TN TN - Karen Swift, 44, Dyersburg, 30 Oct 2011 - #3

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Or could it be possible that Karen just came upon something through some of her social or other contacts, new "friends", etc. , not realizing who they really were, and learned something incriminating that they did not want to be known.
I've always believed her husband was the most likely suspect, but this does raise at least a small question in my mind. Unless, of course, it turns out that his atty. is just totally blowing smoke.... reminiscent of Jose Baez. jmo

Any time an attorney begins to attack the character of the victim, it raises my hackles!! He says that he is not going after her, but he is subtly suggesting that she was not of stellar character.

If David had nothing at all to do with this, why hire an attorney? They have not ever publicly named him as a POI, and they have never even hinted that they are looking at him. It really is telling to me that he hired this attorney because they say that they still believe an arrest will be made. IMHO
IMO it's most important for LE to be able to determine if KS remained home of left the house on her own after she came back from the party. If she stayed home, then hubby has a problem.... if she really did go out, again, on her ownthen the case becomes tricky...
Can her daughter provide any info that would stand up in court? Tricky because if her daughter woke up and mommy wasn't there, that doesn't tell us if he left on her own or not.
Maybe she heard fighting..
Oh you guys just have no idea exactly what type defense is/has been in the making for this husbands defense.. Steve Farese and Leslie Ballin are criminal defense attys the likes of which you will not often see.. And I have personal, first hand experience and knowledge of what Steve Farese and Leslie Ballin are capable of.. We are talking they will pull out all the stops and then some.. They will go the whole 9 yards in painting Karen into something that her loved ones will not even recognize.. And sadly, very sadly many times their defense wins known murderers freedom..

It happened in my family and Steve Farese completely got her off.. My nephew was murdered by his wife.. Shot point blank in the face while their 2 year old daughter watched.. It's a long detailed account that any from the Haleigh Cummings may recall that I posted the entire situation in detail in Haleigh's forum..

To cut to the chase Steve Farese set up a defense that won this evil hearted beotch her absolute freedom..

I'm telling you Steve Farese and the defense is very capable of seeing to it that cold blooded murderers walk Scott free.. It's terrifying and I've often wondered truly how they can sleep at night due to the fact that their defense tactics are so low down and dirty and mainly are directed at taking the victim in the case and as I said previously twisting the victim into an unrecognizable person who deserved and/or even was responsible somehow for their own death..they are fully aware that their clients are guilty and evil and they do not care.. They truly IMO are on a completely different level of what they'll stoop to in order to "win" their clients freedom..

This defense Atty knows all the tricks in the book along with a thousand more that even the best criminal defense attys are in awe of..

I'm just sick at hearing this is who is representing Karens "innocent" husband.. Just sick..

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:
Below is my post about my nephews murder that I posted long ago.. the Atty of who I SPEAK OF BELOW is the Atty Karen's husband has retained.. Steve Farese.
Where I live(Memphis) there is a very well known lawyer, whom his reputation for winning didn't come from no where... This man WINS and I mean WINS BIG!! Defense lawyer that honestly I do not see how he sleeps at night nor looks himself in the mirroe every morning.. The criminals that he represents literally are the WORST OF THE WORST[of course ONLY if they can "afford" him that is&his price is REALLY REALLY STEEP]...

With that said, I know someone who hired him for representation for a murder case.. My nephew was the victim that was murdered by the woman that this reputable defense lawyer was defending.. She killed him in cold blood[and believe when I say the blood that runs thru this womsn's veins is COLD AS ICE]..
To make an extremely long story short and into a "nutshell" she and my nephew were seniors in high school[their families were lifelong friends and they had grown up together]Their senior year after having "dated" for about a year she turns up pregnant.. My nephew does what he thinks is the right thing to do and quits his senior year to start working full time for his dad's company and marries her all before the baby is born.. They have a cute&cozy nice little home right off the main Hwy and he worked full time for his dad while she stayed home and played mom.. That didn't last very long as this 18 yr old girl still wanted very much to sow her wild oats and this husband and baby were keeping her bogged down.. So the partying and the cheating started.. He would wake up in the middle of the night, roll over to find his wife gone, just he&his baby girl there in bed. At first he had some very close fam or friends go out looking for her all around town, he quit asking ppl to do that when it was discovered time after time after time that his wife was found to be at other men's homes...

He was determined to make it work. He loved her with all his heart[even tho she'd done him wrong&literally spoke to him as tho he were lower than the dirt she walked on].. He never started arguments infact when she would intentionally "pick" huge fights he would do everything in his power to please her&not have her mad. Desperately wanting her to stay home with him and their baby...Her temper tantrums got worse, more violent. He still never complained and tried his damnest to make her love him and their daughter.She got to where she would literally throw objects[dishes, lamps, vases, etc]at his head even with their baby daughter in his arms.. He never did anything to retaliate, just tried to shield their baby from the anger of her mom and at the same time try to make this raving lunatic b**ch happy.. She all the while continued "carrying on" with every guy and man in the tri-state area.. She even began an affair with one of his lifelong "friends". we all knew what was going on by this time. And begged him to take baby J and leave... Get out, get custody and move on. He was only 19. He loved her. He really did..

As he was getting ready for work one early morning she came traipsing in from her "night out", baby J in high chair eating breakfast... No one will ever know for absolute certainty exactly what occurred. She got his pistol from the closet, loaded it, and shot him 4 inches away from his face, in the kitchen where their 18 month old daughter witnessed the ENTIRE MURDER OF HER FATHER...

Wife went to neighbor's hysterical, begging call 911. Screaming first that he was cleaning his gun and it "went off" in his face... LE arrive, as does his father whom he rode to work with every morning... She is questioned at the scene and changes her story to he committed suicide.. LE takes her in and charges her with murder citing that neither story matched the evidence in the home... She stayed their for 10 days until her grandparents retained the infamous defense atty I spoke of above..She's bailed out, gains an amount of custody to be shared with her in laws[her dead husband's parents] and she prepares 5 months for her defense in her upcoming murder trial...

Those 10 days that she served from the day she murdered him until the time this defense atty was retained WAS THE ONLY TIME THIS WOMAN SERVED FOR MURDERING HER HUSBAND[my nephew}POINT BLANK, SHOT IN THE FACE IN FRONT OF HIS PRECIOUS DAUGHTER..

Claimed good"ol battered wife syndrome.Changed her story once again, this time to that he was trying to shoot her in front of their daughter and in the struggle gun goes off, and her husband was dead... Not one ounce of evidence or testimony of any 911 calls made stemming from him abusing her, nor one testimony of ever seeing a mark on her or that he had ever laid a hand on her.. The defense won.. Another notch on the belt for the Atty.. Sad but true..made up defenses definitely can succeed in letting murderers go free... Iknow this first hand..
Smooth, that is exactly what I was afraid of when the attorney immediately started his defense in the media. A minister's reputation was dragged through the mud by this guy for heaven sakes; and he was shot in the back IIRC.

The worst part is that her four children will suffer again amd again if DS turns out to be charged and goes on a trial with this defense team.
Smooth, that is exactly what I was afraid of when the attorney immediately started his defense in the media. A minister's reputation was dragged through the mud by this guy for heaven sakes; and he was shot in the back IIRC.

The worst part is that her four children will suffer again amd again if DS turns out to be charged and goes on a trial with this defense team.

I know cocomod.. I know.. I am very sick at the thought of what her precious kids(the adult sons, and even more so the tender aged little girls that are already suffering terribly).. Honestly the suffering has not yet even begun.. I've been so hopeful for LE to get their ducks in a row so the darkest hour could come for this family in their having to see their only surviving parent arrested and charged for the brutal and tragic murder of their beloved mother.. I was so hopeful that after that point that ATLEAST in some strange way that actually could make sense in this whole nightmare.. That ATLEAST with him now removed from their daily lives that the children could begin that long painstaking task of moving forward with their lives.. Hoping and praying that this "father" out of his love for his children would actually do the right thing after having been faced with a mountain of evidence that would easily prove his guilt.. And that he honestly, for his children, spare them the further trauma, anguish, and pain and taking his consequence of murdering their mom by spending the rest of his natural life in prison.. That truly has been my greatest hope and what I have prayed for as the best solution to such a traumatic and senseless death of this mother of 4..

Well.. I see that is not even slightly a possibility.. And IMO her husband has just shown his cards as far as where he stands and exactly what his intentions are regarding the inevitable arrest and charge of his wife's murder.. He has every intention on at any cost necessary(and that cost includes destroying what's left of his 4 children) he intends to "win".. And honestly IMO there isn't a better attorney equipped and capable to give him that "win" than Steve Farese.. Steve is capable and equipped beyond light years of what IMO this states attys office in Dyersburg is.. And IMO the DA/SA are very much aware of that fact.. I now firmly believe that this defense has been in the works for possibly quite some time and that the DA was very much fully aware of who DS was consulting with prior to his ever even officially retaining Steve Farese.. I believe I now understand fully exactly what has been the extreme odd, almost hesitation in their moving forward and charging the suspect, DS.. It is IMO absolutely due to the fact that they have got to build the case of a lifetime against DS.. ANYTHING.. AND I DO MEAN ANY LITTLE, TINY FLAW, SHORT CUT, OR EVEN SOMETHING THAT CAN BE MADE TO "LOOK" AS THO THIS LE OR DA DID SOMETHING QUESTIONABLE OR HINKY OR NOT ABSOLUTELY BY THE BOOK.. THIS DA FULL WELL KNOWS THAT THE DEFENSE WILL ABSOLUTELY TEAR THEM TO SHREDS.. THEREFOR KAREN'S MURDERER WALKS SCOTT FREE!!!

Moo is the DA knows it and it is exactly why we are seeing this seemingly be drug out for such an extended amount of time.. They've got one shot to get it right and they are fully aware that the defense that they are up against will pull out all the stops, and go beyond any lengths necessary to "win" their case for their client.. I'm devastated by this news.. I'm devastated because I know the pain and anguish that is in this family's near future.. The pain and anguish caused by their only surviving parent.. Their father.. The man whose job on this earth is to love and protect is the very man who has already done what is truly the worst of the worst in selfishly murdering their momma.. But IMO the worst of the worst has not yet even begun.. It is just beyond words to express what deep sadness and fear that I have for what this family is going to endure.. It's just too much.. And I am truly truly heartbroken that this is happening.. I already know what's to come and I just can't bear it for this family..

For all who believe in prayer I ask that you continue to pray for this family and what they are about to embark upon by absolutely no doing, nor fault of their own.. This family has a very tough road ahead and they are going to need as much love, prayer, and support as any are willing to give them in these months to come..

(I suppose it would be evil of me to hope that DS somehow just was no longer here.. It kills me to know it is their father who is inflicting this trauma and pain that will last their entire lives and affect them in ways they'll not even realize til decades later.. I suppose it's too much to ask for him to miraculously no longer be here.. I'm sorry but it's how I feel)

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:
Smooth, I have felt from the beginning that DS was the one that killed Karen; but I had hope deep within me that I was wrong. I had hope for the kids that I was wrong and that he had nothing to do with it. The facts, as little as we know about them, point directly to DS though. It just seems so improbable that someone else was involved unless of course she really did have communications with someone else that asked her to meet them elsewhere. I find it odd that LE would not mention her last text or call if that were the case.

The "retaining" of the attorney just when Sheriff Box announces that an arrest will be made was a complete tip for me. I could not longer hope to be on the fence. Why in the world would an innocent man jump to his defense before LE has even said that he is their focus. This man has not been intimidated and questioned day after day be LE as some POI's have been prior to being named. DS has not had many, many search warrants issued. LE has really kept a tight ship and a very tight lip. He should have no reason to fear unless he KNOWS that the circumstantial and possibly other evidence will lead back to him.

I greive for Karen's mom and sister; and I especially greive for her children. They have stood by their father. I sincerely hope that my speculations are wrong and there is another obvious person out there; but I cannot imagine LE saying that the murderer is not a threat to others. This has to be a personal crime. :sigh:
So HIS lawyer has found some suspects??
Sounds like the Irwin's lawyer to me...JMO
Also snipped....Box noted the four and one-half month-long investigation has produced numerous items requiring analysis and they are still waiting on a few more results to come back.
Any time an attorney begins to attack the character of the victim, it raises my hackles!! He says that he is not going after her, but he is subtly suggesting that she was not of stellar character.

If David had nothing at all to do with this, why hire an attorney? They have not ever publicly named him as a POI, and they have never even hinted that they are looking at him. It really is telling to me that he hired this attorney because they say that they still believe an arrest will be made. IMHO

They always suspect the spouse or the person closest to the victim. If they have no other suspects in mind, they are going to go after the husband, that's a given. I don't like to see the victim's character attacked either, but these things are going to come out sooner or later.
I don't blame the husband for hiring the best attorney he can, whether he did it or not. If he is being railroaded for a murder he didn't commit, then he deserves the best defense possible. If he DID murder her, then he still has the right to an attorney, whether we like it or not. You're not going to find a defense attorney worth his or her salt who doesn't pull out all the stops. It's their job to defend them to the best of their ability... we may not like their methods, but nothing much we can do about it.
The word "slaying" was used 3 times in that short little article.

I don't want anyone to be railroaded in this case (or any other case for that matter). I want Karen's killer to be brought to justice.

Box has said they have evidence.
"This has been an investigation which has developed a lot of evidence that required lab work," said Box.
BBM No need to railroad with "a lot of evidence".
A West Tennessee sheriff said he is "confident" that an arrest will be made in a slaying investigation that has gone on for months.

BBM Conviction is another story. I think it is fixing to be a roller coaster ride once the arrest is made.
It's been nearly seven (7) months since Karen was murdered! The Sheriff states they have "a lot of evidence" so why not an arrest, yet? Let's forget about politics, who knows who, and another notch on the prosecutor's belt and arrest the culprit alright already?!! MOO

Hoping for a quick resolution to this case was futile (hindsight is 20/20), but still hoping for a Resolution...afterall, there is "a lot of evidence"!
The word "slaying" was used 3 times in that short little article.

I don't want anyone to be railroaded in this case (or any other case for that matter). I want Karen's killer to be brought to justice.

Box has said they have evidence.

BBM No need to railroad with "a lot of evidence".

BBM Conviction is another story. I think it is fixing to be a roller coaster ride once the arrest is made.

Good points - I imagine the "a lot of evidence" is circumstantial, and the sheriff knows a high-power att.
will try to plant all sorts of doubt... sometimes I think a professional jury would be better, more astute for such cases, but that a debate unto itself.
Just wanted to point out for those not familiar with cases here in Tennessee...these two defense lawyers were the ones who represented Mary Winkler....the woman who shot her preacher hubby in the back while he slept.
Good points - I imagine the "a lot of evidence" is circumstantial, and the sheriff knows a high-power att.
will try to plant all sorts of doubt... sometimes I think a professional jury would be better, more astute for such cases, but that a debate unto itself.

I think that two changes in law would assist the jury in arriving at the correct verdict:

1. a strict adherence to law when presenting evidence (none of the antics that we saw from Baez)
2. detailed, thorough instructions to jurors, even if it takes 3 days to get through it all (use of a verdict tree; if, and, or schematics for jurors to follow)
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