours deciding whether the 43-year-old murdered his wife in April 2012. They retired on Thursday afternoon, the 18th day of the trial"...
Ebony Cavallaro ‏@ebonycavallaro 3m

Around 30 people sitting outside court 11 waiting for any sign of a verdict #badenclay
Amee, I can take some tweeters if you like. Do you want to do David and Kate and I can pick up the odds and ends? Or anything else, I'm easy :)
+ they only live a few minutes apart!!!
No phones needed!!

But that would mean Gerard would have had to drive over there, either with Allison in the car, or leave the body at home with the sleeping daughters, go over there and then return for her body.

I just can't get my head around that. When we thought there had been a Facetime call, that all made sense...but without it, I just don't know.....
I wonder how I'd react in the same situation if a member of my family did this and it was denied emphatically, but I had niggling doubts.
I honestly don't know.
Do you stand close and give the benefit of the doubt or staunchly support because they are your family.
I wonder how I'd react in the same situation if a member of my family did this and it was denied emphatically, but I had niggling doubts.
I honestly don't know.
Do you stand close and give the benefit of the doubt or staunchly support because they are your family.

I think if it were my family I'd have to support them. But I'd want to know the truth that's for sure.
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