WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #6

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Second: One of the last phone calls MC made or received was with the murderer as well, (police won't tell us who last phone call(s) were too).

Alt: I'm with you on your theory except this final phone call. Wasn't there an aunt that commented on FB that WC had a visitor prior to getting off work/school? "Someone" could have stopped by the salon and said "I need to drop my truck off at the....let's say....tire shop. Can you pick me up and give me a ride home when you get off work?" Then they have a prearranged meeting time and place, no need for phone contact.
For the last 3 years, I drive past the CB house at least 4 times per week year around.

But, your question make me remember that during the summer of 2008, the entire roadway of Crescent Bar Road was repaved and widened and new guardrails installed.

Also, there has been a massive amount of new house and new condo construction going on for the last couple years.

A Wenatchee-area (Malaga) construction company owned the CB house for several years (until 2008 or 2009). Said company name starts with the letter "B".

Del Rio, thanks for your insight into the Mackenzie tragedy. It is very helpful to have someone that knows so much about the area, especially to those who aren’t able to check it out personally because of the distance.

I have a couple of questions for you. I noticed in an earlier post you said the body was found with the feet in the stream, then later near the river. Could you please clarify this for us? Was it hidden in the brush or at the edge of the brush line? I am a little confused.

You said that you drive past the house at least four times per week. Do you work at CB? I know that there is a lot of construction, with some interior painting going on year around.

Just one small correction: you keep talking about the property being owned by a construction company in (2008/2009) According to public records; in 2007 the property is listed as owned by a private party, who does not live in Central Washington. In 2010 the property is listed as owned by a development company, I assume after the repossession. In 2006 it appears that it was owned by the company you keep talking about.

Again thanks for being our eyes in Central Washington.
I think whomever is responsible for MC's death caused it accidentally, and has tried to make it look like an abduction. Killer possibly also has tried to get a gang blamed for the murder by extremely injuring/damaging the body.

I do not buy into the gang theory either. They don't try to hide it. It's out there in the open and they just go for the kill and seems like guns are the main weapon of choice and it's from a car window. IMO
Something else I thought of in relation to meeting someone down at the boat dock. The Link transfer station is right there! The male passenger could quite easily have been using Link (bus) to get around and just walked to the boat ramp from the transfer station. Also, after ditching her car. Might have had to walk at first, but Link does have a route up that way, although it is seasonal for Mission Ridge Ski area.

If there was in fact a male passenger in her car at the car wash I believe that was a friend/dealer that was selling her some drugs. I know some people are sensitive about this scenario and I want to be clear about something. I personaly do not judge MC for buying drugs. I think if people really knew how many young teens buy drugs these days they would be shocked. It happens all the time, I know this personally. Am I saying I know that Mackenzie was doing this? No, but it is certainly possible.

I agree. If she was doing this, that doesn't make her a bad person. Teens can get wrapped up in drugs, just by trying them once or twice, sadly. But this doesn't necessarily make them disruptive or menaces to society. If this is what she was doing, I am not judging her.

I have known people that are very active in their lifestyle, (such as Mackenzie was) that do drugs. I have known people that nobody would suspect of doing drugs, yet they do. So you really never know what might be going on behind the scenes in someones life.
This is great information. Does it make her mom look guilty? No, but it certainly gives us some perspective on things. Definitely gives us some background.

I personally am sticking with my original theory that JF was somehow involved. I have never really suspected WC, maybe it is just because I am a mom myself but I dont see how she could do something like that. I believe she is a grieving mom that wants her privacy. I also believe that she knows who has done this and that is the main reason she has not put in any of her own money for the reward fund.

If there was in fact a male passenger in her car at the car wash I believe that was a friend/dealer that was selling her some drugs. I know some people are sensitive about this scenario and I want to be clear about something. I personaly do not judge MC for buying drugs. I think if people really knew how many young teens buy drugs these days they would be shocked. It happens all the time, I know this personally. Am I saying I know that Mackenzie was doing this? No, but it is certainly possible.

Heck! Apparently a lot of Mom's are doing drugs in order to keep up with the job....the home.....the kids.....all their activities, etc. etc. etc. Just have seen some articles on this over the last couple of years. Look at how much coffee everybody drinks..........and the explosion of energy drinks! Sounds like MC was a bit of a coffee hound, also. I'm just sayin.........with all the sugar highs available, it doesn't necessarily have to be mj or meth for a person to be going through witdrawals ..........and snapping........or needing another fix to get through another incredibly overwhelmingly busy day. :cow:
on a "drive by" a certain residence, past two sheriff cars, and noticed a black pick up in the driveway. Anyone know who in the fam drives a Sienna CT?
on a "drive by" a certain residence, past two sheriff cars, and noticed a black pick up in the driveway. Anyone know who in the fam drives a Sienna CT?

New black pick-up?

What were the deputies doing?
New black pick-up?

What were the deputies doing?
NOT a new pick up. Not new tires. One car between Eagle Rock, another just past Spec house. Can't confirm if it was ONE LE car that was driving the loop between eagle rock and spec, or two in two different places...
anyone know what vehicle JF drives... (assuming he wasn't in the shiny new one ;))
Just to clarify my remarks about the drugs angle.

Yes, I know teens do drugs. Yes, I know that teens sell drugs. No, I'm not naive or insulated from the world just because I don't agree with the drug angle.

What I'm saying is that just because we haven't received as much information from investigators as we'd like, there's no reason to create information that reflects badly on the VICTIM here. Sometimes terrible things happen to good people who in no way were responsible for the tragedy that befell them.

Sometimes people drink coffee because they like the taste. Sometimes people have a lot of energy because they're young, fit, and have a great outlook on life.

If we were to believe every grapevine rumor that's been repeated about Mackenzie here on WS, then she'd be a drug-abusing, pregnant gangster involved in a love triangle with her mother's husband.

Am I saying that none of that's true? No. I'm simply saying that WE DON'T KNOW YET.

If you fling enough poo at the wall, sooner or later some of it will stick.
Just to clarify my remarks about the drugs angle.

Yes, I know teens do drugs. Yes, I know that teens sell drugs. No, I'm not naive or insulated from the world just because I don't agree with the drug angle.

What I'm saying is that just because we haven't received as much information from investigators as we'd like, there's no reason to create information that reflects badly on the VICTIM here. Sometimes terrible things happen to good people who in no way were responsible for the tragedy that befell them.

Sometimes people drink coffee because they like the taste. Sometimes people have a lot of energy because they're young, fit, and have a great outlook on life.

If we were to believe every grapevine rumor that's been repeated about Mackenzie here on WS, then she'd be a drug-abusing, pregnant gangster involved in a love triangle with her mother's husband.

Am I saying that none of that's true? No. I'm simply saying that WE DON'T KNOW YET.

If you fling enough poo at the wall, sooner or later some of it will stick.

I just wanted to say I agree with you 100%, and I love the last sentence. Made me laugh...oh so true.
Just to clarify my remarks about the drugs angle.

Yes, I know teens do drugs. Yes, I know that teens sell drugs. No, I'm not naive or insulated from the world just because I don't agree with the drug angle.

What I'm saying is that just because we haven't received as much information from investigators as we'd like, there's no reason to create information that reflects badly on the VICTIM here. Sometimes terrible things happen to good people who in no way were responsible for the tragedy that befell them.

Sometimes people drink coffee because they like the taste. Sometimes people have a lot of energy because they're young, fit, and have a great outlook on life.

If we were to believe every grapevine rumor that's been repeated about Mackenzie here on WS, then she'd be a drug-abusing, pregnant gangster involved in a love triangle with her mother's husband.

Am I saying that none of that's true? No. I'm simply saying that WE DON'T KNOW YET.

If you fling enough poo at the wall, sooner or later some of it will stick.

I completely respect your view on this. However IMO the information we received about the boat dock being a common place for drug transactions, along with the car wash being another place used for more private transactions. I think this is a more likely scenario than some of the others that are flying around. This website is here so we can all give our own theories and ideas. There have been many, some I agree with, some I dont. But I read and respect them all. Of course this is all MOO only. :)
As far as the drug angle goes . . . it has been reported that MC was bullied and teased DAILY yet she was upbeat and happy. My question is how does one stay happy and upbeat while being teased and taunted daily? Perhaps with some pharmaceutical help? Prescription drug usage is VERY prevalent in our community among the teens and young adults (I got this info from a drug counselor . . . I had no idea). She wouldn't necessarily look like a druggie and would/could be highly functional. This is just MOO. I also keep going back to the "on the surface" statement from LE and the sexual relationship she had at 13. Why does a girl of 13 become sexually active? I believe she suffered from an extremely low self-esteem and any attention from a male, be it a gang member, older guy, dealer, whatever, she would be attracted to and might place herself in a dangerous situation without realizing it. My heart goes out to MC because she was the product of her situation (family/learning disabilities/speech impediment/overbite) that I believe ultimately caused her demise. My anger is with the people who took advantage of her, whomever they might be. JM
Just to clarify my remarks about the drugs angle.

Yes, I know teens do drugs. Yes, I know that teens sell drugs. No, I'm not naive or insulated from the world just because I don't agree with the drug angle.

What I'm saying is that just because we haven't received as much information from investigators as we'd like, there's no reason to create information that reflects badly on the VICTIM here. Sometimes terrible things happen to good people who in no way were responsible for the tragedy that befell them.

Sometimes people drink coffee because they like the taste. Sometimes people have a lot of energy because they're young, fit, and have a great outlook on life.

If we were to believe every grapevine rumor that's been repeated about Mackenzie here on WS, then she'd be a drug-abusing, pregnant gangster involved in a love triangle with her mother's husband.

Am I saying that none of that's true? No. I'm simply saying that WE DON'T KNOW YET.

If you fling enough poo at the wall, sooner or later some of it will stick.

Very well put, Puf. That said, I believe I will log off now and go out and breath the fresh air. Nothing I'm doing here is helping the investigation........or helping Mackenzie...........or helping her family and friends. I will sit back and wait for the printed word of the WW or a press release from LE telling us exactly what happened......or not. Since LE and the media are our only "credible" sources and most everything else is just slinging poo at the wall..........I am guilty of vicious gossip and spreading rumors, and that makes me very uncomfortable when I attempt to put myself in her family's shoes............I have to question my motive for being here. I think my time will be better spent praying for a resolution and praying for those that are not only personally grieving the tragic loss of MacKenzie AND justice, but also praying for the soul or souls that did this thing. Their darkness has to be very, very heavy. Perhaps God can prick their conscience into confessing and ending all speculation. This is what will give the family some consolation..........and give Mackenzie her peaceful rest.
Blessings to all of you on this forum. You all have big hearts; wonderful wit and super smarts!:beats: Rock On!
Does anyone have any insight into who was teasing her? I'm still sticking with my jealousy theory.
I completely respect your view on this. However IMO the information we received about the boat dock being a common place for drug transactions, along with the car wash being another place used for more private transactions. I think this is a more likely scenario than some of the others that are flying around. This website is here so we can all give our own theories and ideas. There have been many, some I agree with, some I dont. But I read and respect them all. Of course this is all MOO only. :)

I've done some searches on the park and any arrests related to drugs or gang activities. I found one incident--only one--about any gang activity, and that involved a 14 year old boy with a gun. Besides that, I've found nothing. If anyone can post some sourced material showing that the boat dock area has a history of drug problems, I'll be glad to read it.

I'm keeping an open mind, but I've yet to read anything about the park other than it seems like a place where townspeople gather for lots of festivals and other events, and it seems to be used by all segments of Wenatchee society, from church groups to canoers. I'm open to any proof that it's a haven for drug activity. I've just not seen any yet.

If there were anything...ANYTHING...at all about Mackenzie's history of lifestyle that indicated drug use, then I might see this differently. But anecdotal stories about people's own friends, family members, and associates who use/sell drugs is not proof that Mackenzie was involved in the same.
There would be so many speculations put to rest if only LE could give us more information. Such as telling us if drugs were involved or not. They don't have to give details, but if they could just say (assuming LE knows) that drugs were not involved, we could at least throw out the drug buying theory.
From the You Tube video above (1:26/1:27) I still don't see this area as a "walkable" beach..What am I missing?

I believe most parents (especially a Mom not matter how devastated) would make a public plea not for the killer to come forward (please how often does that happen?) but to beg for any & all info that may help to find the killer of their child..It doesn't have to be on national tv (NG, HLN) but local where any info would come from anyway & in this case such a small community wouldn't even warrant national exposure..To say it would hurt the investigation I think is BS..Even if they already have a poi how does this hurt? It actually helps to throw them off the track.

It's actually more suspicious not to hear from family (it's become so common recently) & from what I've seen it seems to be the cause for so much speculation about mom & bf..IOW!..It's backfired IMHO
NOT a new pick up. Not new tires. One car between Eagle Rock, another just past Spec house. Can't confirm if it was ONE LE car that was driving the loop between eagle rock and spec, or two in two different places...

Hmmmm....I wonder if MC's father is being watched too?
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