Theory Thread - What happened at Pistorius' house on the night of Feb. 13, 2013?

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OK, I’m confused. I thought self-defense claim could only be used to defend persons, not property in SA?
Were the thieves armed? Did they attack the cop?

A policeman, Jerome King was charged with murder, subsequently convicted of murder on the basis of dolus eventualis and sentenced to 10 years.

The post office had been broken into over the weekend and there was a broken window. For this reason a security guard was posted inside. He saw four persons outside and reported the incident to the Metro Police who arrived shortly afterwards. One suspect who was guarding the door was immediately apprehended. Two more suspects were inside. King verbally warned the deceased to come out, but he failed to respond. He was bobbing or moving up and down behind the counter. He then proceeded to fire a warning shot into the roof of the Post Office. The deceased still refused to comply. After firing the warning shot he observed another suspect running towards the back of the Post Office, in the direction of the deceased. He kept the deceased under observation and saw that he was still moving behind the counter. He reacted by firing two further shots, one of which killed the offender. The shots were fired in an upward direction, the same as the first warning shot.

Despite reading the entire judgment, his defence was never mentioned. Read p.13 para 30 to p.15 para 34 to see why the conviction and sentence were set aside.
A policeman, Jerome King was charged with murder, subsequently convicted of murder on the basis of dolus eventualis and sentenced to 10 years.

The post office had been broken into over the weekend and there was a broken window. For this reason a security guard was posted inside. He saw four persons outside and reported the incident to the Metro Police who arrived shortly afterwards. One suspect who was guarding the door was immediately apprehended. Two more suspects were inside. King verbally warned the deceased to come out, but he failed to respond. He was bobbing or moving up and down behind the counter. He then proceeded to fire a warning shot into the roof of the Post Office. The deceased still refused to comply. After firing the warning shot he observed another suspect running towards the back of the Post Office, in the direction of the deceased. He kept the deceased under observation and saw that he was still moving behind the counter. He reacted by firing two further shots, one of which killed the offender. The shots were fired in an upward direction, the same as the first warning shot.

Despite reading the entire judgment, his defence was never mentioned. Read p.13 para 30 to p.15 para 34 to see why the conviction and sentence were set aside.

BIB In one of the links posted above (Sorry, can't remember which one), the legal analyst said that at most, OP would spend about 8 years in jail. Yes that is 8 years to many for OP, but according to this analyst, Masipa will not accept premeditated murder. That means that OP will be charged with murder (15 years) or CH (15 years max). However, he could apply for bail after half his sentence has been served.
A policeman, Jerome King was charged with murder, subsequently convicted of murder on the basis of dolus eventualis and sentenced to 10 years.

The post office had been broken into over the weekend and there was a broken window. For this reason a security guard was posted inside. He saw four persons outside and reported the incident to the Metro Police who arrived shortly afterwards. One suspect who was guarding the door was immediately apprehended. Two more suspects were inside. King verbally warned the deceased to come out, but he failed to respond. He was bobbing or moving up and down behind the counter. He then proceeded to fire a warning shot into the roof of the Post Office. The deceased still refused to comply. After firing the warning shot he observed another suspect running towards the back of the Post Office, in the direction of the deceased. He kept the deceased under observation and saw that he was still moving behind the counter. He reacted by firing two further shots, one of which killed the offender. The shots were fired in an upward direction, the same as the first warning shot.

Despite reading the entire judgment, his defence was never mentioned. Read p.13 para 30 to p.15 para 34 to see why the conviction and sentence were set aside.

Thank you so much, Judgejudi!! :D
<Respectfully snipped>

This is my question: who did he really sell his houses to?? One was to some company (Eben Kruger Bemarking, with a manager named Ryno van Niekerk), one was to an anonymous 'business man.' My first thought was: is it possible he could be laundering is assets back into his family? With the Pistorius's ~100 companies, how can we know what Eben Kruger is? Why would a company buy a house?

Here are 3 links to this company

“Key Financials are not available as EBEN KRUGER BEMARKING has not filed accounts. Accounts are required to be filed on or before 20/09/2013”.
BIB In one of the links posted above (Sorry, can't remember which one), the legal analyst said that at most, OP would spend about 8 years in jail. Yes that is 8 years to many for OP, but according to this analyst, Masipa will not accept premeditated murder. That means that OP will be charged with murder (15 years) or CH (15 years max). However, he could apply for bail after half his sentence has been served.

I am preparing myself for that. And if he gets a 15 yr sentence, and does 8, I will live with that. I think the final 8 yrs is a probation? So if he messes up again he goes back and does the rest? I may have that wrong, but I think it works something like that.
I have just spent countless hours on google images trying to find a photo of OP's wood-carved rabbits (I think he said they had hearts on them and that he purchased them at roadside stands.) Have any of you happened upon pictures?

My rabbit hunt was a total failure. However, I ran across a blurred image of tweets by Jenna Elkins in support of the Pistorius family. I had seen them posted before... except for the last one whereby Jenna is asking the family to please contact her as she works for the TV program, TMZ, in the states. (At least she did at the time.) Am I the only one that didn't know that?!?!

P.S. I would have posted a link here if I hadn't failed in my attempt to go from "blurred image" to the website location of the original!! Grrrh...

I spent hours a long time ago looking too without success. I've just found one but it hasn't got a heart on it.

Rabbit & Wood

15th February 2012 - By I Want That

if you’re a fan of L’Orangerie in Newlands and Wynberg in Cape Town, then i know you’ll love Rabbit & Wood. It’s the newest venture by L’Orangerie founder Laura Allpass. Laura has that Shaker meets Scandi meets au naturel decor aesthetic going and as many of you will agree- it’s fabulous. She’s hit the mark again with Rabbit & Wood – charming kids toys, nostalgia

You’ll find Rabbit & Wood at the Kildare Centre, Main Street Newlands (around the corner from L’Orangerie)

Look at the large photo in the middle of the page. There's a wooden rabbit sitting up just to the right of the white bucket.


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Geez, now we have to worry about "review" and "procedural irregularity", too! LOL

"The review court can then set aside the conviction if the procedural irregularity was serious."

The only possible procedural irregularity I noted, besides the comment about not wanting to punish OP twice... was how OP was able to be evaluated on an out-patient basis for an evaluation that has always been done on in-patients.
BIB In one of the links posted above (Sorry, can't remember which one), the legal analyst said that at most, OP would spend about 8 years in jail. Yes that is 8 years to many for OP, but according to this analyst, Masipa will not accept premeditated murder. That means that OP will be charged with murder (15 years) or CH (15 years max). However, he could apply for bail after half his sentence has been served.

Hi Vansleuths.

OP has already been charged with Murder - the differing strands are what the Judge will consider depending on the version she accepts, but he remains charged with Murder.. In addition, and this keeps being overlooked by many, he is also charged with three other offences, all of which could carry a Custodial sentence.

Assuming he turns up on Thursday - and I have posted earlier that it should be seen as a possibility that he might not, I say he will go straight to Jail as a convicted Murderer, who shot his girlfriend during an argument. 25 years minimum, no bail. I also say he will be found guilty of discharging a firearm in a public place & the illegal possession of ammunition. (I think he will be cleared of firing his gun out of a Sunroof.)

<Respectfully snipped>

Here are 3 links to this company

&#8220;Key Financials are not available as EBEN KRUGER BEMARKING has not filed accounts. Accounts are required to be filed on or before 20/09/2013&#8221;.

fruit export around the world... ;)

i wonder what kind of farming uncle arnold is doing in mozambique?

for balance, this guy's business is based in silverwoods, so he probably just wanted a home in close proximity. odd choice of 'home' though.
I think he will be there for the verdict. I have read that the DT already has the appeal ready. IMO, if an appeal is granted he will go on fighting. There will be a break of as much as two weeks for mitigation. If he is going, maybe during the verdict and mitigation might be the time. I have also heard there is another break after mitigation and before sentence is confirmed. That could be another possibility. So it could be another month before we know what the end story is. :tantrum:

brinkmanship/outlandish lying/denial
this appears to be the op way... the initial plea of not guilty on all charges... even the tasha's charge.

to me, verdict/sentencing/appeal/high court/supreme court... the whole circus can be kept up for years... but it will all rest on op continuing to be out on bail... if he loses that fight i am sure the possibility of flight will be on the agenda in the op camp.

sounds like mozambique would be a good place for him to keep up his fake-hero status, in denial:
" He retains a loyal group of friends, who are almost exclusively white and who fiercely protect him. On that trip to Mozambique, Pistorius also enjoyed a dinner with 15 friends. ‘There is a bunch of well-known or rich or well-connected people who prop each other up,’ said Gareth Cliff, a prominent social commentator, radio broadcaster and author.
‘They think they can get away with all sorts of things. It is me, me, me with these people. There is a lot of bravado and machismo. Being the celebrity Oscar was, he would have been connected in this world. They are the only people who are now supportive of him.’ "
I think OP has had his bags packed since moving in with Uncle Arnold. LOL

I also think his family has had multiple, highly-detailed contingency plans in the works since he was indicted. No doubt they’re in the process of fine tuning them as we speak.

Count on it - by fair means or foul, the Pistorius family will never allow their Golden Boy to rot in a putrid SA prison.

I think the Defense knows he’s goosed - it’s just a matter of degree.

OP also knows this.

If and when he disappears will depend on what he thinks he’s actually gotten away with and what he thinks his defense team can mitigate - an ultra-high-stakes gamble. But we know that OP is a high-stakes player - such a massive ego demands to confront, to WIN.

The terrible dilemma and danger for OP is that the wild card in this game - the one thing he has zero control over - is Judge Masipa. Perhaps for the first time in his life, he feels utterly POWERLESS, at the total mercy of someone else. Prison would make him even more powerless - the ultimate submission and loss of control. OP is a total control freak with deep entitlement issues - so he will do anything and everything to avoid this fate worse than death. He will play this court game only as long as he thinks he’s got the upper hand.

The problem with narcissists, though, is their entrenched habit of overestimating themselves - and underestimating reality.

OP has gotten away with so much over the years (aided and abetted by his family/handlers/PR) that he no doubt believes he’ll get away with this, too. Within his privileged world - able to make and break his own rules at will - he’s never before slammed into brutal reality.

Narcissistic OP is arrogant enough that - like his epic legal battle with the IAAF to be allowed to compete in the 2012 Olympics - he thinks he will win a total reversal of his conviction on appeal and his freedom (and become some “redeemed” champion, once again embraced by the world?). He will fight this legal battle up until the bitter point he knows he’s about to be taken into custody for processing into prison ... then Uncle Theo will whisk him away in one of his armored vehicles to one of his private, chartered planes to, well ... just google “anywhere on earth”.

I can see the headlines now: ‘Oscar DISAPPEARS’.

No one ever expected the beloved Blade Runner to become a killer (how well do we really know our “heroes”?), so anything he does at this point would not surprise me.

Great post, Lux. To be honest, I'm surprised he hasn't left already. I don't think I'd risk hanging around, if I were him.
I've been thinking about the Ipads - Do we know whether any messages were recovered from them? Sam Taylor mentioned that OP was forever texting in bed, both from his handset and from his Ipad. I know he deleted his browsing history, but I'm wondering if it was possible to recover his chats. Also, what about Reeva's Ipad? What messages were recovered from that, if any? And, if the reports are true, where did the police find OP's flirtatious texts to Erin Steer?

Apologies for all the questions so late in the day, but I would have thought this evidence was key to establishing a timeline for that night.
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