UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #4

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had read that the photo with Ethan and Nathan playing video games was time stamped the 4th of May.

AFAIK, the first photo documenting the abuse was taken on May 4th. The video game picture was dated on KSL video as being May 5th.
KSL could have the date wrong. If that is the picture from the 4th, imagine what he looked like on the 5th when PS saw him.
Last comment to you on this, promise.

That's not what I said.

"I also know that anyone with an IQ above 30 could look at that child and tell he had been severely beaten."

And I'll add that anyone with an IQ above 30 would know that his injuries were not due to the scenarios you mention.

Go after 's mom? Damn straight. If she was telling the truth and saw him that day, then applicable charges need to be filed against her. If you want to give her a pass, that's your prerogative.

Hi Calliope, I know we are all heated and emotional over this tragedy which occured to Ethan, but I would like to point someting out to not only you, but the group in general. (so everyone knows who I am speaking to.)

Right now NS's mothers is NOT a poi, nor is she a suspect. I think we need to keep the discussion on here comments to LE regarding seeing Ethan and everything being 'hunky dory' in check here, by that I mean, the possibilities according to the law.

NS's mom is NOT a mandatory reporter, and it is my understanding it is not against any law, at least not here in Illinois to not report a crime. I know that because I just finished my towns 12 week citizens police academy course. So it is my opinion and understanding, there would be NO crime for her not reporting abuse. We have a MORAL obligation to report crime, but there is no LEGAL obligation in some cases.

What may be a crime on her part is knowlingly giving LE false information regarding injuries she saw on Ethan to interfer with LE's investigation in the case. Time will tell if NS's mother is guilty of providing false information to LE to interfer with the investigation.

Thanks everyone!

AFAIK, the first photo documenting the abuse was taken on May 4th. The video game picture was dated on KSL video as being May 5th.

You are correct. The video game picture has the timestamp right on it, May 5th. It's not the same image referred to as the May 4th picture.
AFAIK, the first photo documenting the abuse was taken on May 4th. The video game picture was dated on KSL video as being May 5th.

Yes but the photo LE lists as time stamped May 4th describes Ethan's face as what we see in the photo abc4 says was taken the 5th. The swollen jaw and bruising are in the photo we have seen and described in the probable cause statement so they sound to me as though they are the same photo. I am not saying they are...just that what we see and what LE describes sound like the same one....
You are correct. The video game picture has the timestamp right on it, May 5th. It's not the same image referred to as the May 4th picture.

Ok so abc4 pic has a time stamp of May 5. Either LE has a different pic from the 4th showing the same abuse or they have the date wrong in typing it up.
That would mean Nathan's mother could have seem him the 5th before abuse. If LE has a pic stamped the 4th she is wrong about the date or lying. I would really like to see the other pic now...
I really cant look at that picture anymore because I have never felt such rage...that precious vulnerable little head...WTH?? How could ANYONE?????
It could be the media got the date wrong. They are the one that dated the photo. The photo isn't dated/timestamped.

It was perhaps uploaded to FB on the 5th and that is where they got the 5th date.

It could be the media got the date wrong. They are the one that dated the photo. The photo isn't dated/timestamped.

It was perhaps uploaded to FB on the 5th and that is where they got the 5th date.


Good call...you can see the date is partially on the picture and partially on the stations background...
NS's mom is NOT a mandatory reporter, and it is my understanding it is not against any law, at least not here in Illinois to not report a crime. I know that because I just finished my towns 12 week citizens police academy course. So it is my opinion and understanding, there would be NO crime for her not reporting abuse. We have a MORAL obligation to report crime, but there is no LEGAL obligation in some cases.

Cubby, that may be true in Illinois, but the law is different here (Utah).

In Utah, it IS a crime to NOT report suspected child abuse.

Here is the cite, directly from the State of Utah: Utah Department of Human Services

"Utah law requires any person who has reason to believe that a child has been subjected to abuse, neglect, or dependency to immediately notify the nearest office of Child and Family Services, a peace officer, or a law enforcement agency. Abuse, neglect, or dependency of a child can be physical, emotional, or sexual."

My earlier post on this issue (#188) also had a State of Utah reference preventchildabuseutah.org which is linked to from the above website.

In Utah, we are all "reporters".
probable cause affidavit states May 4 2010 Ethan has a large and very noticable swelling...

SS stated to LE on 5/10/10 at 23:55 that Ethan had left the residence over the past 4 nights. She also stated that when they left to marry on 5/6/10 NS locked Ethan in his room by removing his door knob. Was she trying to establish that Ethan was alive the previous 4 days?

With the two of them planning a July 4th wedding why the rush to marry? on May 6? Had NS already killed Ethan but he kept somehow kept it from SS knowing he couldn't tell her or she'd never marry him? Did NS remove the door handle so that Ethan couldn't get out or did he do something to the door that prevented SS from getting in to see her son?

SS came and went on the 7th and the 9th. On the 7th Ethan was suppposedly burned on his feet and backs of his legs and back. This sounds like the blood was pooling due to lack of ciculation. She did not report it as blistering.

ETA on the 9th at 0500 she went and returned from the pharmacy within 30 min to pick up a prescription. Wonder if there are any 24 hour prarmacies that close?
Just an observation here...and rather tongue in cheek.

I think it's safe to say at this point that media sources related to this case (and so many others I've been reading here at WS!) aren't necessarily living up to a reputation of accuracy! What a shame. Not a single news source that we can count on as being RELIABLE.

I sure wish some of the generation's most gifted journalists would campaign through our colleges for a great emphasis on ethics and accuracy! Ethics and accuracy are not only the right thing to do in that industry, and are not only evidence of skill and experience...but it's the humane thing to do, too. Every day, ethics and accuracy in journalism can help or harm crime victims.

Sorry to step off-topic! Stepping off my soapbox now.
So that one we're seeing here is the same photo (or part of a series taken at roughly the same time)?

PS is lying.

PS never SAW him IMHO she just states that she did and he was fine.... LE has a photo of him from the 4th and he was already in bad shape! No way she saw him on the 5th!
probable cause affidavit states May 4 2010 Ethan has a large and very noticable swelling...

SS stated to LE on 5/10/10 at 23:55 that Ethan had left the residence over the past 4 nights. She also stated that when they left to marry on 5/6/10 NS locked Ethan in his room by removing his door knob. Was she trying to establish that Ethan was alive the previous 4 days?

With the two of them planning a July 4th wedding why the rush to marry? on May 6? Had NS already killed Ethan but he kept somehow kept it from SS knowing he couldn't tell her or she'd never marry him? Did NS remove the door handle so that Ethan couldn't get out or did he do something to the door that prevented SS from getting in to see her son?

SS came and went on the 7th and the 9th. On the 7th Ethan was suppposedly burned on his feet and backs of his legs and back. This sounds like the blood was pooling due to lack of ciculation. She did not report it as blistering.

ETA on the 9th at 0500 she went and returned from the pharmacy within 30 min to pick up a prescription. Wonder if there are any 24 hour prarmacies that close?

Yes. Walgreen's (less than a mile away) has a 24-hour pharmacy.

Results from walgreens.com shows

1171 W 2000 N (ANTELOPE DR) <----parentheses mine
Layton, UT 84041

(801) 614-1302
Store Hours
Open 24 Hours
Pharmacy Hours
Open 24 Hours
Yes. Walgreen's (less than a mile away) has a 24-hour pharmacy.

Results from walgreens.com shows

1171 W 2000 N (ANTELOPE DR) <----parentheses mine
Layton, UT 84041

(801) 614-1302
Store Hours
Open 24 Hours
Pharmacy Hours
Open 24 Hours

Great sleuthing, laytonian. I've wondered from the beginning what on earth the prescription could be. That would reveal a whole lot. Was it for an injury? Antidepressant/mood stabilizer? Infection of some kind?

If she went to the pharmacy at 5 AM to get it, it must be relevant in a big way, I'm thinking....
I don't think I've seen this anywhere, but what did these POSs do for a living? Not that it matters, but I'm curious.

Thanks in advance-
Herding Cats
Great sleuthing, laytonian. I've wondered from the beginning what on earth the prescription could be. That would reveal a whole lot. Was it for an injury? Antidepressant/mood stabilizer? Infection of some kind?

If she went to the pharmacy at 5 AM to get it, it must be relevant in a big way, I'm thinking....

I'm thinking it was to get her (SS) out of the way so NS could load up Ethan's little body without anyone seeing him.
I don't think I've seen this anywhere, but what did these POSs do for a living? Not that it matters, but I'm curious.

Thanks in advance-
Herding Cats

Glad you asked that Cat I have been wondering why neither of the 's mention going to work at all the week they were beating this little boy. I haven't seen it reported that either one had a job or what it might have been. Maybe they were living off the child support Joe was having to pay. Anyone know if she was awarded spousal support?
My thoughts on the photo in the media ***JMHOO***


1) iirc in the KSL video that first showed the picture they said it was sent to them.
-who sent it?
-it was not attributed to LE
-can we assume it was one of the battery of photos mentioned or was it a different
photo? And if so, who was it sent to/who leaked it? Who else was she sending
her pictures to?

2) In the report they said the photo was taken on 4 May, but the wording in the screen cap of the video is 5 May
-was the dating a mistake/or the reporting a mistake?
-either way, on 4 or 5 May Ethan has a HUGE contusion to his left jaw with
significant swelling and injury. This means in the least, that he was BEATEN prior
to May 4-5th AT LEAST.

3) He arrived in Utah with his 'Mother' on 28 may which was a wednesday His father, according to Media reports, called him every day.. until on "monday" (which was 3 may he last talked to him and on subsequent days was given excuses why his son could not come to the phone.
-no matter if he was abused from that very first day he left (1 may) until the day his mother started saying he was "unable to come to the phone (tuesday 4 may) obviously something horrible was going on after that last call on Monday. Whether she was just being controlling over the phone and situation or he had already been abused physically at that point we do not yet know but, according to his father, it was the last time he was able to talk to his son.
-4 may (tuesday) would fit with the day the abuse started based on the picture that was in the media and would also account for his mother saying he could not come to the phone in later on. His Father stated that he called his son every day and last talked to him on Monday, 3 may.

Sorry for the long post...
Picking a prescription up at 5 am on a Sunday... Mother's Day Sunday at that very odd timing IMO.

They prob sold drugs for a living! IDK... There is no mention of either of them going to work from the 1st to the 11th.
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