TN said that Misty will never tell what heppened to Haleigh. Why is she so sure?

Nonni Brenda

Georgia girl
Jan 9, 2009
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On Levi's show dated 10/04/10 it was said that Teresa Neves has stated that Misty will never tell what happened to Haleigh. Not only is this an odd statement for TN to make, even stranger is that she seems to be so sure of it. There are many reasons to believe this to be possible, but I would like to know how TN can be so certain.

Now you all may think I have really gone crazy, but could it be possible that Misty has been hypnotized so she won't remember what happened?

I know... maybe I have beeen watching too much Matlock or CSI on TV. But I am interested to know what you think about this theory? What is your theory on why TN would make this statement?

On Levi's show dated 10/04/10 it was said that Teresa Neves has stated that Misty will never tell what happened to Haleigh. Not only is this an odd statement for TN to make, even stranger is that she seems to be so sure of it. There are many reasons to believe this to be possible, but I would like to know how TN can be so certain.

Now you all may think I have really gone crazy, but could it be possible that Misty has been hypnotized so she won't remember what happened?

I know... maybe I have beeen watching too much Matlock or CSI on TV. But I am interested to know what you think about this theory? What is your theory on why TN would make this statement?


Actually I think that Misty can't tell what happened to Haleigh because she wasn't there when it happened and only knows what the Cummings decided she would know.
Actually I think that Misty can't tell what happened to Haleigh because she wasn't there when it happened and only knows what the Cummings decided she would know.

Hi lt, that is what I have thought up to this point, but it looks like TN, As would at least be a little worried about Misty talking about what little she knows, such as RC's work hours, the cleanup, etc. They don't even seem the least worried that she will tell about that. Misty keeps saying she doesn't know, and I agree that she doesn't know everything, but somthing is just not fitting... Not sure what. Just can't put my finger on it... Just wanted to throw it out there to see if anyone else thinks it odd.
I am not certain about hypnotism..and all that...but perhaps so....but I am leaning..towards a more systematic approach used on Misty..

What I am describing is sort of a "brainwashing" for instance..

Ron, TN and GMMS..MIGHT have told Misty some "tales" of their family's retaliation of others who "ratted" on them for various reasons...and perhaps that did or didn't happen
but just the telling and emphasising the various "deeds" done...that ....ALONE ...might cause a young impressional teen age girl to keep "secrets" to herself..

Nonnie, the fact that Ron could take a little animal and stop its life...for HIS OWN GAIN..
and use it against others and to create fear for his benefit...JUST STUNS me...

Then there is TN and GGMS..and their "antics" ...after Tommy's cout appearance..BOLDLY...WITHOUT CONSCIENCE...display revenge/retaliation to others..and just act like that was just me...How dangerous could they be....???/

Even if someone would a red light..and be pulled over by a cop...and you get out of your car...and point your finger at him...and say..bang are would be ARRESTED...Even the cop..seeing it is only your finger...would still perceive it as a threat/bodily harm..

Or in a public place..pull a stunt like would scare folks...even if folks KNEW it was just your is percieved as a threat to you..

And IMO...that is what TN/GMMS is doing....Showing the Croslins to take their threat seriously...Why???...........because Misty KNOWS....

Didn't TN ask Ron on the jail house tape.this question.....Do you think she will talk???

IMO..TN is going to make sure that Misty doesn't......

I am willing to bet Misty is VERY VERY SCARED of the Cummings...she may feel Prison is safer...and her family will be safe....moo..
I am not certain about hypnotism..and all that...but perhaps so....but I am leaning..towards a more systematic approach used on Misty..

What I am describing is sort of a "brainwashing" for instance..

Ron, TN and GMMS..MIGHT have told Misty some "tales" of their family's retaliation of others who "ratted" on them for various reasons...and perhaps that did or didn't happen
but just the telling and emphasising the various "deeds" done...that ....ALONE ...might cause a young impressional teen age girl to keep "secrets" to herself..

Nonnie, the fact that Ron could take a little animal and stop its life...for HIS OWN GAIN..
and use it against others and to create fear for his benefit...JUST STUNS me...

Then there is TN and GGMS..and their "antics" ...after Tommy's cout appearance..BOLDLY...WITHOUT CONSCIENCE...display revenge/retaliation to others..and just act like that was just me...How dangerous could they be....???/

Even if someone would a red light..and be pulled over by a cop...and you get out of your car...and point your finger at him...and say..bang are would be ARRESTED...Even the cop..seeing it is only your finger...would still perceive it as a threat/bodily harm..

Or in a public place..pull a stunt like would scare folks...even if folks KNEW it was just your is percieved as a threat to you..

And IMO...that is what TN/GMMS is doing....Showing the Croslins to take their threat seriously...Why???...........because Misty KNOWS....

Didn't TN ask Ron on the jail house tape.this question.....Do you think she will talk???

IMO..TN is going to make sure that Misty doesn't......

I am willing to bet Misty is VERY VERY SCARED of the Cummings...she may feel Prison is safer...and her family will be safe....moo..

Justus, this makes a lot of sense. I try not to feel sorry for anyone, especially when I know they are guilty of selling durgs, probably to children.

But when I think of how scared Misty must be of these people to keep completely silent and go to prison for so long to protect them, it really breaks my heart.

I have worked with girls this age, and I have always seen some good in them, no matter what they have done. Someone has to care, and it just seems that nobody has ever really cared about Misty... Just breaks
my heart.
I really hope this would all end soon, with justice for everyone involved, but especially for Haleigh.
The truth will come out someway, somehow no matter what. I hope she keeps making statements like that because one of these times, she's going to trip up real bad.

"Do you think she'll talk"? He answers with an air of pride "I don't know.....they mentioned my name and the tears started"............instead of something like: "I hope so".

Give me a break.
ITA, Nonni and I believe the only reason TN and GMS showed up in court today was to make sure Misty remembered she better keep her mouth shut. The judge got it wrong today, they weren't there for Haleigh. They were there for Ronald.
Speculating ... Misty has been convinced that for her part in this crime that she will get the DP or Life at best. If she talks and takes Ron down, or the 'Cummings' then they will join forces and ensure she gets the DP ... authority is added given TN's LE connections and Misty's fear/distrust of LE.

Given her 3-day drug binge things may well be hazy of what really happened that night and she has been convinced her role is worse than it really is. Ron could have done something and roused Misty to blame her, or sent GmaS and TN and catch her with HaLeigh gone.

I think that TN is confident because they have done a job on Misty and she has survived this long. Who does Misty trust? LE? FBI? herself?

If Misty did this herself then the Cummings have that over her or she has been setup and has played right into it. She has dug the hole so deep that she is more than implicated. Who will LE believe ... Misty? ... or a united GmaS, TN and, Ron?

Done and dusted.
Misty has had every opportunity to tell from day one. Instead she has weaved tale after tale always diverting the blame game away from herself.

I agree totally with TN. Misty will never tell where Haleigh is. It is NOT in Misty Croslin's best interest to ever tell where Haleigh's body is.

She will go to prison as a mid level drug dealer rather than be known as an inmate who killed a defenseless little girl.

The police didn't ask Misty where so and so put Haleigh's body. They ask Misty to take them to Haleigh's body. That is profound and shows LE thinks she is involved in this up to her eyeballs.

Unless someone just happens to come across Haleigh's body she will never be found because Misty is never going to tell where she is.......never.:furious:

ITA, Nonni and I believe the only reason TN and GMS showed up in court today was to make sure Misty remembered she better keep her mouth shut. The judge got it wrong today, they weren't there for Haleigh. They were there for Ronald.

The Judge was talking about the FBI agents who were there today. They were there for Haleigh.

The article was updated and (FBI) added.

FWIW - I don't believe Misty will ever tell what happened to Haleigh either.

IMO - that's because:
1) She wasn't there...and/or
2) She was drugged out and doesn't know...and/or
3) She was the one responsible.

I refuse to be alarmed about the reported threats (finger gun, bang, bang) until I hear with my own ears from a reliable source.

My thoughts are (as I have repeatedly stated) not because I'm a Cummings' family fan - but, rather, because I have no use for the vast majority of reporting that has been done to date. Verifiable information has been sorely lacking since the day Haleigh disappeared and, IMHO, continues to deteriorate.

As always, just my very humble opinion (and I understand an unpopular one).:couch:
I think TN, GMH and all the rest are full of crap and enjoy talking to the press. Its the exercise of speaking with them, not the value of the content (nonexistent IMO)

I think it was her opinion. People of low intellegence (MOO) tend to be very adamant when making statements of opinion, almost as if they are fact.
Misty has had every opportunity to tell from day one. Instead she has weaved tale after tale always diverting the blame game away from herself.

I agree totally with TN. Misty will never tell where Haleigh is. It is NOT in Misty Croslin's best interest to ever tell where Haleigh's body is.

She will go to prison as a mid level drug dealer rather than be known as an inmate who killed a defenseless little girl.

The police didn't ask Misty where so and so put Haleigh's body. They ask Misty to take them to Haleigh's body. That is profound and shows LE thinks she is involved in this up to her eyeballs.

Unless someone just happens to come across Haleigh's body she will never be found because Misty is never going to tell where she is.......never.:furious:


Maybe RC could shed some light on that one since it was he that went off to "talk" to Haleigh on Christmas day.
Maybe RC could shed some light on that one since it was he that went off to "talk" to Haleigh on Christmas day.

I agree and I also believe that Teresa and GMSykes knows where to go to talk to Haleigh when they want to. RC is not the only one that knows where Haleigh is....

IMO, LE asking Misty to take them to Haleigh's body was just another scare tactic...we've seen scare tactics used throughout this case and this was simply just another was all about applying pressure to her to tell what she knows...the whole truth....I do not believe LE thinks Misty is the one responsible but they know that she was at least involved in the order to build their case against the one that is actually responsible for whatever happened to Haleigh.....LE needs Misty to tell the truth..

IMO, when all is said and done...the outcome will be mind blowin'...JMO of course
Maybe RC could shed some light on that one since it was he that went off to "talk" to Haleigh on Christmas day.

Thanks for refreshing my memory on that one...

Does anyone know where he went to do "that"...???

Was it local???

Wonder where he went???............
I understand what TN means by saying Misty will not talk, ever. She (Misty) probably is so ashamed and scared to say anything as what would Ron think of her if she let something happen to his daughter? how could he be around her if she was responsible?, this is why I think she is talking. I wonder why Tommy is still in St Johns jail as he was sentenced before Ron and Misty, why transfered there? There are so many unanswered questions. This Cummings/Sheffield family sure has shown a lot of restraint me and my family wouldn't be able to do. There would be some very hurt people if this was my grandaughter, they would rather talk then be around me. A lot of people say Ron runs the LE, Misty, the Croslins, on and on and on and he is gone now and they still aren't talking, I didnt think they would as Ron is nothing to the Croslins, they are covering their own arses. period.
I am so upset about everytime I come to one of these threads, the bad talking about a missing childs family it nauseates me and I am so shocked it is aloud. I know some things can be worded to not sound like bashing but until someone is arrested in the Cummings family, I think we should have to refrain from all this talking bad about this poor family. The whole family is seperated now and a little boy and girl have no family now that they are used to. Oh how I wish Haleigh could be found.
I agree with TN. My first thought on hearing that Misty got 25 years was the same, she'll never tell the truth, but she sure wouldn't tell if she only got six years either. Tommy will never tell. If I were Teresa, I'd get authorized to gather all the lies and inconsistencies told by the entire Croslin family including Lisa's "blackmail" confession today. Then, I'd try to sue the whole lot of them for wrongful death. Or maybe that's what Crystal should do. I forgot in all this that she is Haleigh's mother.
My opinion is not very popular. I don't think she knows. I believe She has told LE what she was told and they know that is a lie. I don't think it is so much her lie but what she was told. Theresa is not worried about Misty or Tommy talking... whatever they know is not the truth... there is no proof of the truth... I think LE knows pretty much what DIDN"T happen they may never know the truth of what did actually happen.
On Levi's show dated 10/04/10 it was said that Teresa Neves has stated that Misty will never tell what happened to Haleigh. Not only is this an odd statement for TN to make, even stranger is that she seems to be so sure of it. There are many reasons to believe this to be possible, but I would like to know how TN can be so certain.

Now you all may think I have really gone crazy, but could it be possible that Misty has been hypnotized so she won't remember what happened?

I know... maybe I have beeen watching too much Matlock or CSI on TV. But I am interested to know what you think about this theory? What is your theory on why TN would make this statement?


or....she can't tell because she wasn't there and she doesn't know, or she was passed out, and doesn't know?
just a thought.

But, I would say to TN, never say never........:)

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