TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #57

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I have a feeling that's not all the 911 calls as well..It may be, but if she had been calling all day, I doubt it. IF that were the case..the threat to Hailey could be on another call..

Jumping off of your post PM.

Have any of the reports from the incidents from last Feb been released? I know and have heard the 911 calls but have not seen any reports or a paper trail. My question is, if a threat is made against another person, does LE not have to by law inform the person threatened? So would CD not have been told that he had a threat made against him? Also along the same thoughts, if there was indeed a threat made against either Hailey or her brother why in the world would LE have not informed the parents about this. In this case CD would have also been informed. Another thing, is why was CPS not involved in this report last Feb as well. There were two children under the age of 18 living in the house.

My other issues that I have with all of this, is we now have heard all of these people coming out stating how Hailey was afraid and did not want to stay in the home due to SA. If she was telling people this why in the world was nothing done!!! I know how CPS works. Any one of those adults who Hailey talked and confided in could have called CPS and by law CPS would have HAD to do an investigation. They would have spoken with Hailey and at that time she would have been safe to tell the social worker that she did not feel safe in the home and they would have have had her removed, even if it would have been temporary while the investigation was done!!

I feel badly for both Billie and Clint however IF that many people had been told by Hailey they would have had to know that something was going on. This is what tics me off the most is that not only did her parents fail to protect her but so did the other adults that she TRUSTED enough to confide in. There is NO EXCUSE for that.


Speaking of CPS when will DD get to go home?

My guess would be not until their investigation is over which I would also guess would coincide with LE's investigation on Hailey's case.

But again this is only my guess and is in no way fact.

Jumping off of your post PM.

Have any of the reports from the incidents from last Feb been released? I know and have heard the 911 calls but have not seen any reports or a paper trail. My question is, if a threat is made against another person, does LE not have to by law inform the person threatened? So would CD not have been told that he had a threat made against him? Also along the same thoughts, if there was indeed a threat made against either Hailey or her brother why in the world would LE have not informed the parents about this. In this case CD would have also been informed. Another thing, is why was CPS not involved in this report last Feb as well. There were two children under the age of 18 living in the house.

My other issues that I have with all of this, is we now have heard all of these people coming out stating how Hailey was afraid and did not want to stay in the home due to SA. If she was telling people this why in the world was nothing done!!! I know how CPS works. Any one of those adults who Hailey talked and confided in could have called CPS and by law CPS would have HAD to do an investigation. They would have spoken with Hailey and at that time she would have been safe to tell the social worker that she did not feel safe in the home and they would have have had her removed, even if it would have been temporary while the investigation was done!!

I feel badly for both Billie and Clint however IF that many people had been told by Hailey they would have had to know that something was going on. This is what tics me off the most is that not only did her parents fail to protect her but so did the other adults that she TRUSTED enough to confide in. There is NO EXCUSE for that.



I share your frustration, completely. I have a feeling CPS may have been called and investigated. I won't be one bit surprised if more than one report surfaces. IMO, based on everything we've heard and seen thus far, Billie's version of the truth does not match reality. I think she would really manipulate the situation with a case worker and go after the person who called in the complaint (she could probably figure it out) or take it out on Hailey. Heck, her daughter was missing for 3 weeks and she was already talking libel and slander by the media and the public. Extremely self-centered individual who takes no accountability for the clear and present danger she brought into her children's lives.

One of the hardest things about CPS investigations is the child often does not tell the case worker what they told others or what others have seen. Sometimes it's hard to prove neglect or abuse or endangerment - especially with people who can put on an act. Hailey may have been very unhappy, for very good reason, at home. Yet, if she couldn't be with Clint, she probably at least wanted to stay as close to him as as possible (and maybe feared being moved somewhere she didn't know or was too far from Dad). Or, she may have just been afraid of what her mom and/or SA would do if she was honest with a CPS investigator. I just get the feeling CPS was engaged at some point(s)...
There are two victims here. Actually more when you consider extended family. BD and CD and it doesn't matter which way you are looking at this case.

Regardless of what they have done in their lives, what their backgrounds are, they are still Victims. This pointing fingers about what they knew or didn't know is not going to help find Hailey and turned this thread upside down. I removed it all with cooperation from other moderators.

Lets move on to taking the facts we do know and making the puzzle pieces fit please.
Jumping off of your post PM.

Have any of the reports from the incidents from last Feb been released? I know and have heard the 911 calls but have not seen any reports or a paper trail. My question is, if a threat is made against another person, does LE not have to by law inform the person threatened? So would CD not have been told that he had a threat made against him? Also along the same thoughts, if there was indeed a threat made against either Hailey or her brother why in the world would LE have not informed the parents about this. In this case CD would have also been informed. Another thing, is why was CPS not involved in this report last Feb as well. There were two children under the age of 18 living in the house.

My other issues that I have with all of this, is we know have heard all of these people coming out stating how Hailey was afraid and did not want to stay in the home due to SA. If she was telling people this why in the world was nothing done!!! I know how CPS works. Any one of those adults who Hailey talked and confided in could have called CPS and by law CPS would have HAD to do an investigation. They would have spoken with Hailey and at that time she would have been safe to tell the social worker that she did not feel safe in the home and they would have have had her removed, even if it would have been temporary while the investigation was done!!

I feel badly for both Billie and Clint however IF that many people had been told by Hailey they would have had to know that something was going on. This is what tics me off the most is that not only did her parents fail to protect her but so did the other adults that she TRUSTED enough to confide in. There is NO EXCUSE for that.



I haven't seen any reports yet and I'm not sure how that works in Tx. as far as something like that being public information. JMO, but I feel sure that if they were available the media would have them by now. We probably won't know how detailed they are until a trial...

As far as the abuse issue (if any existed ..and I believe there was, but of course I don't know that) we don't don't for sure who all knew...Plus, I was thinking earlier..We can't assume that DSS/CPS, whatever it's called in Tx has not been involved..They would NEVER confirm or deny something like that..It is possible that they had been involved, we just have no way of knowing either way..One thing for sure though..they are now! They were involved in removing Hailey's brother and THAT tells me alot..Nobody ever invites DSS into their home...so that was not a choice on her part..I worked with DSS/CPS in the capacity of a Guardian ad Litem for several years and it's surprising how difficult it can be to coax a child to tell you when they have been abused..and short of physical, outwardly signs..you just have to know what to look for and do a 'thorough investigation'. Children very often DO NOT want their parents to go to jail no matter what's been done..So incredibly sad..and it always amazed me how many adults..aunts, uncles,grandparents don't want to tell what going on either..maybe because they don't want the abuser to go to jail..or sometimes they are afraid of the abuser themselves..With children..you have to remember this is often what they are thinking.."What if I tell what happened..and my parent(s) find out I told and then I get left here" ..and for a Judge to allow you to take custody right then and there, it has to be MAJOR...What a horrifying, helpless, hopeless feeling that must be for a child....

There may very well be many people in this case that will be living with a lot of regrets for the rest of their life...and having lost a child myself..even though there was nothing that I could have done differently that would have mattered, the "What If's" haunt me 36 years later...so I can't imagine living with theirs..Thank G@d, I don't have to!
Pondering, can you please link the info that confirms that DD was removed by CPS? if I recall correctly, Kampfer issued a statement that he was mistaken when he said that they removed DD. I thought that Billie chose to send DD to live with her brother because of the hateful people cruising the house and throwing things or hurling insults. Has there been a different statement negating Kampfer's statment that he was mistaken?

Thank you for posting the disciplinary sanctions for Nurses in the previous thread.

BD is in a heap of trouble for not renewing her license on time and I’d don’t think she has begun to come with terms with what she has done to her career. She is pretending everything is normal at work when it isn’t. BD’s doesn’t have a valid reason for not paying her nursing fees on time and according to what I read in the disciplinary sanctions for Nurses, she has stiff fines to pay.

IMO, Practicing without a valid license falls in the Disciplinary Sanctions for Lying and Falsification.


Failure to cooperate during the course of a Board investigation by supplying false
documents or failing to disclose information is grounds for denial or revocation of the
license. Reckless disregard for the Nursing Practice Act, the Board’s rules and regulations, and/or a Board Order is also grounds for denial or revocation and will require at a minimum, the imposition of a punitive fine in addition to other stipulations.

Nurse Imposter

The Board has no jurisdiction over a person who does not have a license to practice
nursing in the State of Texas yet holds him or herself out to be a nurse. The Board does
have jurisdiction over an individual who has a nursing license or has had one in the past
and represents him or herself as licensed for a broader scope of practice, e.g., LVN to RN,RN to APN. The Board has no tolerance for any form of impostering and will impose the maximum dollar amount of fine allowed under Board rules and may impose a disciplinary sanction.
The following factors will be considered in deliberating the level of discipline from remedial education with fine through revocation: intent, potential or actual harm to patients, length of time as an imposter, and insight/remorse.

The Board believes that employers of nurses should verify licensure utilizing the Board’s
website and thereby avoid hiring a nurse imposter or allowing a nurse to practice beyond his/her scope. The Board may impose a disciplinary sanction to the nurse employer found responsible for hiring a nurse imposter.

Disciplinary sanctions
ConcernedMother and ImpatientRedhead,

Is there new information about this? Last I heard, Kampfer told media that he was wrong about CPS and that they did not remove DD...Billie chose to send him to his uncle. Has this changed again?
I hope Haylie ran away, but at age 13, and the only people she could have ran to don't know where she is. It's very doubtful. And, I hope that DD is not made to go back to that house if he doesn't want to.
Pondering, can you please link the info that confirms that DD was removed by CPS? if I recall correctly, Kampfer issued a statement that he was mistaken when he said that they removed DD. I thought that Billie chose to send DD to live with her brother because of the hateful people cruising the house and throwing things or hurling insults. Has there been a different statement negating Kampfer's statment that he was mistaken?


TGIR, I never saw anything saying he was mistaken..There may well have been something, I've just been trying to take longer 'breaks' checking in here, so I could have missed it. If I did, I'll be glad to delete..
ConcernedMother and ImpatientRedhead,

Is there new information about this? Last I heard, Kampfer told media that he was wrong about CPS and that they did not remove DD...Billie chose to send him to his uncle. Has this changed again?

Why don't we work with links. Do you have a link that says that there was an error in speaking?
Pondering, can you please link the info that confirms that DD was removed by CPS? if I recall correctly, Kampfer issued a statement that he was mistaken when he said that they removed DD. I thought that Billie chose to send DD to live with her brother because of the hateful people cruising the house and throwing things or hurling insults. Has there been a different statement negating Kampfer's statment that he was mistaken?


I'm, of course, not Pondering Mind, but had the link on hand. CPS was indeed involved, as confirmed by Kampfer. CPS cannot confirm/deny by law themselves. If the story of DD getting trouble at school and people throwing insults was BD's motive to simply ask her brother to let him stay there, there would be no need for CPS. While they approved Billie's brother as his legal guardian, it was a state-mandatedl action to remove him from the home. I have seen no retraction to his original statement (but if anyone finds one, please post it - I could have missed something)... I believe LE has no motive not to let Billie float her spin on it - the move was for DD's protection and I don't think LE is out to get Billie... Kampfer was soft in his wording, imo...

I may be wrong..I've been planning a baby shower for the last couple of days, so I may have missed something..speaking of..I still haven't baked those cupcakes and that's what I was going to do 2 hours ago! That should tell me something there, lol! Nite All!
Thank you for posting the disciplinary sanctions for Nurses in the previous thread.

BD is in a heap of trouble for not renewing her license on time and I’d don’t think she has begun to come with terms with what she has done to her career. She is pretending everything is normal at work when it isn’t. BD’s doesn’t have a valid reason for not paying her nursing fees on time and according to what I read in the disciplinary sanctions for Nurses, she has stiff fines to pay.

IMO, Practicing without a valid license falls in the Disciplinary Sanctions for Lying and Falsification.


Failure to cooperate during the course of a Board investigation by supplying false
documents or failing to disclose information is grounds for denial or revocation of the
license. Reckless disregard for the Nursing Practice Act, the Board’s rules and regulations, and/or a Board Order is also grounds for denial or revocation and will require at a minimum, the imposition of a punitive fine in addition to other stipulations.

Nurse Imposter

The Board has no jurisdiction over a person who does not have a license to practice
nursing in the State of Texas yet holds him or herself out to be a nurse. The Board does
have jurisdiction over an individual who has a nursing license or has had one in the past
and represents him or herself as licensed for a broader scope of practice, e.g., LVN to RN,RN to APN. The Board has no tolerance for any form of impostering and will impose the maximum dollar amount of fine allowed under Board rules and may impose a disciplinary sanction.
The following factors will be considered in deliberating the level of discipline from remedial education with fine through revocation: intent, potential or actual harm to patients, length of time as an imposter, and insight/remorse.

The Board believes that employers of nurses should verify licensure utilizing the Board’s
website and thereby avoid hiring a nurse imposter or allowing a nurse to practice beyond his/her scope. The Board may impose a disciplinary sanction to the nurse employer found responsible for hiring a nurse imposter.

Disciplinary sanctions

It may be common knowledge to everyone... but, in case it is not, most healthcare systems administer a test of basic knowledge and require a minimum passing grade before a nurse is actually offered the job. I Should SAY at least in GA...
so it would make it harder to pass oneself off as a "nurse" especially if one bombes the test.
Grandmaj, isn't the link supposed to come from the person posting the information in the first place? I am simply asking them for a link to the info they are posting as fact. the fact that Kampfer retracted his inital statement was discussed here at length at the time it happened.

Why is it my responsibility to disprove their info... they are the ones who brought it up and claim it to be fact?

Thank you for helping to clear this up !
CPS and their spokesman (who should know better) are not allowed to make public statements about ongoing investigations or the status of minors.

My understanding is that it was confirmed that CPS interviewed DD. And BD agreed to him being moved to the uncle's home.

Which would make both statements true. CPS did not take him because she agreed before that needed to be done. And would make PK's statement that he was incorrect that CPS took DD from the home necessary and accurate. He never should have been commenting on DD and his case file to begin with.

Voluntary agreements to move the child is a a situation that is easier to reverse as well. Which is better for DD and much less stressful than the court putting him in a nonfamily home. I feel so badly for him.
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