GUILTY WA - Araceli Camacho Gomez, 27, murdered, unborn son stolen, 27 June 2008

While locked up in a mental hospital for 15 days, Phiengchai Sisouvanh Synhavong asserted herself as an “Asian Princess” and carried a rolled up blanket, claiming it was her 2 1/2-year-old son.

The 25-year-old woman, charged with killing a Pasco mother and cutting out the woman’s unborn child, told people she’d been kidnapped by police and her baby stolen from her, a clinical psychologist said today.

But when Sisouvanh Synhavong thought doctors and facility staff weren’t watching, she would laugh and tell jokes with other patients — particularly men — and participate in card games, testified Randall Strandquist of Eastern State Hospital.

The Kennewick woman underwent a court-ordered evaluation at the Medical Lake state facility in late December and early January.

It was concluded from tests and staff observations that she “may be exaggerating or feigning (psychological) symptoms,” when she really was “clear in thought and speech,” Strandquist told the court.

Strandquist is testifying at an all-day hearing in Benton County Superior Court for Judge Robert Swisher to determine if Sisouvanh Synhavong is competent to proceed to trial.

Well, psychiatrists disagreeing with one another is nothing new. I wonder if they really know what they're talking about much of the time.

from the linked article:
The first part of the hearing was held March 12. It will resume again April 8. Judge Robert Swisher will either rule on Sisouvanh Synhavong's competency that day or schedule another date, depending on the length of questioning and need for rebuttal witnesses.
Sisouvanh Synhavong suffers from delusional disorder, dissociative disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder, said the Seattle psychiatrist who first evaluated her in December 2008 in the Benton County jail.

Read more:

Still sounds reasonable to lock her up until she is too old to lift a weapon against anyone. I worked in psych for 17 years and met a lot of people with these disorders or a combination of them. It rarely makes them killers. Mentally ill or not, a killer is a killer and we should all be protected from them like we're protected from the rest of the criminals. Which isn't all that well, really.
I have some doubt in my mind whether the psychiatrist hired by the defense is really unbiased in his evaluation of her mental state.

Adler (psychiatrist hired by the defense) has stated that he thinks Sisouvanh Synhavong would be better suited for a state facility being treated with medications than going before a jury for the death of Camacho Gomez.

But Miller (the prosecutor) questioned Thursday if Adler's analysis of the crime was skewed to support his belief that Sisouvanh Synhavong suffers from dissociative disorder, along with delusional disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Adler -- who is being paid $350 per hour by Benton County as a defense witness -- answered "yes" when Miller asked if there "might be subtle issues as to subjectivity determined by a person's role in a case."

However, Adler countered that he didn't choose which evidence to include in his 83-page report just to show his theory that it was the planning of a disordered mind.

"Is it possible you put in facts in your report that bolster your conclusion, (rather) than contradict your report?" Miller asked.

"No," Adler responded. A minute later he said "it's possible" that while on the stand he answered some of Miller's questions using discovery more beneficial to his point.

KENNEWICK, Wash., April 14 (UPI) -- A Washington woman charged with luring an expectant mother with an offer of baby clothes and killing her for her fetus has been found competent to stand trial.

Judge Robert Swisher ruled Tuesday that Phiengchai Sisouvanh Synhavong, 27, appears to be putting on a show of mental illness, The Tacoma News Tribune reported. The judge said he believes she knows when "to slip into a delusional mode."

KENNEWICK — A new trial date has been set now that a Kennewick woman accused of killing a pregnant mother and cutting the baby from her womb has been found competent to stand trial.

Phiengchai Sisouvahn Synhavong, 25, will face a Sept. 14 trial on one count of aggravated first-degree murder for the 2008 death of Araceli Camacho Gomez.
Unfortunately, they decided against seeking the death penalty. She'll get life without parole if she's convicted.

This is Washington, one of the most liberal states in the nation.
well if its that liberal it wouldnt have the dp in the first place.

if it was a guy who cut the baby out and murdered the mom, i wonder.
That pic of her gives me the chills ... Charlie Manson chills.
There have been only four executions in the state since 1976. It's interesting to note that condemned prisoners have their choice of lethal injection or hanging.
Washington is the only state with an active gallows.

Wasn't one of those guys a child killer who didn't want any appeals and was executed right away?

The answer was at the link you provided, Westley Allan Dodd. Glad he is gone.
Last updated August 28, 2008

Baby cut from mom's womb is home
Father sees beauty and a will to live in infant son


PASCO -- Looking at Salvador Campos cradled in his father's arms, it's hard to tell the baby entered the world any differently from anyone else.

He makes facial expressions and looks around, sleeps, squirms and drinks from a bottle. He'll flash a sleepy smile, and he has an expression in which he sticks his bottom lip out as if he's mighty irked about something.

When his father, Juan Felipe Campos Gomez, 35, of Pasco, holds his son and looks at him, he smiles at the life and beauty he sees in an infant who survived an almost unimaginable birth.

Salvador was cut from his mother's womb June 27, and his mother, Araceli Camacho Gomez, was found dead in Columbia Park a few hours later.

Phiengchai Sisouvanh Synhavong of Kennewick has been charged with aggravated first-degree murder in the slaying.

Since then, Campos has brought Salvador home from Deaconess Medical Center in Spokane, where the baby spent the first weeks of his life. The infant faces a life of possible effects from brain damage he suffered during the ordeal, but Campos finds strength from the baby as he begins working to take care of his three children on his own.

"That's the best thing that's happened to me -- that he's with me," Campos said in Spanish on Tuesday, speaking through an interpreter. "The best thing that could've happened was that the baby survived."

I am hoping to be able to attend this trial. I wish they had gone for the DP but it has been tough enough just to find her competent. There are some cases where it just shouldn't matter if they are crazy or not.
im glad the baby survived :)

i wish the defendent wouldnt......

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