WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 6

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Just wondering why mom isn't charged with child endangerment or neglect for leaving
baby in car seat and going away, leaving the car unlocked.
At 2 yrs old my grandchildren could get themselves out of a car seat!
and out of the car.
Why didn't she take him also, he could walk...........
IMO, he was never in the car.
This case has me totally confuzzled. Probably because the threads move so fast and I can't keep up, since I can't stay on the computer all the time. I am not even past the mom leaving the baby alone and taking the older child to the gas station, when the car was not out of gas. That leaves me shaking my head.
But also, I am not getting the warm and fuzzy feelings about the dad that most of you do.... sorry. There is something very wrong when a child has hysterics and screams that she wants to stay with her mommy and refuses to go with her daddy. Also, did anyone else catch the part where Julia is telling him that the little girl told her that 'Armand' hits her? Who is Armand? Grandfather? Friend? Uncle? And why would he be hitting the little girl? Kids that age (she was 3-1/2) don't make that kind of story up, it's not in them to lie out their teeth like that, 3 & 4 yr olds are painfully honest most of the time.
Something just isn't right here, and I am not convinced that Daddy is the saint that some are making him out to be. I'm not excusing the mommy's behavior, it was wrong for her to leave the child alone in the car, and she's definitely got some screws loose, but the daddy could be a whole lot of her problems... you just never know. If he demanded a clean house and was always on her about it not being clean enough, maybe that compulsion to clean all the time was something she thought she had to do to get along with him. Just saying.

Thank you for this post.
Armand?...Very interesting..... and new to me! And why hasn't the father seen Sky since December, 2010. Was he not allowed to by court? Why? Or did he not make the overture?
Just wondering why mom isn't charged with child endangerment or neglect for leaving
baby in car seat and going away, leaving the car unlocked.
At 2 yrs old my grandchildren could get themselves out of a car seat!
and out of the car.
Why didn't she take him also, he could walk...........
IMO, he was never in the car.

I believe it's because it can't be proven he was ever in the car on Sunday. Mom said the car ran out of gas, and that was proven to be a lie. Can't turn around and tell the judge, well, she lied about the gas, but we're sure she's telling the truth about leaving her sick baby in the car. At least that's what I think the police are thinking.

I think they're waiting to press charges for a crime of which they have supporting evidence. Then, when they press all their charges, they can add, admitted child neglect (with the 11 hour mediation as an example--they can support that by showing who the children weren't with, her admission, and no Zanny the Nanny in the offing...) :waitasec:
Thank you for this post.
Armand?...Very interesting..... and new to me! And why hasn't the father seen Sky since December, 2010. Was he not allowed to by court? Why? Or did he not make the overture?

This is what I'm having trouble with. If the charges against him for abuse of the children were dropped as his lawyer has stated, then WHY?
Just wondering why mom isn't charged with child endangerment or neglect for leaving
baby in car seat and going away, leaving the car unlocked.
At 2 yrs old my grandchildren could get themselves out of a car seat!
and out of the car.
Why didn't she take him also, he could walk...........
IMO, he was never in the car.

Do they believe this child was ever in the car to begin with?
This is what I'm having trouble with. If the charges against him for abuse of the children were dropped as his lawyer has stated, then WHY?

If he had to go each time through something like was posted on the mother's blog, I am not surprised. Whatever he is the greatest father on Earth or not, frankly, what difference does it make? It seems clear to me he had nothing to do with the child disappearing. Now since the daughter is cared for in foster care, maybe he can be slowly re-introduced into her life if the judge deems it appropriate. Then we will see if she screams like that when he comes to visit.
This is what I'm having trouble with. If the charges against him for abuse of the children were dropped as his lawyer has stated, then WHY?

After reading the transcript I wonder if he was trying to work it out through the courts, fearful that MM was being harmed by the transfer. 12 months since the recordings were made and 11 months since he's seen the kids seems like a very long time time for custody to be worked out, was JB causing delays just to mess with him? He'd already been (apparently) wrongly accused of abuse. While not ready to hand him a FOTY award, I'm not willing to judge him until I learn more.

IMO JB is a whack job and possibly made his life hell. The way she had MM worked up over the transfer and the things she said to keep her screaming should have been grounds for losing custody a year ago.
Do they believe this child was ever in the car to begin with?

I doubt it. What are the chances of some creep coming across an abandoned car and stealing a child as opposed to someone coming across an abandoned car with a child and immediately calling the police.

Sky is so flippin' adorable. His smile would light up a room.
One thing that I'm not sure has been considered. I know that sometimes if a parent has a mental illness, there is a higher chance that a child could have it also. Not that it always happens, but that some children are more susceptible than others due to genetics.

Perhaps the daughter's unwillingness to go with her father has nothing to do with mistreatment by the father OR manipulation by the mother. Perhaps the child has some extreme fears and needs to control her own environment and that's why she doesn't want to go with dad. Mom may be interpreting this as a sign that dad is inappropriate and dad may be interpreting this as a sign that mom is manipulative, when in reality, the poor child just needs someone to help her cope.
Just wondering why mom isn't charged with child endangerment or neglect for leaving
baby in car seat and going away, leaving the car unlocked.
At 2 yrs old my grandchildren could get themselves out of a car seat!
and out of the car.
Why didn't she take him also, he could walk...........
IMO, he was never in the car.

A lawyer on NG had a good point. If she was charged with child endangerment or neglect, she'd clam up and never say a word.

However, at the same time, she's already lawyered up? She's clammed up already and not said a word.

I agree, I don't think he was in that car that day.
November 12, 2011 - 12:13 pm

REDMOND, Wash. — Police are searching near a suburban park for a missing Washington state toddler.

Seattle television stations reported Saturday morning that investigators had arrived at Marymoor Park in Redmond, where the mother of 2-year-old Sky Metalwala lives.

Investigators declined to reveal what led them to the park.

* local on THM posts----I just saw breaking news on King 5 that the search has just now changed to Marymoor Park in Redmond. They showed many police cars, search and rescue vehicles, even horses.
Oddly, Marymoor Park is very close to the Target where he was left alone in the car as an infant.
I doubt it. What are the chances of some creep coming across an abandoned car and stealing a child as opposed to someone coming across an abandoned car with a child and immediately calling the police.

Sky is so flippin' adorable. His smile would light up a room.

Unless they believe this child was in the car they can't very well charge her with leaving the child in the car. I agree, the child is adorable, but since he looks exactly like his father, he might have reminded JB of her husband, and it seems unlikely she felt fondly toward the husband considering their family dynamics.
A lawyer on NG had a good point. If she was charged with child endangerment or neglect, she'd clam up and never say a word.

However, at the same time, she's already lawyered up? She's clammed up already and not said a word.

I agree, I don't think he was in that car that day.

I wonder is she's unstable enough that sitting in a jail cell would crack her.
Unless they believe this child was in the car they can't very well charge her with leaving the child in the car. I agree, the child is adorable, but since he looks exactly like his father, he might have reminded JB of her husband, and it seems unlikely she felt fondly toward the husband considering their family dynamics.

Exactly. Hoping they can find something to charge her with.
I wonder is she's unstable enough that sitting in a jail cell would crack her.

Might work if LE put a bottle of Windex and a roll of papertowles outside of her cell, just out of reach............LOL.
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