Vaccine case draws new attention to autism debate

We escaped autism, but I have no doubts that vaccines had a role in our family's tragedies.

Oldest daughter had her first DTP. "Oh, she'll be whiny so just give her some Tylenol and she'll be fine.", said the pediatrician's office.

The next day her twin brother woke up just fine, but she didn't. I gave the Tylenol as recommended and she got sicker and sicker as the day progressed. VERY long story short, she had a shock collapse reaction to the pertussis vaccine. Pre-digested formula for for the next few months and weekly to bi-weekly follow up, praying every visit that there had been no damage to any of her organs.

This is the same daughter that I've written about on the Epilepsy thread. Who knows, right? But I'll tell you what. . . she spent only a few hours in the NICU when she was born and was always a bright and food-loving baby. The shot changed that and it took a long time to get our girl back. We're very lucky today that she's a naturally booksmart college student. Still, what potential was lost that could have taken her even farther than average?

Unfortunately, her twin brother wasn't so lucky. We'll never know for sure, as the diagnosis catch-all of "SIDS" was his cause of death three months later. He was a stocky and healthy little guy. . . that just didn't wake up one morning. No cold, no fever, no anything wrong. It was explained to me that sometimes their brains in infancy just "forget" to tell their lungs to breathe. Vaccines may have everything or absolutely nothing to do with his death, but Monday morning quarterbacking it makes me wonder to this day.

I may be the only mother on this planet to say that my daughter is lucky to "just" have epilepy, if that makes any sense. Not that it should.
How do you find out who is going to have a reaction to vaccines ahead of time.

What exactly are you looking for. What about genetics. Family History. Any underlying medical condition either current or future.

There are millions of kids in the USA with more being born each day. Who is going to `pay`to investigate a specific number of children and why they react to certain vaccines as they do. Could the factors be environmental, exposure to something in the womb, difficult pregnancy, medical condition of the mother, the mothers family, the Dad`s family, how about Grandma and Grandpa.

Impossible......way too many variables, and no control study. What about the 1 child out of a million that has an adverse reaction. This is why there is a degree of `harm`that could occur and a compensation program exits.

What do you call a `reaction`a red spot, fever, coma. What degree and how do you study a reaction.

Please...........a child may have an underlying unknown, medical or genetic condition that makes them more prone to a reaction. But unless you gather up all of the children in the USA, do an entire genetic study of them and their entire blood line, every single child, then isolate the one or more factors that they all share and then PROVE that this is the cause of a `bad reaction. This is too wide a scope for study.

With every operation, test, pill or needle a certain amount of risk occurs. Like a person having an reaction to a drug. Well that drug has been used for twenty years with few people getting a reaction. So do we now blame the drug or do we `chalk`this up to a specific person having a specific adverse reaction to a drug.

Now if there is a widespread pattern, of say normal healthy people taking a drug and all of these people in many states developing a heart problem only after taking the drug and it cannot be `written` off as chance, then the drug would to be blamed.

But if you have a drug or vaccine and 10 out of one million has an adverse reaction, then it would be the `specific`persons, not the drug.

Remember mercury has been removed from or reduced to trace amounts in vaccines. Trace amounts would be one (1) microgram or less per dose.

So when I read a verified study that this autism is `caused`by vaccines and the study is peer reviewed and `scientifically`based. I again feel that a lot if not most medical conditions are based on genetics and in adults a result of `lifestyle`of environmental.

You cannot foresee a bad reaction. Gee that would take a crystal ball.

Actually, there ARE tests which can be done -- in fact, antibody (titers) tests can be performed.

I have done research into vaccine safety issues for over 12 years, now. We were actually told by our son's mainstream pediatrician (in Palo Alto, CA) to NOT vaccinate our son with the MMR, because he knew Ryan would have a reaction to it.

Of course, we knew not to vaccinate Ryan with the MMR anyway, given Ryan's other horrendous reactions to his other childhood vaccines.

Family history of excema, allergies (food and other), family member reactions to vaccines, learning disorder issues, adhd, etc., are ALL, as well, indicators that vaccines could be a potential problem to any other family member.

I have tried to educate parents with small children re: vaccine safety. It is very clear to me that more and more parents ARE, in fact, educating themselves on vaccine safety related issues. I've said it before and I'll say it again, this issue as to vaccine related autism HAS been documented quite thoroughly. Mercury (thimerosal) plays a huge part in the destruction of the neural pathways (see Dr. Boyd Haley, Dr. Russell Blaylock re: excitotoxicity), but other environmental factors play a part as well.

I would suggest that anyone who carries the familial traits as listed above, consider doing more research prior to vaccinating your newborn.

They're going to require pregnant women in NJ to take an HIV test twice during their pregnancy. The percentage of HIV+ babies being born in NJ right now is really small--like 4 cases a year. Do you think that's a waste of money, to test all those mothers, for the few (who probably had a clue anyway) whose babies may be helped? Not arguing--my own views are inconsistent. Just wondering what you think.
WE have a family history of some of the medical conditions that you mention and again, no one in our family has had any severe adverse reaction to any vaccines. Sorry to disappoint you. No autism in our immediate or extended family.

If your child has had an reaction to a vaccine, then that would be a great indicator that future problems may exist.

But again, I know of many, many parents of kids with the medical conditions that you mention and they have had no adverse reactions to vaccines either.

Can you please "cite" any medical information that indicates that the "past and present" mercury levels has a clear and present "adverse" affect on children and is a direct cause of autism.

No if and or buts, but pure scientific conclusion instead of theory and myth. I would like peer reviewed published article from a medical doctor and or association that clearly states that vaccines are the cause of autism.

Because the rate of autism has gone up, but the levels of mercury has gone down or is non existent in most if not all childhood vaccines. Parents can request mercury free vaccines.

Again, I have yet to see any publications from a "trusted" source that states that vaccines cause autism.

A genetic factor is in play in autism. That is why you have more then one child in a family with autism. Different ages, different ages for vaccines, but all of the kids have autism.

Heck I have common skin condition, I have food allergies, oldest has a Learning Disability and the youngest has asthma and we have never had any adverse reaction to any vaccine. When I got my vaccines, heck they must have been loaded with mercury as it was some time ago.

Oldest had a drug reaction from penicillin also which was quite serious, but again no reaction to vaccines.

Looked up your article, Boyd Haley is a Ph.D, not a medical doctor.

Sorry to dispel your theory.............that is what it is a theory. An unproven one at that.

Here is another interesting read:
Vaccination and Violent Crime
© Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D.

Heck what can't we blame vaccines for: Autism, violent crime, robbery. Next it will be other "social and medical conditions". Vaccines seem to be the "scapegoat" of serious medical and social conditions.

Your honor, I am not responsible for the violent crime that I committed, the vaccine made me do it.

Who are you to "educate" parents to "not vaccinate" their kids because of your bias and history with your child.

What if a child dies from a disease that a vaccination could prevent and the parents say to you: We listened to you, we trusted you, we believed you, we listened to you over our doctor and our child is dead. If only you were balanced, objective and fair and told us about your child's history and you unbalanced view of vaccines.

It was a no brainer for me to get the kids vaccinated. None what so ever, I could never ever live with myself if one of the kids got sick and or died because I "listened to a non medical person" educate me as a young parent about the "evils" of vaccination.

Ask someone about life before vaccination........someone old enough to remember...........and you could "educate" young parents also about the pros and cons of vaccination. Then you will have both sides of the story, instead of one side.

Before vaccination, "young" parents and any person for that fact was "helpless" in preventing a fatal illness. You had no means for treatment and prevention. Since there was no treatment, then prevention was the key.

Hence the magic word: Vaccination.............

In 1796 a doctor successfully immunized a young child against smallpox by scraping an "infected" area of a women who had cowpox and lancing the child with the same instrument. Vacca comes from the word Cow as its origins.

If you lived in the days before vaccination, you would not even consider your "anti vaccination" stance. You know why? Because people who remember know that the benefits of vaccination in preventing death far outweigh a small number who may have adverse affects.

Why on earth would I be disappointed that none of you has had a vaccine reaction (to your knowledge)?

The research indicates, (and you can find this information in Barbara Loe Fisher's Book, "DPT - A Shot in the Dark,") that the issues I've outlined in my prior post are possibly triggers that one would look at in determining IF, IF you have a child who MAY have a vaccine reaction. Having these issues in your family may not mean that you WILL suffer a vaccine reaction, but the likelihood is that the the percentage rate for you/your children goes up demonstrably if your loved ones suffer with any of the issues I've outlined above.

Also, just because you may not SEE out outward reaction after receiving a vaccination does NOT mean that your immune system has not been compromised and that later on, you won't suffer from a later autoimmune disease dysfunction, which may well be attributable to vaccines.

Dr. Russell Blaylock describes what vaccines do to the body very well. You can simply GOOGLE in his name and find his stuff -- same with Dr. Boyd Haley. Dr. Blaylock speaks of excitotoxicity, caused by vaccine damage.

He also speaks about the known dangers of Aspartame. We bought his video re: Aspartame (SWEET MISERY). My husband, prior to viewing that particular video, used to drink Diet Coke all the time, starting with first thing in the morning. After watching SWEET MISERY with me, he quit drinking Diet Coke, cold turkey! He hasn't touched the stuff in years.

I've got reams and reams of binders, justs jammed full with FOIA documentation on the KNOWN hazards of vaccines, thimerosal issues, etc. This information on vaccine safety issues in this country, alone, has been known since the early 1940's (when pink disease was prominent due to the mercury in the teething rings they used to give to babies). Once they took out the mercury from these teething rings, pink disease was no more.

Look, I didn't want to believe this stuff, either! We VACCINATED OUR BABY, for pete's sake! We did everything they told us to do and we almost lost our beautiful baby because of it. We knew then that something was terribly, terribly wrong. When I started my research, I was a new Mom (at 36) and I am now 51. It's only been the last couple of years that I've essentially quit the research.

Allopathic medicine is good for many things (surgeries (when needed), broken bones, diagnostics), but using allopathic medicine for preventative means leaves a lot to be desired. We use Homeopathy for almost everything. Our son has never had antibiotics and he's almost 15 years old.

We eat, or try to anyway, as many organic food products as we can. We eat meat, but we limit ourselves to mostly chicken and some fish (you have to watch that, too, because of the mercury content).

We've learned a lot since our son's vaccine reactions. I am just grateful that we had two pediatricians who were at least honest enough with us and let us know that our son could not tolerate vaccines. This was painfully honest to even our mainstream pediatricians.

I can see a huge difference in the knowledge base with new parents these days, as opposed to when Ryan was just a baby. I actually had a mom, of whom I don't know but met her through Generation Rescue, apologize to me and tell me that had she known me years ago, when Ryan was a baby, she would have been one of the Moms in the play group to shun me because we didn't vaccinate our son any longer.

Well, she is now dealing with an autistic child and is currently using the DAN! protocol to treat her daughter. Back in the early 1990's, you really didn't hear much about the DAN! protocol. But the autism epidemic has risen exponentially within the last few years, hence, the research and data available has been made known more so in the mainstream arena.

At least Ryan has a chance for a good, bright future. Had we not followed our gut and followed our heart with the knowledge that we should not continue to vaccinate our son, he would either be dead, or he would have been severely, irreparably damaged -- this is a statement given to us by one of our pediatricians.

I'm just sharing with you what we've learned -- that's all. :)
It's not the vacinations that I have a problem with, it's the prior use of a toxic sustance that was used to extend the shelf life of the vacination. Like with everything else, it's a roll of the dice with all of the above contributing factors as to who is hit harder. I believe that I was just on overload with my own childhood shots, mercury fillings in my teeth, loving tuna fish, and the eight Rhogam injections during my pregnancies. I can vividly recall the first injection as it felt as though I was being pumped full of hot lead. I immediately became dizzy, sick to my stomach, and almost passed out. It's a good thing that the Rhogam Injection was given to me as an Out-Patient procedure and I was in the hospital because I needed immediate medical attention...........just because of a simple shot.

I wasn't an infant when this happened to me, so as an adult, I do speak up for those babies that can't tell us how their little bodies may have felt.

FLMom - :blowkiss:

OMG...I'm so glad you recovered! I had to have the Rhogam shot myself, after Ryan was born, as I'm Rh-negative (0-). Do you know how much mercury/thimerosal is in those things? :doh: :doh: :doh:

I'm just glad I've learned to trust my gut instincts and that I had the time and wherewithal to do my own research. Sure, there's a lot of crud on the Internet re: vaccine safety, but if truth be told, there is a vast amount of quality information as well. Why? Because this autism epidemic knows no boundaries. Many of the families affected by this epidemic are intelligent professionals (scientists, researchers, doctors, lawyers, etc.) who absolutely refuse to pander to those that tell them there was nothing wrong with their children and they endeavored to research for themselves these issues. Some, actually quite a few, have started their own organizations to help educate the public and share the knowledge they've gleaned over the years. JB Handley started Generation Rescue, for instance, the National Vaccine Information Center was started by Barbara Loe Fisher, No More Mercury was started by a parent whose child is autistic...and so many more.

To me, and this may sound dumb but whatever, a good mother's instinct outweighs the "facts". I will take a mother's word that her child was different after the vaccine than some scientists theory anyday. A mother knows her child, period.
Speaking of websites/organizations started by parents of vaccine damaged kids, I was just in the NVIC's (National Vaccine Information Center) website and found this article, written by a Board Certified Pediatrician.

Here is the link to Barbara Fisher's website, NVIC:;

And here is a snip to this great article:

..."We have no scientific studies in infants, children or adults to help us understand the nature of the progression of TH1, TH2 and TH3 immune responses to any of the injected materials in vaccines."

"You cannot do research on questions that enough people don’t believe is worth asking, or are afraid of what the answers might show if the proper studies were done."

"It is unfortunate that we continue to drag out this dialogue by singling out each individual vaccine ingredient as a detriment to the health of our children. First thimerosal needed to be removed, despite contentions from the medical community that there were any real medical reasons to do so, and now aluminum. According to Environmental Defense[30] (formerly known as the Environmental Defense fund), all the vaccine ingredients are poisonous, carcinogenic or potentially harmful to the skin, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, immune and neurological systems in our bodies."

"What about formaldehyde? Are we going to wait until another brave physician or scientist writes about the damaging effects of injected vaccine-containing formaldehyde on our children’s brains before we are called to demand that formaldehyde be removed? Or about the problems associated with having Polysorbate-80 in the vaccines?"

"Polysorbate-80 is used in pharmacology to assist in the delivery of certain drugs or chemotherapeutic agents across the blood-brain-barrier. What viral, bacterial, yeast, heavy metal or other vaccine containing ingredient need to pass into the brains of our children? Do they belong in the brain? Is that part of the needed immune response to protect our children from disease? Do vaccine materials pass across the blood-brain barrier with the help of Polysorbate-80? If so, are there complications from being in the brains of our children? Is this another connection to help us get an understanding of why 1 in 150[31] children have autism, or 1 in 6 children has developmental/learning disabilities?"

"If we’re going to do justice to the topic of vaccine ingredients, we need to look at the potential harm of all the vaccine ingredients at once, and examine their individual effects on our children’s immune and nervous systems. Then, we can examine the interactive effects of the vaccine ingredients on human tissue, and evaluate the potential for harm, as Dr. Haley has already successfully done."

"How many more children need to be potentially harmed before we invoke the precautionary principle and the Hippocratic Oath – First, Do No Harm? If there’s no adequate science, and we have positive evidence of toxicity from aluminum, injected alone or in conjunction with other ingredients, and we have a potential model to understand why certain chronic conditions may be developing in a susceptible population of children, then injecting aluminum containing vaccines into anyone should stop right now until we have the proper scientific proof we need to say otherwise. We need the same scientific proof of safety for all vaccine ingredients and their interactions, and we need parents, scientists and practitioners to stand up and demand nothing less before we make matters worse."

Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD, FAAP

Bravo to Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD, FAAP, Pediatrician, for speaking the truth! :clap: :clap: :clap:

COULD vaccines be a valuable asset in preventing disease? Possibly, but only if there are more controlled safety studies and ONLY if these toxic substances are removed from them. Research and TRUTH do not always go hand-in-hand when it comes to vaccine safety issues. More and more researchers, scientists and doctors are speaking out re: the above.

Frankly, it's about time...:clap: :)
"To me, and this may sound dumb but whatever, a good mother's instinct outweighs the "facts". I will take a mother's word that her child was different after the vaccine than some scientists theory anyday. A mother knows her child, period."

NOT truer words spoken! :)
"How many more children need to be potentially harmed before we invoke the precautionary principle and the Hippocratic Oath – First, Do No Harm?

:clap: Bravo doctor, bravo.

OMG...I'm so glad you recovered! I had to have the Rhogam shot myself, after Ryan was born, as I'm Rh-negative (0-). Do you know how much mercury/thimerosal is in those things? :doh: :doh: :doh:

Thank you.......just finding that rare person that can relate is overwhelming - although I am very sorry that you too can identify. I now know....but 25 years ago.....I only knew that I had to have the injection to protect my babies and I am thankful for the Rhogam....just not the preservative.
Thank you.......just finding that rare person that can relate is overwhelming - although I am very sorry that you too can identify. I now know....but 25 years ago.....I only knew that I had to have the injection to protect my babies and I am thankful for the Rhogam....just not the preservative.

Wow guys, I never knew. I had to sit here and add up how many Rhogam shots I've had since I'm AB- . . . twelve. Hadn't a clue to the added contents. Makes me wonder too now about the rabies series I had to take a few years ago. . . the first round of shots was seven at one time. Ya know, I really don't even want to research THAT one. I probably should glow in the dark by now.
All I know is there was never a history of ANYTHING like autism. in mine or my wifes family and, our first three children are not autistic. When I look into my four year olds (who is on the spectrum) eyes I cannot help but feel the guilt of letting his doctors hurt him.
All I know is there was never a history of ANYTHING like autism. in mine or my wifes family and, our first three children are not autistic. When I look into my four year olds (who is on the spectrum) eyes I cannot help but feel the guilt of letting his doctors hurt him.
Don't feel guilt at all! You were doing what you thought was best at the time. You had absolutley NO reason to think something would go wrong at all!

PLEASE don't beat yourself up over this one! I know exactly how you feel, though, as I, too, felt so entirely guilty when I realized just how much damage was done to our son once he started school. Not to mention the fact that our pediatrician in Denver, Colorado TOLD me, after Ryan's horrible reaction at four months of age, that we should EXPECT to see academic issues because of the vaccine reactions! How's THEM apples! And you know, I still allowed this same pediatrician to vaccinate our son at the age of six months, with the DT vaccine (sans the Pertussis component, which was rendered the guilty toxic reactive substance).

Do you see? Even this pediatrician, who was at least honest enough to tell me what we should expect in the way of disorders, STILL wanted to vaccinate our already vulnerable son with yet another vaccine! I think this is called seeing is not believing. He KNEW our son was highly reactive to vaccines, yet for some reason, felt just giving him one more shot 'wouldn't do him any harm.' :doh: :doh:

Worse yet, I allowed him to do it! I knew in my heart that vaccines, for our son, was disaster looming, yet I allowed our son to be vaccinated just the same.

Words cannot begin to describe the lashing I have given myself, even today, as I look at our son. He's gorgeous, a really handsome boy, and you wouldn't know to either look at him, or speak with him, that anything is really wrong. But he struggles with profound dysgraphia and other academic issues.

Then, of course, there's the school situation and the whole NCLB (NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT) issue we confront with our school district on almost a daily basis, in advocating for our son's disability rights. It's just been an absolute nightmare.

At this point, I have to say I am definitely anti-vaccine, at last for our family. I just try to warn as many folks as I can re: the potential hazards/dangers of vaccines. I have always been one to not want someone else to have to follow in my shoes, when the trip has been a long, gut wrenching trip. If I can spare one child from the miseries our son has had to face, then it will have all been worth it. :)
Wow guys, I never knew. I had to sit here and add up how many Rhogam shots I've had since I'm AB- . . . twelve. Hadn't a clue to the added contents. Makes me wonder too now about the rabies series I had to take a few years ago. . . the first round of shots was seven at one time. Ya know, I really don't even want to research THAT one. I probably should glow in the dark by now.

Twelve?! Oh Dear Lord.......:( BTW - breasteeding is one of the only ways for mercury to exit your body....just one more thing that I thought I was doing for the best benefit of my babies.

I have links that I can send you if you'd like or an ear you can use for sounding off. :blowkiss:

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