GUILTY VA - Yeardley Love, 22, UVA student, beaten to death, Charlottesville, May 2010 *civil trial 2022*

I am appalled that a few of the posts in this thread seem to be aimed at making excuses for this jerk, i.e., that it was an accident, that he regrets it and just lost control, etc. Why? Because he is good-looking, white, athletic and rich? Sorry, no. GH is a spoiled brat. He most likely grew up getting everything he wanted, all the while misbehaving, acting out, and throwing temper tantrums, and his parents most likely got him out of any sticky situation he was in in the past and prevented him from learning the concepts of responsibility and that there are consequences for our negative actions. In doing so his parents did him a huge disservice, and played a part in bringing us to where we are today, with a beautiful girl's life brutally ended over...what? Relationship drama? A breakup? It sounds like GH wasn't getting what he wanted, and was to say the least ill-prepared to deal with it.

In addition, I don't believe two lives full of potential were wasted due to this murder. One life was - Yeardley's. GH is a burgeoning sociopath and I seriously doubt he ever would have contributed anything positive to society anyway. I also don't buy that drugs and/or alcohol played a large role in Yeardley's murder. Drugs and alcohol do not cause violence; rather, they are simply used as an excuse for causing violence. I've done more than my fair share and funny enough I've avoided killing or hurting anybody, or ever having the urge to!

I have no pity for GH, I hope he rots in a filthy cell in a violent state prison and has Bubba for a cell mate. RIP Yeardley - you did not deserve this.
I agree w/Mia....this young man is inclined to violence, has a history which is probably longer and more detailed than we know and the key being thrown away behind him is fine with me. He made it his business to harass this girl and then finally kill her. Her only mistake was in believing she could handle the situation, as do so many women, instead of reporting him sooner. I also don't buy the alcohol and/or drugs made him do it...intoxication brings out what is already in you, IMO, latent anger, violence, etc.

I just hope that he gets the absolute maximum penalty for this cold-blooded and brutal murder and that his family's money does not somehow allow this to pled down to something far less than what it is, a hands-on, vengeful, violent killing. was some of the lacrosse players who "discovered" Morgan's purse???????

well, I sure missed that somewhere along the line

I seriously question if that is in fact correct information. I have not seen it reported up until now. So where did this particular reporter or blogger, get this information? She isn't exactly naming any sources.
No that's not it, the confusion comes from her last being seen in the lot by UVA basketball players

Mia and Cluciano63 -I think we're all mostly on the same page here - I don't think people are making excuses for or thinking GH's life is "wasted" but rather that he doomed his own rest of miserable life and destroyed other lives for taking YL's life so brutally -I feel it's so tragic that friends and family did not pick up on how dangerous he was and that he could have been helped professionally and as such YL would still be alive. I don't think any of us feel sorry for this despicable person but rather sad because it's all so tragic that it was not prevented. MOO
I am appalled that a few of the posts in this thread seem to be aimed at making excuses for this jerk, i.e., that it was an accident, that he regrets it and just lost control, etc. Why? Because he is good-looking, white, athletic and rich? Sorry, no. GH is a spoiled brat. He most likely grew up getting everything he wanted, all the while misbehaving, acting out, and throwing temper tantrums, and his parents most likely got him out of any sticky situation he was in in the past and prevented him from learning the concepts of responsibility and that there are consequences for our negative actions. In doing so his parents did him a huge disservice, and played a part in bringing us to where we are today, with a beautiful girl's life brutally ended over...what? Relationship drama? A breakup? It sounds like GH wasn't getting what he wanted, and was to say the least ill-prepared to deal with it.

In addition, I don't believe two lives full of potential were wasted due to this murder. One life was - Yeardley's. GH is a burgeoning sociopath and I seriously doubt he ever would have contributed anything positive to society anyway. I also don't buy that drugs and/or alcohol played a large role in Yeardley's murder. Drugs and alcohol do not cause violence; rather, they are simply used as an excuse for causing violence. I've done more than my fair share and funny enough I've avoided killing or hurting anybody, or ever having the urge to!

I have no pity for GH, I hope he rots in a filthy cell in a violent state prison and has Bubba for a cell mate. RIP Yeardley - you did not deserve this.

Some people do become violent when drinking or doing drugs. I know this for a fact. I have a father-in-law that is the nicest man unless he drinks. My brother is a very nice person unless he takes a certain drug then you better watch out. Those are not excuses they are facts. Everyone is not the same so I can not comment on this boy. But I think it is wrong to blame the parents for not catching or fixing his problem. No one knows what his parents did or diddn't do. He is considered an adult. He is to blame for his behavior. Blaming his family for his behavior is really just the same as making excuses for him.IMO
Interesting insight into the culture maybe

George Huguely was clearly a young man with problems. To what extent they were manifested, and how, remains to be seen. Given my relationship to some of his friends, I've heard things, but all that'll trickle out in due time. For now, let's say this: To leave any human being the way he left Yeardley that night requires both deep-seated psychological problems and a severe emotional detachment.

Diagnosing those issues and their source is someone else's job, but having lived vicariously through a number of friends playing Division 1 lacrosse, and having seen the lifestyles firsthand, it's not hard to see how that culture of excess may have exacerbated whatever problems this kid was facing.

George Huguely may not have felt "entitled" to date Yeardley Love regardless of her objections (that conclusion's too easy) but it's entirely conceivable that lacrosse's entitlement culture, filled with excess, enabled him to turn to drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism, and without any social repercussions, burying his "issues" deep inside. And make no mistake, whatever happened the night of Huguely's "altercation" with Yeardley Love, some sort of substance abuse contributed to that "emotional detachment" referenced above.

Witnesses have said he'd been seen drinking all day, and don't be surprised if the police report reveals that there were drugs in his system that night. And whatever the case, really, it all points to the same problem, where lacrosse is at least tangentially complicit.

I don't think Div 1 Lacrosse pushed this kid over the brink. There are a lot of Div 1 lacrosse players out there that turn out just fine. This kid was messed up period.
Thanks, you do have a point here. People under stress and in shock will say things that seem weird to the outside observer--you just don't know where their minds are going when they speak. Grandpa may have been caught off guard,and graduation may have been the topic of the day until this happened...

I think grandpa may have chosen not to see the bad side of his grandson. GH may have had "only" one arrest, but the family certainly could see how he acted: his drinking, violence, and behavior problems. I've seen this kind of denial myself; they just ignore, deny and make jokes about the individual's behavior.

I wonder how much his family saw of his drinking? I will tell you I am always a little biased toward the family of the criminal. I have a brother that is a drug addict and is in prison. You have no idea how much crap we have had to put up with from people that think it's our fault for his behavior. People think we are in denial, we do make jokes because that is the way we ease our pain, they think we have helped him too much, and the list goes on. It doesn't matter to people that we have called the police and gave his location, and pressed charges and sent him to prison. It's still our fault because we visit him in prison or allow him to call us. The truth of the matter is he was raised right. He made his choices. He has to pay the consequences. We stil love him. Hugely's Grandfather probably did see only the good side of him. That is what grandparents do. Now if his family comes out bashing YL then they will be the bad guys. Until then I am going to give them the benefit of doubt because I know I haven't been a perfect parent and my children are still a work in progress.
As in most tragedies, there is never one reason, not even two. There seems to be a multitude of complexities in this young man's past. But, I've always believed that if someone cannot, does not, doesn't know how to ask for help and communicate, they will show it---even unknowingly by their actions. His actions were clearly visible on several occasions and more than just one person noticed and dropped the ball. The parents had and have the money to pay for attending a prominent university and a good defense attorney. They should have spent more time and a little of that money solving an obvious behavior problem. Now he will be doing much time and the money won't even matter after that. The parents of both will be scarred by time having to endure the loss of a loved one. JMO
As in most tragedies, there is never one reason, not even two. There seems to be a multitude of complexities in this young man's past. But, I've always believed that if someone cannot, does not, doesn't know how to ask for help and communicate, they will show it---even unknowingly by their actions. His actions were clearly visible on several occasions and more than just one person noticed and dropped the ball. The parents had and have the money to pay for attending a prominent university and a good defense attorney. They should have spent more time and a little of that money solving an obvious behavior problem. Now he will be doing much time and the money won't even matter after that. The parents of both will be scarred by time having to endure the loss of a loved one. JMO
He is an adult so at this point his behavior is his behavior and his parents aren't responsible for it.

even more warning signs missed :(

"One former U-Va. team member said Huguely beat the sleeping teammate in his room after a night of partying. The player said Huguely was outraged over his teammate's encounter with Love, 22, a player on U-Va.'s women's lacrosse team who was dating Huguely at the time. Two other former men's team players confirmed the account."
He is an adult so at this point his behavior is his behavior and his parents aren't responsible for it.

Your right jjenny, their hands are pretty well tied NOW to help him because of his legal age, with the exception of good legal council and family support. Unfortunately, there is no anatomical switch that activates maturity and rationale at the stroke of midnight on your 18th birthday.

You may see an elderly man standing in the middle of an intersection or traffic a bit you go help him or say...he's an adult and responsible for himself? Same here.

There were many flashing signs telling of the upcoming probable train wreck and no one taught him the life skills to avoid it. Granted other people in his environment could have stepped up to the plate....maybe even in giving his family a call to say "I'm concerned", and any attentive parent would have stepped in...he was still their matter if legal age or not.

I feel sad for his family as well, because like I said before, it's a tragedy....more than just one thing you can point the finger to...but dang it, I can't believe if he had had his butt blistered and experienced a few time outs, with some quantification of wrong and right, and actions have consequences, he wouldn't be in a jail cell facing murder 1 charges.

(Yes, I do believe in one swat on the hinny when children become lost in that tunnel vision and head strong. It's called snap out of it, instead of slap happy.) JMO
Your right jjenny, their hands are pretty well tied NOW to help him because of his legal age, with the exception of good legal council and family support. Unfortunately, there is no anatomical switch that activates maturity and rationale at the stroke of midnight on your 18th birthday.

You may see an elderly man standing in the middle of an intersection or traffic a bit you go help him or say...he's an adult and responsible for himself? Same here.

There were many flashing signs telling of the upcoming probable train wreck and no one taught him the life skills to avoid it. Granted other people in his environment could have stepped up to the plate....maybe even in giving his family a call to say "I'm concerned", and any attentive parent would have stepped in...he was still their matter if legal age or not.

I feel sad for his family as well, because like I said before, it's a tragedy....more than just one thing you can point the finger to...but dang it, I can't believe if he had had his butt blistered and experienced a few time outs, with some quantification of wrong and right, and actions have consequences, he wouldn't be in a jail cell facing murder 1 charges.

(Yes, I do believe in one swat on the hinny when children become lost in that tunnel vision and head strong. It's called snap out of it, instead of slap happy.) JMO

Well nowdays slapping your child can lead to being investigated for child abuse, even if you just slap them once without causing any serious damage, let alone if you actually "blister the butt."
Well nowdays slapping your child can lead to being investigated for child abuse, even if you just slap them once without causing any serious damage, let alone if you actually "blister the butt."

I'll admit that I shouldn't have used that term, but do believe in a swat on the butt (one). Words can do just as much harm and worse to a child as blistering. I had a 3rd grade teacher who both slapped me in the face and accused me of lying...later in the year-- I and another student were threatened with the paddle for kissing on the playground. In both instances she was outright wrong in my/our behavior. Don't know exactly what her problem was, but my trust in authority hit the skids big time. She of course apologized to my parents and the superindentent, but I never received one....because it was thought authority never apologizes. That was against everything I had learned in say you are sorry when you were wrong..out of respect. Just parents knew something was wrong because I never went home to tattle on the teacher when I had to rightfully stand in the corner for talking too much. Still do....LOL
I tend to take Hollyblue's side on this one...I have never thought a swat on the butt=child abuse and think there is a generation of young people in which many might have benefited from such, from time to time...jmo
I tend to take Hollyblue's side on this one...I have never thought a swat on the butt=child abuse and think there is a generation of young people in which many might have benefited from such, from time to time...jmo

Oh you can slap them or swat them, just don't be surprised if police and CPS show up to investigate you for child abuse. I know for a fact that spanking your kid without leaving any permanent injuries could lead to you being investigated for child abuse if that kid complains in school about being spanked. And, if they are 18 or older, you can be arrested on the spot and dragged into jail, like that grandma was for slapping her granddaughter.
Have we seen any pictures of George's parents? Does he have siblings?
Has anyone in his immediate family commented?
Seems possible that they may have crossed paths?

His drinking and violent tendencies sure do indicate a pattern.?
I read someplace that people do think it is similar...
the girls MORGAN & YEARDLY
do look similar.

Does he like METALLICA?
Does he like to go FOUR WHEELIN?

The t-shirt I read was found at the corner of
15th & Grady streets near some apartment complexs[ small one]
anybody know if that is true? Or just rumor?
Where does GH live?
What bars does he frequent?

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