TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - Mona Nelson charged with Murder - #7

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I am so speechless I just don't know what to say :(

I really hoping that Jonathan is buried in MO where he had the time of his young life. It just awful for me to think he could be at rest in Houston. :(

Prayers to his family ...

angel flying with angels.jpg
This person came and hung out at my grandmothers house after the viewing and after the funeral, ate our food, hugged our necks. She called my aunt every day to get updates on the case. It's their way of finding out who knows what.
yes, ITA. Mona was keeping close to keep tabs.
You can get one online. I am also a single mom...not only do I have a taser & mace, I also have a pistol---though impossible for my child to get a hold of. But I've discovered that a house alarm deters most potential intruders and is safer and works faster than any weapon.

I'm not a single mom, but i'm home alone with the kids a lot and we have big dogs as well. They are our loving family pets and are great with my boys, but they deter a lot of people from coming near our home they bark their heads off and snarl at strangers. Once someone was inside they'd probably lick them to death, but people walking by don't know that LOL
Apology if this has already been posted.



Nelson Has Extensive Criminal History

Nelson is no stranger to the legal system. She has a lengthy criminal record.

1984: Nelson was convicted of aggravated robbery in Harris County. She was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
1989: Nelson spent time in prison for trafficking Mexican nationals for $600 per person.
1997: She was convicted of theft by check in Daingerfield, Texas. She was also found guilty of theft in Mount Vernon, Texas, and served 30 days in jail.
1998: She was arrested on a charge of operating a stolen vehicle.
2001: Nelson pleaded guilty to possession of marijuana. She served 29 days of a 30-day sentence.
2002: Nelson was convicted of possession of marijuana in Collin County.
2003: She was arrested in Chicago on an unspecified outstanding warrant.
2004: She was convicted of making a terroristic threat in Mount Vernon, Va.
2005: Nelson was convicted of criminal mischief in Mount Vernon, Va.
2006: Nelson was arrested on a simple battery charge in St. Charles Parish, La.
2008: She was arrested on a charge of assault on a family member in Mount Pleasant, Texas.
That tight time line is bothering me too Patty. Especially since we now know the raspy voice woman was at 2pm according to presser. I'm hoping, when we find out just how well these people knew each other and if there was bad blood, it will make more sense.

:slap: <------ slapping myself for not catching up before posting, but at the rate I am now able to digest this - I might never catch up.

Here is my question: Do we know why she left the job as maintenance person at the apts? Did she get fired based on a report of one of the dwellers - more specifically did she think the mom or SD turned her in for something? Sure would like to know the date and reason she terminated that job.

Patty - on your acted alone poll...........
My gut still feels there is more to this story than what LE knows at this point (or they might be wanting someone to feel a false sense of security and keep talking - wink) therefore:
A vote for did NOT act alone might include she did the dastardly deed and disposal alone but it might have been at another request with or without $$ changing hands. (IMHO, etc....)

As to more victims - at this point I could see many or none. I am just sick beyond belief at this and if there are more, I am honestly not sure I can deal with it. :banghead::sick::banghead::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:
I actually think this kind of killing is very rare with women. I also don't think the cases cited above evidence an increase of killings by women. We have always had women who kill children in their care or their own kids, etc., either to get rid of the "burden", due to mental illness and enmeshment issues or abuse gone "too far". But this kind of crime, a woman killing a child they really don't know, that's a completely different animal. In fact, except for murders related to sex crimes, or some other sort of serial killing, the intentional killing of a child not related or affiliated in any real way by the killer is extremely rare, I think, by people of either sex.

However, there does seem to be somewhat of an increase in overall aggression in women in recent decades. "Girl fights" on youtube, women beating up or murdering romantic rivals, etc. I think our culture values violence overall, more and more and it's horrible.

Regardless, this crime is incomprehensible. Why any person would kill a little child, not their own, perhaps due to a robbery interrupted, or a drug debt or revenge or whatever, is sick and beyond comprehension. This person has no soul.

I have a 14 year old girl and have been appalled by the number of girl fights I have heard about. I even saw one of her friends talk about it on FB..actually a lot of them talk about it on FB. This girl went on and on about how she was going to fight (I saw it after the fact)..when my daughter told me the girl was suspended for bringing a knife to school. This is a middle class girl in a school with kids ranging from poverty line to uber rich...it's very scary.
I just assumed it was the mother and babysitter based on how the post was written. Thank you for clearing that one up.

So I don't make another error, am I correct in reading that the step-father is with the babysitter at the mother/babysitter's residence?
OK so I don't make an error also, are the sd and the babysitter "shacking up" for a lack of better terms?
Slaying Suspect Previously Charged With Injury To Child

Mona Nelson Accused Of Killing Jonathan Foster

POSTED: Thursday, December 30, 2010

"When you mentioned her name, I remembered instantly who she was," Judge Kay McNutt said. "It is a small town, and if you talk to some of the older law enforcement and judicial people, then you'd see that they, too, remember."

Her criminal history is lengthy, and some of the charges involve children.

In 2001, Nelson was charged with three counts of injury to a child. All of the children were under the age of 14.

According to the police report, a woman named Danita Morris said that Nelson broke into her home through a window by breaking it with beer bottles.

Morris told investigators that she tried to escape with the three children she was babysitting at the time, but Nelson caught her in the front yard and beat her.

The charges that resulted from the incident were burglary of a habitation, three counts of injury to a child and assault.

"I fell and the kids tried to help," Morris said. "She pushed them out of the way and started kicking me in the head and stomach. She banged my head on the road."

<<<<<<<<<<<<more at link>>>>>>>>>>>

I say a prayer... to thank God that she was found at this time for what she was... a predator.

There is no end to what she could have done as a coyote... truly... and no records to follow.

She has been stopped... no matter if this was her first step up to the level of homicidal violence or her last.


That's the one case I know of.

Here are the names of more women that killed the children of others:

Cathy Lynn Henderson currently sits on the Texas Death Row for killing a child that is not her own. http://crime.about.com/od/female_offenders/p/deathrow7.htm

Name Kills Survivors Context Modus
Phan Thi Ai 3 lover's children burned
Maria del Rosio Alfaro 1 9 year old girl stabbed
Beverly Allitt 4 22 Pediatric Nurse Injection
Melanie Anderson 1 girl 2 beating, torture
Gertrude Baniszewski 1 girl 16 tortured, beaten
Mary Flora Bell 2 1 playmates strangled
Barbara Briggs 1 grandson beaten, starved
Linda Burnett 1 stranger shot
Sally_Clark 2 infants (crib death) smothered
Patricia Coker 1 foster-daughter beaten
Betty Coker 1 foster-granddaughter beaten
Mary Ann Cotton 4 stepchildren poison
Minnie Dean 2 (3+) ? baby farm smothered
Nannie Hazel Doss 2 grandchildren smothered
Lillie Easter 1 foster son beaten, drowned
Marti Enriqueta 6+ 1 "magic" boiled, eaten, rendered into "potions"
Ellen Etheridge 4 stepchildren poison
Sandy Evans 1 adopted daughter child abuse
Christine Falling 6 babysitter smothered
Lynne Friend 1 guardian beaten
Caril Fugate 1 baby sister choked
Janie Lou Gibbs 1 grandchild poison
Veronica Gonzalez 1 neice age 4 tortured, scalded to death
Ester Rebecca Griggs 1 exorcism beaten
Belle Gunness 1+ stepchild
Bonney Heady 1 kidnap victim shot
Cathy Lynn Henderson 1 boy 3 months (babysitter) beaten
Audrey Marie Hilley 1 several neighborhood child poison
Wanda Holloway 0 1(?) cheerleader(s?) contract killing
Karla Holmolka 1 ? baby sister drugged, sexually assaulted, choked on vomit
Deidre Hunt 1 teenager tortured, shot
Helene Jegado several household servant poison
Genene Jones 11 (46) Pediatric Nurse injection
Lois Jurgens 1 adopted son beaten, tortured
Penelope Kenney 1
Dorothy Jean Livingston 1 foster-daughter kicked down staircase (repeatedly)
Eddiesenior Jones McLaughlin 1 adopted son beaten, burned
Sarah Makin 7+ baby farm stabbed with knitting needles
Beth Ann Markman 1 teenager choked
Evelyn Kay Miller 1 foster son shaken baby
Angela Hope Miller 1 nephew shaken baby
Alice Mitchell (37) nurse starvation, neglect
Marie Moore ? ? coven ?
Patricia Moore 3 babysitter stranged, suffocated
Louisa Northcott ? ? serial sex slayings ?
Hannah Ocuish 1 playmate beaten, choked
Julia Ann Olivas 1 exorcism beaten
Sandra Pankow 3 babysitter smothered
Martha Place 1 stepdaughter acid in face, smothered
Renee Polreis 1 adopted son beaten
Lisa Price 1 foster daughter beaten
Latasha Pulliam 1 neighbor's daughter age 6 tortured, strangled
Martha Rendell 3 1 stepchildren hydrochloric acid
Patricia Rorrer 1 boyfriend's baby shot, suffocated
Amelia Sach dozens ? baby farm poison
Lydia Sherman 2 ? 3 husbands, 5 children, 2 stepchildren poison
Sarah Simpson 1
Brenda Spencer 2 9 principal, janitor, school kids shot
Debra Sue Tuggle 1 fiancee's child drowned
Lise Jane Turner 1 2 (6) babysitting smothered
Louise Vermilyea 1 stepchild poison
Mary Wallis 1 servant
Annie Walters dozens ? baby farm poison
Jeanne Weber 7+ many 2 nieces, 2 nephews, 3 neighbor's kids (babysitter) strangled
Rosemary West 1 (?) stepdaughter
Roselere Wilkenson 1 stepdaughter beaten
Rosa Wilkerson 1 granddaughter poisoned, smothered
Jacqueline Annette Williams 3 adult female 28, girl 10, boy 7 shot, stabbed
Martha Woods 4 2 babysitter suffocation
Dora Wright 1 stepdaughter
Caroline Young 2 grandson 6, granddaughter 4 stabbed
Lila Gladys Young (100+) baby farm neglect, starvation
Anna Zwanziger ? ? rivals, employers and their families poison
2008: She was arrested on a charge of assault on a family member in Mount Pleasant, Texas.

Be interesting to see if her family speaks out about her violence, but then again... not sure they would even wanna be linked by her. I know I wouldn't. Sorry if that offends anyone.
The mother and babysitter pulled out a TASER? Who has a taser sitting in there house? WTH!!!

There is a thread on this very topic over in the Zahra forum. Lots of us chimed in as to whether or not we had one. They are fairly cheap, and can be purchased at flea markets for under $50.00 in some cases. I don't have one, but if I lived in a high crime area I would add that to my list of self-defense weapons. :twocents:
:slap: <------ slapping myself for not catching up before posting, but at the rate I am now able to digest this - I might never catch up.

Here is my question: Do we know why she left the job as maintenance person at the apts? Did she get fired based on a report of one of the dwellers - more specifically did she think the mom or SD turned her in for something? Sure would like to know the date and reason she terminated that job.

Patty - on your acted alone poll...........
My gut still feels there is more to this story than what LE knows at this point (or they might be wanting someone to feel a false sense of security and keep talking - wink) therefore:
A vote for did NOT act alone might include she did the dastardly deed and disposal alone but it might have been at another request with or without $$ changing hands. (IMHO, etc....)

As to more victims - at this point I could see many or none. I am just sick beyond belief at this and if there are more, I am honestly not sure I can deal with it. :banghead::sick::banghead::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:

I Believe stormy was told yesterday one of the complex's she worked at she was let go from because the complex was shut down for not being up to code.

I saw online one one of the news stations that she did maintenance at several different complexs and then saw today on the PC she used to do maintenance at THE complex. It's really confusing. Hope that helped a little bit. probably not though
There is a thread on this very topic over in the Zahra forum. Lots of us chimed in as to whether or not we had one. They are fairly cheap, and can be purchased at flea markets for under $50.00 in some cases. I don't have one, but if I lived in a high crime area I would add that to my list of self-defense weapons. :twocents:

I may get one myself now! :biggrin:

Slain Boy's Family Has Record With CPS

Jonathan Foster Lived With Uncle For Several Years

Officials said that in December 2005 there was an allegation of neglected supervision and physical abuse of Jonathan and his half sister when they were living in Galveston County. When CPS went to investigate the claims, both children were living with other relatives and the case was closed.

In Houston in December 2006, there was a second allegation of neglect, physical abuse and medical neglect of both Jonathan and his half sister, officials said. The case was closed because Jonathan had moved to his uncle's home out of state and his half sister was living with her grandmother.

Glenn Scrimsher, Jonathan's uncle, said he offered to let Jonathan live with him, his wife and his five children because Angela Davis was having problems with drug abuse.

Jonathan lived in Missouri from the age of 6 until he was 11.

"Our oldest one took it the hardest because he would play with him more than anybody," Glenn Scrimsher said.

Scrimsher said Jonathan was an active child.

"I think he really enjoyed the freedom of being able to walk outside, work in the garden with me, ride the horses," he said.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I really hope no one here further victimizes those who are victims in this horrible crime.
Nelson's activity with illegal border crossings makes me wonder if she ever inflicted harm on any of the illegals.
It is starting to look like she is estranged from her family.
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