VA - Eric Williamson for indecent exposure, Springfield, 2009

I was more outraged about this story before I read that the woman and boy were walking by his front window, which, as you can see by the picture in this article, is practically a picture window. Being naked in your own home is one thing; being naked in front of your front window with the curtains open and the light on when it's dark outside is something different. He'd have to be an idiot to not know he could be seen from the street.
Picture of him (clothed) in the window--,0,7977988.story

Thanks for the video Steadfast.

After seeing him (clothed) in the window, couldn't help but notice the shrubery in front, which looks to me like it blocks the view of any "private parts", so how did this woman know if he was fully naked. Maybe, if she was very close to the window, who knows? I don't think the man planned on the woman and boy being there at 5:30am!
Maybe he thought he was "safe" at 5:30 in the morning. (Was he just passing by, grabbing his cell phone or something, or scratching himself while daydreaming? I didn't read the article, so I plead ignorance on that detail.)

I'd be more concerned if he were standing in the middle of his window, buck naked, at 2:00 in the afternoon.

I'm sure there are many of us, if we are honest, who have walked through our house without clothes on, for one reason or another. I've made many a trip downstairs to the laundry room dressed in underwear because I'd forgotten to bring the clothes up. But maybe I'm just an exhibitionist, I don't know...
Thanks for the video Steadfast.

After seeing him (clothed) in the window, couldn't help but notice the shrubery in front, which looks to me like it blocks the view of any "private parts", so how did this woman know if he was fully naked. Maybe, if she was very close to the window, who knows? I don't think the man planned on the woman and boy being there at 5:30am!

I'm not defending the woman for calling the police on this man. Personally, I would have laughed and covered my kid's eyes. But 5:30 a.m. is a pretty busy time in my neighborhood, with people getting off to work, walking dogs, etc. I'm just saying the man should have known he could be seen. Where do you draw the line between innocently being naked in your front window and standing there waggling your danglies at the schoolkids walking by? There are some limits to your right to be naked in your house. (BTW, I can see his (clothed) crotch in the video taken outside his house.)
I'm not defending the woman for calling the police on this man. Personally, I would have laughed and covered my kid's eyes. But 5:30 a.m. is a pretty busy time in my neighborhood, with people getting off to work, walking dogs, etc. I'm just saying the man should have known he could be seen. Where do you draw the line between innocently being naked in your front window and standing there waggling your danglies at the schoolkids walking by? There are some limits to your right to be naked in your house. (BTW, I can see his (clothed) crotch in the video taken outside his house.)

You have good eye's my dear! I have a cataract in one of my eyes, so must have missed the crotch area! LOL
I don't think that window looks that big. It looks that way because the camera is up close IMO. Do we know if the window was towards the back? Facing a secluded yard? I think there's a reasonable expectation one has in their own home for privacy. And the law should be tempered with intent. I don't think this guy meant any harm and you certainly don't expect other people to walk through your yard.
I would think she might have more claim if she saw him while walking on the sidewalk, across the street, etc. But she walked across his yard, if he's being charged, she should be charged.
The article implies that she is going to have to prove that he knew they were there and wanted to be seen. That might be tough to do. I think there are bigger problems than this for the police to spend time on, maybe not - lucky them.

This is an example of meddlers who are knee jerk reactors. The lady cut across his yard and put herself and her child in the position to see him, imo.

Any reasonable person would just say "oops, we caught that guy nekid makin' his coffee!" cover eyes and run, laugh and let it go. Now it's a big deal. That poor child with a mother like that :-(
I don't think that window looks that big. It looks that way because the camera is up close IMO. Do we know if the window was towards the back? Facing a secluded yard? I think there's a reasonable expectation one has in their own home for privacy. And the law should be tempered with intent. I don't think this guy meant any harm and you certainly don't expect other people to walk through your yard.

All the articles that mention the location of the window say that it was a front window.

Also, as you can see by the picture in this article, the window goes all the way down to the floor.

Again, I'm not saying she should have called the police, and I certainly wouldn't have myself. I'm just saying he knew he could be seen from the front of his house.
And I wonder when we will hear about the "victim" seeking a cash settlement for her "mental anguish" and therapy for the young boy.. Only in America I tell ya.. You can display it on billboard ads, but don't get caught naked in your own home..
People are ridiculous. First of all why are we (especially americans) so scared of a nude body? He was naked - so what! Priorities seem to be seriously out of whack. It is okay to show violent, bloody events on TV or in the movies but it is not okay to show a woman's breast or a man's PENIS which are merely body parts. Sex is about the most natural, instinctual act there is yet as a society we have taught children that it is bad, forbidden yet blowing someone's brains out on primetime TV is okay.

Second of all - he was in his own house! SHE was trespassing on his lawn. OMG. Living in NYC we can all see in eachother's apt windows and if I called the police every time I saw someone walking around naked or whatever the city would run rampant with REAL criminals.

There is nothing shameful about our bodies. There is nothing shameful about being nude. The only reason that child would react negatively to seeing a penis is because his mother did and because he/she has been brought up in a society which teaches it is bad. The only trauma done to this child will be at the hands of his parents making a big deal out of it and causing him to believe what he saw was traumatic.
If he looked like Brad Pitt would she have made the complaint? I am just sayin...the cops hands are tied if there is a law on the books that supports the issue she is making.

Her story makes absolutely no sense however seeing as how 530 is a little early to be dragging a kid around the neighborhood. JMO.
If the child was a he, then what's the big deal? He's got the same parts right? Not anything shocking.
This is pretty idiotic.

That being said, buy some damn curtains, guy.
And I wonder when we will hear about the "victim" seeking a cash settlement for her "mental anguish" and therapy for the young boy.. Only in America I tell ya.. You can display it on billboard ads, but don't get caught naked in your own home..

Actually, it's the naked guy who's thinking of a cash settlement.
Williamson is meeting with a lawyer to fight the charge and may attempt to seek damages from Fairfax County Police.

Again, I am kind of uncomfortable with coming in here repeatedly, looking like I think it was right to charge this guy. My husband walks around the house naked all the time, and I really would have no problem if one of my kids had seen a man making coffee naked. I don't understand what the big deal is about that.
The thing is, if no one checks the facts, this thread would imply that a woman snuck around in a guy's back yard at a time when no one would be expected to be around, went up to his window to see him naked and expose him to her son, and then maliciously called the police and now plans to sue. I just want to dispel the false assumptions and look at the facts.

A naked guy made coffee very near his floor-to-ceiling front windows at a time when many people are out and about walking dogs and going to work. If that's a crime, then he committed it. (I don't necessarily think it should be a crime.)
...Any reasonable person would just say "oops, we caught that guy nekid makin' his coffee!" cover eyes and run, laugh and let it go. Now it's a big deal. That poor child with a mother like that :-(

I was just thinking that is sounds like that child was in need of a good dose of reality!:crazy:
I'm sorry, but this is one of the most ridiculous arrests I have read recently! It was 5:30 in the morning, a woman is cutting through his yard (for what reason, I might add), sees him nekkid, and calls it into the LE??? Seriously, I'm screwed big time! I do what I want/need to do and at times, without apparel. This is *my* home. My walls and windows. My safe haven. I do not *ever* flaunt a thing (though, I admit the ladies do have a mind of their own now), but I should never be afraid of what I do within my abode.

Meddlesome and nosey woman. Besides that, you seen one, you've seen it all. :D
Actually, it's the naked guy who's thinking of a cash settlement.

Again, I am kind of uncomfortable with coming in here repeatedly, looking like I think it was right to charge this guy. My husband walks around the house naked all the time, and I really would have no problem if one of my kids had seen a man making coffee naked. I don't understand what the big deal is about that.
The thing is, if no one checks the facts, this thread would imply that a woman snuck around in a guy's back yard at a time when no one would be expected to be around, went up to his window to see him naked and expose him to her son, and then maliciously called the police and now plans to sue. I just want to dispel the false assumptions and look at the facts.

A naked guy made coffee very near his floor-to-ceiling front windows at a time when many people are out and about walking dogs and going to work. If that's a crime, then he committed it. (I don't necessarily think it should be a crime.)
I'm glad he is considering suing her...he should IMO. For trespassing and peeping. His rights have been violated..not hers.
I'm glad he is considering suing her...he should IMO. For trespassing and peeping. His rights have been violated..not hers.

He's planning on suing LE, not the woman who reported him. As long as we're all into assuming things on this thread, I'll just assume he's looking for bigger pockets.

ETA Although he may not have heard of pockets. :)
If I was arrested and humiliated like i'm some sexual deviant for making coffee naked in my home at 5:30 AM, due to a report from some trespassing bet.. i'd be suing big time. And I have never sued anyone in my life. He has to fight for his rights and his integrity which are being assaulted. Nowhere in the article does it describe some guy standing at the window flashing his junk for kicks.. he was making a pot of coffee!

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