UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #4

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Who would have put the drugs in him? It would have had to happened in Virginia? I think these two had access to drugs on their own, if they were using them.
The date stamped on the picture is May 5.

Per the probable cause statement, May 5 is the day the first beating occurred.

May 5 is the day Nathan's mother saw Ethan. We don't know what time Nathan's mother saw Ethan - before the beating or after the beating.

If you have something that refutes the probable cause statement's date of the first beating, please provide a link.

The probable cause statement for Nathan Sloop clearly states that an image showing injuries is timestamped May 4th.

See page 3.
Well, let's think about this a minute. NS beats Ethan and does more damage than he thought could happen. Ethan is hysterical! Here Ethan-take the motrin for the pain and swelling and take the benedryl so you calm down and stop crying! Steph-take a picture of me and Ethan playing together! See, everything is just fine!
Ethan-wake up! What's wrong? Oh s**t!
IMO I think at this point they knew that they had to make a plan to get rid of Ethan. Can't take him for medical care-injuries would show child abuse! Can't let that happen-we have plans-we're getting married and we can have more anyway!:furious:
Now, as ghastly as this is, why did NS subject Ethan to scalding water, burns and forced fluids? After they had decided (IMO) that Ethan couldn't live-they still could not muster up any shred of mercy?:furious:
It's hard to believe we share the same planet with monsters like these!!:banghead:

Personally, I think both of them were torturing Ethan for their enjoyment. Everything else they were doing - getting married, getting slurpies, playing ps3, has a 'fun' theme to it. Taking pictures of Ethan's injuries, and videos of his suffering, seems to fit a 'fun' theme.

I think they were on a sick high (and I don't mean drugs) and having a grand old time that week, including torturing Ethan.

Natural born killers.
This just gets worse and worse. For me, this is quite possibly the most horrendous case I have ever read. To think he was already being abused and then most likely asked to "smile" for the camera in subsequent pictures, makes my utterly nauseated. Honestly, there are just no words to describe this whole scenario.

You're absolutely right on! This just gets worse and worse and we don't even know everything yet. To me-this is harder to handle than little Caylee's case!! There must be a special circle of Hell for these people!:furious:
The probable cause statement for Nathan Sloop clearly states that an image showing injuries is timestamped May 4th.

See page 3.

It just occurred to me...we aren't aware how many photos there are, right? Those details have never been revealed to us? We don't really have any confirmation when the first photo was taken, the last one, how many altogether.... ??? Perhaps we've only been shown the worst? The first? Perhaps the only photo that's "palatable" enough for the public?
It just occurred to me...we aren't aware how many photos there are, right? Those details have never been revealed to us? We don't really have any confirmation when the first photo was taken, the last one, how many altogether.... ??? Perhaps we've only been shown the worst? The first? Perhaps the only photo that's "palatable" enough for the public?

....and we don't know the date of that one, do we? In the one we see, the child is clearly lethargic.

This thread is moving so fast, I haven't had time to check if this has been mentioned today:

Last evening, our local news reported that the Sloops went shopping on May 10th for video games and electronics.
....and we don't know the date of that one, do we? In the one we see, the child is clearly lethargic.

This thread is moving so fast, I haven't had time to check if this has been mentioned today:

Last evening, our local news reported that the Sloops went shopping on May 10th for video games and electronics.

Link for the Best Buy shopping for video games:
It's possible, gngr~snap. Personally, I think it's unlikely because I don't think a verbal, expressive four-year-old would not communicate discomfort in some way. I think any measure of expression on Ethan's face or in his demeanor might've tipped off someone in airport security.

We could also research the specific airport they departed from. If it's an airport that's utilizing full-body scans, wouldn't something like that appear in the body scan image?

He flew out from Virginia didn't he? Maybe they don't send small children through them? I don't know what airports have what but I was at the Atl airport recently and the woman sitting beside the scanner machines wasn't even looking at it! She was hamming it up with another airport employee. I remember thinkng "great I'm about to send my daughter to Seattle the other side of the US! all by herself and YOU aren't doing your job!"

OK she was 17 but I'm stilll a mamma!

The smearing and the desecration is what really got me thinking... was trying to retrieve something?
While alive was he trying to get Ethan to pass something?
I thought the knew how to manufacture his own drugs based on previous criminal charges.
Woman recalls seeing Ethan Stacy days before he died
May 14th, 2010 @ 5:36pm
By Becky Bruce

SALT LAKE CITY -- A woman who says she had a run-in with Nathan Sloop still lives next door to his old house. She says she got a glimpse of Ethan Stacy just days before he died.

Rheta Phillips says she saw Nathan Sloop just a couple of weeks ago as he returned to her street to finish moving out.

"And that little boy came with a woman that was helping them move stuff, and he was putting toys in the trailer," Phillips says. "I thought, ‘Ah, bless his heart.' But he seemed very nervous. He turned around, and this lady had gone back to get something, and he put down his toys and ran after her."

It was much later, when Phillips heard about the arrest, that she realized who that little boy was.


I can't believe this journalist didn't quote what DAY this witness saw him. "...a couple of weeks ago..." ??? That should've been the first detail quoted.

Anyway, this could've helped so much with the timeline.
Link for the Best Buy shopping for video games:

Thank you; I should have included that.

"... were shopping there on Monday, May 10, trying to fix their Playstation 3 and shopping for video games."

How did the Playstation break, between when we see NS playing with it in that picture? Or should I say HOW? Was something wrong with the game, and he blamed Ethan? (If I were the investigators, I'd take that Playstation in as evidence and see if there's any blood on it OR if any of Ethan's injuries match the PS.)

If "eyes" is tracking their movements for timeline purposes, here's the address of the Best Buy they'd have shopped at, on May 10th:

4177 Riverdale Rd
Riverdale, UT 84405
Mon: 10am-9pm
She saw him while they were moving from Nathan's house to the apartment. It would have been in the first fews days he was there so between the 1st and the 4th when the abuse started.

I can't believe this journalist didn't quote what DAY this witness saw him. "...a couple of weeks ago..." ??? That should've been the first detail quoted.

Anyway, this could've helped so much with the timeline.

Having spent (literally) months building the timeline on the Steven Koecher case, I can tell you that nothing's more irritating than reports without dates and/or times.

It's the big elephant in the room in the Susan Powell case, too: when did JP return home, and on what date(s) and time(s) did he have the rental car. It's always expressed as "a couple days later".


We're lucky on the Koecher case, to have had the family's initial input (because they needed the info, too!)

I have to hand it to "eyes" -- for putting the info together with such flabby reports ;)
He flew out from Virginia didn't he? Maybe they don't send small children through them? I don't know what airports have what but I was at the Atl airport recently and the woman sitting beside the scanner machines wasn't even looking at it! She was hamming it up with another airport employee. I remember thinkng "great I'm about to send my daughter to Seattle the other side of the US! all by herself and YOU aren't doing your job!"

OK she was 17 but I'm stilll a mamma!

The smearing and the desecration is what really got me thinking... was trying to retrieve something?
While alive was he trying to get Ethan to pass something?

Honestly, I'm not sure if he flew out of Virginia or not. Seems like I read somewhere he flew out of Florida. I'll have to verify that.

But either way, the person who views the full-body scans (the ones that are able to get images of the body inside the clothes) is in a remote location and doesn't have face-to-face contact with passengers. Maybe the woman in your experience who wasn't doing her job was in charge of scanning the bags and stuff? I don't know, just throwing out possibilities.

Back to your point...the drugs. I do think it's possible. I think it's improbable because of Ethan's age, but that's JMO. This case has really shaken my faith in my own ability to judge what some people are capable of! Know what I mean??
Best Buy I am sure has a record of what was bought that day...
They were reportedly there to "fix" their Playstation... My guess is that's just what they told the sales person. My guess is the needed to replace the RCA plugs or AV hook up cable because theirs were buried or thrown out somewhere...

Upon purchasing these types of games they usually tell you to keep the box in case they "break" because you must ship them back to the manufacturer for repair.
Honestly, I'm not sure if he flew out of Virginia or not. Seems like I read somewhere he flew out of Florida. I'll have to verify that.

But either way, the person who views the full-body scans (the ones that are able to get images of the body inside the clothes) is in a remote location and doesn't have face-to-face contact with passengers. Maybe the woman in your experience who wasn't doing her job was in charge of scanning the bags and stuff? I don't know, just throwing out possibilities.

Back to your point...the drugs. I do think it's possible. I think it's improbable because of Ethan's age, but that's JMO. This case has really shaken my faith in my own ability to judge what some people are capable of! Know what I mean??

BBM yes she was. Not looking at the bags through the x-ray machine. We walked through a metal detector I know, is that a body scanner too?

If it was Florida wasn't that where mom lived?

IF something like that had happened they prob wouldn't release the info.
They never released the Sandra Cantu info did they? because it was too

I doubt we will ever see any of the pictures dated after May 5 either. I would look at them ,but I am sure they would haunt me...
BBM yes she was. Not looking at the bags through the x-ray machine. We walked through a metal detector I know, is that a body scanner too?

The metal detector and the full-body scanner are two different things.

You walk slowly through a metal detector.

When you go through the full-body scanner, you enter a semi-cylinder, stand on two foot-print shaped markings, hold your hands up, and the machine whirls around you quickly. You then wait a few seconds until the "clear" report comes back.

If you'd been through a scanner, you'd know it ;)
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