TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #5

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I remember reading a post on a local yard sale site from BEFORE he came home and the fight took place where she was looking for him since he wasn't working due to rain. I think I have a screenshot of it, but per rules it can't be shared?

Can you tell us what time the post was made? I'd love to know. Also, what was the tone of the post--frantic? Slightly worried?
So he has one charge from 2005 and one from 2012 (the warrant/most recent charge that has now disappeared). When/where was the other charge?

2008 in Johnson County
Delivery of Marijuana 1/4 oz to 5 lbs


Johnson County District Court Clerk records show the 2012 case still active, but off docket until an arrest.

2005 -- Possession of a controlled substance <1gram (methamphetamine)

Received 2 years in state jail prison, probated for 5 years.

(State jail is part of the Texas prison system for terms of up to 2 years. Not quite big-boy prison, but still prison.)

He violated probation by 11-2005 and was sent to state jail prison for a short term as part of Shock probation.

He was released in 2006 and returned to probation with outpatient treatment and the balance of his sentence suspended.

He was arrested in Johnson County in May 2008 for delivery of Marijuana 1/4 oz to 5 lbs. (Indicted 6-28-2008)

A motion to revoke his probation on the 2005 charge was filed in May 2008 as a result of the arrest.

He was sent to SAFPF -- a program within TDCJ with an emphasis on substance abuse. Unpleasant experience from what I have heard from a couple of folks who have served SAFPF time.

On 8-18-2011, he was sentenced to 22 months in state jail on the 2005 or the 2008 charge with credit for 535 days served. Given time calculations, I can't determine if he was required to return to prison to finish the sentence.

He was indicted on 9-27-2012 for Possession of a controlled substance 1-4 grams (methamphetamine) for an offense that occurred on 6-1-2011.

The 2012 charge is a second degree felony.

Unenhanced penalty range for a second degree felony in Texas is 2-20 years.

Big boy prison. No state jail unless he could plea it down to possession <1 gram.

The Texas prison system is as bad as, or worse, than its reputation.

Considering that his history reflects noncompliance, slim to none chance of getting a probated sentence.

All things considered, I think he had run through any good graces the court might be willing to bestow upon him.

Any bearing on his disappearance?

Who knows?

It is what it is.

True that no one "deserves" to be a missing person.

Also true that his history is more contemporary and more complex than just being his past.

On August 8-9, 2013 it was his present and his future.

I feel for LL and I wish for her and her children to get answers.

I'm just not convinced that the answers lie in Coke County.

Perhaps they do.

Hard to know because too much relevant information has been obscured from the onset.

Perhaps the quest for answers should begin closer to home with those who chose to obscure some truths on 8-9-2013. MOO.
If he truly had 2 felonies prior to the pending 2012 charge (pending at the time of disappearance), the 3 strikes law would have applied if convicted on the 2012 charge. If true, that would open up new possibilities to me.

I just am curious if he had 2 felony convictions, the rest of his record is irrelevant to me. (REMOVED BY ME, INCORRECT)

Yes they have a 3 strikes rule in TX. The prison sentence you face on the 3rd felony will range from 15 years up to 25-to-life. The felonies also don't need to be violent felonies in Texas unlike other states that have 3 strikes rules.

ETA: After another look, his 2005 charge was a class A misdemeanor and not a felony. I see zero felonies on his record from Johnson County.

The 2005 and 2008 charges are state jail felonies.

The 2012 charge is a 2nd degree felony.

The habitual offender enhancement is not a factor because two of the charges were state jail felonies.



(a) Except as provided by Subsection (c)(2), if it is shown on the trial of a felony of the third degree that the defendant has previously been finally convicted of a felony other than a state jail felony punishable under Section 12.35(a), on conviction the defendant shall be punished for a felony of the second degree.

(b) Except as provided by Subsection (c)(2) or (c)(4), if it is shown on the trial of a felony of the second degree that the defendant has previously been finally convicted of a felony other than a state jail felony punishable under Section 12.35(a), on conviction the defendant shall be punished for a felony of the first degree.

For reference:


(a) Felonies are classified according to the relative seriousness of the offense into five categories:

(1) capital felonies;
(2) felonies of the first degree;
(3) felonies of the second degree;
(4) felonies of the third degree; and
(5) state jail felonies.

(b) An offense designated a felony in this code without specification as to category is a state jail felony.
Wow, glad to see so much discussion on this case! I had given up out of frustration, but now things are looking more hopeful.

If LL isn't going to give us the answers we seek, the next step would be to contact the police department that did the investigation, correct? Here are a few questions I still have:

- Do we know with 100% certainty that the 911 call we have is not in its entirety? I don't detect any censorship or odd cuts, so it'd surprise me if it was cut short or spliced together.

- Is it possible to obtain the whole call somehow?

- How close to his disappearance did the rocks appear in the yard? (i.e. do we have pictures of the yard from the day prior to his disappearance and the day afterward)?

- Do we know for sure that LE didn't search LL or KL's yards/homes?

- Why did LL start searching for Brandon on the garage sale page BEFORE the actual disappearance? Did she know or suspect he was missing before he actually was? If so, why did she think that? That'd be a heck of a coincidence for him to disappear that night after she posted about it.
Wow, glad to see so much discussion on this case! I had given up out of frustration, but now things are looking more hopeful.

If LL isn't going to give us the answers we seek, the next step would be to contact the police department that did the investigation, correct? Here are a few questions I still have:

- Do we know with 100% certainty that the 911 call we have is not in its entirety? I don't detect any censorship or odd cuts, so it'd surprise me if it was cut short or spliced together.

- Is it possible to obtain the whole call somehow?

- How close to his disappearance did the rocks appear in the yard? (i.e. do we have pictures of the yard from the day prior to his disappearance and the day afterward)?

- Do we know for sure that LE didn't search LL or KL's yards/homes?

- Why did LL start searching for Brandon on the garage sale page BEFORE the actual disappearance? Did she know or suspect he was missing before he actually was? If so, why did she think that? That'd be a heck of a coincidence for him to disappear that night after she posted about it.

Those are the right questions. Honestly the only way to make any kind of meaningful discovery in this case is by reaching out to LE and finding out where the investigation is at. The info we currently have is so sparse and contradictory it's hard to know where to begin.

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Snipped by me for brevity.

2008 in Johnson County
Delivery of Marijuana 1/4 oz to 5 lbs


Johnson County District Court Clerk records show the 2012 case still active, but off docket until an arrest.

2005 -- Possession of a controlled substance <1gram (methamphetamine)

Received 2 years in state jail prison, probated for 5 years.

(State jail is part of the Texas prison system for terms of up to 2 years. Not quite big-boy prison, but still prison.)

He violated probation by 11-2005 and was sent to state jail prison for a short term as part of Shock probation.

He was released in 2006 and returned to probation with outpatient treatment and the balance of his sentence suspended.

He was arrested in Johnson County in May 2008 for delivery of Marijuana 1/4 oz to 5 lbs. (Indicted 6-28-2008)

A motion to revoke his probation on the 2005 charge was filed in May 2008 as a result of the arrest.

He was sent to SAFPF -- a program within TDCJ with an emphasis on substance abuse. Unpleasant experience from what I have heard from a couple of folks who have served SAFPF time.

On 8-18-2011, he was sentenced to 22 months in state jail on the 2005 or the 2008 charge with credit for 535 days served. Given time calculations, I can't determine if he was required to return to prison to finish the sentence.

He was indicted on 9-27-2012 for Possession of a controlled substance 1-4 grams (methamphetamine) for an offense that occurred on 6-1-2011.

The 2012 charge is a second degree felony.

Unenhanced penalty range for a second degree felony in Texas is 2-20 years.



The 2012 charge is for Delivery of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1 (methamphetamine) 1-4 grams -- 481.112(c) HSC.

Not for possession of the same quantity/substance.

The difference is a 2nd degree felony v. a 3rd degree felony.

Lawson's charge is the 2nd degree, punishable by 2-20 years in prison.

Now I can see easily why one would believe BL disappeared due to legal issues. Could BL's background have potentially swayed LE to not be as aggressive to locate BL ?
Now I can see easily why one would believe BL disappeared due to legal issues. Could BL's background have potentially swayed LE to not be as aggressive to locate BL ?

Very very good question indeed. If that is the case, it's an absolute disgrace. Sure the man had a checkered past but to invest less effort into the search for him for that would be borderline malpractice surely.

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He definitely has incentive to leave but in this age of technology running from the law is just a brief respite. To leave would mean to stay clean for good and never run foul of the law again, if he could that, then why hasn't he done it already? It would be interesting to know a closer estimate of the amount of drugs found on him. The low end amount can be found by anyone and provided by any street dealer. The high end amount suggests that he is up higher on the ladder. IMO, the higher end guys will "disappear" you quick. Either way you look at it, I think his priors are very relevant to this case.
Exactly TC ...... Do not believe in the least that BL ran all thou the criminal issues are factual and are strong indicators of the possibility.
However due to these facts was one less likely to do all things possible or just look at BL as another drug dealing criminal why was our resources.

The only honest people in this world are small children, elderly and drunks on a bottle of Kettle One.... if BL had ran at some point
he would have seen his children ... as noted in my 1st sentence it would be more likely for a child to slip up saying I seen Daddy and
in my mind that would have come out sooner than later in which it has not.

Everyday Grace your doing an amazing job~~~ Thank you~!
Exactly TC ...... Do not believe in the least that BL ran all thou the criminal issues are factual and are strong indicators of the possibility.
However due to these facts was one less likely to do all things possible or just look at BL as another drug dealing criminal.

The only honest people in this world are small children, elderly and drunks on a bottle of Kettle One.... if BL had ran at some point
he would have seen his children ... as noted in my 1st sentence it would be more likely for a child to slip up saying I seen Daddy and
in my mind that would have come out sooner than later in which it has not.

Everyday Grace your doing an amazing job~~~ Thank you~!

The possibility of Brandon being loving incognito feels totally impossible to me. Someone would have said something. As you say, a child would definitely have revealed the truth somehow. The fact he has children, for me, rules a staged disappearance out.

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I believe BL was gone all day LL didnt know where he was ... May have been out using drinking hanging with the guys etc..... LL posted on the garage site looking for him ... She was ticked that BL was gone all day while she was at home taking care of a sick child ... He comes home they argue she potentially may have threatened to call his probabtion officer or a legal intenty due to the open legal matter... Some people will hold things over your head and use it how they see fit. Most likely was just a threat from a heated argument .. However it would give cause for BL to stay or go
EG has put out very significant info greatly appreciate .... It makes you think.
What I would like to know is BL's movements and interactions the week(s) prior to the day he left the house.
Anyone on here have any personal connection to this case? Any guest viewers who haven't posted? We need you to speak up! I'm interested to hear about Brandon's behaviour and relationship status prior to his disappearance. I feel as if a select few people know precisely where Brandon is right now.

I'm putting a lot of stock into an FOIA request but we have to be prepared for that being denied.

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Exactly TC ...... Do not believe in the least that BL ran all thou the criminal issues are factual and are strong indicators of the possibility.
However due to these facts was one less likely to do all things possible or just look at BL as another drug dealing criminal why was our resources.

The only honest people in this world are small children, elderly and drunks on a bottle of Kettle One.... if BL had ran at some point
he would have seen his children ... as noted in my 1st sentence it would be more likely for a child to slip up saying I seen Daddy and
in my mind that would have come out sooner than later in which it has not.

Everyday Grace your doing an amazing job~~~ Thank you~!
I don't get the impression that he could go without seeing his kids. And I agree with you that a child would slip up, probably out of sheer excitement.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise stated. *
Positively a child would STQ....

Appears as thou several of us agree BL did not run from his legal matters ... And I think we some what agree the FB garage sale post occured afternoon to early evening prior to BL coming home the argument insuding and BL leaving the house again ..

Had always found this arrest interesting why I always go back to it ... Guess due to the sheer fact of its location

Positively a child would STQ....

Appears as thou several of us agree BL did not run from his legal matters ... And I think we some what agree the FB garage sale post occured afternoon to early evening prior to BL coming home the argument insuding and BL leaving the house again ..

Had always found this arrest interesting why I always go back to it ... Guess due to the sheer fact of its location


Very interesting. I've heard vague mention of a drug bust in Bronte around the time of Brandon's disappearance, possibly connected?

And yes, the garage sale posts would imply Brandon had taken off earlier and a fracas ensued on his return.

LL would have been furious presumably. Am I wrong to wonder if she injured Brandon severely during the argument? Total conjecture of course. But it's a scenario that's not too far-fetched...

Did she hurt Brandon and call Kyle in desperation?

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Positively a child would STQ....

Appears as thou several of us agree BL did not run from his legal matters ... And I think we some what agree the FB garage sale post occured afternoon to early evening prior to BL coming home the argument insuding and BL leaving the house again ..

Had always found this arrest interesting why I always go back to it ... Guess due to the sheer fact of its location



Huntley was one of the owners of game room operations in San Angelo that were shut down by the feds in January 2016.

In Jan. 13 authorities from the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided The Magic Spot III, a gambling business at 3930 Sunset Drive &#8212; one of four gambling venues owned by West Texas residents Ronald, Brian and Steve Huntley, according to articles of incorporation from the family business, which most recently went by the name H 3 Gaming Inc., according to tax records.

"They're not available for comment," said a woman who identified herself over the phone as the family's business manager on Tuesday. The woman, who is employed by Hickerson Inc, a "professional services" company based in Abilene, declined to give her name, but said the Huntleys would not be reopening their gambling businesses. The woman hung up when asked about local authorities' indications that the raid might have involved tax evasion and money laundering.

Steven Ray Huntley, who is listed as the president of H 3 Gaming Inc., is serving a 10-year sentence at El Reno Federal Correctional Institution in El Reno, Oklahoma. He was sentenced Jan. 15, 2014, along with three other people, including Dallas Huntley Seals, Ector Rivera and Cosme Galvin Alvarez, according to records from U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas.

Huntley's brother Brian Huntley, of Wingate, and their father, Ronald Huntley, of San Angelo &#8212; who are listed as co-directors of H 3 Gaming Inc. &#8212; could not be reached for comment.

Much more:

And here:

BL had a couple of FB posts in 2012 that indicated he liked to gamble in Shreveport.

Would be interesting to know if he ever went to Huntley's in San Angelo and/or was otherwise acquainted with him.

Game rooms and drug trafficking often go hand in hand.

Feds had a busy year in San Angelo in 2013.

Major meth ring busts in March 2013 and at the end of August 2013 run by members of the Mexican Mafia who controlled most of the meth distribution in San Angelo at the time. Still do, AFAIK.

I'll put a post together about those two events.

San Angelo was a major distribution center for meth at the time.
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