Trial - Ross Harris #6

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#7. Ross called in "late" to daycare only in reference to Cooper's breakfast. The daycare didn't even have a system for following up on absent kids, much less for caring about "late."

Ross often- but not always- called LAA if he was running late and wanted them to hold breakfast for Cooper. Breakfast ended by 8:45 or 9, take your pick, both were offered up. Ross didnt even arrive to CFA until 8:55-8:59.
I've been out all morning and am trying to catch up. Why are they going over this parking lot footage again?

ETA: never mind. I was watching old footage apparently! Thank God because I didn't want to sit through Stoddard and watching people walk behind the car in the parking lot again!
Yes of course. I am interested in what you have to say and won't discount it or ignore it merely because I have an opinion that currently differs from yours. But I might not have the same attitude about certain facts as you do.

Wouldn't expect you to. I appreciate any dialogue on interpretation of facts. ;)
Wes Wolfe ‏@WesWolfeBN 10m10 minutes agoBrunswick, GA
ABC staffer in media room says GMA never offered to pay for Leanna Taylor's bff's intvw. Says it was Inside Edition. #RossHarris

Bond acknowledged she doesn’t like Harris anymore because he cheated on her. But she also said she appeared on Good Morning America in September 2014 because she wanted to “speak the truth.”

At that time, there had been insinuations that Taylor was somehow involved in Cooper’s death.

“That’s just not true,” Bond said. She said she wanted to let the public know “how much (Taylor) loved that little boy and how much Ross loved his little boy.”

The TV show offered her $1,000 to appear on it, Bond said. “I didn’t take it. I turned it down.”

She said she just wanted to let people know “how much Leanna loves Cooper and how much Ross loves Cooper.”
She said today that GMA offered her $1,000 but she declined the money because she just wanted to let people know that Harris and Taylor are good parents.
Why not take it and donate to org that does psa for fbs
Until a yes...

#4. The reference to forgetting was about Ross forgetting to pick up Cooper from daycare, not about dropping him off, and the context was what seems to have been a fairly regular afternoon negotiation, based on work schedules.

#5. Ross didn't typically go into CFA to eat breakfast. That's true and also relevant. Ms. Meadows testified that Ross DID typically take Cooper inside to eat, though, which made that a break in his routine.

The manager's knowledge of RH was limited to having seen RH all of 12 times total, and typically at lunch, though Ross seems to have gone to CFA almost daily for breakfast, and quite often for lunch as well.

#6. Ross did not "often" buy CFA for daycare teachers, he did so infrequently, and at their request, not independently.

For starters.

Thank you. I'm going to edit my list later and remove anything that's questionable. Or edit it. Based on what you've said so far, perhaps going into the restaurant wasn't something that proves anythifng. And the manager's statments aren't that relevant. Ok. I can eliminate that. I will edit the part about buying workers CFA but not erase it because even if it wasn't often, he did it, but coincidentally not on that day.

As to the NEVER text, I know what it referred to. That's 100% unimportant to me. The day before Cooper was left in the car, only hours before really, his father was reminded to not forget him
in another situation. And he replied NEVER. And then coincidentally forgot his son the next day. Not at school but in the car. Still a huge, glaring big deal to me.
Until a yes...

#4. The reference to forgetting was about Ross forgetting to pick up Cooper from daycare, not about dropping him off, and the context was what seems to have been a fairly regular afternoon negotiation, based on work schedules.

#5. Ross didn't typically go into CFA to eat breakfast. That's true and also relevant. Ms. Meadows testified that Ross DID typically take Cooper inside to eat, though, which made that a break in his routine.

The manager's knowledge of RH was limited to having seen RH all of 12 times total, and typically at lunch, though Ross seems to have gone to CFA almost daily for breakfast, and quite often for lunch as well.

#6. Ross did not "often" buy CFA for daycare teachers, he did so infrequently, and at their request, not independently.

For starters.

Kilgore asked Stoddard if they got RH debit card info nope.. JMHO I think they going to maybe put the records in evidence if they fit what others are saying. And then CF records jmho
Whether he purposely left Cooper in the car or not, his sex addiction caused his son's death and he should be convicted of his death in the same way a woman local to me was convicted of the deaths of her two children. She did drugs fell asleep on the couch and her 16 month old and 2 year old children drowned in the swimming pool. In my mind, even if Ross Harris "forgot" about Cooper, it was because he was so preoccupied with his addiction of choice, he couldn't be bothered to remember his own child. There have been a few cases where people were drunk or high and "forgot" their child in a hot car. I think forgetting your child in a hot car because you're too busy sexting pictures of your penis at work is in line with forgetting your child in a hot car because you're a drug addict.

However, I think RH did leave Cooper in the car on purpose because he's a sociopath. He lead a complete double life like so many criminals we are familiar with. I think RH wife is just lucky she didn't end up dead too a la Scott Peterson.
A couple of years ago my husband read a science article that described memory as "rooms" and talked about resetting a memory by going through a doorway. You know how you want something from another room but by the time you get there you have forgotten what you wanted? You can reset that by going BACK THROUGH that doorway! Try it sometime, it really works. Ever since I read that when I forget what I came for I go back though the doorway I entered and presto, now I can remember!

LOL I have tried that before too. Works sometimes not always *for me lol
#8. Cooper was wide awake.... That's very subjective. If you've seen the videos of Cooper entering daycare, when Cooper was wide awake he WALKED. Teachers said he revelled in being able to do so. At no time in CFA videos do we see Cooper walking. He was always carried by Ross, even after the sugar of OJ, etc. others seem to think would have increased his alertness.

As for how quickly he fell asleep IF he did. He wouldn't have needed to be asleep, just not talking, etc. in that time frame of Ross exiting CFA lot to Uturn. Quiet, drowsy, asleep, 9:18-9:25.
Thank you. I'm going to edit my list later and remove anything that's questionable. Or edit it. Based on what you've said so far, perhaps going into the restaurant wasn't something that proves anythifng. And the manager's statments aren't that relevant. Ok. I can eliminate that. I will edit the part about buying workers CFA but not erase it because even if it wasn't often, he did it, but coincidentally not on that day.

As to the NEVER text, I know what it referred to. That's 100% unimportant to me. The day before Cooper was left in the car, only hours before really, his father was reminded to not forget him
in another situation. And he replied NEVER. And then coincidentally forgot his son the next day. Not at school but in the car. Still a huge, glaring big deal to me.

Going item by item, no need to agree on the significance of each or any.
I cant wrap my head around this one. I will never forget bringing home our first born. Our Daughter. She barely slept as did I. Hubby was good to help but man we were exhausted. I was home he had to work. I was home maybe a week and looked in the fridge and realized almost out of milk for coffee. Grabbed my keys and took 2 steps and realized I cant leave on my own as I had done for years I have a sleeping baby. I don't think I slept for a week thinking I could have left the house. I was traumatized. I have no Grands but I do have 2 Lab Grands and no way would they ever be left in a hot vehicle. Even if I have Avery and she is sleeping in my back seat. Or Molly. This is soooo heartbreaking!!!!!
Skipping ahead to #18, because it's easiest and shortest.

Ross did not tell the guard he was going to the movies. That testimony wasn't truthful.
#19. I believe GA Peach, our local and traffic specialist for the area, has said that she could see a reason for Ross taking the route he did to the theatre. That's an IIRC. JMO, I also think it's entirely possible Ross was on a path to go hook up before the movies, a thought supported by at least one text he sent that day trying to do just that, that day.
Before her testimony yesterday, I thought that likely too, that she blamed herself for what had happened, because if only she had insisted that Ross keep taking those pics of Cooper arriving at daycare, she would have known. You know, those pics she asked him to take because she didn't trust him to get Cooper there, the ones he stopped taking 2 weeks beforehand, because he had already decided to kill Cooper, and was laying the groundwork.

Except- none of that is real. It's just one more example of how the State has twisted pieces of the ordinary to fit their narrative of intent. Leanna wanted those pics because she went back to work and had to separate from her infant on those days. She wanted the pics to reassure HERSELF that Cooper wasn't miserable or upset going in. And Ross took those pictures for Leanna, everyday, for almost 2 years.

It was Leanna, not Ross, who finally said, after visiting Cooper at daycare and seeing how well adjusted and happy he was the re- hey Ross. I really don't need those pics everyday, I can see for myself he's just fine.

Does she feel guilty about that? I can imagine she might have, at least initially, because IMO any normal parent in that situation could and would find ways to blame themselves and to think ...if only I had....

Nothing unusual there. And I completely disagree on the rest. I don't think she blames herself for his "shortcomings," and I sure as heck don't believe she "truly loves him."

What must you think of her to think she would "truly love him," this deeply religious, conservative woman, after finding out the extent of his sexting, that he'd been with prostitutes, and a man, that he's texted photos of his penis to a minor? And that he had exposed her to the humiliation of having all of that made public?

One not small reality is that she believes this was an accident. But, instead of being allowed to grieve her child, she had her husband arrested for murder the same night, and was herself under suspicion for months, for NO other reason other than not demonstrating the "proper" emotion within a few hours of her baby suddenly dying.

That is it, the sum total of LE's "reason" for suspecting her, and for making their suspicions PUBLIC, at the same time they were pumping out false accusations about Ross. LE robbed her not only of the opportunity to grieve her baby"s death on her own terms, but of her privacy, her dignity, and of the community's support she and Ross had before LE labelled them both baby killers with no evidence of malice whatsoever on RH"s part, and no evidence of any kind of her involvement.

How LE and the DA treated Leanna was shameful, even despicable.

Do you think Leanna has warm and fuzzy feeling for either LE or the State? Me, I suspect she feels, legitimately, a great deal of anger towards them. She knows because she experienced it for herself what it feels like to be unfairly accused. She knows Ross wouldn't have killed their baby on purpose.

IMO , as I've said before, she's not there because she still loves Ross (I saw nothing of the kind in her words or demeanor), she's there because she knows what's happening to him is wrong, and no matter what she feels about all the rest, she's not going to stand by and allow Ross get railroaded into prison for life for something he didn't do . Jmo.

This, this, this! LEO (Stoddard mainly it seems) have destroyed her life. She needed her husband with her that night to help deal with the shock and loss and grief. Next thing she knows the media have all this terrible personal stuff about her and her life that, in the least, she ought to be able to process privately. I'm sure she lost close friends over this, maybe the church she went to,I suppose her job and home as she went home to her parents I believe. She lost her ENTIRE LIFE all at once.
Can you even begin to imagine the depth of what she lost? The situation she was thrown into? I have no idea what it's like to lose a child and pray I never learn. I can't imagine losing my husband at the same time like she did. I can't imagine how awful it was to find herself a suspect, to have the whole world examining what she said at her child's funeral and picking it apart. I can't imagine LEO have all the pictures of her child and refusing to give them back for the funeral.
I could go on and on, bottom line is I feel a tremendous amount of compassion for this woman. I don't know how she is able to talk about the most intimate details of her life here and STILL have to deal with people arm chair quarterbacking her emotions.
#8. Cooper was wide awake.... That's very subjective. If you've seen the videos of Cooper entering daycare, when Cooper was wide awake he WALKED. Teachers said he revelled in being able to do so. At no time in CFA videos do we see Cooper walking. He was always carried by Ross, even after the sugar of OJ, etc. others seem to think would have increased his alertness.yg

As for how quickly he fell asleep IF he did. He wouldn't have needed to be asleep, just not talking, etc. in that time frame of Ross exiting CFA lot to Uturn. Quiet, drowsy, asleep, 9:18-9:25.
And you know for a fact he didn't walk because he was too tired or maybe it was just because Ross was playing super daddy and wanted to show him off. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was smart enough to pick him up instead of letting him walk by himself in a parking lot
The defense calls Deborah Taylor, Leanna’s mother, as a witness.

“I know this is not where you want to be so I’m going to keep this very short, ok?” Kilgore said.

Taylor said she visited her grandson Cooper about twice a month.

Kilgore showed Taylor some photos taken after a day of hiking with Cooper on Easter weekend.

She was with Cooper on June 5, 2014 at her house when Leanna visited with the toddler. She took Cooper to pick up his great grandmother. He fit in the car seat just like he fit in one of the photos Taylor identified.

“He was a little boy,” Taylor said.
Kilgore shows Taylor photos presented by the prosecution of a life-sized doll, the same dimensions of Cooper, in the car seat in the back of Harris’ SUV. It doesn’t look like what the car seat typically looked like according to Taylor.

“That doesn’t look like Cooper. The head is too big. It didn’t come up far enough for you to see it from behind,” she testified.

Taylor said that Cooper was a good traveler and often fell asleep in his car seat. On a visit to his great grandmother, she made him a grilled cheese sandwich.

Cooper’s great grandmother sat in the back with him. Cooper had fallen asleep before even getting out of town, which isn’t very far.
Gitana. In one batch- all of what you listed as what should have been triggers. I don't have the info before Dr. D to have an informed opinion whether or not FBS can account for not responding to those cues as triggers. I agree that without a FBS explanation, there isn't a plausible explanation I can think of that is innocent.
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