TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - # 3

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maybe because he thought the brother would hear it and not have time to escape with Holly. JMOO
Vic's hypothesis:

Something I have not heard mentioned (although I'm a few pages behind yet..) is that this is Tennessee's statewide spring turkey season (April 2 - May 15, 2011 -

Anyone familiar with turkey hunting knows that they are very perceptive birds and that you have to be very stealthy and in FULL CAMO to hunt them.

This time of year in Tennessee (and my part of Ohio) NO ONE would be suspicious coming out of the woods in camo, especially if the perp came from the adjoining property not owned by the Bobo's.

The perp used this as a ruse of some sorts to get Holly to the woods with him. One scenario that immediately came to my mind was

Perp(knowing HB is a nursing student..), "My friend is shot/injured/bleeding/etc in the woods"

Holly, "I'm a nurse let me help..."

The brother looks out the window and sees the perp and Holly going into the woods thinks it's boyfriend and heads to shower. They stop in the woods for Holly to call 911. Perp knocks phone to ground. Holly screams, heard by neighbor but brother is in shower by this time.

One thing not clear to me is where the cell phone was located. Barn or woods? I've heard both. The above scenario would fit either barn or woods.

Sorry for the ramblings. Was just had the turkey season pop into my head, went & looked it up and sure enough, smack middle of season. Wanted to get my thoughts down before they escaped my mind lol.
Praying that Hollie survives this, I remember walking through the countryside to take my nursing state finals, praying for you Hollie
I read that article this a.m. and the expert said he thinks they didn't go in a vehicle, so then I thought to myself, well we haven't heard from LE yet that they didn't go in a vehicle.

Right, I'm having a hard time believing they are still in the woods. It's been 3 nights, and this will be 3rd day, they need food and water. If they're on foot or ATV and she's still alive, just don't see how he could manage without a stash of supplies somewhere. Also could not have gotten very far.
If he had taken her car, he would have had an all-day head start, or whenever she was expected home...
perp had to have a plan for going into the woods and getting away from there... why not take Holly's car.. that she was just headed out to get into to drive to her nursing test.

did they ever determine whether or not the perp could've had a vehicle waiting for them somewhere in the woods or elsewhere?
A 'way-out-there' thought just came to me. They HAVE thoroughly searched the house and grounds, right? I'm wondering about a 'JonBenet' scenario where the victim never left the premises.
Right, I'm having a hard time believing they are still in the woods. It's been 3 nights, and this will be 3rd day, they need food and water. If they're on foot or ATV and she's still alive, just don't see how he could manage without a stash of supplies somewhere. Also could not have gotten very far.

basic info on hunting turkeys using a blind/tree stand ((where perp could have hidden supplies, etc))
I'm sorry in advance if this has been answered but I've been gone since yesterday. Has the ex been ruled out or does he have her?
Le said in an article posted this morning sometime that do NOT believe a vehicle is involved...for whatever reason, I don't know. So they must think they are on foot and in those woods, or they would not be asking the whole town to come out there and search. I just hope they are right.
I'm sorry in advance if this has been answered but I've been gone since yesterday. Has the ex been ruled out or does he have her?

Ex never mentioned at all officially, only in rumors.
did they ever determine whether or not the perp could've had a vehicle waiting for them somewhere in the woods or elsewhere?

it's very possible that he did have a vehicle somewhere. They would not get very far in those woods on an ATV, esp. with so many people out seaching for her.

I just do not think the perp would take that chance.

I have a really hard time believing they are still in those woods, even hidden somewhere.
when is the news conference and is there a link to it online? tia
I don't think Holly would have been in a position to drop things as clues...I don't see the perp letting her get far enough away from him to be dropping lunch pails, etc...

I also do not believe that all 2500 people in town were interviewed already as of yesterday, as was stated at one point, that is impossible...
Just because LE says the brother and b/f are not suspects doesnt mean that the brother or b/f do not know the suspect. You know, brother's hunting buddy, b/f's room mate; that kind of thing. But if they had a particular person in mind I think they would at least check out the guys residence or put his name out as a POI.

A vehicle MUST have been used. And I don't think it is an ATV or motor bike. It would be hard to kidnap someone on a bike particularly. But a car yes.

The suspect probably had at least two hours run time, given it took the brother an hour or so to call 911 and it woudl take cops a while to show up, do a cursory inverview, decide to search, call for more cops, etc. So, if the suspect did not go home, where did he go? Did he have another location to take Holly to? Did he leave his car and walk there? Did he abandon his car somewhere to be found with evidence inside? If he left the car where would he/they go. Two people can't walk that far that fast in dense woods and in night and bad weather.

I don't think this was some stranger camping out in the woods, etc. Because LE would find a camp site and he couldn't have gotten 8 miles away with no car particularly easily.
Tn is rural enough to have backwoods cabins or shanty's. One can only hope she is being held captive and smart enough to play along with whatever game(for lack of a better word) that he is playing. If it is the ex no doubt he would be acting on obsessive behavior. Even if it isn't the ex If I remember correctly she has done some hunting herself so she has to be pretty savvy in the woods. Just trying to be positive here.
Any hunting cabins around there? I hope they've checked for underground "basements" in them. =P
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