TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #12

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I just did a search and no one by that name comes up. Maybe he unfriended her?

You are right. He was definitely friends with her when I was looking last night. He has defriended her today. I'm not surprised, I imagine his wife has gone completely mental.
Hmmm maybe he did. His profile is still up. I'd message it to you but I can't figure out how on on my phone!

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I just found his profile. MMA fighter? Thanks!
I scroll with my right thumb and often hit the "thanks" button inadvertently. [emoji52] Zoinks.

Lol I scroll with my left thumb (lefty here) and inadvertently hit the "report post" accidentally sometimes!
He said, "That's a leading question to get me to talk isn't it" - at least that's what my texas twang mind heard....local here.

Yeah, you're probably right. It is more like "idn't it" than "you kiddin'".
You are right. He was definitely friends with her when I was looking last night. He has defriended her today. I'm not surprised, I imagine his wife has gone completely mental.
I can't blame him at all. And it seems he has put some security on what you can see on his profile, such as his friends list.
I'm sure someone has posted or mentioned this but I just can't keep up. Have the LE said anywhere at any time that they have verified (or not verified) BB or RB's claims of being out of town? I know even if they were out of town they could have been involved so that wouldn't eliminate them but I was just wondering because I haven't seen anything that said they have been confirmed or not.
The 'creepy message' TIMING is most suspect to me. She might have flirted with CW, but IMO that's all it was. Just messaging. I rule him out, but that's JMO.

So....Missy used LinkedIn with her business associates & networking. She has over 500 friends on there. Once again, only someone tied to her professionally or through the fitness world would know that most likely. If they wanted to scare her they could message on FB or elsewhere. They CHOSE LinkedIn to creep her out. It was significant enough that LE didn't dismiss it among the 100s of things friends probably told them during this investigation. They didn't tell us the content of that message, yet they found it significant enough to add in the warrant. They even mentioned it again on another page & their point was loud and clear.

April 15 - husband has outpatient surgery. Could he have sent it? Of course. But I'm sticking with my locals around town, who, just this morning, we all discussed this case yet again.

We all suspected family initially, and dissected it many, many, mannnny times...but as I've shared on here numerous times, we knew things to broaden our search and look elsewhere. I still don't rule out anyone, but by looking past BB & RB, it was pretty glaring what was happening. As most of you know, on the ground we sometimes have a different set of eyes & I do think it's all going to make sense very soon.

Anyway...back to the LinkedIn...the message arrives, according to warrants, three days before her murder." What happened 3 days before? She was leaving for her trip to Austin. That is not a coincidence. It's not a coincidence that the perp chose LinkedIn to creep her out. The friend probably didn't remember the name bc I bet it was a general Bob Smith-type-name with a random job listed, no photo or profile filled it. Otherwise, as women...and especially as two female women...we would've Internet stalked that person to figure out who the heck this creep was.

The murderer wanted her to be scared and suffer before she left for Austin. If this is the case, ask yourself WHY?

Then 3 days later they wanted her to be scared and suffer again out of rage and jealousy...as they took a beautiful mom from her 3 children.

They could have shot or killed her at home, in her driveway, since everyone has plenty of land out here. They could have followed her along desolate FM 1387 on the way to work to ram her off the road, get out & kill her there.

No. They chose the very place that's tied to fitness. Where they knew about the cameras. What time people would arrive. When it was raining. They didn't shoot her in the parking lot. They thrived on the hunt and then took time to bludgeon her with tools. On her chest and head. The chest means Missy was likely looking up & this person wanted Missy to see her eyes and hate.

If this doesn't point to a woman, I don't know what else does. But...JMO.

One more thing (MOO)...My alleged perp is the very last person I wanted it to be. I wanted it to be family. That would make more sense. I wanted it to be a burglar or stalker bc that makes sense, too. I didn't want to believe evil like this could exist. I still don't want to. So this isn't one of those or trying to make my theory fit. I just feel like it repeatedly goes back to this one person & whomever could have helped her out.

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Totally agree with you about it being bigger than MB, I haven't ruled out drugs for payment and if you think about it, these "hot" guns only trace back to bad cops in small town TX but they were actually marked as destroyed, if you're matching ballistics, will it hit hot or destroyed? Do they have a log of all the weapons they took? Hmm.

Well, it can be complicated. As I recall in those two articles, at least one of the guns when pawned by the arrested LE was apparently still on the pawn shop 'hot' list even though it seems the crime had been resolved and the gun no longer needed for evidence. That's what alerted LE to the pawning of the 'to be destroyed' guns in the first place, if I'm remembering correctly--the pawn shop owner matched the gun to one on the BOLO list circulated to pawn shop owners, and he notified LE about it. (And I'm not sure, but I don't think those pawn shop owners are given a list of guns marked for destruction by LE after the case is closed.)
Thank you Breck, I always look forward to your posts.

So if it's not a family member, do you think it's someone she knew, or not?
Breck80, did BB have outpatient surgery? I thought he had an outpatient procedure, which probably wasn't surgery, IMO. BB likes to expound on his "poor health" so I think if it would have been an actual surgery, he would have used that word?
I think Brandon's Mom's letter indicates her belief the murderer is Missy's paramour or paramour's wife. Which I think she was alluding to in her first letter and prior statement. Thus, it makes sense she isn't going to mention anything bad about her son, and we don't even know if he strayed or has anything to do with anything. I think Brandon thought for a while his wife strayed and thus he tried to protect her reputation by saying she was a "Godly woman" in his first interview.

My opinion is that Brandon's family are simple, honest folk who are shell shocked and are trying to cope. And they had nothing to do with Missy being murdered.
I know AJT went to the Austin trip. Did CW go to the Austin trip? re: the 'creepy' LinkedIn msg, and person we cannot mention (not in warrants) IYKWIM
The 'creepy message' TIMING is most suspect to me. She might have flirted with CW, but IMO that's all it was. Just messaging. I rule him out, but that's JMO.

So....Missy used LinkedIn with her business associates & networking. She has over 500 friends on there. Once again, only someone tied to her professionally or through the fitness world would know that most likely. If they wanted to scare her they could message on FB or elsewhere. They CHOSE LinkedIn to creep her out. It was significant enough that LE didn't dismiss it among the 100s of things friends probably told them during this investigation. They didn't tell us the content of that message, yet they found it significant enough to add in the warrant. They even mentioned it again on another page & their point was loud and clear.

April 15 - husband has outpatient surgery. Could he have sent it? Of course. But I'm sticking with my locals around town, who, just this morning, we all discussed this case yet again.

We all suspected family initially, and dissected it many, many, mannnny times...but as I've shared on here numerous times, we knew things to broaden our search and look elsewhere. I still don't rule out anyone, but by looking past BB & RB, it was pretty glaring what was happening. As most of you know, on the ground we sometimes have a different set of eyes & I do think it's all going to make sense very soon.

Anyway...back to the LinkedIn...the message arrives, according to warrants, three days before her murder." What happened 3 days before? She was leaving for her trip to Austin. That is not a coincidence. It's not a coincidence that the perp chose LinkedIn to creep her out. The friend probably didn't remember the name bc I bet it was a general Bob Smith-type-name with a random job listed, no photo or profile filled it. Otherwise, as women...and especially as two female women...we would've Internet stalked that person to figure out who the heck this creep was.

The murderer wanted her to be scared and suffer before she left for Austin. If this is the case, ask yourself WHY?

Then 3 days later they wanted her to be scared and suffer again out of rage and jealousy...as they took a beautiful mom from her 3 children.

They could have shot or killed her at home, in her driveway, since everyone has plenty of land out here. They could have followed her along desolate FM 1387 on the way to work to ram her off the road, get out & kill her there.

No. They chose the very place that's tied to fitness. Where they knew about the cameras. What time people would arrive. When it was raining. They didn't shoot her in the parking lot. They thrived on the hunt and then took time to bludgeon her with tools. On her chest and head. The chest means Missy was likely looking up & this person wanted Missy to see her eyes and hate.

If this doesn't point to a woman, I don't know what else does. But...JMO.

One more thing (MOO)...My alleged perp is the very last person I wanted it to be. I wanted it to be family. That would make more sense. I wanted it to be a burglar or stalker bc that makes sense, too. I didn't want to believe evil like this could exist. I still don't want to. So this isn't one of those or trying to make my theory fit. I just feel like it repeatedly goes back to this one person & whomever could have helped her out.

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I wholeheartedly agree. This person has slowly but surely played this out. Making MB worry. Planned a long while IMO.
I'm sure someone has posted or mentioned this but I just can't keep up. Have the LE said anywhere at any time that they have verified (or not verified) BB or RB's claims of being out of town? I know even if they were out of town they could have been involved so that wouldn't eliminate them but I was just wondering because I haven't seen anything that said they have been confirmed or not.

To my knowledge, LE has not yet verified alibis of BB or RB, specifically travel details. There is a seven hour window between BB's social media post from Biloxi at 9:15pm and the time of the murder. One would have to drive very fast in order to span nearly 600 miles in seven hours, but it could be done. I believe LE is matching cell phone data to the alibi locations. Once that's complete the alibis will be firmer.
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