GUILTY UT - Kent Frandsen for sex abuse, child *advertiser censored*, Salt Lake City, 2010

Filly, I think you're right on about the meth. It's like shooting bipolar!! The mania, the grandiosity, the libido. If the man is not using himself (and I have to say he doesn't really look like a long time user), then he's got bipolar or is off that proverbial rocker for some reason. Telling someone that you are gay five times strikes me as spectrum-y or grandiose or a marker of some forms of early onset dementia. Who knows, gay people can have spectrum and dementia disorders too.

I'm so used to naive neighbors, they don't even shock me anymore. Remember the Mohlers and how they helped a guy clean his garage, kept up their yards nicely, and exhibited "no vices you could think of". I'll never forget that one. These neighbors struck me as being extremely blasé about the whole thing. I didn't see the hand-wringing and screeching which I would expect.

I'm wondering who the informant was. It could be a young teen or it could be the housemate. There's no getting around the fact that there's another well known man listed at that address. That man has recently been out of the country, according to his website. Could he have returned and reported the mess he found? If so, my hat is off to him.

That's a spendy house. It's quite possible that the other man funds everything and Frandsen is just left to do what he wishes while the other man works. It's interesting to note that Frandsen's publishing company has published a total of four books. Most were released in the 80s. One had a re-release 2 years ago. That's it. I fail to see how that publishing company could be supporting that lifestyle in that area of town. BTW, only the company's home page can be opened as everything else has been shut down.

I'll be very interested to learn where the housemate figures into this and who procured those children. I don't think little skater boys just come tooling down the street on their own. And we know the babies needed help getting up that steep driveway.

You bring up an excellent point concerning disease. I just read yesterday that studies are showing that as many as 60% of HIV positive men do not know it. Those are some frightening statistics.

So, South America. Did Frandzen ask South America (notice it wasn't a particular country) if they wanted him after his ordeal is over?
I've done a good bit of research on temporal lobe seizures as that's where my seizures originate. Mine are caused by degeneration of the central nervous system. I don't have lesions, thank goodness. I've found some weird and intriguing case studies--Oliver Sacks' sort of stories. I am in NO way giving this guy a pass but I wanted to post this as I found it intriguing when I came across it. FWIW:

"Paraphilias may occur with brain disease, but the nature of this relationship is unclear. The authors report 2 patients with late-life homosexual pedophilia. The first met criteria for frontotemporal dementia; the second had bilateral hippocampal sclerosis. Both were professional men with recent increases in sexual behavior...."


"...A predisposition to pedophilia may be unmasked by hypersexuality from brain disease...."

Because the numbers of those diagnosed with the various dementias (especially the early onset variety) are increasing daily, there is a pressing need for more studies. Nursing homes have their hands full with dealing with inappropriate sexual acting out of their patients with dementia. Studies show that up to 25% of those with dementia exhibit some form of sexual inappropriateness. Sometimes, there's a predisposition. Just as often, though, these things seem to come out of nowhere. Not a pleasant thought to consider about yourself or your loved one but a fact, nonetheless.

I'm hopeful that Frandsen is getting a thorough psych and medical evaluation. Surely he is. The two women with which he wrote his books are still living. I'm assuming they are close relatives. They would be good reporters of any change in behavior or if this guy has had long term issues. Most of the dementias are identifiable through lesions or degeneration seen on MRIs.

Another in-depth article on dementias and hyper-sexuality:

The early onset dementias usually occur around age 50-55. That's exactly how old Frandsen is. This could be WAY off base or it could be something to consider. Children's safety must come first, as always.
Very interesting information Missizzy. I wonder if any of this could come into play here? It will be interesting to follow this case and see what comes up. I would also be very curious as to the people who turned him in. I believe there was more than one IIRC. Possibly a couple of the older boys did it. Possibly he was trying to groom a boy by showing him the video and the boy turned him in instead.
Mind you I'm no expert on meth, but the fact that they found works along with the drugs screams user. Frandsen has the deep lines and craggy face one gets from meth. It always amazes me how different drugs effect different people. I've seen people on crack or meth who can get away with it for some time. I have also seen people fall hard real quick. Black teeth, abcesses. The beard thing covers the sunken cheek look. Again, that's just what I have seen.

He was probaby selling so he could use. Thus somebody had to be either paying a mortgage or had the scratch to own that house.

Meanwhile this dude has a direct link family member who was arrested for driving under the influence of drugs. Found guilty or I wouldn't post it. Then there's the family member a little distant that is a registered sex offender. Child *advertiser censored*.

Look out world if they set this guy free. South America he's coming for ya. Can you imagine saying that to your arresting officers? You sexually assault kids and you're planning a trip.

O/T but not. I had a neighbor who was smoking meth. A soccer mom. The chick was already a loop, but talk about grandiose behavior. She owned race horses. Ummmmmm she lived in a row house. She owned a Hummer, but parked it somewhere else. Ummmmmmm ya live in a rowhouse. Her husband was in Florida working on a bajillion dollar project. Ummmmmm he was in prison. Our other neighbors pet rabbit was let out of the yard and gone for two weeks at least when this chick called her at 3:00AM saying Floppy was at her back gate. Oh yeah and her husband purchased her a three carat diamond ring she just happened to lose in the yard.

Grandiose indeed. Too much meth. Too much picking at the bugs under her skin. Too much booting meth she got two abcesses on her arms. Oh mind you that was from an important experiment her Doctor was doing.

They need to find out how they got those children.
You're good Filly. I didn't see the relative who's into child *advertiser censored*. The only reason I posted the links above is that the comments about being gay (5 times!!), the sitting naked at the table, and the almost bragging about the "conquests" struck me as really odd. Different than meth, but really odd.

This story is not yet told, IMO.
I think we can post this here. There's a man named Ryan Frandsen who has been sentenced for possession of child *advertiser censored* in Utah.

"A decorated South Davis Metro Fire Agency captain accused of downloading child *advertiser censored* was sentenced to 90 days in jail Wednesday [July 2010] on lewdness charges.

Under the sentence, Ryan Frandsen, 33 — who resigned from the agency after he was charged last year — also must complete sex offender therapy and serve three years of probation. He will be able to leave the Davis County jail for work and treatment...."

This man lives/lived only 10 miles from Kent Frandsen. Interestingly enough, this article was first published in July but just updated. Could be a coincidence but maybe not. Looks to me like they upgraded the charges after a second look.

This guy might not be a direct relative but it sure is interesting--same last name, so close by.
I'm confused. Does this sound right? From the link above:

"[Ryan] Frandsen was charged initially with nine counts of third-degree felony sexual exploitation of a minor, which the Utah Attorney General’s Office later amended to second-degree felony charges. He pleaded guilty in March to five Class A misdemeanor counts of lewdness involving a child."

And a photo:

I'm wondering if this man might have been one of the informants.
What is with these little twinkie sentences for child *advertiser censored*? 9 counts 2nd degree felony and he gets 90 days? I wonder how much of that he actually served? Pitiful.
I don't like coming upon the word children, much less sick babies....

"...In Utah, a firefighter is facing child *advertiser censored* charges. Ryan Frandsen, 32, allegedly downloaded exploitative images from the internet. The state has charged him with nine counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, which is a felony under Utah law. "He's been with us for about 10 years. He was extremely motivated and hardworking," the local fire chief said of Frandsen, who remains on administrative leave.

Frandsen is involved in numerous community activities, including operating a business to help triathletes and raising money for sick babies. He was named the Utah Paramedic of the Year in 2006. Frandsen is married and has children...."

A family member speaks out about the "sting":

Does anyone buy this family member's explanation of what occurred here?

More info on the firefighter:

"...The profile describes Frandsen as the current president of the Wasatch Triathlon Co., a business he began with a fellow firefighter to aid amateur triathletes.

He’s also listed as the founder of the Frandsen Kimball Foundation, which collects money for scholarships and the health of infants with life-threatening diseases...."

Be cautious when checking out this family. There's several people with the same name. The last name Frandsen is extremely common in Utah. I found 371 in Utah and only 106 in Oregon (for comparison). Utah has more Frandsens than California does.

Maybe it's just a coincidence that two men with the same last name, living in close proximity are engaging in child *advertiser censored* collection.....
I have used Limewire for music, but never a video. I don't know if what this person says is possible or not. If he truly said no to the download, I don't believe he would have been charged. That doesn't make any sense. Also the family member says the charge was 'attempted' but the charges we have seen do not say that. So, overall I'm not buying.
A response to the sister is excellent advice!! Remember these words. I've had to do this myself more than once while sleuthing and a single call will get you the help you need. An officer will give you instructions as to what actions to take.

Rani posted on May 7, 2009:

"....Lastly....... What on earth was his thinking by just clicking no? The moment child *advertiser censored* popped up requesting a download he should have walked away from the keyboard, leaving it paused on his screen, and made a call to the authorities. As a firefighter he certain has access to local law enforcement and he should have reported it immediately which among other things would have cleared his name from the get-go. I know hindsight is 20-20, but still.... Considering the subject matter he should have reported it immediately. Otherwise how will it ever stop? I'm sorry but anyone not reporting it is indirectly contributing to it...."

more at link
Based on my experience using Limewire several years ago to find music files, I'd say the sister's story is plausible. If I entered an artist's name as a search term LW would return music files by that artist plus many other hits that were totally unrelated. If I didn't filter the search for music files only, the hits would include images and video files, some of which were quite unsavory. Because the titles were misleading, I didn't know until I opened them. Thankfully, nothing I stumbled on involved children.

To be honest, at the time I don't know how I would've reacted if child *advertiser censored* turned up in a file I opened by mistake. I don't think I would've had the presence of mind to leave it open while I called LE. Certainly not the first time. More likely, I would've been repulsed and startled, and closed it quickly. Anyway, what I saw was bad enough, and it wasn't long before I uninstalled the software.

A few months later, a family member came to visit with us for a few weekss. I allowed him to use my computer and gave him a guest account with his own user name and password. Before long, *advertiser censored* images started popping up while I was signed in with my user name which prompted me to start searching around. I'll be d@@ned if his user files weren't full of hardcore *advertiser censored*. And somehow, he had been able to re-install LW even though he didn't have adminstrator privileges. Only later did I learn that some versions of LW are not fully removed by the uninstall program.

I don't think the dufus was dumb enough to download those files to my computer. (He told me that he thought they were just "out there in cyberspace somewhere". ) But somehow they infiltrated my system in spite of a variety of security software installed on that computer. File sharing programs such as LW are dangerous because they open ports which allow files to be carried in and carried out, and it's difficult to monitor the traffic.

My apologies for the long post, but yes, I know from experience that it's possible some of the trash made its way to the guy's hard drive even though he chose not to download it. So when the tracking mechanism led LE to his house, the evidence was there to arrest him.
Good Morning All!
Let me tell you that Mr. Wong has been known to download *advertiser censored* from limewire and #1 you put your own search term in, #2 you press "download" on the names that pop up in the search and #3 in all the time he"s done this I've never come across one that raised my eyebrows in terms of children being used. You have the option to click and download the ones that say "young" "preteen" I've seen the words on the tag lines but if you just click on the regular adult *advertiser censored* names, thats what you get.
So in theory, if you use the words child, kiddie, young whatever and then make the choice to download that one then you are activly searching and wanting that type of video.

And limewire takes alot of work to get off your computer. They don't want to let go of all those files from your computer they are sharing w/ everyone. we stopped using it when a virus wiped out my ipod.

missizzy, amazing sluething!
SLC would not be the easiest place to live in a gay relationship, IMO.

Just catching up here.

Actually, SLC is one of the most gay-friendly cities in the US, and is actually a liberal city. The areas surrounding the city, especially to the South, would be problematic.....especially the Wasatch Blvd area.

Also, KPF's home on Wasatch Blvd is nowhere near the Sugar House area -- so the connections I'm seeing, have me very confused.
I've heard the same about SLC. I find that very intriguing and quite a dichotomy. I love finding towns/cities which defy rigid classification. As to the Sugar House connection, the place name has come up in some of the articles and can be found here (at the top of the page):

If you scroll down to the name, Kent P. Frandsen, you'll see the housemate listed. The number is the same for the publishing company which is owned by Frandsen, even though the address has now been changed to the home address.
Concerning Ryan Frandsen, the story is heart wrenching on several levels. One wants to believe that it was all an awful mistake. I saw photos of him in several firefighter journals and he seems like a young man with such promise. He is a father, involved with his church, was involved in sports and was raising money for sick babies. All extremely laudable pursuits. I can almost fall into the trap. But then think of Dr. Bradley and his private organization which paid for stillborn baby's funerals and all the good works attributed to the Mohler men. One is just left shaking your head, wondering what to believe. In fact, Ryan Frandsen isn't even the only man arrested for child *advertiser censored* who's well known for raising money for sick children. We have a recent thread on a coach/advocate, John Hunt of Baytown, TX for the exact crime.

Something caused LE to arrest Ryan Frandsen and then to UPGRADE the charges. Even though his sentence was short (a twinkie sentence, as Belinda said), I have to believe that something fishy was going on for that case to progress through the courts. By pleading guilty, we'll never know the full truth.

With the number of people in Utah with that same last name (and many with the same first names as both men), who knows if they are connected. I just felt it important to bring up the possibility if any victim ever comes upon our thread.

As far as the elder Frandsen, I still think that man is off his rocker. He was too willing to talk and share. Too many things point to some sort of dementia. Could be the meth but my money's on a degenerative disease. Child safety comes first, though. Always.
Well I was a little afraid this was coming. Kent Frandsen has HIV and friends and family memebrs of this guy are fearing for his victims.

Note a relative says he's a very outgoing, gregarious fellow this Kent. Couple that with meth and you have a bizerko monster on your hands. I do not think he is mentally ill. I think he's a meth addict who has now exposed kids to HIV.

Frandsen's partner from the 1990's said Frandsen did not tell him he had the HIV virus and the partner became infected. He is reminded every single day of his life when he has to swallow a handful of pills.

Meanwhile Frandsen has been given a public defender. That means he's broke, correct? Well I know he's broke as in a broken individual but obviously he has no loot. Thus the selling the meth to continue his habit.

While the law is at it they may want to remind anyone who shared needles with this guy they too could be infected. Although that is automatically assumed no matter who you share needles with.
Dear God, those poor little babies. How are they ever going to find all the children he molested so they can be tested? This is a nightmare.
Co-Worker defends Frandsen.

Forgive me if this has already been linked. I don't think so though. A lady Frandsen works with is defending him.

O.K. be prepared to get in a tizzy cause this lady says she knows he is on drugs. She says he probably does have *advertiser censored* on his computer, but and a big but she says no way does she believe the charges of him hurting kids.

Ready? He had no access or contact with kids in the neighborhood? Hello, lady what are you his GPS tracker? Like they work anyway. Who said it was kids from the neighborhood?

Something tells me his co-worker is family.
The commenters on the article about the co-worker seem to concur that it is most likely a family member.

Just to be clear, I never said the man is mentally ill. I'm quite worried that he has a form of dementia, which is a physical illness, not a mental one. Now that it's known that he has AIDS, it becomes even clearer. Sure, it could be nothing more than rampant meth use but a few things have jumped out at me. I haven't been lying here researching the degenerative diseases and the weird things one can do while affected for nothing for the past 6 years. I've run across many mentions of AIDS as one cause of dementia-caused hypersexuality.

I have a degenerative disease which affects my central nervous system and my temporal lobe. That's where my seizures originate. We can't forget that I just strolled down the street and slept with the raccoons one night. I've also left the house and wandered outside unclothed. I've sat up in the middle of the night and recited entire sonnets.

Each brain degenerates in a completely unique way. But brain wasting is a terrible thing and those suffering from it must be carefully monitored. I linked upthread to a few articles about how certain proclivities can be unmasked by dementia. Pedophilia came up again and again. Here's a repeat of the dementia specific to AIDS and a comment about pedophilia.

"Hypersexuality as a result of Alzheimer’s disease, Pick’s disease, or AIDS dementia may be neurological in origin that affects the part of the brain that controls inhibition of impulses and feelings of satiation. The person with dementia may derive little satisfaction from the sexual act and be driven by a compulsive need to initiate sex again and again. Alternatively, the person may simply forget that sex had taken place and initiate a sexual advance soon after having had intercourse. Any cause of dementia that leads to damage to the temporal lobes, or other areas of the brain associated with pleasure, may lead to signs and symptoms of overt hypersexuality."


"...Temporal lobe abnormalities, which have been associated with hypersexuality, also seem to be involved in development of various fetishes, paraphilias, and pedophilia.

more at link

(And if anyone's wondering, no. I'm just barely strong enough for a sweet kiss each morning. But I am watched about the raccoons. I will never live that down.)

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