GUILTY UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #8

dont worry, the worst thing would be a retrial and that doesnt concern me one iota. if these two managed to change MY mind on the DP being warranted in certain cases, they will never EVER find a jury that wont convict these two. they could retry once a year for eternity and they would never walk.

I'm not worried about conviction. That's a given. And if they ask for DP, that's a given too IMO.

I'm just concerned there's going to be some procedural hiccup that's going to kick this back. Like not being able to find DP qualified attorneys willing to take the case(s).
She just looks cool as a cucumber. Even having a bit of fun. Doesn't bother her one bit what she did to her baby.

He just looks plain darn sick and evil.

I am not sure how to post pics here, but wish I did! I'd like to post two photos of Nathan from court....the first court hearing where he is looking back and the photo from this last hearing when he is walking in.

It looks like to me in these photos, he gets this crazy look in his eyes that is super creepy and scary to me.

She also looks less than bothered by these court proceedings. Her mug shot has always bothered me. She doesn't look like she had even shed a tear during her police interviews prior to being arrested. She doesn't have red eyes or a red nose or swollen eyes from crying....nothing. She just appears void of emotion to me in all of her photos.
What I'm reading says 'at least one' must ...

I take that to mean the co-counsel doesn't have to meet those qualifications.

I understood that. If the first one meets all the 'at least one' requirements, then the existing counsel just has to pass muster with the judge on the (c) stuff. In other words, in a DP case, existing counsel can't be a newbie is what the judge would be looking for (the (c) stuff) so that the accused gets an adequate defense.

I just have no idea what the experience of the existing attorneys is, so was pointing that out in case the judge decides they can't fill the second slot, that would be why - they're short on something important to a DP case that the judge is concerned could backfire with an inadequate counsel claim down the road.

Hope that made sense.

The process may be interesting, but Rawlings will get the DP, and it will stick.

Fear not; only believe.

What about a plea? Has one been offered? Or is it just not far enough in the case yet? I guess more answers will be at the next hearing.

The process may be interesting, but Rawlings will get the DP, and it will stick.

Fear not; only believe.


I know. I have faith in him, and I can't imagine a better person to have in Ethan's corner.

Just nervous hearing all this talk about difficulty in finding counsel, that's all :(
Thinking of you today, Ethan...

It is a hot June afternoon, and summer is just beginning.

You should be out riding your bicycle, or gliding through the air on the swings at the park. You should be splashing in a swimming pool, or running through a sprinkler. You should be dribbling popsicle down the front of your shirt, and asking to have hot dogs for dinner.

You should be laughing, and spinning, and hoping, and dreaming, and falling asleep with your pop-tart on the couch.

We love you, sweet boy......... :rose:
Thinking of you today, Ethan...

It is a hot June afternoon, and summer is just beginning.

You should be out riding your bicycle, or gliding through the air on the swings at the park. You should be splashing in a swimming pool, or running through a sprinkler. You should be dribbling popsicle down the front of your shirt, and asking to have hot dogs for dinner.

You should be laughing, and spinning, and hoping, and dreaming, and falling asleep with your pop-tart on the couch.

We love you, sweet boy......... :rose:


This is why, while I know these monsters will pay for what they did to this precious little boy, IMO there will never be justice for Ethan and his family.
I understood that. If the first one meets all the 'at least one' requirements, then the existing counsel just has to pass muster with the judge on the (c) stuff. In other words, in a DP case, existing counsel can't be a newbie is what the judge would be looking for (the (c) stuff) so that the accused gets an adequate defense.

I just have no idea what the experience of the existing attorneys is, so was pointing that out in case the judge decides they can't fill the second slot, that would be why - they're short on something important to a DP case that the judge is concerned could backfire with an inadequate counsel claim down the road.

Hope that made sense.

Yeah, it does.

I think about Ethan every single day.....I still cry for him as if he were a member of my family. I saw a Bumblebee Transformer at Wal-Mart the other day and I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks. He has changed me in ways that I never saw coming.

I have a little boy who looks just like him...right down to the slight deviation of his one eye and the corrective glasses.

I am so, so sorry....

FARMINGTON -- Davis County Attorney Troy Rawlings will receive the National Children's Alliance Bud Cramer Award today in Washington, D.C.

Rawlings was nominated by Utah Office of the Attorney General for his work to advance the Children's Justice Center model statewide.


Ironically, he is receiving the award four weeks to the day after the body of 4-year-old Ethan Stacy was found near Powder Mountain. Stephanie and Nathanael Sloop, Ethan's mother and stepfather, are charged in 2nd District Court with aggravated murder in connection with the child's death.

"Not a day has gone by since Ethan Stacy's body was found that we do not actively work on the case or think about it," Rawlings said.


It isn't only the work Rawlings has done with children's justice centers that's important, but his work to improve the Utah laws that impact the children as well.

Rawlings was one of the key players in getting Shelby's Law passed. That law, named after Shelby Andrews, added the intentional murder of a child younger than 14 to the list of offenses that can bring a death sentence.

When Shelby was killed in 2006, existing law didn't allow prosecutors to file aggravated murder charges because they couldn't prove the girl's death was intentional.

Because of the change in the law, the Sloops could face the death penalty. Also, Rawlings played a key part in passing Utah's "sexting" law, which makes it illegal to send explicit texts or photographs to those under the age of 18.

Attorney General of Utah press release:

FARMINGTON -- Davis County Attorney Troy Rawlings will receive the National Children's Alliance Bud Cramer Award today in Washington, D.C.

Rawlings was nominated by Utah Office of the Attorney General for his work to advance the Children's Justice Center model statewide.


Ironically, he is receiving the award four weeks to the day after the body of 4-year-old Ethan Stacy was found near Powder Mountain. Stephanie and Nathanael Sloop, Ethan's mother and stepfather, are charged in 2nd District Court with aggravated murder in connection with the child's death.

"Not a day has gone by since Ethan Stacy's body was found that we do not actively work on the case or think about it," Rawlings said.


It isn't only the work Rawlings has done with children's justice centers that's important, but his work to improve the Utah laws that impact the children as well.

Rawlings was one of the key players in getting Shelby's Law passed. That law, named after Shelby Andrews, added the intentional murder of a child younger than 14 to the list of offenses that can bring a death sentence.

When Shelby was killed in 2006, existing law didn't allow prosecutors to file aggravated murder charges because they couldn't prove the girl's death was intentional.

Because of the change in the law, the Sloops could face the death penalty. Also, Rawlings played a key part in passing Utah's "sexting" law, which makes it illegal to send explicit texts or photographs to those under the age of 18.

Attorney General of Utah press release:

I am still so happy that Ethan has this man in his corner!

Here is the latest photo posted by Becky...

He'd gone in for his shots for school and didn't cry or anything, but got soooo mad because the nurse drew a smiley face on his arm with a pen and he just went 'on and on and on about THAT NURSE'


How cute :)


Here is the latest photo posted by Becky...

He'd gone in for his shots for school and didn't cry or anything, but got soooo mad because the nurse drew a smiley face on his arm with a pen and he just went 'on and on and on about THAT NURSE'


How cute :)


Oh my God how heartbreakingly adorable.

Thank you for that, Calliope.

Oh my God how heartbreakingly adorable.

Thank you for that, Calliope.


So little and vulnerable and adorable... I just love his 'mad' face. I see these photos and cry and smile at the same time. Then I think how in the world could someone even raise a hand to this little guy, much less what these monsters did, and then I just cry.

Ethan, I know Mr. Rawlings is fighting with every fiber of his being for you and your Daddy and all who cherished you. They're going to pay for what they did to you.
I've had a hard time putting my grief for Ethan into words. But I tried in the hopes of helping other people who share this immense pain. I wrote a blog here on WS if anyone would like to read it. I've come back to it myself a few times to help my perspective. We've all come to love this little boy. I wish there was more I could do.

Here is the latest photo posted by Becky...

He'd gone in for his shots for school and didn't cry or anything, but got soooo mad because the nurse drew a smiley face on his arm with a pen and he just went 'on and on and on about THAT NURSE'


How cute :)


Oh wow, too much. What a sweet, sweet little boy. What I wish I could do to those two...
I've had a hard time putting my grief for Ethan into words. But I tried in the hopes of helping other people who share this immense pain. I wrote a blog here on WS if anyone would like to read it. I've come back to it myself a few times to help my perspective. We've all come to love this little boy. I wish there was more I could do.

Awesome RoseWhite. Thank you for sharing that with us.
I've had a hard time putting my grief for Ethan into words. But I tried in the hopes of helping other people who share this immense pain. I wrote a blog here on WS if anyone would like to read it. I've come back to it myself a few times to help my perspective. We've all come to love this little boy. I wish there was more I could do.

I know what you mean. When I see these photos of Ethan, and how much he was loved and how funny and lively and sweet he was... I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that he's dead, and certainly not how he was murdered. It's almost a process of denial, I guess. I would have moved heaven and hell to protect this child from these monsters, I want to tear them limb from limb, and yet here I sit, hundreds of miles away still feeling helpless. Even though I feel as though I knew him, I realize I didn't. So as devastated as I am (and all of us are) over what was done to him, I can't begin to fathom how his Daddy and those close to him are dealing with this.

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