TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - # 4

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I do wonder if the rumor about ex is coming from a post I seen on her friend wall. They guy was in relationship in March on March 22 he was single.

The thing is the girl he was in relationship with was not Holly.

I really feel if there was ex missing that there would be BOLO out for him. At this time this on my rumor list.

I think from the Link above the blood is a fact. The finding a duct tape was fact (we just don't know how it fit in). The lunch bag fact. The brother and boyfriend has been clear...I taking that has a fact.

So IMO LE feel she in the woods somewhere and this guy might have some kind living site maybe he lives in the woods. I wish I could get better upstanding or visual of the area.

That a lot people searching. I don't think I ever seen that many on a search.

I keep thinking about case a few years back where a hiker was kidnap by a guy that live in the mountain and he wanted a woman. I think she was found alive tie to tree.

oh! night time searches we don't see many of them. But you made me think at night a campfire or some kind light would be able to be spotted easier than during the day.

Yes, The Brother & The Boyfriend have both been cleared.
We were "robbed" last year and the sheriff called it a "home invasion" on the reports and to us in person. So for the sake of semantics, I will say a "robbery" gone wrong, instead of "home invasion". I was using that because LE used that. But, West TN is...well West TN. Rural and all. But hey, we do have an appointed US Marshal. :)

Just an initial simple robbery attempt that went wrong because Holly walked out and saw the guy face-to-face is my theory.

You could well be right, since it sounds like you're from the immediate area, and I'm a little further away, but it just seems so ODD that a robber would kidnap a witness so she could get an even better look at him. And if he killed her just for seeing him come to rob the house, why not kill her there and go ahead and rob the house? Or kill her right there and take off? By dragging her off, he ran the risk of her getting away or someone seeing them.

Assuming it was a home invasion/robbery, that would mean this person upped the ante from robbery to kidnapping and possibly murder without even getting into the house. At least, from what we know right now. It's turkey season right now in Tennessee and the guy was dressed in cammo. If she caught him trespassing on their property, it would have been easier and faster to claim he got lost while hunting, walk away and disappear.

However, it did dawn on me that if this person stalked her, he would know she's a nursing student. He might have lured her away from her house and into the woods with a tale about an injured hunter. I imagine a sweet, young nursing student wouldn't think twice about going to help.
Truthfully I am suprised that they may have found her lunch purse 8 miles away from where she was taken, it gives me hope that she may be being kept alive.
I really believe it is someone she knows, not real well but perhaps in passing from the school, that is obsessed with her.

I am in Jackson Tennesseen today and I have my dog with me.
Not to be funny, but I just had a thought.
My dog wouldn't be any help in locating anyone, but she would have found the lunchbox....and stopped there:)
I would go on up to help search but we are swamped with church and family lunch today.
Thank God for all of the volunteers.
Personally I still think Holly is alive and being held as a prize that has been coveted for a very long time.
Actualy even if they did not think she was in the woods they would search it like this.

Most of the time when people are lost in the woods this is the type of volunteer outpouring they have and exactly the type of search. They would not assume she was not in those woods and stop searching. They will search it non stop from 7 to 10 days. IMO based on the past searches I have seen here in other cases excluding OK.
I am finding it odd that in this Criminal case they are allowing the volunteers. To me that says they are mainly wanting to clear the area of evidence and are not concerned with the searchers runnng into a body.

Being as there was blood found, I find these thoughts awful, Because it only leads me to conclude she is hurt and her abductor is not in the woods.
I am officially frustrated with this case :banghead: and to top it off my two youngest kids are full of "why" questions this morning ! This is what I look like right now :crazy: Prayers for the searchers and Holly this morning I have to log off for awhile....
An ATV would not need a road.

I completely agree. Makes me think of that line from Back To The Future "where we're going, we don't need roads". LOL I was replying to someone who suggested it was thrown out of a car to get rid of it. I didn't think that would work if it was found in the woods rather than beside the road.
This is the problem here!!!!!

Yes they found a lunch box or purse as Meher calls it but its been reported
in the woods, beside the road,,, in a creek... its mind boggling.

All we know is they found the lunchpurse!

Amen to that! So much conflicting information leaves us to do a lot of assuming and we know where that leads, lol. Heck, I was thoroughly confused by the term 'lunch purse'. I've lived in TN all my life and never heard of such a thing.
I completely agree. Makes me think of that line from Back To The Future "where we're going, we don't need roads". LOL I was replying to someone who suggested it was thrown out of a car to get rid of it. I didn't think that would work if it was found in the woods rather than beside the road.

Well there any local De loreans missing lol?
Feeling not to bright today but what does the post from Jessie Parrish mean and what is EMA?


Jessie Parrish means that particular church is on its way. Probably cancelled services and heading to the search, or at least sending people from the church.
Amen to that! So much conflicting information leaves us to do a lot of assuming and we know where that leads, lol. Heck, I was thoroughly confused by the term 'lunch purse'. I've lived in TN all my life and never heard of such a thing.

I've read that it was a 'tote bag', probably big enough to carry one's lunch AND purse.
goodmorning everybody!

to paraphrase the latest: there is apparently now a second command site set up... the reward has increased... oh and a searcher said this:

Volunteer: "We MUST be getting closer"
I'm sorry but I don't follow. Why would she be found earlier if the perp used an ATV? It seems that would make it easier to take her farther from home. Thanks,

It depends on the ATV.
My brother owns several and hunts in the area where Holly is missing.
One of his is a monster of a machine that is extremely fast and very quiet.
It would easily carry him and two girls Holly's size.
And it is rigged with a platform on the back to haul deer out of the woods.
IMO it would be easy to use an ATV to get Holly and travel to a waiting vehicle.
Also since I grew up outside of Jackson when it was still a very small town, I heard gunshots all the time. Not to mention ATV's and tractors and combines. The fields are being tilled although the ground is still too cold to plant crops.
Gunshots didn't mean much. A lot of people target practice or rodent hunt in these areas.
If, as I believe, this was planned for quite some time, the car (or truck) was probably stolen and this person has a hiding place with provisions to last for some period of time.
Thinking of it this way makes it easier for me because it means Holly is alive.
I truly believe that it is very possible that she is.
And I still believe this is a "off-the-grid" person that wouldn't be missed in the community.
Think of Eric (?) Rudolph in the Carolinas that took so long to find.
He was a survivalist that knew how to live off of the land.
We may be dealing with someone just like that.
While I do believe there is a lot of confusion regarding rumors, evidence found/not found, etc., I think LE has a reason for being tightlipped about this. And as much as it drives us nuts, their main priority is to find Holly - and I feel that if they thought that clearing up any of those rumors would help then they would have.

Hats off to LE - I think they've been working around the clock to find Holly. I really like the folks I've seen who are working on this case.

It was only Topix, so just a rumor, but someone yesterday posted that her jeans had been found...
So if they scanned the woods were Heat seeking devices last night they would have areas of interests based on what was mapped out due to findings right?

Yes they would and the helicopters are up.
But if inside an underground pre-prepared living space with only a covered hole (that area has many unmarked caves) I don't think the heat devices would have worked.
Also, if we are dealing with a survivalist he would know better than to start a campfire. He would be using tyvek type covering for warmth. And probably the packs that heat up when you activate them.
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