Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #8

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So am I the only one here who thinks that possible scenarios include:

1) Morgan may have been planning on meeting someone and leaving with them at the concert, and that is why her friend still had the car keys and they just drove home.

2) She got into an argument with friend with keys, got knocked down or fell down, went to the restroom, decided to step out to get herself together, got locked out and was too pissed to ask/let someone come out and give her her ticket so decided to find her own way home.

3) Somebody somewhere was stoned and couldn't manage to get the keys to her.

4) Why not call cab to get home?

Just weird all the way around.
So am I the only one here who thinks that possible scenarios include:

1) Morgan may have been planning on meeting someone and leaving with them at the concert, and that is why her friend still had the car keys and they just drove home.

2) She got into an argument with friend with keys, got knocked down or fell down, went to the restroom, decided to step out to get herself together, got locked out and was too pissed to ask/let someone come out and give her her ticket so decided to find her own way home.

3) Somebody somewhere was stoned and couldn't manage to get the keys to her.

4) Why not call cab to get home?

Just weird all the way around.

Weird all the way around indeed-the whole thing is so mysterious from the start. I think your scenario number 1 is very possible. And as to number 4, good question-I have no idea
So am I the only one here who thinks that possible scenarios include:

1) Morgan may have been planning on meeting someone and leaving with them at the concert, and that is why her friend still had the car keys and they just drove home.

2) She got into an argument with friend with keys, got knocked down or fell down, went to the restroom, decided to step out to get herself together, got locked out and was too pissed to ask/let someone come out and give her her ticket so decided to find her own way home.

3) Somebody somewhere was stoned and couldn't manage to get the keys to her.

4) Why not call cab to get home?

Just weird all the way around.

Answers to your questions:

1) At this point, as per all the police reports and releases, this is not considered a plausable scenario at this time. There hasn't even been any circumstantial evidence to lead authorities to believe this is even a possible scenario at this time. (I do reserve the right to change my mind on this if LE does stumble across information to the contrary, cuz quite frankly, I know some of the things i have done myself, and I am sure my family ould swear I would NEVER have even considered it a possibility.)

2) Biggest problem here: The arena has a NO RE-ENTRY rule. Not only would she have NOT been able to re-enter on a ticket stub, whomever went to give it to her would also have been denied re-entry. Once she was out of the building, barring purchasing another ticket, she was SOL.... and very sadly so on this night.

3) Again, see answer for question 2. I have a feeling that if they were stoned, they would have actually been more willing to try to get to her versus not (most anyone who has at some point in time partaken in mary jane's essence knows how convoluted your thoughts and ideas can become at that moment :blushing:).

4) From the arena to her home was well over an hour trip. That would have been an expensive cab ride, even for Donlad Trump, with the gas prices and the cab rates these days.
Of course, the posts move all the time, and it's moved down a few pages now. It was posted originally about 11pm ET on Tuesday, if you wish to find it and read the 20+ comments. Here is the text, using the same link, as posted above by Janeumayer

(wadahoot says: note that Virginia did not tell the story ... she is quoting a comment on the family's webpage. However, of great interest, a couple of comments on Virginia's post say that the story was REMOVED from the Harrington's webpage. What the heck does that mean?!?) :waitasec:

I read this on FB last night and have been thinking about the story.Was this girl alone? If she was, then the story makes no sense. If she wasn't alone why not say so and give a description of her companion?

How did she not notice that this girl was pretty battered up? Strange wording IMO

It was posted on the 13th and was recently removed. I think LE investigated this story and it has been discounted.
I hope I'm wrong.
I would think that this person would really be absolutely certain if it really was MH, rather than saying "a young girl about Morgan’s description". But then again people's memories are different.

I agree, LE would have looked into this.

Authorities have also repudiated reports of a link between Harrington’s disappearance and the departures of two players from the UVa men’s basketball team.

Personally, I'm not buying it. What else would authorities say if they are not ready to arrest them or are trying to make sure its an airtight case?

I really don't mean to accuse the basketball players but it certainly is strange they spoke with Morgan just minutes before she disappeared. Just seems a bit too coincidental to me.

I'm leaning towards Morgan having an argument with the friends once in the arena and flouncing out in irritation - especially if she was impaired and not really thinking straight. Don't believe the kiss from the friend as she went for a smoke, nor that she accidentally walked out the wrong door.

Once outside, upset, not able to gain re-entry.
Friends wouldn't give keys as she was in no shape to drive and they wanted to watch the concert.
Tried and couldn't find anyone she knew to give her a ride home
(wherever it was she wanted to go)

IMHO, she was probably abducted right near where her purse was found. She may have been grabbed, struggled to get away and purse strap torn.

But that still doesn't explain why her good friends just left her stranded outside, alone, in the cold, impaired, and no way to get home. If they thought she was to meet up with someone, she must have told them it hadn't worked out when they called at 8:48, no?

For some reason, and against the odds, I just keep feeling she is alive. Would love to be right.
I too feel that there was something going on between MH and at least one of the friends.

The guy who parked beside them said that MH seemed really excited about the concert - more so than those she was with.

Then in later reports she seemed mouthy / combative (allegedly kicking that guy in the leg when he wouldn't walk with her)...

I don't think this concert was a "ruse" to meet someone and take off with that person - if so, why would her car have been driven?

And if she was there to meet someone why didn't she wait for that person outside the venue or just inside the door until that person got there?

If she had alternate plans - then why did she make so many re-entry attempts?

Just throwing this out there...

MENS BASKETBALL Graduation Success Rates

62% All Division I

100% Notre Dame
100% Wake Forest
90% Northwestern
89% Duke
83% Rice
80% Vanderbilt
70% Georgetown
67% Stanford
46% UCLA
37% USC

Damn that's horrible!! I thought UNC was bad for catering to the athletes...but UVA's is barely over 50% grad rate!! Da*n
Also i really do think her boots would have made it harder to run if they had a big heel (whether it be a pointy stilleto type, or cowboy type heel; even a platform heel, boots add weight, and are all around hard to run in., unless they are military, combat style, or hiking type boots.

I agree that those would be hard to run in. But they'd be perfect for kicking someone, which apparently, she thought so too. Of course, you wouldn't want to kick the wrong person.

Amid a new police report that the woman who disappeared during the October 17 Metallica concert was seen hitchhiking shortly before she vanished, various witnesses in and around John Paul Jones Arena say a young, blond woman was causing concern before they ever heard that 20-year-old Morgan Harrington was missing.
Among the several witnesses who reported seeing Morgan injured both inside and outside the Arena, one Metallica fan inside says she seemed “upset” with blood on her chin but declined his offer to help.
I have been tracing Morgans path that fateful night. Something I had not thought of until I did that again this morning. She was outside the arena from 8;20 - 8:30. Then in the parking lot across the street from JPJ Arena from 9 - 9:10. I didn't realize she was outside that long. So it appears she was trying to figure something out from there. I wonder when she was in the parking lot if she was looking for her car and hopeing somebody could unlock it for her. Just so she could sit inside. She had to be pretty cold and frustrated by then. I try for a moment now and then to trace her steps remembering how she was dressed and how she might have been feeling. I am also thinking that after being outside for at least 30 minutes her head had to be clearing somewhat.
Knowing most girls she had to have made a ton of calls on her cell phone. By then that would be her lifeline.
It seems that from there she would be pretty close to University Hall and maybe saw players leaving from practice. Did she go there for help? Then I ask what happened there that she lost her purse and went up on the bridge? That had to be almost one hour out in the cold and mist with possibly no cellphone to call anybody. I feel her fear just from writing this. She kept moving in the opposite direction of her car and friends and those that might have offered assistance to her.
Everybody let Morgan down that night.
Just a quick comment on the MH "meeting a secret somebody at the concert" theory, MH is a 20yr. old college student living in an off campus apt. with a girlfriend not a closely supervised 15yr. old with a big night of freedom at the concert. Hooking up with somebody at a big venue like this at or during a big concert seems really unnecessary and inconvenient.I know that due to the lack of info. we are all just trying hard to make sense of this.
I too feel that there was something going on between MH and at least one of the friends.

The guy who parked beside them said that MH seemed really excited about the concert - more so than those she was with.

Then in later reports she seemed mouthy / combative (allegedly kicking that guy in the leg when he wouldn't walk with her)...

I don't think this concert was a "ruse" to meet someone and take off with that person - if so, why would her car have been driven?

And if she was there to meet someone why didn't she wait for that person outside the venue or just inside the door until that person got there?

If she had alternate plans - then why did she make so many re-entry attempts?

Just throwing this out there...

BBM. I agree with all your points, esp. the bolded ones. About her car being driven to the concert, maybe they chose to drive hers because it got the best gas mileage, was the most comfortable, etc. I don't know what the friends' cars were like, but MH's was an 06 Honda, which sounds pretty nice for a little road trip.
You make a great point, why did she make so many re-entry attempts if she had alternate plans? That doesn't make sense. I really feel that there was some type of fight between her and the friend(s) that evening.
Just a quick comment on the MH "meeting a secret somebody at the concert" theory, MH is a 20yr. old college student living in an off campus apt. with a girlfriend not a closely supervised 15yr. old with a big night of freedom at the concert. Hooking up with somebody at a big venue like this at or during a big concert seems really unnecessary and inconvenient.I know that due to the lack of info. we are all just trying hard to make sense of this.

I'm sorry but I do not understand your post? What were you talking about in reference to the 15 yr old?? Sorry if I sound ignorant. TIA
I agree that those would be hard to run in. But they'd be perfect for kicking someone, which apparently, she thought so too. Of course, you wouldn't want to kick the wrong person.

Now that I'm reading all these reports of her being combative and the purse strap being torn (I hadn't heard of that before today, need to go back in the other thread and see where that piece of info came from), I wonder if she kicked or hit the "wrong person" and was attacked. It's so hard to type that, I really hope that's not the case. If these reports of her approaching random people (arm crooked, saying "let's go" after shouting at someone outside of the arena), kicking people, cursing at people, yelling, etc., then it's quite possible :(

ETA: and this begs the question, what made her so combative? from the report of her being excited and good spirited when she arrived at the concert to being combative, cursing, kicking, yelling. What happened in between? I'm really thinking fight w/ a friend. That would explain why she would leave the concert in the first place, would explain the attitude, the not getting her keys back, the hitchhiking (if in fact true, she didn't have keys and just wanted to get the hell away from there), and also would explain S. Sneed's seeming lack of emotion. Maybe the phone call to the friend wasn't a friendly one? more like "FINE! I'll just get a ride! don't worry about me!", I just wonder what would cause such a bad fight if this is what actually happened? maybe the cut (again, if true) came from a physical fight with the friend? So many questions. I'd like to know what the texts from that night said, and to hear more from her friends. I know that explaining why she left the arena might not tell us what happened to her, but it still helps to have more pieces to the puzzle.

ETA2: can someone pretty please direct me to the info of the purse strap being torn/cut/severed? I'm thinking this purse was leather as I have seen many of these "backpack" style purses, and they would take a good amount of force to tear a strap. Not a good sign.
ETA: and this begs the question, what made her so combative? from the report of her being excited and good spirited when she arrived at the concert to being combative, cursing, kicking, yelling. What happened in between?.

... they wouldn't let her back in. That would piss me off.
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