TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - Mona Nelson charged with Murder - #7

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I hope there is more from LE about her killing others. I've never heard such a statement from LE before unless there WERE other killings. If this helps lead to closure for families, then we need to take it seriously.

But I feel we need to know more as to why they believe this happened before too. I don't want to see us all spinning our wheels trying to match up crimes to Mona either.

JMHO, but I believe he was one of the officers who questioned her. He may have been going by her demeanor and based on his past experience. Also, because she's in her 40's, she's been around and we've seen this over and over, where a perp is arrested for one or two crimes and then, linked back to several others.

I can't recall how many we've seen or even the names. I've lost track of them all that were linked back. Duncan of the Groene case is one, the girl that disappeared from Oregon several years ago, he was found when he committed a crime in an entirely different state. There was a guy is Mass who was later connected in other states, different ages from teens to adult women. Truckers...

I really do believe he's going by his instincts. I think until it's proven otherwise, he may be on to something.

Until we know WHY, or until we've looked at other cases, male, female, child, adult, missing, found, found but burned..............all could or should be just checked out. You never know.

jmo, she has killed before and enjoys it, especially boys (young men) of the age of 11 and up. MYN did not go from A-Z in the killing spectrum (the murder, burning, dumping of this body)on a first try. Det. Miller said others described MYN as "bizarre" and "lived in her own world". He said she was a Predator. I have the utmost respect for homicide det. Miller and his 14 years of experience in this dept. That was one of the most forthright and honest Q & A sessions that has ever been broadcast.
So question before the arguing starts......lol. Can we discuss other possible cases or what we may find here or not. Not that my opine matters, but I think it should be allowed considering Houston has made it clear it is an avenue they are looking at in regards to Mona. TIA.

We (mods) are right now figuring out where it is best to discuss this topic. Sit tight. We'll get back to you asap.
I just wonder if the defendent can be connected to adults as well? I feel uncomfortable using her given name. Or at this point referring to her, even, as human.

Is it against TOS to just call her <modsnip>? Because I don't feel comfortable sharing the same oxygen with something like that. I just don't. Do not.

My grandmother/grandfather were born in and spent their whole lives in Mt. Pleasant, Texas. So that might be a good place to start, given that some of the defendent's crime spree occurred there.

Lemme me know if it is okay to refer to the defendent as <modsnip>. I don't believe said defendent has endeavored to deserve much more than that as a moniker.

It is not okay.

That would be namecalling and is against TOS.

Use her initials.


TYVM Patty G for your hard work in uploading the presser for us.
You are a sweetie. :hug:
I listened to the press conference but didn't hear one or two questions...

Was one of the questions about whether the ME had determined cause of death and he responded that they hadn't yet?

This crime was carried out in a very short space of time. This was said again in the press conference today.

With just those facts and that time line, I believe many would have continued to believe "the step father/mother HAD to have done it, it's just not possible for someone else to have come in and done this in the time they had!"

Even with LE saying she acted alone... people still think the step father did have something to do with it.

If there was not a video of the body being placed there, or no body at all... LE may have continued focusing on the step father as well.

I am the VERY last person in the world to even give the appearance of defending her.... but what if Terri Horman is in a similar situation?

If Mona can pull of this abduction... why couldn't she or someone else have pulled off abducting Kyron?

Jonathan was Christmas Eve - hectic time. Kyron was the Science Fair - hectic time. Both delayed the response. Both are a similar "type" of child who wouldn't be likely to put up a huge struggle. There are some similarities there.

Can someone verify Mona's location the first week of June to eliminate that?
I see nothing on my space or facebook.

Would she have stood out in Skyline? Or would she have blended in as a possible maintenance worker? I don't know that specific area of Oregon well as far as what percentage is minorities.

Just what my brain has been wondering since her arrest... I hope LE is wrong and she has not done this before. Either way it has opened up my mind a tiny bit more as far as the circumstances of being abducted by a stranger.

We also see serial killers acting after the loss of a job, a divorce, or some other event like that. Mona had recently lost her job AND had a break up. So I am not surprised that this happened now. I also wouldn't be surprised if her other crimes coincided with other unpleasant events in her life.
About to go home for the day but wanted to summarize places and dates I have found for MN in certain areas for charges, arrests and/or court appearances. We can probably expand upon this based on her myspace comments about travelling places as well as boxing information. Just wanted to give it a start...

11/12/84 Harris County - Robbery Charges Filed
? Harris County - Arrested
12/8/84 Harris county - Posted Bond
1/17/86 Harris County - Sentenced
6/15/89 Titus County - Assault Charges Filed
8/20/91 Brownsville TX - Charges filed for trans. aliens
9/11/91 Harris County - Placed in Jail - Prob. Viol
Transferred to TDJC to serve prison sentence (3yrs approx)
5/29/96 Titus County - Assault Charges Filed
6/7/96 Smith County - Arrested in Tyler, TX on Warrant
4/3/97 Omaha? - Arrested per Titus Co. Assault Case notes
4/4/97 Titus County - posted bond
5/7/97 Titus County - Theft by Check Charges
6/7/96 Morris County - Arrested per Titus Co. assault case notes but released
7/7/97 Titus county - Arrested
8/13/97 Titus County - Entered Not Guilty Plea
8/20/97 Morris County - Transferred here per Titus County notes
8/4/99 Hopkins County - Parole Violation

I listened to the press conference but didn't hear one or two questions...

Was one of the questions about whether the ME had determined cause of death and he responded that they hadn't yet?

A COD has not yet been determined, someone else posted and said they heard that burning was NOT the COD
Who down there in the 159ish people in the room would consider themselves a spread sheet expert, I have a feeling one might come in handy in the near future, lol. :innocent:
REpeating Lera's Graphic Warning before quoting:

THink about this and sorry to be graphic here so this is your warning to stop reading:

No type of fuel was used to burn the body but yet welding equip was found at her home...it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see she used a torch to burn the body. That is UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL! If person can stomach that, then yeah I think she killed before. She is a thrill killer

Graphic Warning Again:

Going out on a limb here, not sure if I am right. Burning via welding torch could render the body very difficult to identify, but it would still hold together as a body. Which makes the confusion over how can a body be burned beyond recognition, but able to be moved. Sorry.
Even with LE saying she acted alone... people still think the step father did have something to do with it.

If there was not a video of the body being placed there, or no body at all... LE may have continued focusing on the step father as well.

I am the VERY last person in the world to even give the appearance of defending her.... but what if Terri Horman is in a similar situation?

If Mona can pull of this abduction... why couldn't she or someone else have pulled off abducting Kyron?

Gosh, those a very good points. This is the exact reason I said that if a video camera was in the school, then either Terri would be cleared or charged.
Every school should have one, imo.

It's the justice for JF in this case.

I'm talking about horrendous cases of women killing children in general. Eliza Baker (killed and dismembered her stepdaughter), Casey Anthony (duct tape over face, child died in car, she threw her out like trash), Teri Horman (suspected of kidnapping her stepson from school during a science fair and then killing him), Baby Gabriel's mom (said in a text to ex that she killed their baby, but a body has never been found), and I'm sure there's more. I've heard of one woman who put her baby in a microwave. One woman who suffocated her stepson in a car and then disposed him, and then spent time with father after that like nothing was wrong, and I could research and come up with a lot more. More and more, women are killing their children or someone else's and doing it more and more horrendous ways. That's what I mean. In a few years, it won't be surprising that women are being accused of doing horrendous things to either their own kids or kids that aren't theirs. No more are women are innocent good mothers who only worry about the welfare of their children. They just throw them out like trash when they don't want them anymore or prey upon other people's children. The vast chasm between them and men is closing fast on crimes against children, including horrendous murder. Poor Zahra was dismembered, and now Jonathon burned beyond recognition. I hate to ask it, but what is the next woman murderer going to do a child that gets in their way, that they don't want, or that they get angry at or abuse?

Is that a true statement? I did not know that they had proven that or even charged her. I knew there was speculation about her and the father, but didn't know it was a fact. tia
What comes to my mind is "ships passing in the night". Step-father sees Jonathan at 1:45 PM, then Mona shows up ~ 2:00 PM. Mother is calling from her car ~2:00 PM and Mona picks up, mother then arrives ~after 2:00 PM and no one is home.

It still makes no sense to me.
can someone please give me the address of the location JF was found again?
Is that a true statement? I did not know that they had proven that or even charged her. I knew there was speculation about her and the father, but didn't know it was a fact. tia

O/T: None of those four examples given have convictions, and in EB's case the charges are not out yet.
Thank you PattyG for the yt tapes. Mind boggling just what kinds of monsters are roaming the earth. I hope the child had passed away before she started in with her torch. I hope she gets her due process quickly.
Is he really saying she killed before or is he saying she has abducted kids before? I mean he is asking for any other victims of Mona to contact them-
I don't think she has killed before- she was way to sloppy- but I believe she is a serial SO and or sadist.

(I was raised by my grandparents- lived in suburbia, never wanted for anything-spoiled rotten-but I was never happy- I wanted to live with my mother and until my grandparents reluctantly agreed to let me when I turned 15, I was miserable. In no way was my mother ever meant to be a mother-but that is what i wanted- and even though my life lacked all the niceties and financial security and I was exposed to a lifestyle 180% different than I was use to, I never complained, I was happy-
So I totally get it that JF wanted to be with his mom, and that grandma let him go, he had to have the chance to know his mother and to find out for himself if she was worth his love or not-no one could have imagined the outcome, and grandmother may have hoped he would get his fill and miss his life and want to come home--
Honestly you could have told me my mother was satan's spawn and I never would have believed it-she wasn't but she wasn't the mother i had painted her to be in my dreams,either.)
O/T: None of those four examples given have convictions, and in EB's case the charges are not out yet.

Thank you. I didn't think so. It would be nice to have resolution though.
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