trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #108

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I feel like a sausage roll from all the fries.

*sips mojito, reaches for chocolate truffle*

don't judge me!

I bet Jodi misses "sausage rolls." Too bad she'll never have one again.
This trial needs to get on with it This "expert" has nothing relevant to say about this case and talks to hear herself talk grrrrrrrrrr!

Someone posted a Timeline yesterday (excellent job) regarding the number of days TA and JA were together and it was 638 days. And most of that time they weren't together cuz the Witch lived hundreds of miles away. SO....please shut up "expert witness" about couples with kids, decades together yada yada yada. I have the flu and I want to puke! God I'm crabby today! (ahhhh...opkay, I'll be quiet now)
"Coercive controlling behavior". Interesting. That must be what Travis used to channel JA to his house uninvited on June 4, 2008?


Let us please get on with THIS case.

Wow, Wilmott is making me really think about the way my generally pleasant disposition comes off in court...the Polly Pocket demeanor is INCREDIBLY annoying.
Abuse survivor, rape by a relative, moved around to live with different family members now worth 2.8 billion-Oprah Winfrey
I haven't heard her say anything about Jodi yet. It's my understanding that she was paid to evaluate Jodi. If this is correct, I find it interesting that she has only been testifying in generalizations and hypotheticals so far. Did she write a report? I don't know if she did because it hasn't been mentioned. Over a day of testimony and no report has been mentioned.

Don't you think it's possible that she doesn't think Jodi was abused? Based upon what I've heard so far, I think that's very possible. Now, if she did write a report I'd still hold off on my evaluation of ALV until I know what she said.

She hasn't said anything offensive and hasn't said anything about Travis or Jodi. She hasn't done anything to help far.

I agree but I think that she is trying to establish a foundation in order to get JM to allow testimony in terms of JA . . (at least that is what I keep getting during his objections whenever it veers toward JA) . .. although - i could be wrong too.
LaViolette testified in generalities, but I find it offensive that she "throws in" little statements based upon JA's testimony about Travis (e.g. road rage, insulting family members, the word "*advertiser censored*," etc etc ad naseum).
I've been wondering that too. Did she agree to testify but with the stipulation that she would only discuss the dynamics of DV generally?

Thank you! I was beginning to think I was so very very alone on this.
Stolen from someone on Twitter

I am so glad Travis got the opportunity to have this house, with his name on it. I am so glad Travis got the opportunity to drive a nice car, have people listen to him, and give him lots of attention...

Imagine how this boy felt when he moved to a new state, bought a GORGEOUS new home, filled it with friends, party's and good times.

It's a tragedy that he never got to stand there on his wedding day and watch his beautiful wife walk down that isle. Or watch the birth of his son/daughter and hold them in his arms. It's inexcusable he never got to continue his work for others by releasing his book. Saving others by uplifting them as their own people. A book I know I could have used.

It's sad he wont get to do a million things and that the rest of us are also robbed of what he could have given us but...

I have to look at what he did get. It's the only way I can bare it. The thought that he spent days in that house that he probably only dreamed of having as a child who had nothing.

Jodi on the other hand. There is nothing for her. I feel nothing. I don't care what her dreams were. She's a leech, a brutal criminal. I don't care about her past. I don't care if someone abused the heck out of her. She needs to be snuffed out of this world. :furious:
That's because can't. There was a hearing about it. She can't say anything specific about Travis. Juan fought to muzzle her and the defense team.

WAIT-----Viola CAN'T discuss anything that directly involves JA + TA? WTH? Really???
FWIW...not all abusers come from abusive childhoods. This is a joke. I here it brandied about by experts like its true. I know better. I was abused as a child and wouldn't even think of doing that to anyone! And I have four children and eleven grandchildren who would tell you so. I hate it when these so called experts repeat this. Just not true! And criminals use this as a defense all the time! Ugh, so irritating!

I'm sure it does happen in some families, like "they" say -- "you do what you see" -- but I have always thought -- because of so many adults who were abused as children who were NOT that way as adults -- that certainly there were other things going on in the abuser-begats-abuser families.

Drugs, severe poverty, incarceration, marital affairs, frustration, just plain bad luck. etc., etc., (but still those & other factors absolutely do not another abuser make. Travis is a great example. (He was at least a victim of neglect if not physical abuse, IMO.) And you, Curious, and I know several folks personally who have successfully survived it as well. And how many WS folks have said the same thing about their abusive childhoods and not one of them has grown up to become an abuser.

A cheap analogy: It's kinda like those little green peas -- you have to eat so many of those half-warm gooshy things when you're growing up and in a school cafeteria -- never again will you eat one. And you don't. (Yes, weak & puny example, but nevertheless...)

Thanks for speaking up, Curious, and many kudos to and admiration for your successful and exemplary adulthood.
How was the last hour of ALV testimony?

I missed it, but i'm reading Jodi having a nervous breakdown??

second verse, same as the first. Couples counseling blah, blah, blah. Jodi felt faint and court stopped so she could have an energy bar ....Juantini recipes being swapped...virtual happy hour has begun ;)
I missed the trial today (mom's in the hospital) Anything exciting happen? or same 'ole stuff with this defense witness as with Scamuels?

We're wishing your mom the best, chijojo, with {{{hugs}}} and prayers.
I remember years ago when I saw a victim's abuse counsellor, she went over the "Cycle Abuse" with me.
The honeymoon phase etc... this applied because I was in a 7 year relationship- not on and off for 1 1/2 years.
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