WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 7

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Thank you for your response. Anxiety seems to be the key word here. Which can lead to more questions. Hormone levels have an impact as well I would think? Still the OCD component somewhat learned IMO would have to have if nothing else been influenced or triggered in the young years of life.
I have no professional experience but I am of opinion these sort of things if learned are done before 8 if not sooner.

Since I do struggle with OCD, I have been interested in studying it. Most people I have talked with and/or read about, remember the OCD thought processes originating around the age of 10 (me included). Since this is the onset of sexual development, I find this to make sense. Additionally, it would be logical that hormones play a large part in the development of this disorder, so postpartum onset of OCD sounds logical, too.

Little M seems to be genetically predisposed to this disorder, but true OCD may not develop if she has conflicting/balancing/negating genes from dad's side of the family.

Welcome to WS BearsFan9!

If I may ask, do they have activities for the residents which include activities for children or parents and their children?

Just thinking outloud as my sons godmom lives in an older complex, but they have an enormous clubhouse with an indoor and outdoor pool and many ammenities such as yoga, personal trainer onsite etc. etc....


The apartments are fairly new, built in 2009. There are a lot of amenities, such as a fitness center, theater room, etc. (No pool or spa room, though.) There are two rooms you can rent for parties, but they don't match any of the photos I've seen of the family that are going around the internet. There isn't anything specific for kids, such as a playground. There is a large, open courtyard between all of the buildings, and sometimes kids play out there with their parents, but not regularly.

There are many parks and kid-friendly things in the area, though. Redmond is a very clean, orderly suburban town. Ironically, we moved out of Seattle because of problems with crime near our old location, and we thought Redmond would be a quiet place to live.
I know that my brother, who is an adult with (extremely) severe OCD, had tendencies as a child but did not become "full-blown" until he went away to college (for a very short time, needless to say). He never said what happened to lead him to retreat basically ever since, either the shock of the inability to control his environment, perhaps, or a specific incident, which is often the case, from what I have read. He now wears rubber gloves 24/7, won't even touch his own food, only leaves the house at exactly 4AM each day to get what he needs at all-night grocery store and only communicates with my brother, with whom he lives. His cleaning obsession goes without saying...he has a very detailed schedule of chores for himself, all geared to very specific times down to the minute. Anyway, it is a dreadful disorder/disease and can worsen with stressfule events, for sure. JMO

How awful. I'm so very sorry he has to live that way. What a nightmare for those that are afflicted. Thank you Clu for sharing it must be hard on you and your family as well. (((hugs)))
I'm no scientist, but I'm guessing that if the brains of people with OCD look different than the brains of people without OCD, that it is primarily a genetically-based disorder. I am also guessing this based on the fact that many OCD obsessions (thoughts) and compulsions (behaviors) are standard amongst a wide variety of groups and that cannot be explained by environment alone. The fact that many classic OCD symptoms are so common -- hand washing, checking keys/stove, etc., makes me think that a lot of this is based in the brain. Environment could definitely play a role, however, and it's always possible that there is a genetic predisposition but that it takes a certain environmental "trigger" -- and that could be almost anything -- to set it off (there are some theories that this is the case with schizophrenia and autism). I'd be curious to know about any family history of mental illness in JB's family....

In your professional opinion, how might the combination of severe OCD, bi-polar disorder, and depression affect one's ability to safely function - especially if the patient might have recently terminated medication?
Thank you for your response. Anxiety seems to be the key word here. Which can lead to more questions. Hormone levels have an impact as well I would think? Still the OCD component somewhat learned IMO would have to have if nothing else been influenced or triggered in the young years of life.
I have no professional experience but I am of opinion these sort of things if learned are done before 8 if not sooner.

Mine is hormonally linked. I have hashimotos (autoimmune thyroid disorder.) when I get sick, my immunities attack my thyroid and my hormones are imbalanced. Increases my danger thoughts. My anxieties make me more prone to illness...ahhh a vicious cycle. It makes life very interesting.
Does anyone know if LE used a cadavor dog in searching JB's car and apartment?
Since I do struggle with OCD, I have been interested in studying it. Most people I have talked with and/or read about, remember the OCD thought processes originating around the age of 10 (me included). Since this is the onset of sexual development, I find this to make sense. Additionally, it would be logical that hormones play a large part in the development of this disorder, so postpartum onset of OCD sounds logical, too.

Little M seems to be genetically predisposed to this disorder, but true OCD may not develop if she has conflicting/balancing/negating genes from dad's side of the family.


Agreed. Mine is a predisposition combined with the fact that I did not feel safe as a child. I was raised by addicts. I was left as the primary caregiver for my younger siblings for days as early as 8. The fear they would get hurt evolved. I know how I got it, I know its weird and irrational and it still happens.
From Rougelatete on last thread: "I'm guessing a psychotic break happened when Sky disappeared but that she was rational at other points -- like when wanting to void the new custody agreement and when covering up a possible crime.

Of course, it's equally possible she didn't experience a psychotic break -- I'm just speculating based on her diagnoses, the severity of her known disorders, the fact that she was in a high stress situation in the mediation which can exacerbate symptoms, and that her kindapper story is so ludicrous.

But, she could have been perfectly, legally, sane the whole time. Regardless, I feel pretty sure she was perfectly, legally, sane before Sky went missing and -- even if not on the day she left the car abandoned (there's some real cognitive deficiences going on there), I do believe she was perfectly, legally sane shortly thereafter when she quit talking to LE."

Me: (and I am sorry, but I don't know how to properly quote from a closed thread!). Rougelatete, you got me thinking more, as I have from the get-go about this alleged 12 hr mediation. I work closely with a group of family mediators in SW Washington. A 12 hr mediation is simply unheard of, especially given a pair with high conflict. Most mediation sessions are 2 to 3 hours, and then over time -as many sessions as it takes to come to an agreement. 12 hours in one sitting would be more like an insane interrogation, and not a productive, problem-solving session for a new or modified parenting plan, etc. Couple that with her well known mental illness, and I am completely baffled as to WHO thought it was in anyone's best interest for this particular couple and their children to sit down for a 12 hour stretch. Seems that in and of itself that process that day would push her over the edge into a break of some sort. It just doesn't make sense to me at all that any professional would put that type of stress on this woman.

I also wonder if whatever happened to Sky happened before or after that mediation. How would she be able to fake it that long (during 12 hr mediation) if he was already deceased? I am inclined to think whatever happened was post-mediation, and as a result of the mediation, where apparently Dad gained parenting time. idk. This is just very troubling.

I hope that anyone, anywhere, who has an inclination as to where SKY could be does the right thing, and steps forward soon.
You can't quote from a closed thread. What I do is copy and paste and then add the users name and put the quote marks, like some do with MSM info, around the post I am trying to quote from a closed thread.

Obviously no one knew her children were allegedly home alone during this mediation. If they were alone, then obviously anything could have happened, since a 4 year old is not a proper caretaker for a 2 year old.
I read the Declaration. I was in tears at one point. Her recent behavior has more to do with her BPD. It seemed to me that she would take the meds start feeling better and then think she was "cured" and stop which, trust me...totally common. She lost touch with reality a few times in there. Her mania made the OCD worse. That poor man. He never disparaged her once. What a tough ride.
We have to remember this declaration is one sided. We don't have her version. I realize Sky "disappeared" in her care and I do believe she had some mental issues but the pictures we've seen of the children don't show any form of abuse (malnourished, filthy, bruised, etc). We've seen them in bathing suits and I don't see bruising . That's not to say she didn't harm Sky. IDK. I keep hoping she's hiding him.

What I'd like to know, if all he says is true, how in the world did she get custody?
It's not too late to do it.

I never said it was. I answered a question. It's not too late but the longer they wait, the more difficult it will be to determine COD if Sky is indeed dead. We've seen it in the CA case. If one believes he was gone 2 weeks prior add an additional week, we're already nearing the one month mark.
You can also bring a single post over for reference, if you click on the post # in the right hand corner, then copy and paste the address from the top of that window.
Apparently not which I find very strange. They used tracking dogs I believe

for some reason I want to say that they used both dogs to search.. I can't remember correctly what thread or anything but stood out to me so i remembered.. but like i said just my memory and studying PT school has taken a lot of that away...
Does anyone know if LE used a cadavor dog in searching JB's car and apartment?

In this presser they did say they did use cadaver dogs..

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #5

The SAR teams search for live scent and cadaver scent and we haven't had any indications of either, so it's a live person investigation.

Here is the link I posted last thread for presser:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #6

Here is the list of agency's involved in the search and a link to their websites:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #6
I read the Declaration. I was in tears at one point. Her recent behavior has more to do with her BPD. It seemed to me that she would take the meds start feeling better and then think she was "cured" and stop which, trust me...totally common. She lost touch with reality a few times in there. Her mania made the OCD worse. That poor man. He never disparaged her once. What a tough ride.

ITA I even thought it could be possible that she would wait to take her BPD meds until her "cleaning" was completed. Many BPD meds are sedating so perhaps this is why she insisted M sleep until 2 p.m. Even with the diagnosis of BPD her capacity could vary greatly on any given day especially if she wasn't taking her meds correctly. Perhaps she was frequently in a "mixed episode". I am not really explaining this well but maybe someone with mental health experience can explain this a little more. This being said, I am in no way excusing her actions.
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