TX - Teen burns his baby in Microwave, Houston

On his myspace profile...which is now private...it says he and his wife have now worked out their differences. Well good for them, two of a kind deserve each other. I hope that cps does not return that baby into that kind of enviornment.
...I too found the reference to the biblical story of Abraham and Isaac disturbing.....

There are enough issues at hand here to discuss and debate without bringing up a story that has, at the very least, multiple layers and pages upon pages of interpretations, theological references, and inherent debates--as well as its historical setting.....

I'm not trying to debate this biblical story which is why I posted a link giving the accepted Christian and Jewish interpretations. Yet any time I read about a modern-day father saying God told him to harm his son, I automatically recall the tale of Abraham and Isaac. I don't think that's much of a stretch.

I will aways think it's pertinent to discuss people's religious illusions and fanaticisms when such illusions and fanatacisms lead to children being harmed. I would be interested in what religious path the father and mother in this case took to get to such a dark place.
I am not defending this sicko but 19 coupled with the stress of a new family could easily be a trigger for schitzophrenia.
He is about the age that it would develope coupled with his religious delusions.

I understand where you are coming from, but i have alot of friends that are either 19 or younger with kids and none of them both male and female have tried to harm there children. I am 17...and if i had a child now i would never even consider hurting my baby...babies are precious and anyone who hurts a child should get there butt beat. that is my truest opinion. Everyone knows right from wrong whether they were raise thta way by their own parents or not so there is no excuse unless he is truey insne and didn't really know what he was doing!
You must not worship the God who told Abraham to kill his son Isaac.

Prayers to the baby and this family.

Now I worship God. But our times have changed very differently since Abraham and I don't think that God would tell one of his children to sacrifice their child at this day and age. He knows teh consicquences we would suffer in this world an dhe isnt gonna try to bring that kind of heartache to his children.
Now I worship God. But our times have changed very differently since Abraham and I don't think that God would tell one of his children to sacrifice their child at this day and age. He knows teh consicquences we would suffer in this world an dhe isnt gonna try to bring that kind of heartache to his children.

Welcome to Websleuths, graceful.

I've read a number of stories of mentally ill parents who harm their child who reference the Abraham/Isaac story. It is very sad. Religion and mental illness are often a dangerous combination.
I'm not trying to debate this biblical story which is why I posted a link giving the accepted Christian and Jewish interpretations. Yet any time I read about a modern-day father saying God told him to harm his son, I automatically recall the tale of Abraham and Isaac. I don't think that's much of a stretch.

I will aways think it's pertinent to discuss people's religious illusions and fanaticisms when such illusions and fanatacisms lead to children being harmed. I would be interested in what religious path the father and mother in this case took to get to such a dark place.
it might be interesting but its not pertinent what god they believed in or why. some crazy people believe in god and say he is why the kill their child. for some its aliens, the tv speaks to some, the pet dog.....
in this case he has not claimed god told him to do it as a test of faith. he did it because he was stressed. his wife thinks it is because Satan wanted him away from god.

it might be interesting how i can read the bible and remember suffer the little children unto me and and the freak church in Kansas comes up with god hates the world. a insane person can twist anything to fit their delusion. a evil person can blame god, the devil, or their ex. if you cook your child you are crazy or evil imo.
it might be interesting but its not pertinent what god they believed in or why. some crazy people believe in god and say he is why the kill their child. for some its aliens, the tv speaks to some, the pet dog.....
in this case he has not claimed god told him to do it as a test of faith. he did it because he was stressed. his wife thinks it is because Satan wanted him away from god.

it might be interesting how i can read the bible and remember suffer the little children unto me and and the freak church in Kansas comes up with god hates the world. a insane person can twist anything to fit their delusion. a evil person can blame god, the devil, or their ex. if you cook your child you are crazy or evil imo.

Pertinent is, I guess, in the eye of the beholder. I always find the details (religious or otherwise and however incomprehensible) of why people kill or harm highly relevant to to the discussion of the crime itself.
Pertinent is, I guess, in the eye of the beholder. I always find the details (religious or otherwise and however incomprehensible) of why people kill or harm highly relevant to to the discussion of the crime itself.
in this case he said stress made me do it.
A tip then led investigators to the hotel room’s microwave, where they discovered the baby had been placed inside.
Mauldin then confessed, saying stress had driven him to burn his child.
people of all faiths and none have stress. how does the fact he believes in god relate to the fact he cooked his kid because of stress?
in this case he said stress made me do it.
people of all faiths and none have stress. how does the fact he believes in god relate to the fact he cooked his kid because of stress?

I believe how he and his wife relate to God has a lot to do with this case. I believe their relation to God - which seems distorted and seems to prohibit either of them from accepting responsibility for their daughter's welfare - is one of the reasons that CPS is trying to take custody of the child.

The husband says God called him to Galveston to preach and stress led him to microwave his daughter - is part of his stress because God told him to move to a stange place and preach? Maybe.

The mother says he didn't microwave his daughter, but rather Satan did it because Satan perceived her husband preaching about God to be a threat to Satan's dominion. The mother says Satan used her husband's weakness - an undisclosed mental illness - to get to the daughter.

I'm sure there's lots more religious stuff that hasn't been reported and will come out over time.

So I think religious implications and how this man related to God are all over this case, but I'm cool if you don't. They need to lose custody regardless, but I still find the religious implications interesting, pertinent and fair game for discussion.
I believe how he and his wife relate to God has a lot to do with this case. I believe their relation to God - which seems distorted and seems to prohibit either of them from accepting responsibility for their daughter's welfare - is one of the reasons that CPS is trying to take custody of the child.

The husband says God called him to Galveston to preach and stress led him to microwave his daughter - is part of his stress because God told him to move to a stange place and preach? Maybe.

The mother says he didn't microwave his daughter, but rather Satan did it because Satan perceived her husband preaching about God to be a threat to Satan's dominion. The mother says Satan used her husband's weakness - an undisclosed mental illness - to get to the daughter.

I'm sure there's lots more religious stuff that hasn't been reported and will come out over time.

So I think religious implications and how this man related to God are all over this case, but I'm cool if you don't. They need to lose custody regardless, but I still find the religious implications interesting, pertinent and fair game for discussion.
the husband beat his wife before the move. he violated the order of protection before the move. any1 who has had a 2month old can say all babies bring stress. maybe someday facts will state his faith caused him stress but not at this point. at this point all that has been stated is he said stress made him do it.

as for the wife... ok she is a religious nut. some people find strength from god. other find a excuse. a wife who wants to stay with a man who abuses her and her kids will find a excuse. my mom blamed my fathers upbringing for why he beat us.

as for why cps is not letting them have the kid... dad tried to cook the baby and mom wants to stay with him. i dont think if dad had tried to cook the baby and mom stayed with him because she blamed his upbringing it would change the mind of the cps workers.
Welcome to Websleuths, graceful.

I've read a number of stories of mentally ill parents who harm their child who reference the Abraham/Isaac story. It is very sad. Religion and mental illness are often a dangerous combination.

I agree. Didn't that lady who cut of her baby's arms use religion as her defense? Then Andrea Yates...
I agree. Didn't that lady who cut of her baby's arms use religion as her defense? Then Andrea Yates...

Yes, as did the woman who recently stabbed her two children more than 500 times and the couple in Atlanta who killed their son because they thought he was possessed and the mother who pushed her three infant/toddler children into the water in California and on and on and on.

All these cases (and many more I have read over the years) seem to have a mix of mental illness and religious fanatacism at the root of the evil.
Welcome to Websleuths, graceful.

I've read a number of stories of mentally ill parents who harm their child who reference the Abraham/Isaac story. It is very sad. Religion and mental illness are often a dangerous combination.

Thankyou for the welcome Southcitymom.......yes they are i agree completly but these people who claim this more than likely make it up to make it look as if though they are insane or they really are mentally ill. It is sad but th ehardcore truth of it is thta even if God did tell them too...they still know what th econsequenses of the action is so therefore the decision they make is ultimatly up to them and they must live with it!

Further details about the baby's abuse.

It is not religious fanaticism but mental illness that hooks onto extreme religious beliefs. Yates and Schlosser (the one who cut her baby's arms off) both had a history of mental illness and severe post-partum depression (severe depression involves hallucinations, not just severely depressed as you or I might describe someone as being.)

When a person "hears" voices, they attribute it to being God or the Devil, because the brain is too delusional to understand that schizophrenia or other mental illnesses are the cause.

Further details about the baby's abuse.

It is not religious fanaticism but mental illness that hooks onto extreme religious beliefs. Yates and Schlosser (the one who cut her baby's arms off) both had a history of mental illness and severe post-partum depression (severe depression involves hallucinations, not just severely depressed as you or I might describe someone as being.)

When a person "hears" voices, they attribute it to being God or the Devil, because the brain is too delusional to understand that schizophrenia or other mental illnesses are the cause.
ty texana. that actually makes alot of sense. i guess when you hear voices even those with only a slight faith in god may somehow come to the belief he is speaking to them.

Further details about the baby's abuse.

It is not religious fanaticism but mental illness that hooks onto extreme religious beliefs. Yates and Schlosser (the one who cut her baby's arms off) both had a history of mental illness and severe post-partum depression (severe depression involves hallucinations, not just severely depressed as you or I might describe someone as being.)

When a person "hears" voices, they attribute it to being God or the Devil, because the brain is too delusional to understand that schizophrenia or other mental illnesses are the cause.

I agree that mental illness is key. But both Yates and Schlosser had a lengthy pre-child-murder history of what I would consider to be religious extremism/fanatacism as well.

I was once close with a women who suffered from schizophrenia and had both visual and auditory hallucinations, yet she never attributed the voices she heard or the terrible things she saw to God or Satan or any other supernatural being. She wasn't a particularly religious person and perhaps that is why. I don't know - it's just a thought.

I've read of others who struggle with schizophrenia attribute the voices to aliens or the CIA etc....

The fanatcism still seems to be a component in some murders of this type.
I agree that mental illness is key. But both Yates and Schlosser had a lengthy pre-child-murder history of what I would consider to be religious extremism/fanatacism as well.

I was once close with a women who suffered from schizophrenia and had both visual and auditory hallucinations, yet she never attributed the voices she heard or the terrible things she saw to God or Satan or any other supernatural being. She wasn't a particularly religious person and perhaps that is why. I don't know - it's just a thought.
I've read of others who struggle with schizophrenia attribute the voices to aliens or the CIA etc....

The fanatcism still seems to be a component in some murders of this type.

While Psychotic and experiencing hallucinations I never "heard" from God. I heard from the radio- I heard from the walls- sometimes I heard from nowhere, from the air really. When it first began it wasn't such a bad thing, the first time was late at night and I thought I must have been half asleep so I just ignored it but then it continued on a regular basis.

I just thought I was having conversations, with who I have no clue, I never gave that part any thought. Sometimes I'd catch myself talking to no one and kinda just laugh at myself, like I was in a drunkin' stuper or something. After awhile though, it wasn't very funny anymore. The things I heard were no longer things I could laugh off and I wasn't able to catch myself talking to no one anymore.

It began taking over my life, my mind, my thoughts, my will, my ability to function, to reason, to concentrate, to sleep, to bathe, to drive, to care for my child and to control my emotions so I knew it was time to get help! Although I wasn't sure exactally what kind of help I needed, I knew something wasn't working properly inside of my head!

Anyway, I just thought I'd share my experience regarding the religion/No religion in hallucinations.
While Psychotic and experiencing hallucinations I never "heard" from God. I heard from the radio- I heard from the walls- sometimes I heard from nowhere, from the air really. ......
Anyway, I just thought I'd share my experience regarding the religion/No religion in hallucinations.

Thanks, as always, OLG, for sharing your personal experiences! :blowkiss:
SICK SICK SICK!!!! They should put him in a giant microwave!

I cannot think of anything so horrible to do to an infant!
I don't have the link, but I read yesterday that the baby was also placed inside a refrigerator and a hotel safe.


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